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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1980)
Darkroom isn't only reason to join THE BATTALION Page 5 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1980 Camera committee is among largest sad counsel (, iy thelli itactedtkii ian dem; very that is sul aid. o play'ml >e to a firm m aim onfl -of-courtif another unst Iras, s Corp,, irt alreil mputer i and aft intract, dth Iraniil -ated has nevnl Staff photo by Pat O’Malley Greg Gammon, a senior engineering technology major from College Station, checks a roll of film he processed in one of the black and white darkrooms in the MSC Camera Committee darkroom. By GLENN KRAMPOTA Battalion Reporter Based on the old maxim that a pic ture is worth more than 10,000 words, there are an awful lot of bud ding Shakespeares around. Trans lated: the MSC Camera Committee is well and thriving at Texas A&M University. Kendall Nix, committee project director, said the committee has ab out 120 members. Memorial Stu dent Center Program Adviser Don Rohel said with that membership fi gure, it is one of the largest MSC committees. Besides lectures, special classes and contests sponsored by the com mittee, members have access to a darkroom facility in the MSC base ment in the same area as the craft shop and barber shop. “The consensus we get is most people sign up to use the dar krooms,” Nix said. He said that is why he originally joined. “We get all types ... from people with new cameras who want to know how to operate them, to people with years and years of experience who just need a place to print,” Nix, a sophomore mechanical engineering major from Fort Worth, said. Two color and five black and white darkrooms, a studio and a general area with a print dryer, a print moun ter and storage cabinets are available for members’ use. But before a member can use the darkroom, Nix explained, he or she must pass a “rather easy” written exam. There are different tests, de pending on what a member wants to use. An example of a question relating illey’s sues three firms in a mechanical bull battle lid the Si! appealed United Press International HOUSTON — Gilley’s Enter- jrises Inc. has filed suit in federal urt alleging three Houston firms dated the patent the owner of the Pasadena country and west- rnmniiiriii ern holds on a mechanical bull. in g 0VC jjLAhearing is scheduled for Nov. 12 ment sow 10 cons ^er a court order blocking .j ’distribution of the mechanical bulls. l„ „jj Featured in the movie “Urban Cowboy,” filmed at Gilley’s night- , club, the bull is powered by an en- 1*0 till fjjine and broncs, bucks and spins in a j manner similar to a live bull. The jgull, operated by a control box, can 0/21(3 k uc k U P to 80 times and make 35 revolutions in a minute. Gilley’s Enterprises charges in the Umov 811 ' 1 that Buck ’N Broncos Inc., U Southwest Rodeo Enterprises Inc. re Mond: an ^ exas Rodeo Bulls Inc. are aped awi manu ^ actur ’ n ^ an< ^ distributing the ished her|’ Ring herd® We’ve Got THE TOUCH I bulls in violation of federal patent laws. The three companies in turn say Gilley’s has no right to the patent and is trying to monopolize the mecha nical bull market in violation of fed eral anti-trust laws. Joe D. Turner, 58, a Corrales, N. M., resident obtained the first pa tent on the bull in 1975. Turner said he sold the bulls mainly in the rodeo circuit where they were used as training devices. ;; i : Gilley’s, touted as the world’s largest nightclub, bought a bull in 1977 and offered patrons a spin at $2 a ride, Turner said. He sold the pa tent rights to Gilley’s last year. Russell Weaver, lawyer for the de fendants, said the primary defense is that the bulls were around before Turner obtained his patent. He plans to produce a pre-Turner mechanical bull at the hearing. The popularity of the bulls — gen erated in part by “Urban Cowboy” — has led to their rapid sales. Gil ley’s officials say they have made $1 million in less than two years from the sale of 400 bulls. The popularity has also generated at least four lawsuits in Texas in which defendants were injured while riding a mechanical bull. Injuries from riding the bulls has become common enough to prompt a number of insurance companies to terminate coverage of mechanical bulls. “It’s not worth the risk,” said an official of Northeastern Fire Insur ance Co. of Pennsylvania, which three weeks ago canceled its last policy. :osted on| y, had oil lotorists.W tir con™ a man P :o a store, ried to {if her purse; socket k# l ' ■. She saf rom ocoi[ ch stoppe hen Ibrcf id rap I usually i See what’s in thursday’s Focus k — New Fall Arrivals at the Locker Room! Warm-Ups by: JOG-JOY HANG TEN WINNING WAYS OPEN 9:30-6:00 800 VILLA MARIA RD. "'Tkf, Lofkrr Room SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED" ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL 779 9484 in qu estf ,b. Hea»j 'rovidenU 3 1 in Wa«| into the ie first (W 1 ddvotef. se I will to* id the P^ ^etheh' war s p eace ’ iuldg° t0 jtheflg 1 ask if ^ bodat/W ■ peopk ey withJ dl the i.theW d pri^ 5 rlotte Wi didate jetent i Our Hours Fit Your Hours. No Hassle Hair and No Hassle Hours. We’re now open until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. No more rushing from class or work to have your hair done. 696-6933 693-0607 Drive Friendly the Texas way work with basic black and white is, “What is meant by cropping?” The fee, or committee dues, for using the darkrooms is $10 a semes ter, Nix said. He said the committee encourages potential members to join early in the semester so they get their money’s worth. Although many students join to use the darkrooms, Nix said the camera committee does not neglect social and educational aspects of photography. Nix said activities of the committee include outside speakers, trips, photo contests and classes run by the committee itself. Nix said the committee has brought a photographer from the Dallas Morning News and a lecturer from KAMU on print contests to campus recently. This month, the committee is sponsoring the first annual Photo Safari to San Antonio. The trip of fers seminars on topics such as flash photography, wildlife photography and architecture photography. Those taking the trip will also visit San Antonio sights such as the Alamo, the San Antonio Zoo and the River Walk. Some of the pictures taken on the trip may be entered in one of the camera commtittee’s photo contests. These include the current Fall Photo Contest and the Spring Salon — the spring semester version of the Fall Photo Contest, Nix said. Texas A&M photographers enter contests sponsored by other schools. Though there is no particular push from the committee for its members to enter contests, Nix said entering “is a good way to see how your work compares to other people’s.” Contest suggests competition, but for most people in the camera com mittee picture-taking is a hobby, Nix said. And the word hobby suggests recreation and relaxation. “It (photography) is the only thing I can do to get away from school,” Nix said. Judging by the committee’s size a large number of other people on campus evidently see a similar benefit. Anyone interested in joining the camera committee or participating in one of its activities can call 845-1515 or visit the committee’s cubicle in the Student Programs Office, 216 Memorial Student Center. r PROFESSOR... ’T ITZI.L1 izzizri 55 TTTT i n SWENSEN’S ^NEW NOVEMBER FLAVORS • Alice’s Marble Fudge • Black Walnut • Pumpkin Culpepper Plaza • College Station I □525 5255255i TTTT 522 AGGIES! Doik lew c 10% AGGIE DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE WITH STUDENT ID (Cash Only Please) We reserve the right to limit use of this privilege. Downtown Bryan (212 Pi. Main) and Culpepper Plaza t * . . I t Do we have your course notes and readings on file yet? Your students are asking for them J ; kinko’s ! MORE AT PIZZA INN If you like more , this is where it begins. TUESDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT BUFFETS I Every Tuesday and Sunday Night 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. NOON BUFFET Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Both Buffets Feature all the Pizza and Salad you can eat for only *2.79 Children under 7. . . $1.19 ‘ Pizza inn °¥?u get^More of the c H]ingsyOifl£)ve, College Station 413 Texas Ave. South 846-6164 No, Mr. Babcock. Yes, Mr. Burns. Never, Ms. Little. Never. Five days of this and I bust loose with Cuervo & grapefruit. Bust loose with Cuervo Gold Dash it on the rocks and add a splash of grapefruit, tour mouth’s been waiting for it all week. CuervoEs^«j!' K Tequilf 80 Proof imported^nd Bfrtttedhy © 1900 Heubiein Inc., Hartford, Conn.