Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1980)
AROUND TOWN Film: Check theaters for specific times and prices. Movies subject to change without notice. (Campus Theater 846-6512) (Manor East 823-8300) (Plitt Cinema l&ll 846-6714) (MSC Box Office-Rudder 845-2916) AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (Friday in Rudder Au ditorium, Saturday in Rudder Theater) Al Pacino stars as a young lawyer who confronts the sys tem. The film is memorable for the dramatic final courtroom scene. 7:30 and 9:45. Rated R. CABARET (Rudder Theater) Bob Fosse directed this musical story about the life and love a cabaret singer in Nazi Germany. The winner of eight Academy Awards stars Liza Minelli and Joel Gray. Sunday at 7:30. Rated R. DAWN OF THE DEAD (Plitt Cinema l&ll) A cute horror movie about zombies who eat people. In Living Color. Another gory movie, if you didn’t get your fill last weekend. Friday and Saturday at midnight. Rated R. FAME (Campus Theater) You’ve heard the song, now here’s the movie. A film about the goings-on at the New York City High School for the Per forming Arts. The films drags in places, but when the music and dance start the film can do no wrong. See review on page 16. Rated R. GILDA LIVE (Rudder Theater) Scenes from Gilda Radnor’s Broadway show. The film features Rosanne Roseannadanna, Emily Litella and other Radnor characters. Father Guido Sarduc- ci makes a special guest appearance. Not to be missed by Saturday Night Live fans. Friday and Saturday at midnight. Rated R. MIDDLE AGE CRAZY (Manor East) Bruce Dern stars as a business executive who hits 40 and discovers younger women and the hot tub. Ann- Margaret stars as his devoted wife. Rated R. ORDINARY PEOPLE (Plitt Cinema l&ll) Robert Redford’s debut as director, with Mary Tyler Moore and Donald Sutherland. Some people think it’s a real tear-jerker. Rated R. PRIVATE BENJAMIN (Manor East) Goldie Hawn stars as a poor little rich girl who finds out that playing Army is not just another game. Rated R. SOMEWERE IN TIME (Plitt Cinema 1&2) Christ opher Reeve stars in this romantic tale of a love that transcends time. Rated PG. THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (Cam pus Theater) What can be said about this rock and roll nightmare that hasn’t already been said. It’s more than a film, it’s an adventure. Ask a friend. Friday and Saturday at midnight, Rated R. THE BLACK HOLE (Rudder Theater) Walt Dis ney’s fantasy of a trip through a black hole. Special effects and a few gratuitous cuss words save the film from being just another Disney kiddie show. Thursday at 7:30 and 9:45. Rated PG THE BLACK STALLION (Manor East) A story of a shipwrecked boy and his magnificent black horse. Based on Walter Farley’s novel of the same name. In Dolby stereo. Rated G. Live Entertainment: BACKSTAGE: Thursday night, Chris Bar, a six and twelve string guitarist, performs. Cover is 750. Lyle Lovett appears Friday and Saturday night. Cover is $1. GRINS: The Texas Rail Band appears Thursday. Cover is $1. Steve Fromholtz appears Friday and Saturday, for a $3 cover. LAKEVIEW: Dennis Ivey and the Waymen perform Thursday. Cover is $1 for women and $3 for men, with 50 beer. Crossfire performs Saturday night. Cover is $3. MSC ARTS: The MSC Arts Committee presents the North Texas State University One O’clock Lab Band, Thursday at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditor ium. Student tickets for the jazz band are $2.50 and are available at the MSC Box Office. ROSEWOOD JUNCTION: Mother of Pearl appears Friday and Saturday. Cover is $1. TEXAS HALL OF FAME: Mel Tillis and the State- siders appear tonight, Nov. 6. Tickets are avail able at the door only for $10, and the doors open at 6:45. The Debonnaires will play from 7:30 till 9, when Tillis appears for his first one-hour show. Friday night, the Music Masters and spe cial guest David Wills appear. Cover is $2. Southern Pacific, from San Antonio, and guest Jim Chestnut perform Saturday night, for a $3 cover. TJ’s WHISKEY BAR: Rusty Wier and the Tennes see Hat Band perform Friday night. Cover is $6 in advance, $7 at the door. FOR THE GOOD TIMES: The Texas Weather Band appears tonight, Nov. 6. Cover is $2, and Aggie Corps members get in free with ID. Other: MR. MACHO CONTEST: Zacharias Greenhouse presents a Mr. Macho contest tonight, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. This is for women only, unless you’re trying for the title. See story on page 9. MSC CAM AC: The MSC Committee for the Aware ness of Mexican American Culture presents El Teatro de la Esperanza’s “Elementary and Secondary Workshop in Creative Dramatics’’ tonight, Nov. 6, at 6 p.m. in 137 Memorial Stu dent Center. Admission is 500. COLLAGE Polish joke leaves Illinois TA jobless CHAMPAIGN — URBANA, III. — A University of Illinois teaching assistant lost his job recently for telling a Polish joke to relieve tension before a mid-term exam. Standing before a finance class, TA Bob Moreland dropped his pants and pulled up his socks from the inside to answer his rhetorical question, “How does a Polock pull up his socks?” The class instructor didn’t find Moreland’s actions amusing, however, aa he dismissed the teaching assistant from his class and moved him to a research position, citing his behavior at the mid-term as the reason for the change. — Collegiate Headlines ROTC member won’t register for the draft IOWA CITY, Iowa — No one knows the number of young men who didn’t register for the draft as a matter of principle. But at the Univerisity of Iowa, at least one young man falls into that category — even though he’s a member of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and plans to make the Army his career. Randy Grant, a Ul junior, didn’t register because he believes the draft is immoral. “It’s a form of slavery or involuntary servitude ... I believe it’s wrong to force someone to fight in a war, to force someone to do anything against his will,” he says. Those beliefs don’t interfere with his membership in ROTC or with his commitment to the Army after graduation, says Grant. His views about the draft are simply a part of his Libertarian philsophy. As founder of the Hawkeye Libertarians, he is committed enough to his princples to go on record in the Ul student newspaper — even though such a public statement could lead to a confrontation with the Selective Service in October, when the agency begins contact ing those 19- and 20-year-old men who didn’t register. focus THE BATTALION Policy: Focus will accept any stories, drawings or photographs that are submitted for publication, although the decision to publish lies solely with the editor. Pieces submitted, printed or not, will be returned upon request. Deadline is 5 p.m. the Thursday before publication. Contributing to this issue were: Jennifer Afflerbach, Debbie Nelson, Cindy Gee, Liz Newlin, Kathleen McElroy, Geoff Hackett, Pat O’Malley, and Scott McCullar. Editor: Scot K. Meyer Assistant Editor: Cathy Saathoff On The Cover: John J. McDermott, head of the philosophy department, tries to reach students with his animated lecture style. Cover photo by Pat O’Malley.