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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1980)
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1980 freshmen and sophomores this week and seniors time to get it on!! i Today to Friday A-E Oct. 20-24 F-L Oct. 27-31 M-R Nov. 3-7 S-Z for ItNMlp''! Agg ie I a n d 81 SPECIAL - any freshman or sophomore who missed the regular shooting sche dule can come in anytime this week. This is your FINAL chance. Don’t miss it. SPECIAL - long hours and extra photographers on duty during this week, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. YEARBOOK ASSOCIATES, OFFICIAL 1981 Aggieland photographers, have a studio at Suite 140, Culpepper Office Park, offPuryear Street. Phone 693-6756. S Vte *0 golf course V 3 C V <u > PuryearX / Drive > C V X! u Q * s Culpepper Offices Office Park o £ o Q V *-> 3 O cs I Stores Culpepper Plaza Texas Avenue State Tech grads to get awards Suits emerge over name United Press International LUBBOCK — Three Texas Tech graduates have been named reci pients of the first Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award of the university’s College of Agricultural Sciences. Presentations will be made during a luncheon Thursday to Stephen J. Kleberg of Kingsville, Ray Joe Riley of Sunnyside and Charles L. Weddle of Grand Junction, Colo. Kleberg, a 1969 animal science graduate, has been a director on the board of King Ranch Inc. since 1971, and is on the board of Guaranty Na tional Bank of Corpus Christi. Riley, a 1956 agronomy graduate, has been on the Plains Cotton Grow ers Board for 15 years and was presi dent from 1971 to 1973. He was a delegate to the Universal Cotton Standards Conference for 20 years and was chairman in 1973. Weddle, a 1936 horticulture gra duate, is the founder of the Pan American Seed Co. Weddle also founded the tech nique of double-breeding petunias from seed, a secret known at the time only by the Japanese. He de veloped all of the double petunias with musical and American Indian TV Ewing vs. Oil Ewing Fiv< United Pr ATLANTA - United Press International DALLAS — If they weren’t suing him for $1.5 million, Bobby Ewing — the real Bobby Ewing—might be willing to laugh the whole thing off. But Lorimar Productions, the creator of the hit primetime soap opera “Dallas,” is suing him for $1.5 million, and he’s counter-suing for $50 million. For the past few years the real Ewing, who owns a real oil company called Ewing Oil Co., has taken a lot of ribbing about the show from friends and strangers alike. But all that came to an end two weeks ago when Lorimar announced it was suing Ewing for $1.5 million because he has authorized a promotional firm to market T-shirts, hats, belt buckles and blue jeans under the Ewing Oil Co. label. Lorimar sued, claiming it had ex clusive rights to the commercial use of the Ewing name. Ewing is blunt in his disagreement. “Those people are crazier’n hell. They want to make this whole thing ridiculous; I’ll make it three times more ridiculous. I’m going to make a circus out of the whole damn deal. There isn’t a court in the land that will tell me I’m not entitled to my own name,” he says. “If they’re going to sue me for $ 1.5 million, I’ll sue for $50 million. Oh hell yes, I can be 50 times more ridi culous than they are.” Although Ewing has been in the oil business since 1974, he fully ack nowledges that he did not incorpo rate Ewing Oil Co. with the Texas secretary of state’s office until he saw the second pilot show of “Dallas,” which ran first as a mini-series in the spring of 1978. Ewing said seeing the pilot show prompted him to act, “so I could pro tect the name for my kids. I was in the oil business, and I always wanted to have a company with my name to pass on to my kids.” Earher this year, however, Ewing said the Dallas promotions firm Ban- ditz of Dallas contacted him about marketing various products to capit alize on the name, and that’s when on blew out p£ i a predomi Lorimar came back with its suiticome housing “The first time I knewaboutih.tlanta Monday when I heard they weregoinu icluding four c suit, ” Ewing said. “I couldn’tWi Fire officials 1 it. I called them and said, He t the Bowen I ten, we can get together on fer on gas leaki we can all make some money ffljmac e it. Police confin "My lawyers got togethernJrady Memor: their lawyers and when we let ran said five ch meeting I thought it was all» ad been repor out. The next thing I hearisthatis Reports of in went ahead and filed the suit ) 12. Rescue \ Ewing said he’s only madeijubble for mor $6,000 from the merchandise sijured were tr and that Bandit/ has probably] Police emer cleared about $8,000. re engines ri ’Tm not making a lot ofmoneihortly after t it, but I did it mostly for the(uui):30 a.m. to help promote my company Police said thi said. He also said he was willingtop* sue his case as far as necessanj| prove his right to his name. “I’ll go all the way to the Suprcl Court if I have to, ” he said. “fMf even go to the Johnny Cari| Show. ” _ neaj MAKE I nt-E. TIME PayOff Help Supply Critically needed Plasma While You Earn Extra CASH Plasma Products, Inc 313 College Main in College Station Wednesday Special 3 Monterey 089 Dinner REG. 4.35 Relax or Study in Our Comfortable Beds While You Donate — Great Atmosohgr^- Fiesta Dinner 3 49 REG. 3.85 $ 10W Per Donation ¥ fl!wl HOURS Mon.-Frl. 8-4 Enchilada 079 Dinner ^ REG. 3.25 Call for more Information 846-4611 o>im RESTAURANTS 1816 Texas Avenue 823-8930 907 Highway 30 693-2484 ■ United Pi PEKING — iator said Mon Iderable progr )f the largest j. vith China in 1 USCussions. Grain mark itates have exp nent with Chii he Carter ad mi vas trying to kc i grand annou residential cai ical rewards. The agreem vouldbesimila Bout to expire 1 Warm-Up: JOG-JC Wl ■ Advertisement If you are a sociology student, or have ever taken a sociology class, you are probably somewhat inter ested in discovering how individual behavior influences society and vise versa. But as you sort through the various theories and studies, you may become more confused. The seemingly infinite array of ideas only complicate the search for solu tions. Our tremendous ad vancements in the fields of technol ogy, science, and knowledge have not produced the long awaited an swers. Is it possible that in the mad scramble to untangle the twisted threads of our society some simple solutions have been overlooked? Such a suggestion may send some professor and theorists into hys teria, but let’s take a further look at a few of the facts. Marriage and Family This fundamental social unit has perhaps the greatest effect on the individual and society. Individuals are made in families; marriages and divorces influence individuals; their families, and people outside their families. Arnold Toynbee (famous historian and social commentator), Dr. Paul Papadol (head of the American Institution for Family and Society), and Dr. J. Unwin (an thropologist who studied 88 civiliza tions and their degeneration) among others, agree that no society has ever survived once the family de teriorated. Rutgers University recently pub lished research showing that the probability of divorced men dying prematurely is 8 times greater than those who remain married. The rate among women is four times greater. Mental and physical illness also in crease markedly. According to the University of Michigan Institute of Social Research, those recently di vorced or separated are the least happy people in the nation. The divorce rate has jumped from one out of 23 in the early 1900’s to today’s almost one out of two. Many people opt for living together out side of marriage, a situation which cannot provide the lasting security a family needs to be healthy. Principles for successful mar riages and families have been given to us. In the Bible, in the book of Malachi, God says, ‘7 hate divorce". This is because He wants the family and society to stay intact, to have a life and a future. Dr. Sorsen of Princeton University discovered that the divorce rate of couples who read the bible daily is only one out of 1,052! The Bible is loaded with the ways to experience maximum love, sex, and personal fulfillment — if we follow the principles God laid out. Again, it was Jesus Christ who said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” He gave the basic principles necessary for the effective eradication of crime, which is man sinning against man. Crime Crime is increasing at an epidem ic rate in the U.S. Today, there is a violent crime every 32 seconds. In the last 10 years, robbery has risen over 90% and murder is up 52%. In New York City alone, more cars are stolen than bought each year. We lock our bikes and are constantly guarding our books, cameras, and stereos from being ripped off. The Criminal Justice Department at Sam Houston State University re ports that 57% of Texans fear they will become victims of crime this Food In India, a country which largely has rejected Jesus Christ, millions are starving because of their relig ion. Hinduism transgresses a major principle of Christianity; they wor ship the creation, not the Creator. They won’t kill the rats who eat over 15% of their foreign aid grain. They won’t eat cattle, given by God for the good of man, who consume 20% of the nations available food re year. There are examples of the effect of Christian principles on the crime rate. There was a massive effort to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout Atlanta, Georgia, a few years ago. The chief of police reported that during this period, the crime rate dropped 20 to 30%. source. There is one Indian state, Kerala, which doesn’t have a food problem. Kerala has one distinctive character istic: 50% are professing Christians. Obviously, the food problem af fects every area of sociological be havior. A starving man is far more concerned for his stomach than for the good of society. Christ taught that it is the basic nature of man to be greedy — for some to have and many to starve. He also gave the only solution for man’s greed and selfishness. Freedom Many have claimed to have program for a free society. All met are hungry for new paths to 1 dom. In its early years, Nazism widely believed to be the answer Obviously, it failed. Now Commun ism is attributed with the saint potential to save society. You«t heard it before: utopias sound grell on paper but once men get hold if j them, they’re destroyed. W No political or economic system i the answer. Freedom is notanei- ternal attachment. Christ cor ed on true freedom when He sail “Truly, truly, 1 say to you, evetj who commits sin is the slave sin.. . If the Son of God shall m you free, you shall be free indee (John 8:34 , 36) Critics of sociological approach point to two basic faults with tb ( field: a) scientists go to the wroi source: human experience is incon sistent and unreliable as a source o' I fact, and b) they prescribe th wrong solutions: external (environ mental) change. You will nevei change society until you change individual. Today men want tb® effects of Christianity — happy mar riages and families, no crime, plentJi of food, and freedom — but the)' reject the One who enables this change to take place. Jesus Christi* the only One who can transform a" individual from the inside out. Hei* not just a good moral teacher with more sociological theories. It is because of man’s sinful na ture that he alone cannot brinf about real social or individual change (“everyone who commits si® is the slave of sin”). God, whoi* righteous and just, demands tha 1 our sin (our transgressions again* 1 His standards) be dealt with, n® 1 just hidden as many social scientists attempt. God says that sin earn* death (Romans 3:23). But whenn# believes in and trusts that Jesn* Christ died for his sins, as his substi tute, God places His Spirit insid® him. Then and only then can th® individual have the desire and po"’ er to change: to love other people even his enemy, more than himself Not a bad society, wouldn’t yo® agree? For more information, call 84fr 8593 and ask for your free copy ol the booklet, “Hope for a Troubled World.” There are only a limited number of copies available, socdl now. $$