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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1980)
Page 8 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1980 Princess expecting May baby A&M now has 18th largest money share Research money increases spread aroun United Press International LONDON — Buckingham Palace announced Wednesday that Princess Anne, Queen Elizabeth’s only daughter, is expecting a second child in May. Friends of the 30-year-old prin cess say she hopes the baby, who will be sixth in line to the throne, will be a girl so that her son will have a sister. Anne’s son Peter Phillips — no title by his parents’ wish — will be 3 years old Nov. 15. The palace made its announce ment after Anne’s Tuesday night appearance at the Ritz for a royal family party in a billowing pale yel low gown which prompted specula tion she was pregnant. Anne looked radiant as she en tered the hotel with the Queen Mother Elizabeth and her husband, former army captain Mark Phillips, to attend the 50th birthday party of her aunt, Princess Margaret. Ladles who is MR. MACHO OF BC-S? Find out Thurs., Nov. 6 ZACHARIAS GREENHOUSE 693-9781 By USCHI MICHEL-HOWELL Battalion Staff The colleges of Agriculture and Engineering have always received the bulk of research funds at Texas A&M University, but this year other colleges are getting a bigger share. In its annual review of total re search funds here, the Office of Uni versity Research Tuesday released the total increases in each college, department and experimentation station. Overall research funding in creased 14 percent to a total of $72.2 million, which makes Texas A&M 18th in the nation for volume of re search, Dr. Robert R. Berg, director of the Office of University Research, said. “The increases resulted mostly from higher salaries,’’ Berg said. Increases in the colleges of Busi ness Administration, Education, Li beral Arts and Medicine are notable, he said, but were caused by recent research projects, he said. The College of Medicine, for ex ample, is continuing its long-term project of research in micro circula tion and diseases of the circulatory system. “The college will expand its faculty and staff in the future to study the effect of certain drugs on the circula tory system,” Berg said. Ski Sale ONE WEEK Winter Park, Colorado Limited Space Going Jan. 8 - Jan. 14 Make reservations now Includes: Round Trip Air Fare • Lodging • Transportation to Ski Area • Lift Tickets Wine Cheese Party rid Travel 779-3333 3201 TEXAS AVE. BRYAN New research projects often set off the overall figures, because they are recorded when the project goes into effect, Berg said. So it can happen that one college receives a big share one year and afterwards drops in its recorded funds again, he added. The two biggest colleges, Agricul ture and Engineering, still received most of the funds, because of their experiment stations, Berg said. The U.S. government is the greatest investor in Texas A&M’s re search, with a total of $31.9 million this year. State funds provided $30.7 million and private contributions totaled $8.5 million. $687,371 come from other sources. “A large part of funds for (the col leges of) agriculture and engineering come from state appropriations,” Berg said. “Most of the federal money goes to the academic univer sity, other than agriculture and en gineering. “State appropriations start new re search potential here. And for every dollar we spend, we bring in $19 in new research,” Berg said. The report also released a list of Texas A&M’s top 11 departments according to total research spon sored since 1976. They are in order: oceanography, chemistry, entomology, civil en gineering, Cyclotron Institute, phy sics, mechanical engineering, elec trical engineering, biology, indust rial engineering and veterinary phy siology and pharmacy. Most of the departments are not from the top colleges, but from the College of Science, which is one of COPIES (3Va0 Copies Overnight) Now Open 7 Days A Week KIMO’S COPIES 201 College Main 846-8721 \ukon Jack Post Yukon Jack in your room with a colorful 22" x 28" poster. Just send $3.00 to Yukon Jack, the Black Sheep of Canadian Liquors, P.O. Box 11152, Newington, CT 06111. Yukon Jack. 100 Proof Imported Liqueur. Imported by Heublein, Inc., Hartford, CT. Sole Agents U.S.A. *© 1907:Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc. the biggest in the nation. The departments of chemistry, the Cyclotron Institute, physics and biology accounted for $7.5 million or 35 percent of all the listed depart ments. “Most of the increase in the (De partment of) Oceanography goes to the three research vessels, one of which, the RV Gyre, costs $3,000 a day to maintain,” Berg said. The increase in the Department of Entomology, was due to a project on integrated pest management, Berg said. The monthly reports of the Office of University Research reflect funds that were given to a faculty member who applied for them. Although sev eral departments and even colleges may be involved in a research pro ject, only one college will be cre dited with the money, Berg said. That procedure sometimes con ceals the real involvement of other departments, he added. Research Volume by College Dollar increase from 1978-79 to 1979-80 :: Percentages of total: Agriculture + $5.7 million 47 percent Architecture - $99,143 .2 percent Business Administration + $103,792 .2 percent Education + $557,147 1.2 percent Engineering, TEES, TTI + $477,951 25 percent Geosciences - $176,642 7.7 percent Liberal Arts + $253,479 .9 percent Medicine + $392,779 1.3 percent Science + $1.6 million 11.8 percent Veterinary Medicine + $111,681 3 percent Other - $72,230 .6 percent Texas A&M University at Galveston - $278,138 .6 percent WASHIN Efeated in •ttention on American he ^ Wedne: Tarter als< Jd class” w onald Real as passed t ith the Re: n ew adn !Asa last [ouse chief jg campaig 3 be proud I barter’s i juld be d( fee been h As for the inoirs, ai C< Iran says no hostage-arms deal on United Press International BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq threatened to keep captured areas of the Iranian oil heartland and Iran, suspected of wanting military hard ware in return for the 52 American hostages, said it would not accept U.S. war supplies. Iran denied Tuesday an Iraqi military claim that Ahvaz, capital of Iran’s oil province of Khuzistan, “is considered militarily overrun” and that Iraqi forces were “in full control of all main roads that link Abadan with the outside world.” In a televised speech to Iraq’s par liament Tuesday, President Saddam Hussein said his forces would “fight till the enemy yields.” Hussein told 250 deputies: “Again we say to the Iranians, if they admit our rights, without excluding any, we are ready to withdraw as from tomorrow.” Tehran Radio reported that Hoj- jatol-eslam Hashemi Rafsanjani. speaker of the Iranian parliament, repeated Iranian conditions for the release of the hostages and said Iran had “decided not to import weapons from the United States. “I believe that we shall think about another source which will not sub ject us to subservience,” Rafsanjani said, adding Iran held “huge quanti ties of weapons which will be suffi cient for years to come.” When the war started 45 days ago, Iraq said its goals were recognition of its sovereignty over the Shatt-al- Arab waterway and territory it claims the Iranians seized during the reign of the late shah. Iran has spumed all mediation attempts, demanding Ira qi forces first leave the territory. In the first indication Iraq intends to keep part of the captured oil pro vince of Khuzistan — which the Ira- PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Are you considering abortion? Free counseling and referrals Call (713) 779-2258 Texas Problem Pregnancy, Bryan, Tx. * 4-DRAWER CHEST (2 SIZES) Reg. $49.95 SALE o $39.95 Reg. $59.95 SALE $49.95 GUN CABINETS 6, 8, 10, & 12 GUN MODELS FROM '139 95 £ BOOKCASES !j 28 x 32 - 2 Shelf $29.95 g38 x 32 - 3Shelf $34.95 048x32-4 Shelf $39.95 158 x 32 - 5 Shelf $44.95 068x32-6 Shelf $49-95 (6 4-DRAWER DESK Reg. $109.95 SALE I95 CEDAR CHEST SOLID CEDAR 45 x 20x19 Reg. $159.95 SALE $ 139 96 54 x 20 x 23 Reg. $189.95 SALE $ 169 95 OAK CURIO CABINET Reg. $239.95 SALE $ 199 ! S UNFINISHED FURNITURE D H I 314 N. MAIN 822-7052 gj “DOWNTOWN BRYAN” £• SOLID WOOD FURNITURE • SOLID CENTER qis call Arabistan — Hussein warned Khomeini to expect worsening peace terms. "If Khomeini wants to continue the war, he can continue it indefi nitely until we obtain our rights by force. But let him and others know that the war creates additional rights over and above pre-war rights,” he said. "Some have said there is a shor tage in Iranian spare parts,” Hussein said in a calm, slow voice. “But Iraq has been building relations with other countries for 16 years and we have enough spare parts,” he said. There have been various reports that Iraq is receiving arms overland from Jordan’s Red Sea port of Aqaba and that France has agreed to deliver 60 warplanes two months ahead of schedule. In Tehran, the Red Crescent Soci ety, the Iranian equivalent of the Red Cross, demanded the release of Oil Minister Mohammed Jawad Ba- qir, captured by the Iraqis last Fri day in an ambush near Ab: declared a prisoner of war. NEW internatic :omprorn Nieren on the ai Without mentioningitsowi ;uages. I plicity in holding 52 Ameriai lians hostage for a year, tkf ittended eminars “Comp |ong. Put icgotiatir He sail ost othi ue art c lome bus ibout it. The tn ihould bt eeds. Ti limate o You do lands an table and Sun Theatres 333 University 846-! The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. No one under 18 Pars news agency condemnel for "capturing or kidnaping® in the battle area contrary tol national codes of conduct. Iraqi Defense Minister! Khairullah said his troops bad cled Ahvaz and Abadan andi all the roads in the southweSl region. In an interview with the newspaper Al-Thawra he that Iraqi troops “annihilate’ Iranian “brigade” that tried til out of the trap around the city of Abadan. A late Iranian communique^ (taking a I cast by Radio Tehran said lk |v Nieren ponttxin bridges spanning tie 6 —A su row Bahmanshir River to lb p —The were destroyed, along willi jinstitutioi personnel carriers, tanks aniMwith ther dozers. 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