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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1980)
Page 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1980 Local o< r i ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo CAMPUS THEATRE 210 University 846-6512 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ /^1 • •! ; skyway twin j L^ity Council 2000 cact 822-^. # -I to consider i annexation J E. 29th * * HELD OVER SECOND WEEK: “CADDYSHACK” 7:40 9:50 W£ HIM WAT S AS NSW AS TODAV S HEADLINES! STARRING BAMBI WOODS AS DEBBIE MIDNIGHT MOVIE: Thursday Friday and Saturday EAST 7:45 DON’T GO IN THE HOUSE AT 9:25 5th FLOOR 822-1 3300 34- WEST 7:45 BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS AT 9:30 STARCRASH ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Classified 845-2611 The College Station City Council will meet today at 7 p.m. in the Col lege Station City Hall. An ordinance granting an annexa tion request and zoning of 55 acres southeast of Texas Avenue and Pin ion Drive is on the agenda. Also to be considered is the purch ase of six police department cars and one public works department car and the incorporation of the coun ty’s Brazos Animal Shelter. Relationship with the Wellborn water district will also be discussed. 8 MANOR EAST 3 MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 OOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOQG00000000000004 MMSC AGGIE beautiful memory. Today is the rest of your life. Net! Simon's Chapter "Tw sL Jm Columbia Pictures Presents a Ray Stark Production • James Caan • Marsha Mason in Neil Simon's “Chapter Two’ 1 a Robert Moore Film • Also starring Valerie Harper • Joseph Bologna . Music by Marvin Hamlisch Screenplay by Neil Simon • Produced by Ray Stark Directed by Robert Moore • From Rastar j r ' • L .j ( : -if: ; ; V ®.i980COCUMBiAplCTyRES14iOQ§TPhES;iNC PG PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED^ SOME MATERIAL MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILOREN < »U FRI., Oct. 10 SAT., Oct. 11 7:30 P.M. & 9:45 P.M. 7:30 P.M. & 9:45 P.M. $1.25 WITH TAMU I.D. Craft sho|3i fixes leak Unit* HOUSTl BHgators By MARK TRIESCH estroy sev Battalion Reporter holesale cl For the first time in sixyearas found t M SC Craft Shop is free from tkiiisease, a 1 ly showers of water and debn U.S. De have plagued its ceiling since : 5 terinariar gan operating. jjds at anc The water came from a cording an i belt in the dish washing area?! “It’s lik MSC cafeteria, located fc-ound a for above the shop. on officer And craft shop director i$t have to Grauke considers the drippii; Nielson si ter, which has ruined most i many as A ceiling panels in the shop at:} destroye dark stains on the floors, a aturday tf hazard. holesale t “Our floors are glazed canted with and they are as slick as ice i , wet,” she said. “There have< • . been times when dishes have through the ceiling.” — B/c Photo by Craig Atchison Chris Keeton, student worker at the MSC Craft Shop, works on a project at a pottery wheel. The wheel is located directly below a ceiling leak which has caused minor shocks to students working there. ARE YOU GETTING HAIRICANE’ CUTS? calm them down — come to the VARSITY SHOP 846-7401 301 Patricia Behind the Dixie Chicken Across from the Campus Theatre THE SHINING” wufsmmmc: ★★★★★★ TENDER LOVING CARE! For Your Thesis or Dissertation of a Lifetime. We Care at KLYKOS COPIES 301 College Main • 846-8721 Open Every Day msmmmmmmmmmmm. "m*.. -tm. isaes? I Grauke also said that then corroded electrical box in the ing, damaged by the water, vl she said she feels is a fire has MSC Director Jim Reynola o^anizat the University has s P e n l B trying to find a permanent« ‘ ..l, the problem he said is cause ^t Cc faulty design. 16MSC hi Seeing no permanent sohtr.M® 11 ^ 0< the near future, the shop sC?r , r . lv< took matters into their ownidP 1 * ^ n,v f They have purchased andinfe^i commi large sheet-metal drip pane-fl* 6 ^ 1 ' 01 ' ceiling. The pans will catch the^ e 1 dripping from above and cb: 1 !. 08 * ?'! ves< through a series of hoses leadii; ‘ na dditio: drain. mtestispn r rival grou “We know it’s not a peraajefr comp< solution, but at least we cankee floor dry and prevent sonet > dents,” Grauke said. The University has provider ceiling tiles to replace those r’i by the dripping water. By D “With the drip pans and they 1 in place, we have a much saie:;X^' to " I ? < more eomfortahle place to wit" said Grauke. “We are veryfo!tf nce l 0 that we got the problem workeiU? 01 * reso before our craft classes startecK? 0 ^’ semester." ortgages at Ine corpoi Grauke said the craft shop 137 loan nr “$60 to $70, and a lot of raan-h or tgages 1 to find a solution to the problt'Juld apply Several projects belonging t( ,u ?frL by t dents, including an Ash spimffld have i wheel, a cedar hope chest a Bomb est butcherblock table top, wereclU^ 6 soldb aged as a result of the clrippin[® rt g a gcs fre ter. Grauke said that she hasi : ' ,r P° ra hon’s the owners of these projects to ser * s Unck mit a list of damages to her, so m ds that ai they can receive restitution fbrfis corpe cial losses. provaloftl thin the cit Grauke says she is not sure ortgages she will present with the billjunty. these damages, but she said: hopes the students will be if bursed in full for losses incurred! result of flooding in the woods) storage area. ROGER DAL TREY • JOHN ENTWtSTLE KEITH MOON PETER TOWNSHEND wtth RINGO STARR E>«cutiv« Producer SYDNEY ROSE Produced by TONY KLINGER and BILL CURBISHLEY Aaaociata Produce* JEFF STEIN and ED ROTHKOWTT2 ■ Wrtttan and Otract^ by JEFF STEIN Ecbtad by EO ROTHKO WITZ SOME MATERIAL h T BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN LVAJLAan moirtXN MCBWD DOC^ FRI. & SAT. OCT. 10 & 11 MIDNIGHT 3 RUDDER i E~i THEATRE Iji $1.25 WITH — SI M TAMU I.D. 1 i 3 Texas AtM University Thealer Program gr E £N grow THE Rated PG i lacs GENE KELLY DONALD O’CONNOR DEBBIE REYNOLDS SUNDAY Oct. 12 a play by Lynn Riggs 7:30 P.M. SINGINiN THE RAIN) RUDDER THEATRE m !■ TECHNICOLOR® AN MGM PICTURE 'BhP (Gl RE-RELEASED THRU United AptlStS $1.25 WITH TAMU I.D. 8:00 P.M. OCT. 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 & 18 RUDDER FORUM Tickets at the MSC Box Office or at the door. (25% DISCOUNT SEASON TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE.) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE MON.-FRI. 9:00 A.M.-5 P.M. H TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE 45 MIN. BEFORE SHOWTIME H A&M STUDENTS $ 2 50 OTHERS $ 3 50 ■