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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1980)
Page 6 THE BATTALION MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 The Episcopal Church announces CLASSES For those interested in learning about and/or preparing for confir mation in THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Beginning Sunday, September 14 7:30 P.M. ST. THOMAS CHURCH 906 Jersey Street South Side of Campus Phone: 696-1726 Sunday Services: 8:00 A.M., 9:15 A M 11 00 A.M. CANTERBURY Wednesday 5:00 P.M. state woi Hearing resumes on Oswald exhumation sierel United Press International FORT WORTH — The brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, his mother and now the widow of the alleged pres idential assassin have all at various times considered opening the grave at Rose Hill Burial Park. In addition, an exhumation of the “Oswald” grave was requested by the Central Intelligence Agency, members of the Warren Commis sion and was considered by the FBI. A hearing was scheduled to re sume today at 9 a.m. on an attempt by Robert Oswald to halt an exhuma tion effort spearheaded by British author and attorney Michael Eddowes, who contends there is YOUR TICKET TO THE TOP: LEARN TO FLY! A p ,|ot s license of your own is a very useful business skill that many others do not have. It gives you a competitive edge. It lets you move faster, more decisively in a modern, fuel-efficient airplane It could well be your ticket to the top! Get started on your future success right now! You can take a Discovery Flight for only $20. You’ll actually fly an airplane with the guidance of a professional flight instructor. It’s your chance to “persuasive and powerful evidence” a Soviet secret agent assumed Oswald’s identity after he defected to Russia in 1959. In court Friday, the accused assas sin’s widow, Marina Oswald Porter gave startling testimony that she now believed the grave might be empty. In addition, for the first time since the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Porter raised doubt as to whether she mar ried the real Lee Harvey Oswald. Despite his current effort to stop an exhumation, however, Robert considered having his brother’s body dug up two days after its burial Nov. 25, 1963. He sought to have the re mains cremated. In his 1967 book, Robert said he was approached by Mason Lankford, the Tarrant County fire marshal assigned by the Secret Service to help guard the Oswald family. Robert said Lankford suggested the body be exhumed and cremated be cause “some people were bringing pressure to have the body moved from the Fort Worth area.” Robert said he decided against ex humation. But the possibility of un earthing the body was discussed sec retly by the Warren Commission and federal investigators for months after the assassination. On Jan. 21, 1964, in executive ses- transcripts show an extensive Warren Commission discussion of exhuming the body and either cre mating it or moving it to a secret mausoleum. The concern appeared to be possible vandalism. The trans cripts, since declassified, were made available to UPI by a source close to the current legal case. The transcripts show that then- Rep. Hale Boggs of Louisiana opposed moving the body and Chief Justice Earl Warren, after discus sion, agreed. Boggs said: “If you move that body 20 feet over to somewhere else, somebody is going to say that is not the body and you are going to have to have somebody go down there and pull it out of that mausoleum and have X-rays made and prove it is his body.” PROFESSOR... Do we have your course notes and readings on file yet? Your students are asking for them at. . . KINKO’S COPIES 201 College Main S46-S721 TAMO Pre-Med/Dent Sodety proudly presents their: ANNUAL FALL MIXER Free Food and Entertainment! (Ti Cessna PHOT CENTER H BRAZOS AVIATION jM Tuesday Sept. 9th 6:30-12:00 696-8767 EASTERWOOD AIRPORT COLLEGE STATION Have funl Meet your advisors! Memberships accepted! $5 per year INTRAMURAL FLAG FOOTBALL WHO PLAYS? TAMU Men and Women STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF or SPOUSES ENTRIES OPEN: MONDAY, SEPT. 8, 1980 ENTRIES CLOSE: TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 1980 5:00 P.M., INTRAMURAL OFFICE, 159 EAST KYLE. d V PLAY BEGINS: MONDAY, SEPT. 22, 1980 DIVISIONS: Recreational (enter just for fun), Corps, Fish, Men’s & Women’s Dorms, Independent, and Co-Rec. TEAM CAPTAIN’S MEETING - Thursday, Sept. 18, 1980, 6:15 P.M., Rudder Theater COMING SPORTS ENTRIES OPEN ENTRIES CLOSE Tennis Singles Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Field Goal Kicking Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Home Run Hitting Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Pickle Ball Doubles Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Water Polo Sept. 15 Sept. 23 Golf Singles Sept. 15 Sept. 23 Diving Contest Sept. 15 Sept. 23 During the same secret session, commission member John J. McCloy said he heard Life magazine was pre paring an article on an interview with Oswald’s mother. Marguerite, “and they were throwing in this note she was now saying, giving evidence in this thing that he was a Soviet agent.” Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia responded: “That will blow the lid if she testifies to that (that Oswald was a Soviet agent.)” The article was never published. Marguerite attempted to have the body exhumed in 1967, hut said her request went nowhere “because I never did have the money.” She had repeatedly told author ities following the assassination she suspected her son was “an agent” of U.S. intelligence sent to Russia to pose as a defector. And The Dallas Morning News re ports Sunday that two weeks after Oswald was buried, another attempt was made to persuade Robert and Marina to permit cremation — this time by U.S. Justice Department officials. Barefoot Sanders, now a federal judge and then U.S. attorney for North Texas, sent a letter to Deputy U.S. Attorney General Nicholas Kat- zenbach, stating “desecration of the grave is a real possibility.” He asked Katzenbach “to ascer tain once and for all that the (Warren) Commission has no interest in hav ing these remains preserved.” If it had no such interest, Sanders said he would “see what I can do, as indirect ly as possible, to have the Fort Worth police encourage widow Oswald and brother Oswald to have these remains cremated. The paper also reported that in March 1964, a Warren Commission memo said FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was reluctant to exhume the body to comply with a CIA request. Hoover’s memo said the CIA was attempting to determine whether scars on Oswald’s left arm, allegedly from a Marine Corps gun accident, actually occurred during a suicide attempt in the Soviet Union. P Hoover, stressing the mall “highly secret,” said the Cl|K concerned because iftheitH Corps accident was "a the time supposedly yA, OswaWi" recovering lraf fs d suicide (try) m a Moscow ti#. , f ,, .■I j , | , B|ed for tru could have been spent by , Russian secret police custoA jj 011 a c ? coached, brainwashed, etc., j l i ras sai co ' !:. Kania, 53 At Friday’s court hearing, i Member Cei said he noticed a bald spol ifficial annoi crown of his brother’s headutfBierek, 6fe returned to Dallas in 1962. HtJ' e recen,: the family had no history oft iparked by d and confirmed Warren Com |s grip bega testimony that he had considertiBhem coa possibility his brother, theniJ Hi s audio undergone shock treatment an d r Soviet Union. Mvision, \ ;mbezzleme He said, however, he had Contrary t the comment in sheer “spectilati&t made an After about four months of aiR ^ a s ering exhumation, the talh>:;# ing has , until Eddowes entered the] r 1 ,s ? rvers Supposedly, the grave wa * htmg at . i , - * Even M os touched. pi ,. letore sendi |f Soviet Pr According bm office a flut diplo Oswald widow has statemei for court explaining conseni^ 0 United Press International DALLAS — Marina Oswald Por ter, widow of alleged presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, read this statement in court at Fort Worth Friday on the advice of her attorney due to her less-than-full command of English. “... I would like to outline my statement for the court. To give my consent was a very hard decision to make. It wasn’t made overnight or on impulse. It wasn’t made for publicity sake or financial gain. I carefully weighed all the factors. “In my previous statement, I said that my reason for giving my consent was to publicly challenge Mr. Eddowes’ theory and disprove his speculation. Before this time, I could not fight anyone’s speculations be cause I did not have the financial means to do so... I took the responsi bility for signing the consent in order to put his speculations to rest. “This is at least one theory that I can fight because we will have very simple proof — when the casket is opened for the medical examination. “Another thing is that according to his theory (about the impostor), my children and I are illegal aliens. Since this is our home, we want to belong here legally without any doubt. “1 have been emotionally upset by Robert’s lawsuit. With all respect for his rights and feelings, I have to say that very few times my family’s feel ings have been considered. One OPAS PRESENTS ITS 1980/81 STUDENT SEASON TICKET SALES ON SALE AT THE MSC, SEPT. 8-13 THIS YEAR must he very strong ando» u n j t e< minded in times of difficulties B f . nrT ,mir "Next thing that disturbsii nehtmetSa 1 would like to have answered f or rumor that I’ve heard late Lfcateofth Lee’s body is not in the grave M ow ( . n t er j n! rumors make me recollectsoimiM v dents which have been forgor |j] u . me et til now. Number One: One 1 gnl relation fore funeral there was a com! {rsf sign tha When I asked what was go . Ijng ready to someone told me that theyt. jnce Ayatol the body had been stolen. N foarged it ei Two: After the funeral, I rec* jdjng the o letter from some attorneyswkifay-old crisi gested that I tour the body ffl’ Tehran R the country like a carnival si lommission profit. That was a ridiculous irolilems of rageous proposition. But it nil 'aliens fora i aware of how many evil peo(«ipen sessior around who are capable o; ails were di something like this for monej hedebate \ her Three: Several inonthsafe But there funeral, I receive a call fromsW official who said that itwasvenB pensive to guard the grave a # hours. It would be less tmuliltiT . rl 117 had my permission to installansfg tronic device so that if gravewas ! J| , • pered with, they would bealar*^ fJjL right away. I went along wiltflg because I did not want any hai«B u n jt e , on anyone if I could help it. Itlifcogjjjrp, signed the papers for this. Thel®L ni china stone was stolen and I don’tfaolpfip jam tl any device ever existed. Tab|G 0S i ien ( this in consideration, I stroDgl) , l^ n l er i can n lieve in the possibility of the t 0 th e not being there. “I ask the court to rule fai opening of the grave to answer! doubts. That will be benefit only for me, but for Robert Os* also. “Thank you.” OPT for OPAS!! J oh n1 Ta n \x COMMANDED &Y THE MUSIC OF JOHNNY DEE AND THE ROCKET 8& S, THE STUDENTS OF A & M ARE GATHERING IN REBELLION AGAINST THE EMPIRE OF EDUCATION. THE RALLY IS ON SEPT. 12 IN SNOOK.TEXAS AT THE STARLIGHT BALLROOM, PROMPTLY AT 8 PM t O MIDNIGHT. TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR FOR -T,/uuhm^CHER TICKETS CALL OR GO SEE : RICK TAYLOR * . S ^^ MACHE:R n KATHY MARR * 204 FOWLER « ^ tH 845-1408 DRESS TO KILL - COMBAT GEAR OPTIONAL. x Hlfegiill «iptf m