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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1980 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Now taking applications for part time salesman and outside computer salesman. APPLY NOW. Radio Shack. Culpepper Plaza. 28tfri Telephone talkers. Temporary from our office. Evenings. Guarantee salary plus Bonus. Call Mr. Harrison. 9am.-4pm. 696-3232. 45t5 PART TIME DEPENDABLE KITCHEN HELP For food preparation. Apply In person. Fish Richard’s Restaurant 801 Wellborn Rd. 48t5 Telephone talkers. Temporary from our office. $3.00-$6.00/hr. Call Mr. Harrison. 9am. - 4pm. 696-3232. 45t5 Waitresses wanted: Full time, part time, and weekends. Apply in person. Monterrey House. 907 Harvey Rd. C.S. 44tl0 ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A- J STAFF ACCOUNTANTS J T Bryan-College Station public ac- T J counting firm is seeking account- T J ants. Some public accounting ex- J J perience preferred. Replies confi- J dential. Write Box 3854, Bryan, Texas ^ 4- 77801. 48t3 4- ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★- DOMESTIC SERVICES Clean homes with other students. Very flexible hours. 693-1954. $3.50/hour + mileage. Libby Vastano. CHANELLO’S DELIVERYMEN $3.50/hour plus tips and commission and PHONEPERSONS $3.35/hour. Flexible hours. Apply In person. 301 Patricia PART TIME HELP WANTED Neighborhood convenience store. Evenings and weekends. $3.25/hour . 693*8733 28tfn FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6tfn ELECTRIC PARTS COUNTER SALES PERSON for part time and full time. Call 822-4862. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hous. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2991. 696- 8032. 38tfn If you want to.... ‘Get exercise ‘Learn the community ‘Work flexible weekday hours ‘Earn up to $4.00/hour ‘Clean homes and offices Call Home Care Services 846-1905 «. PAHT-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. Ufn IHOP is now accepting applications for all shifts. Apply in person. 103 S. College. 3tfn The Mathematics De partment will be taking applications for gradu ate assistants and stu dent workers from Mon day, Nov. 3 to Monday Nov. 17, 1980 for Spring Semester 1981. Interested persons should contact Kim Papke in Room 102, Milner Hall. 470 r needs full or part-time male or female help. Day or night. Apply in person. 201 Dominik GARAGE SALE Multi-family GARAGE SALE. Baby car- seat, swing, clothes, exercise equip., 10/sp. bike, mens, womens clothes, size 14 maternity clothes, 6k and 12k BTU A/C, juicer, 3005 Forest Hills, Bryan. Fri- Sat, Nov 7&8, 8-5. 49t2 HELP WANTED 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time L Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 IK ZDtH 1 . H4C 30C NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS 3.50/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips. Must have own car and insurance. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F at 319 Patricia 846-7785 EARN $235 MONTH JUST BY WORKING TWO NIGHTS A WEEK (5 P.M.-2 A.M.) at Der Weinerschnitzel More hours and shifts available. Apply in person, 501 S. Texas Ave., Bryan, between 9:30-11 A.M. weekdays. FOR SALE PERSONALS SERVICES 1976 Opel Isuzu. 40,000 miles. Good mpg. $1600. Negotiable. Call after 5pm. 846- 6990. 48t5 Chevy Caprice '77. 46000 miles. Excellent condition. Tan. 2-door. $3400. 696-3234. 48t7 Panasonic stereo, Hahnenkamm Skiis, Photo enlarger, Tube tester, TRS-80 Level II Mic rowave oven. 846-2127. 48t5 Buick LaSabre ’72. Moving overseas. $800 or best offer. 846-1026. 48t7 Schwinn. $70. Good condition. 693-5043. STUDENTS PROFS. Card key punch. 779-9602 TYPING. 775-5343. 49tl5 Experienced editing of papers and reports. 775-2409. 6:30-10 pm. M-F, weekends 1 pm.- 10 pm. AKC Russian Wolfhounds. $75-$ 100. 693- 5043. 48t5 1975 Honda CB360T. Dressed with extra equipment. Good condition. Good price. 845- 1088. 48t5 ANY WITNESS of the accident at the corner of Jersey and Texas Thursday October 30 at 11 a.m. Please call 696-0525. 47t3 Expert Typing. Gloria. 693-8286. Experienced professional typist. 693-1283. 46tl0 1976 Cougar XR7. Excellent condition. 822- 0671 after 5. 3106 Leonard Rd. 46t6 Typing, symbols, Notary Public. 823-7723. 180tfn Typing. 823-4579. 1974 Honda CB-450. 14,000 miles. $425. 696- 0176. 46t5 LOST 1975 Kawasaki 750 Windshield Helmets metr ic tools $995.00 696-3327. 47tl0 VW VAN 1968. Camper Converted. Clean, Must be seen. 845-6233 or 693-1155 even ings. 47t4 ’75 Honda XL 250. Must sell. $600. 696- 7423. 40tl0 LADIES GOLD SEIKO WATCH WITH SQUARE FACE. Band prob ably broken. Lost on North side near new modulars. Please contact 845-0436. Reward. 49t3 Typing. Experienced. Reports, theses, medi cal and legal. 693-2857 after 6 pm. 45tl5 Typing. Professional, neat, fast. Expertise — scientific papers. 846-2814. 28tl5 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. 178tfn GAS-SAVER Ags, do you and your car need more miles to the gallon to save gas money? SAVER I, the gas saver, is now available and gives immediate results. For more information con tact Randy Crutchfield, Factory Representative Save-Gas, Inc. Phone 775-5170 after 5. Bryan. Also need sales personnel-good opportunity for extra cash through SChOOl. 49t5 LOST DIAMOND RING near Francis Hall. Sentimental value. REWARD $50. 846- 4698. 49t5 Gold bracelet. If found, PLEASE contact: Teresa, at 845-0211. REWARD. 46t5 LOST: Large male dog. Tan and white. An swers to Ashley. Please call 696-4355. 43t7 MINIATURE COLLIE (SHELTIE) SABLE AND WHITE. LAST SEEN MANOR EAST MALL. REWARD. 693-1732 or 693-1584. 28t23 Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 t 1411 Texas Ave. 823-j3111 I I Component Stereo For Sale j ■ $2000 or best offer. Amp/Preamp, ■ I tuner, turntable, cassette deck, | I equalizer, 2 Webach speakers. | Call 846-0727, 845-1709, or 693- ■ ■ 4559 AA, ‘ ,n * FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 a Texas In struments SR56 Calculator dropped off my motorcycle on Spence St. at 8:15 a.m. If you have found it please call 696-8361. REWARD. FOR RENT UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women's Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076ietioi JOB OPPORTUNITY 2-bdrm. Duplex. Fenced backyard. Call 779- 2750. 44t5 Night delivery. Must have serviceable car and know Bryan-College Station area. Cash paid daily. Call Mr. Harrison. 9am. - 4pm. 696- 3232. 45t5 RECREATION THERAPIST Greenleaf Psychiatric Hospital. 405 W. 28th 822-7326 Bryan 4615 1/BDRM FOURPLEX. Unfurnished. Call 779-7578 after 2. 47t5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Jazz teacher needed. Also tap and twirling teachers. Teaching experience preferred. Part-time. 696-5252. 46t5 TYPING. • All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations or theses tffijjbur WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University East ’ 846-5794 i65tfn 1 ROOMMATE WANTED GRIMES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Navasota, Texas has immediate openings for full time Registered Staff X-Ray Technicians, Staff RN’s and LVN’s for floor and ICU positions with shift and ICU differentials. Excellent pay and good fringe benefits. /„ | §| , 1 .r' rT.' ' ’VS For information contact Burna Erwin, Personnel 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 713-825-6585. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for fall. HELP! Call 696-3585 after 6 p.m. 4914 Female roommate wanted. Partially furnished duplex. IlOQ/month + ki bills. 693-7732. 43t7 JOB OPPORTUNITIES 80-81 ENGINEER GRADUATES You’ve worked hard for four years. Now Aramco offers big rewards. Interviews here November 13 and 14. More money. Unparalleled professional experience. Career advancement oppor tunities. World’s largest oil producer of fers them all. Aramco interviews here November 13 and 14 for unique manage ment training positions. Petroleum Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Material Science/Metallurgy Only a few years from now, some of the 1980-81 graduate engineers we inter view will very likely be key managers helping run the world’s largest oil- producing company, Aramco. We are engaged in virtually every phase of energy industry development in Saudi Arabia: exploration, drilling, refining, shipping, gas gathering, pipelining and ter minating. And many support industries too: electric utilities, EDP, communications, and industrial/residential construction. Our history of success has been built on our people. And our successful future still depends on a special breed of professional who is willing to join the Aramco team- energetic, effective, eager to meet the Aramco challenge. If you belong to this special group, we would like to talk to you about our unique three-year management training program in Saudi Arabia. We have opportunities for individuals with B.S. and M.S. degrees in the following areas: Aramco offers an exceedingly attractive starting salary that’s competitive with top U.S. firms. We compensate you for over seas cost-of-living differences. There also is a generous premium for overseas em ployment that is tax-protected. Besides the attractive financial package, Aramco offers an outstanding combina tion of benefits, including comfortable housing, abundant recreation, and 40 days’ paid vacation every l2'/i months, time enough to travel to places in Africa, Asia and Europe that most people only dream about. Interested? Sign up now at the placement center for your interview with Aramco’s representative. If you can’t make the in terview, you can still learn more about these jobs by calling, (713) 651-4126. Or send your resume, in confidence, to: Aramco Services Company, Department TAM110580RASA, 1100 Milam Building, Houston, Texas 77002. mfTiTMGEBYCHOIGE ARAMCO SERVICES COMPANY FOUND HELP! REWARD — If you know of the recovery of a silver bangle bracelet with turquoise/coral butter fly. Great sentimental value! Notify Bobbi, 845-8042 or anyone else at that number. 49ts OFFICIAL NOTICE TAMU IN GERMANY 6 TAMU CREDITS FIRST SUMMER SESSION 1981 As every summer, the Modem Lan guage Department arranges and con ducts a German program in Ger many. This includes travel, conducted tours, and a University German Lan guage course at Siegen University in W. Germany. 6 units credited with TAMU for this course which is super vised by Prof. Puppe, A&M Modern Language Dept. Cost: Under $1800 for roundtrip Houston-Houston, Uni versity of Siegen Language course, at least 10 days tour, including food and lodging. Costs subject to change. Contact: Prof. Puppe Dept, of Modern languages Phone: 845-2124. 46t5 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has a personnel position available for the Spring semester with the Regional IRS of fice in Dallas. College of Liberal Arts students who will have sixty hours at the end of the Fall semester and a 2.5 GPR are encouraged to apply. For more information, please con tact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Lindsay at 845-7814 or come to 107 Harrington Tower. 46ts Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has four posi tions available in probation offices in Brenham, Caldwell, and Bryan. These half-time positions for the Spring semester require students of Junior or Senior classification. Stu dents will work as assistant proba tion officers. For moe information please contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Lindsay at 845-7814 or come to 107 Harrington Tower. 46t5 ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES! Graduation Announcement orders may be picked up beginning Novem ber 12 in the MSC Browsing Library, Mon-Fri 9AM:-9PM, Sat-Sun 11:AM- 9PM. Graduates unable to place an order in September, extra announcements will go on sale Wednesday, Novem ber 19, 1980 in the MSC Student Finance Center, room 221. First come — First serve, 8:AM-4PM. 48ti4 NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Maughai collection will open The official opening of the Bt J. Frost/W. SomersetMau[ lection currently being housaij Special Collections Division^ ing C. Evans Library wil h p.m. Friday. The collection includes« literary works of Maugham, novels include Catalina and (j; man Bondage. Don Dyal, head of specialji : I tions, said the collectioi gathered by Frost, and editions have been autoi Maugham. Several letters exi tween Maugham and Frosty on display, Dyal said. The opening ceremony (I elude remarks by Texas 1 versity English professor! Burt, who is a Maugham soj Irene B. Hoadley, libn and David H. Stewart, English department, will alsi cipate. Refreshments will be servti| I ACITO INSURANQ FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Groif 3400 S. College Paul \ solar e Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE Where .satisfaction standard et/iiipineiif 2401 Texas Ave 779-3516 WANTED CASH FOR OLDGOil Class rings, wedding rif out gold jewelry, coins, etc. me Dial Diamond rooi Town & Country Shopping C« 3731 E. 29th St,, 846-4708 KAPPA BOWIE MSC FRESH MSC O Rude CATHC at 7 : ; prayi TAMU Zach PRE-Tl Acad GUATE p.m. METHt MSC SPECIAL NOTICE OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS ( | Preregistration for the Spring Semester 1981 will be conducted during the week of November 17- 21, 1980. All Biomedical Science majors are required to schedule a con ference with their Academic Ad visor and obtain an approved Course Request Form for use at preregistration. You can avoid long waiting periods by making an appointment with your advisor and having your Course Request Form approved prior to the week of preregistration. Deliver your approved Course Request Form to the Biomedical Science Office, Room 332, Veterinary Medical Administration Building. During preregistration week, you should return to the Biomedical Science office to pick up your registration packet and complete your prere gistration. SEE YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR SOON 4815 ^ ^|0|(||{j| *SKI CRESTED BUTTE, % or STEAMBOAT SPRINGS January 11 th thru the 161) Only $169 plus transportafc Call Willie or BUI or 693-t«§PSI CH tor more information, $ )|c )(e ^ )|c)fc){c >{( $ W TEXAS MET 0&A “THE F ship appa over Thea MEDIP 109: WEIGHT WATCHERS can sho»!» losing weight is fun without starving * Station class meets Thursdays i* Lutheran Student Center, 315 N.W Main. For further information call 822® DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in the semester in which paymentii Thereafter no refunds will be made or led orders. Directories must lx ing the academic year in which the; lished... SPECIAL NOTICE ACCIELAND REFUNDFOUi iFAITH "Yearbook fees are refundable in fc the semester in which payment) Thereafter no refunds will be madeJ led orders. Yearbooks must b ing the academic year in which tke) 1 lished. "Students who will not be on can* the yearlrooks are published, usnit tember, must pay a mailing and las Yearbooks will not be held, norw! mailed without the necessary feesfc' paid." ^Z23Z2ZZZZZZZZZZZZa kudo Mil mba/1 PUBLIC AUCTION TAUB1 TAMU TAMU Zach 0FF-G Cell A&MJI CAMP! Trait MSCC 137 TEXAS in7C MSC the EC 510 STUD1 entr BAPTIi 7:30 CATH! Mar MSCC at 8 ISAAI Rud MS( k M N s s S ^ SADDLES AND TACK l ; A large shipment of western saddles and tack of all kinds wiling 7 auctioned off. We have a nice selection of saddles 14", 15”,M S 16" seats, some padded, some hand tooled, buckstitchedaitj| | j ^ silverlaced. Also child’s saddles, several full silver show sad K VJ dies. All adult saddles have a 5 year written guarantee. E S • N Partial Tack Listing p N ^ 510 and 610 Sunbeam clippers, Sunbeam ear clippers, trammiP Si bits. Rov tvoe bits, and sours, ranch Dads, kool oads. room . » bits, Roy type bits, and spurs, ranch pads, kool pads, rap.. ™ S cinches, bridles, whips, silver show halters, silver headstall! % 'V winter horse blankets. Hundreds of items not listed. ft ^ “All name brand Merchandise”. Terms: Cash or check rflp S proper ID. Inspection time, 5 p.m. Auction time, 7 p.m. Novell % S her 13. p N s s S V.F.W. 2818 West By-Pass Bryan, Texas Auctioneer: Alan Drake License # TXGS0190246 Licensed and Bonded