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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1980)
Battalion ? with a .. (1 , ew Thursi' 2 offended the game y some of i Vol. 74 No. 41 12 Pages Serving the Texas A&M University community Monday, October 27, 1980 College Station, Texas USPS 045 360 Phone 845-2611 Yesterday The Weather Today High 71 High 85 Low 48 Low 71 Rain . 0.00 inches Humidity Chance of rain . ■ • • muggy . excellent ie .E flegeiits OK funds ransfer, building is merchan- ) ERSITY DR. ILLA MARIA OLIDAY INN EINGARTEN'S MINERS HEARNE RD, By DILLARD STONE Battalion Editor Tie Texas A&M University System Board of Regents gave the light Friday to a new horticulture/forest science building for as A&M University, approved several funds transfers within System, and spoke at length with Texas A&M head football ich Tom Wilson. he regents approved $145,000 to be spent in a preliminary ign of the new building. )r. Perry Adkisson, deputy chancellor for agriculture, told the nts the new building, planned for the West Campus, will vide a needed central point for the University’s horticulture forest science programs. idkisson said Texas is now the second-ranked state in the ion in horticulture. The state s horticulture industry is now led at more than $700 million, he said. We think it would be easy to move Texas past the $1 billion k in horticulture industry — if we had an adequate research lity,” Adkisson said. stimates place the cost for the new building at $14.5 million, building will cost about $127 per square foot. The high cost is primarily to the large amount of specialized research equip- nt needed. it one point in the meeting, Regent Joe Reynolds asked Ho- d Vestal, University vice president for business affairs, about prospects for building new eating facilities on the West npus. hey agreed that the new buildings already there, along with plans calling for more buildings, should create more demand a West Campus dining facility. “We would hope that any dining facility over there would be in conjunction with a new dormitory complex,” Vestal replied. The regents also supplemented operating budgets of the Sys tem Administration, Texas A&M, Tarleton State and Prairie View A&M to try to keep valuable faculty and staff members. Private businesses and other institutions — able to afford higher salaries — have hired away many faculty and staff from the schools. The regents transferred $790,000 from Texas A&M’s reserve account to supplement the salaries. Most of the supplements will go to engineering and business professors and staff, but it was not specifically allocated. The board approved $95,000 to be transfer red at Tarleton State, and $165,000 at Prairie View. For System Administration, the board allocated $125,000 from the University Available Fund to make possible higher salaries and more workers. After the meeting, board Chairman Clyde H. Wells asked the board members. Chancellor Frank W. R. Hubert and Acting Pres ident Charles Samson to remain for a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters. Texas A&M head football Coach Tom Wilson and Athletic Director Marvin Tate entered the closed session and emerged about 50 minutes later. After Saturday’s 10-6 loss to the Rice Owls, Wilson had little to say about the meeting, which he himself reportedly requested. “They’re very supportive of our actions in regard to the team,” he said. Wilson repeated his feelings of last week, when he said he was not concerned about whether or not the regents were think ing about replacing him. “I’ve got other things to worry about,” he said. “Like making sure people know how to tackle.” debate on hostages' fate esumes today in Tehran Chow down Staff photo by Jeff Kcrber Roy Brantley, a senior Corps of Cadet member, won the annual “Eat the Hell outa Rice” contest, sponsored by the MSC Recreation Committee each year prior to the Rice University game. Brantley was presented a box of Rice Crispies with a ribbon tied around it for his fast- eating talent after the contest Friday. United Press International DNDON — Iran’s parliament resumed ret debate today on its terms for freeing 52 American hostages nearing their first liversary in illegal captivity. Today’s program is a continuation of terday s, a member of the Iranian par ent secretariat told United Press Inter- ional by telephone from Tehran. lajjatoleslam Hasemi Rafsanjani, parlia- |nt’s speaker, conferred with Ayatollah hollah Khomeini on the hostage issue, i BBC reported. It quoted Rafsanjani as ling afterward there was no reason the ftages could not be freed if President •ter agreed to the conditions parliament Juki lay down. be Majlis, or parliament, began Sunday |iscuss a report of a seven-member par- nentary commission appointed to re- nmend “conditions” on which the 52 lericans would be allowed to go home. It immediately voted to make its deliber- pns secret, although one official told UPI Sunday an “open session” on the issue would be held Thursday. Iran’s official Pars news agency said some parliamentary deputies objected to debat ing the hostage issue at all “because of the martrydom of innocent people” killed in an Iraqi rockfet attack on the City of Dizful earlier Sunday. Monday’s session began at 8:15 a.m. (11:45 p.m. EST Sunday), 45 minutes be hind schedule. The secretariat official gave no reason for the delay. Sunday’s session saw the introduction of a secret report by Hojjatoleslam Mousai Khoyeni, head of the seven-member com mission. Khoyeni, 39, was the leader of the 400 Moslem militants who stormed the U.S. Embassy and seized the captives last Nov. 4. “The Majlis is discussing the same thing,” the secretariat official said today, though he added that “this is a non-public but official session, and nobody can say exactly what they are discussing.” While suspense over the hostages’ re lease grew with parliament’s lengthening debate, American concern also grew that only some — and not all — of the 52 might be freed. One high-ranking Iranian official at the United Nations was quoted as saying there was a “99 percent” t'h'aWE^.|fiaf 40 of the 52 hostages, held now for 359 days, will be released Wednesday of*'Thursday. Iranian parliament sources, reached by phone from London, said the legislators would probably devote only a few hours a day to the discussion because a long, drawn-out debate was likely. Tehran political sources said the ruling Islamic Republican Party seemed willing to carry on the debate, but was confronted by radical party members seeking further de lays. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Anita Stockman said: “We will have nothing to say because there is nothing to be said until the (Iranian) parlia ment announces its decision.” Building request tabled Plans for a new Meat Science Technology Center for Texas A&M' UmSersity were tabled at Friday’s meeting of the Coordi nating Board, Texas College and University System. The board tabled the University’s request for approval of the new building because of cost questions, said Ed Peel, Texas A&M University System director of facilities planning and construction. The building is supposed to cost $3.5 million, Peel said, or more than $110 per square foot. Peel said that the building’s cost is due to about $1.2 million worth of specialized technical equipment planned for the build ing. Essentially, he said, the building is a slaughterhouse. Deleting the cost of the slaughtering and refrigeration equip ment, the building’s cost drops to just over $70 per square foot. “That’s a figure compatible with any other classroom building, ” Peel said. The Coordinating Board will reconsider the building at its Jan. 27 meeting. Peel said, after a special panel has had a chance to review the proposal. Peel was not sure about how binding the Coordinating Board decision was on Texas A&M. It is commonly believed that Coordinating Board approval is not necessary for buildings funded totally by Available University Fund money. Peel said this assumption was made because the Texas attorney general’s opinion has said that the Coordinating Board did not have to approve AUF-funded buildings at the University of Texas. Although only Texas A&M and UT share AUF money — which is generated by the Permanent University Fund — Peel said it was not clear how binding the attorney general’s opinion would be on Texas A&M. Because System and University administrators want to proceed with the project at the earliest possible date, a “contingency” procedure will be used to receive bids. The architect’s contract will be awarded at the Jan. 24 Board of Regents meeting. The award will be made contingent upon the Coordinating Board’s approval at its meeting three days later. Peel said. The Coordinating Board oversees Texas public colleges and universities. edpots raise bonfire centerpole By MARGARITA JAIME Battalion Reporter [The first significant step in building the bonfire came Friday, when workers |ised the centerpole over Duncan Intra- ural Field. [Bonfire is traditionally held before the pas A&M-Texas football game each year, lis year’s fire is scheduled for Tuesday, ov. 25. [Head Redpot Bill Singer, a senior from lice, said that the pole arrived at Duncan leld Tuesday afternoon and that on [ednesday Collier Electric Company of yan drilled the hole to fit it. Redpots are le people who supervise bonfire work, I This year, trees were donated by Grana- i Land and Cattle Company of Bryan. I Redpot Kyle Gish of Boerne said that peral people from different companies Ued asking to have their land cleared, lowever, he said, due to the quantity of fees available, the bonfire workers epted Granada’s offer. “We don’t want to separhte our teams,” |ish said. “We would rather keep every- pe at the same place for safety measures. ” J One major problem facing the bonfire [orkers, however, is getting enough trucks »haul logs, Gish said. i “Right now we have two flat-bed trucks onated by a company in Bryan and a com- [any from San Antonio. We’re hoping to etfive or six, though,” he said. Gish said that other construction com- anies have donated their trucks and driv- !rs on weekends to haul logs for the bon- re. “We’ve had a couple companies from jlouston help us out, including Zachry onstruction Company,” he said, “and one ompany from as far as Alice donated a lick and driver.” Despite the shortage of 18-wheelers, pish said there were enough tractors and Tiains. However, he said they could use cash lonations to buy rope, bailing wire, and to louse the out-of-town truck drivers for a fight. Gish and Singer agreed that at the begin- [ing of bonfire construction, they cannot [se many people to help work. At the start of this week, Gish said, no more than 12 men will be used. However, Singer said that by the end of this week more people will be needed, and that anyone wanting to work can just “come on out.” People are needed to work on pulley crews, which hoist logs and workers onto the stack. Workers also may wire logs onto • Ik' i the stack, or help carry logs to the stack by hand and in teams. Gish and Singer suggested that when people arrive willing to work at Duncan Field, to avoid any confusion, they need to “get a hold of a redpot, and ask them what to do.” Singer said that he feels everything is on schedule and that if the weather permits, bonfire will be held Nov. 25 at “dark- thirty”. Bonfire schedule for the next four weeks is as follows: Nov. 8, 9 Cutting day Nov. 12-25 The “push.” People work 24 hours a day to complete the “stack” Nov. 25 Bonfire Night tickets to catch dorm parking frauds iitfiSS* ' !SkMlv s • i. * y 4 . ■■ yCfSliVyyX Ms _______ *? By JENNIFER AFFLERBACH Battalion Staff Texas A&M University Police tonight will begin ticketing cars displaying fraudu lent permits, which enable the owners to park nearer to dorms than they should. Col. Thomas Parsons, director of secur ity and traffic, said he believes dorm resi dents are fraudulently registering their cars so they can park in day student lots near the dorms. Dorm students can do this by registering as day student." with 60 credit hours or more. Many on-campus students can’t find spaces in their red-sticker lots, which are closest to the dorms. If there is no room in the red-sticker lots, students must park in lots across Wellborn Road. Day students with their blue stickers can park closer to dormitories than these overflow students. “We’ll get it straight,” Parsons said. “If they don’t come in (after receiving the first ticket), we’ll ticket them again, and again.” After three outstanding violation notices have been issued, a vehicle may be towed. In addition. Parsons said, he will seek disci plinary action from the director of student affairs. Police checks between 2 and 4 a.m. re vealed 68 cars parked for three consecutive nights in Parking Annex 9 near the north- side dorms, and along Bizzell Street next to the Commons area dorms. All of the cars were registered to off- campus addresses, but the car owners have on-campus telephone numbers, Parsons said. 4 I . . — P iaJlpiilt ' Anderson declines Clark debate offer Fish from Company C-l, the “centerpole outfit,” stand in the bonfire’s centerpole hole. Company C-l has the major responsibility for raising the centerpole. The flag Staff photo by George Dolan flying atop the centerpole traditionally is a sheet from the commanding officer of the outfit, emblazoned with the company emblem. By BECKY SWANSON Battalion Staff Independent presidential candidate John Anderson has refused an invitation by Libertarian Party candidate Ed Clark to debate at Texas A&M University, Ander son’s legal counsel said this morning. Anderson was extended an invitation to appear opposite Clark by the Clark office and by the MSC Political Forum Commit tee on Friday. Clark is scheduled to speak Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater in a Political Forum presentation and had asked to arrange the debate at that time. Mitchel Rogovin, legal counsel for Anderson, told The Battalion that Ander son would not debate Clark, because of scheduling. Rogovin said Anderson would partici pate in a debate with President Carter and the other candidates if it could be arranged, but he had no plans to debate Clark indi vidually. Tom Palmer, assistant communications director for Clark, said Sunday the invita tion to debate had been extended to Ander son on Friday, but they have not received a response. “We re presently in negotiation with the Anderson folks, I think that’s about all that we would be able to say at this point,” Palmer said Sunday. Political Forum Chairman Wayne Bailey said the committee sent invitations to both candidates by telegram Friday when the Clark office contacted him about the possi bility of setting up a debate. Clark accepted, but Anderson’s office had not re sponded to the invitation as of this morn ing, a Political Forum spokesman said. Rogovin, however, said he had told the Clark office that Anderson would not de bate the Libertarian candidate. “I told Mr. Clark’s representative, Mr. Crane, that we were unable to do that (set up a debate). I don’t know how it got turned around to an acceptance. He invited us after I told him that we could not (arrange the debate).”