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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1980)
Page 12 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1980 National or Escapee’s blood tips FBI United Press International LAKELAND, Fla. — A white supremacist wanted for the sniper slayings of two blacks and suspected of threatening the life of President Car ter was arrested Tuesday in Lakeland, where Car ter is to attend a political rally Friday. Agents said Joseph Paul Franklin, who also was being questioned in the attempted assassination of civil rights leader Vernon Jordan, sent a letter to the president in 1976 threatening his life. They said the letter was in Franklin’s handwriting. Philip McNiff, FBI agent in charge of the Tam pa office, said although there had been no recent threats against Carter by Franklin, he was consi dered a threat to the president and other pres idential candidates. "It was a concern of ours,” McNiff said. He said Franklin was known to sell his blood to finance his travels and agents had distributed his description to all plasma centers in the area last week because of the president’s plans to visit Lakeland. Carter plans to attend a political rally Friday at Florida Southern College at Lakeland. Franklin, 30, subject of a nationwide manhunt since his escape from a Kentucky jail a month ago, was arrested Tuesday night at a blood bank — which had received the FBI flyer with his descrip tion only six hours earlier. Franldin is charged with violating the civil rights of Theodore Tracy Fields, 20, and David Loren Martin, 18, blacks killed by sniper fire as they jogged through a Salt Lake City park Aug. 20. FBI officials said the bureau also wanted to question Franklin about eight other similar inci dents in which a dozen other blacks were killed. They include incidents in Johnstown, Pa.; Cincin nati, Ohio; Buffalo, N.Y., and Oklahoma City. “Because of the similarity, we are interested in discussing these other shootings with him,” FBI spokesman Ed Gooderham said in Washington. But he said they don’t have any definite evidence linking Franklin to the incidents. There also have been reports that Indianapolis police said a man resembling Franklin was seen in the lobby of Jordan’s motel in Fort Wayne, Ind., last May 29. The National Urban League presi dent was shot later that night in the motel’s park ing lot. Chrysler says loss trimmed calls third quarter 'victory United 1 EW YOR judents, espi leveloping c feaven-sent si u colleges pie financi; illments. But Dr. Fr Franklin, who legally abandoned his real name of James Clayton Vaughn Jr. about four years ago, has been sought since he escaped through a win dow from a Florence, Ky., jail on Sept. 25 — SVa hours after being arrested while driving a car that linked him to the Utah sniper slayings. , Advertisement, THE FINAL GUN SOUNDS It began like any other day at Texas A&M. But before the clock struck midnight, the floor of the All Faiths Chapel was stained with the blood of two teenagers. One lived to tell the story; the other died. As the sun rose early Saturday morning, most snuggled deeper under their covers, thankful for the few extra hours of sleep afforded ously consider death. The thought of it is unpleasant, so we neatly tuck it away as some event that will take place in the far, distant future. To day it’s the good times — life to the max. Yet in reality, it may be sooner than we think. As crime, disease, and world instability continue to in crease, the so-called “guarantee” of A thousand thoughts gun to his heart. raced through his mind as he put the them by the weekend. By game time, dark threatening clouds had completely chased the sun from the sky. A steady rain fell on the artifi cial turf of Kyle Field as thousands of loyal fans witnessed the slow ex ecution of the Aggies by the Baylor Bears. With emotions and clothing thoroughly dampened, the rain- soaked mass of humanity slowly filed out as the final gun sounded. Such is life. You win some, you lose some. After all, it’s only a game. Life must go on. Maybe things will look better tomorrow. But for Michael Bruce Duchin, 19, there would be no tomorrow. The bright hopes for the future were overshadowed by the intensity of frustration and disappointment. The thought of living was unbear able, but what did death hold? A thousand thoughts raced through his mind as he put the gun to his heart. Did he really want to die? Was there no other solution? Was death really the end — or just the beginning? He squeezed the trigger and the gun sounded. It was over. Today, only Michael Duchin knows the answers to his questions. As students, we very seldom seri- a long life is not something we can simply take for granted. Every year here at Texas A&M there are stu dents who suddenly encounter the unexpected: death. A future of glorious plans is suddenly dashed to pieces. But what really happens as the final gun sounds? The humanistic philosophers of today are trying their hardest to convince us that everything ends at the grave. We simply return to dust as do all the other animals of creation. There is no God, and no hereafter. The end is the end. And yet, man in general con tinues to fear death and to avoid it at all costs. It is the pain we fear? Is it the uncertainty of entering a vast “unknown”? Or is it a nagging feel ing deep within that just across that line we will come face to face with a living God? In the world’s most accurate, an cient volume, the Bible, this simple statement is found: “It is appointed for men to die once, and after this Comes judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27). God states that man is different than all other creatures in that he is eter nal — and deep inside, he knows it. In almost every culture of the world, whether they have the Bible or not, there seems to be a built-in understanding of an eternal exist ence. The Bible goes on to explain that “the sting of death is sin” (1 Corint hians 15:56). Sin, an active or pas sive attitude of rebellion against God and His authority, separates us from Him. This separation not only results in an emptiness in this life, but also in a judgment of sin for all of eternity. The Good News is that Jesus Christ came to remove the “sting” by giving his life to pay the penalty for sin: “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). He went to the cross so that we would never have to come under God’s judg ment, but could experience His life and love. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (John 5:24). Knowing about death adds a whole new dimension to life. By receiving Jesus Christ — acknow ledging our sin and submitting our lives to Him — we can remove the “sting of death” and experience His love and forgiveness both now and in eternity. Life is fragile, death is final, and the stakes are high. Don’t take a chance on losing the biggest game of all — the game of life. Someday the final gun will sound. If you would like more informa tion on this, call 846-6640 and ask for the free booklet “Life After Death”. There are only a limited number available, so call now. (^STOPPERS Keepsake COWARTS AND KEEPSAKE® 2 NAMES YOU KNOW AND TRUST!! >ajftje^LPYsroP€ 415 University Drive In Northgate ?25S55c3TI5?5S[S3!: JgggC Dionne Warwick says: “Get your blood into circulation.’ 9 Call Red Cross now for a blood donor appointment. P!| A PUbhc Serve* ol Dim Newspww * Ihe Advertaerg Goi«< United Press International DETROIT — Chrysler Corp. today reported a third- quarter loss of $490 million, bringing the auto industry’s deficit to $1.7 billion for the three-month period and $3.6 billion for the year thus far. Chrysler said the figure was a victory. The No. 3 automaker, which went to the edge of bankruptcy last year, was the only member of the Big Three U. S. automakers that managed to trim losses from the severely depressed second quarter of this year. Chrysler’s second-quarter deficit was $536 million. It losses so far this year are $1.47 billion. “While our third-quarter net loss is large, we are encouraged by this improvement in our operating re sults over the second quarter,” Chrysler Chairman Lee A. lacocca said, referring to severe cost-cutting steps. “The fact that these improved results were achieved in spite of lower unit sales is evidence of the progress we have made in containing costs and improving efficien cy,” he said. Chrysler’s worldwide dollar sales in the quarter slumped 20 percent to $2 billion while unit sales fell 28 percent from last year to 253,000 vehicles. Ford Motor Co. said Tuesday its third-quarter loss totaled $595 million, bringing its overall deficit for the first nine months of 1980 to $1.23 billion. A day earlier, General Motors Corp. reported $567 million in red ink for the quarter. Its nine-month loss is $824 million. In the same period last year, CM earned $2,47^ and Ford profits were $1.21 billion. Like CM, Ford blamed its poor results on thenaSi recession and lower sales volumes — especially in tionally high-profit big car lines. But it spiced its gloomy third-quarter statement' optimism. “The company’s results should begin to impriM.,,, , the fourth quarter because of gradual economic rs®, ery, favorable acceptance of Ford’s new products incoln M ogate, T< iidents ag ig of theii jjrevenue. "It won’t w to schola; laches anc jus violence, con college the continued effect of cost-reduction actions,”! 6 , runn J n ^,‘ Ford Chairman Philip Caldwell. fi. recruiting He warned it is essential to regain proiitabi “The forei; order to carry out the company’s ambitious reti^y to cultiv: program to bring out more fuel-efficient cars andtnji said, “be< in the future. oreigners That depends substantially on whether the wurses and ment acts to resolve several problems afflicting kfees can j dustry, Caldwell said. |m anything “High inflation, declining productivity, exes Welch has i regulation and the damage to the U.S. industrym (foreign si by the sharp increase in sales of cars importdliij 1 j’'lj 1 ' mse Japan are serious problems that need to be dealtiP as responsibly and quickly,” he said. Ford said it lost $569 million in the United StatesJ $26 million overseas in the third quarter. vprv ' ivci y i Archbishop charged as Nazip cVj!M d /- P ^VV’ ,er ? ati i 0 ocn I Law ’ a PP lauded the Justice Depart- Trifa “used his pistol, shooting* vV Li yOUT L_ Battalion markfltplacelBj Classifieds Call 845-2611 WASHINGTON —In 1950, Vale rian Trifa, a native of Romania, told U.S. authorities he was a victim of Nazi persecution, a survivor of forced labor in Germany during World War II. Thirty years later, the government charged Trifa, 66, of Grass Lake, Mich., an archbishop of the Roma nian Orthodox Episcopate of Amer ica, lied to get an immigration visa. In fact, the government said, he had been a member of the Iron Guard and the persecutor of both Jews and Christians in Romania. In the latest action on the case, the Justice Department moved Tuesday to deport the alleged Nazi war cri minal, filing legal papers with the Immigration and Naturalization Ser vice in Detroit. A hearing on the case is scheduled before an IN S judge on Nov. 18. Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, D-N.Y., who is head of the House Judiciary subcommittee on Immig ration, Refugees and International ment move. She called it "a reaffirmation by our government that it will no longer provide a haven for those of Hitler’s henchmen who have managed to find sanctuary in this country.” In its court papers, the govern ment charged Trifa participated in or was a student leader of the Iron Guard in Romania from 1934 to 1941, “and in that capacity advocated violence and persecution of Jews. ” It also charged Trifa participated in the persecution of Jews and Christians in Bucharest in 1941. In an affidavit also filed on the case, the Justice Department alleged the others, and ordered his mer kill and to torture the Jews. In August, Trifa renound U.S. citizenship by surrei naturalization papers. He also the Justice Department sevenli dred pages of explanations aboq World War II activities, denyii alleged persecutions. United 4EWYOF len overloo lection bat '-year pr< last se* tion in i (ve died ii isinated. 'any call ’ death stn Gunman holds up Greeks during rite MAKE FREE PayOff Help Supply Critically needed Plasma While You Earn Extra CASH Plasma Products, Inc 313 College Main in College Station United Press International NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Fifteen Fisk University fraternity brothers, participating in an early morning in- ( itiation rite, were held up by a gun man, forced to strip to their under wear and ordered to march down a railroad track, authorities said. Police arrested Bruce Blair, 31, of Nashville in the incident. He was ' charged with two counts of armed robbery, possession of marijuana and illegal possession of a weapon. His bond was set at $6,000. The students, members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, were walking single-file, a common frater nity initiation exercise, when the gunman approached them at 3 a.m. Trifa was naturalized ii became a bishop in the Orthodox Church in 1952 anil jut one lege archbishop in 1970. He sendipe from ar member of the governing boari the National Council of Ch«!(|The death 1952-78. h 1 William embered shared ler - “I m In 1800 I (pointed H ana territc Ited by In -r j . i m p. n eaties with I uesday, said officer Steve Ben , , . ‘ The robber made all ISineaS . an . * C their clothes off down to their un *| ea jg rs ' wear and lie on the ground,” Be: -n •. said. “After he rummaged tbij. r Z ' the pockets and wallets, helocb|| e p ^ the clothes into one of the | 3e g ai cars nearby.” |n 1811 Ha Wearing only their lindenCL t u p the fraternity brothers werejrs forced to continue their procession down a railroad tracli the gunman marching behind pointing a .22-caliber pistol ati backs, Benton said. Benton said after the scantily group walked several huni yards, their assailant fledwitkil $90 of their money. eau ibdu wisst Relax or Study in Our Comfortable Beds While You Donate — Great Atmospher United HOUSTO pan has bi I front of a v op her on a igherat scis uually abu Wednesday. Patricia M iled withor Snapping ; Suse, Police said tat of a car HOURS Mon.-Fri. 8-4 iautician nesday. ed, office] taped into ok the won vestigatc ^victim on jfe scissors, I h jewelry t id then ore jj