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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1980)
Paqe 8 THE BATTALION 3 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1980 National /World ABC’s appeal rejected by Court United Press International WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court Monday handed the news media a setback to its ability to de fend against libel actions brought by businesses, refusing to review a case in which a retailer was found not to be a public figure. The high court rejected an appeal by American Broadcasting Co. from a California Supreme Court decision that a business does not have to prove “actual malice” to win a libel suit against a newspaper or television station. The case stemmed from an ABC BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars ^ $ 9.75 mSKI * Oil change FILTEFvl OIL $4.00 Tune up & oil change PLUS OIL & PARTS J-j £ Jlj By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Are you considering abortion? Free counseling and referrals Call (713) 779-2258 Texas Problem Pregnancy, Bryan, Tx. broadcast about the ethics of a retail er conducting a closeout sale at a well-known San Francisco depart ment store. An appeals court held the retailer was not a public figure who is re quired to show the higher standard of knowing and reckless disregard for the truth in order to win a defama tion action. Also Monday, the court refused in another libel case to clarify murky signals it has given judges on whether they may continue to dis miss certain libel suits against publi cations rather than bringing them to trial. Doubts about deciding such cases without trial were raised in a foot note to a 1979 opinion authored by Chief Justice Warren Burger. News papers favor the use of “summary judgments” to weed out frivolous lawsuits and to save the time and costs of a trial. The justices refused in that case to hear arguments by a scientist who claimed he was denied a jury trial after he brought a suit against “Con sumer Reports” for printing an arti cle about fluoridating water that he said defamed his reputation. In another action in the libel area Monday, the court refused to grant a hearing to a Texas police officer who lost a libel suit against the author of “Blood and Money,” a Texas murder saga. The justices let stand a ruling up holding a jury verdict that the book did not contain passages defaming a Longview, Texas, police officer. The ABC case the high court de clined to hear arose when the City of Paris department store was about to close down in 1972. The Western Institute of Retailing and Vegod Corp. widely advertised a closing out sale at the store. A member of the Better Business Bureau told Christine Lund, a con sumer affairs reporter for the local ABC affiliate, that the companies conducting the sale were selling in ferior merchandise at inflated prices. After that information was broad cast, the retailers sued the station for libel. A trial court ruled the companies were public figures required to prove actual malice in the broadcast at issue in order to recover money damages. But the California Sup reme Court reversed. French police link synago§/^^ and Oktoberfest bombings United Press International PARIS — French police drew links Monday between French neo- Nazis who bombed a Paris synago gue and ultra-rightists who deton ated explosives at the Bologna rail station in August and at the Munich Oktoberfest last month. The Friday synagogue bombing claimed a fourth life Sunday and a woman tourist, with no Jewish ties, was maimed in a fresh bombing. France’s Justice Minister Alain Peyrefitte said the timing of the Fri day night synagogue bombing was a “troubling coincidence,” coming ex actly a week after a blast set off by suspected neo-Nazis left 13 dead at the Munich Oktoberfest. A 25-year-old Portugese man died in a hospital Sunday, becoming the fourth victim of the bombing at a Paris synagogue. Thousands of Jews took to the streets to denounce the government for inaction and the police for possible involvement with ultra-right groups. A 33-year-old Dutch woman, in Paris on a vacation trip to celebrate her husband’s birthday, lost both her legs and suffered severe bums when a bomb shattered her car a few seconds after she got into it in the Latin Quarter tourist area. Police sources in the Riviera resort city of Nice, where two men were jailed last week on charges of making death threats against 67 prominent local Jews, said one of the jailed men was a co-founder of a local neo-Nazi cell with Italian terrorist Marco Affa- tigato. Affatigato, 22, was arrested in Nice following the Aug. 2 Bologna station bombing that killed 77 per sons and sent back to Italy, where he had already been sentenced to jail terms for his involvement with ultra- rightists accused of that attack. Police named Marc Gillet, 21, as United ■ , if-OS ANG Aftatigato s accomplice in had ope Nice cell of the European Philosophy as tional Action Federation, 4 w0 ukl havi outlawed by the French J ve Jays and shortly after the Italian’s inMy-up job An anonymous caller sponsibilitv for an ultra-rift Entering a FANE — which denied s with “ ment. The caller said the^» e '^ ame e was in answer to the in just om protests the day before. Cilj nc ^ ^ Jews a “foreign invasionpHr^P' 0 ,!" 1 , "We are declaring war afJr e r , 1 111 subversive forces* ^ of the nej A successor group, the 1 /phey lost th National Federation, fon „ , mediately after FANE was®®} 1, th T e , was linked in an anonymosB Ir r f ' eall to the synagogue borci jp , anc S T has denied involvement, pi 11 lampior Jewish groups, backed brS ueS<aa Vu cialist Party oppositionandthB™ 11 ^' e try’s biggest labor unions,caltB general strike Tues anti-Semitic terror. Invites U.S. bases in Israel Re j jfk death study funded BeginblastsWestemEurop^ (conoco) The Surface Transportation Department of Conoco Inc. will be on campus to discuss employment opportunities. All Business students graduating in December or May are invited to attend. DATE: Wednesday, Octobers, 1980 TIME: 7 p.m. PLACE: Rudder Tower, Room 510 . Refreshments will be served. DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctors orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST United Press International WASHINGTON — A $23,360 grant to the National Academy of Sci ences to study acoustical evidence concerning the assassination of Pres ident John Kennedy was announced Monday by Rep. Louis Stokes, D- Ohio. Stokes said the award is being made by the National Science Foundation as a part of the Justice Department’s follow-up investiga tion to the committee’s final repott about the assassination of President Kennedy. Espresso Coffee and Equipment 3609 Place 846-4360 E. 29th Bryan - BLENDS OF GIM-GIVING TEAS The committee’s acoustical ex perts “determined that the dictabelt recording contained sounds of a gun shot, or at least sound as loud as a gunshot, originating from a grassy knoll area in Dallas,” Stokes said. “The grant will underwrite the costs of reviewing the sounds which were received on the dictabelt of a Dallas Police Department motorcy cle which was moving at a speed of about 11 miles an hour in the same direction as the presidential motor cade,” Stokes said. United Press International JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Menachem Begin says Western European governments are interfer ing with the U.S.-sponsored Camp David peace plan because of a “humiliating” desire to buy Arab oil cheaply and sell weapons at high prices. In a wide-ranging interview with UPI, his first with an international news agency in more than three years in power, Begin also lashed out at what he called France’s anti- Israeli policy and said it was respon- * * * * * * if )f if )f Jf if >f * Jf PHI ETA SIGMA Freshman Honor Society GENERAL MEETING Monday, October 13, 8:00 p.m. Room 201 MSC Pictures will be taken for the Aggieland Dress: Casual, but no jeans please Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With MSC These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Cafeteria J Each Daily Special Only $2.13 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL « 1 " 1 1*1 ,talian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE C™© Parmesan Cheese-Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET wrTARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast (Texas Salad) Mashed Potato w/ gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROASTTURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butler - CoffeorTea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable *********************************** USED GOLD WANTED! Cash paid or will swap for Aggie Ring Diamonds. w diamond brokers International, inc. ^ 693-1647 PHOTO & CAMERA, INC. Call Oil Special! This Week Only! Canon ae-1 Shutter priority automatic exposure. ' Incredibly light weight. Easy to use. ' Sensitive metering. ’ Power winder available ’ Accepts all Canon lenses. Unbeatable performance in its class. silicon exposure FD With 50mm ff/1.8 lens (list price $451.00|.. 299 95 Special good through Sat., Oct. 11 only "Your Reasonably — Priced Full-Service Camera Store" 1603 S. Texas Ave. — Culpepper Plaza 693-1402 sible for a wave of anti-Semitic attacks now sweeping France. “If the French policy is anti- Jewish state, which is called Israel, it involuntarily must impress the peo ple to become near-Nazi anti- Semites,” Begin said. Begin said, without elaboration, that Israel contributes to “American national security” and reiterated he would recommend his government accept a U.S. offer to conclude a U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance, in cluding establishment of U.S. bases in Israel. But he stressed such a request “should come from the United States.” Begin reserved the brunt of his bitterest attack for a European Com mon Market attempt at a new Mid dle East peace initiative unveiled last summer that suggested the PLO be at least a participant in any Mid dle East solution. “I would like to say something ab out this European initiative,” he said. It is a very unfortunate, un happy and I won’t hesitate to say sometimes humiliating initiative for the Europeans. “They interfere with the peace making process.” Pointing to a large map of the Sinai Desert, which covers part of the wall in his modern office, Begin noted the territory and oil fields Israel has re linquished as part of its peace treaty with Egypt. We have made many sacrifices for this peace treaty (with Egypt),” he said. They don t say a word of praise for that peace treaty. Why should they not be ashamed of them selves, the Europeans?” Begin made clear he referred only to some European countries, which he did not identify, in adding bitter- By K Bi 'he surpris over Texa: Jled dreams o ly, "I have an explanation: ^ ^ ex thepo,cyUlobuyoil.4l? m h possible and sell arms as ( ^ v possible. .One of the Begin emphatically MK iesh carried in F rench newspaprg°y r r i S1 ‘"’1 1 w.l! pl.mcs wjth th| lear installation in Iraq. Iv f Qn Wilson s . yiously has expressed cone the c Iraq s budding nuclear cap ^ are sti |] j In a dapper gray awfu , h appearance that belied ^ Houstor heart troubles, the bi ' Jj ^ sa jj prime minister indicated ” lotofawesor Israel s economic difficult* problem suited from the heavy pf stopping t country pays for oil since the®, of the Sinai oil fields to ^ , November 1979 Ration at Te “Because for the salce “fyffense never 1 gave back the Alma oil said quark have to pay for two millionl® ly deservei crude oil which we get from cl* Howeve almost the amount of cco, ’ OI |J ose play he we get from the United State\g s turn c sa ftL , 14 One of th He declined to com ™ cn w| that our move under way by mernbir; so ijjj y p Knesset (parliament) to drait: nuch better pi tion annexing the Golan^.-Tyought Dav captured from Syria in the W : e nter. He’s “I suppose it will come up ^ es great e jp ( comes up—between NoyeDiKB^j^otj ^ December, ” he said. “WeniM® mpson ^ to consult. ” ,. |ijjt start at qui Begin said despite pra j se f attacks and mild stroke, hepi] So credited Mystery sub disappears Intcr na‘'onal SIOCKHOLM, Sweden — The Swedish military Monday called off its 19-day hunt for the mystery sub marine that lurked in Swedish wa ters. The massive unsuccessful hunt $855,000° na,i ° n an eS,imated Defense officials admitted that Wednesday Special 3 89 Monterey Dinner Fiesta Dinner Enchilada Dinner to run again to lead his pur vith making premiership in elections sr docks ” which 1 for November 1981. Mrs for seven He also said his summit'" Asked wh with President Carter . i®l? m ed to be i President Anwar Sadat in (j| his scoring ton may be held in Di >ccn, ' iatureofthe R: confirmed that only four morq l^ f 0 jy w ^] ish settlements will be appn>V “Tech deper establishment in the occupy he blitz,” said Bank. B 6 . they we >ur sweep wi pee the Tech »the blitz, tht tup. So all Dr y their front from the brief sightingsof^e^g from < er, it appeared to be of Sove Sgie J The defense staff h Jacks()n ordered the ° the quite a l: T Tts crew WV after Stan either the sub or its crew’ i i was the first such ever ^Jfeefensively peacetime. One ch p j ifference dropped. Be was it put passer and it sh options, three |y strong safe Pson was of Brown s heads- |P out weaks hittle for prais ! I think it i ificed that V outstanding g §7 well at th. lad been shif inebacker) anc i« adapting. ” (The kicking foams were om Pson was esp P® e major cha 3 REG. 4.35 49 REG. 3.85 79 REG. 3.25 1816 Texas Avenue 907 Highway 30 823-8930 693-2484 BAT CLASSII