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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1980 The Battalion Classifieds Governor exploring album ide FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT /jT Vi 1979 Rates in 1980 For the Best Summer of Your Life Metro Properties, Bryan-College Station’s largest apartment managers, has special deals on “summer only” leases: we’ve rolled back the prices to 1979. You can lease any available Metro apartment for this summer at last year’s rates. For example, a one-bedroom, one bath unit at Sevilla starts as low as $ 145/mo. Rates at Scandia begin at $150. At Sausalito, 1 bedroom, 1 bath models start at $175. At Sundance, rates start at $185 and begin at $190 at Cripple Creek. All units will have shuttlebus service to the campus through the summer. And there are special family sections at most projects: adjacent to the Oaks Park (near Woodstone Commerce Center on FM 30) and next to a child care center (in Anderson Ridge). Call or visit any Metro leasing office today to arrange for an apartment for the Best Summer of Your Life. METRO PROPERTIES a professional apartment management company 713-693-6505 v w / S€/A\lf®ll/A\ TAOS Sevilla A limited number of 9 and 12 month leases for fall and spring are available in some projects. JOB OPPORTUNITIES: TEACHERS WANTED Elementary and Secondary West and other states. Placements since 1946. SOUTHWEST TEACHERS’ AGENCY P.O. Box 4337, Alb., NM. 87196 135tfn if d 1 ;aJ Jo h $ $ For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University UNIVERSITY ACRES UNIVERSITY ACRES 0 /N 1L WICKES LBR. CO. TO WELLBORN y" WELLBORN RD. KYLE | f FIELD COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES. .. NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR MAY AND JUNE VACAN CIES. 1 & 2 Bedroom Fourplexes. $170-$225. Tenant pays electricity. $50.00 Deposit. Nine (9) month minimum lease re quired. Come by 1878 Greenfield Plaza in Bryan (located behind the new Post Oak Center off East 29th Street) or call 846-5796. ATTENTION! ALLIED HEALTH GRADUATES! Need A Job Or Further Health Education? FOR FREE ASSISTANCE IN ^Statewide Job Placement ‘Health Education Programs ‘Health Career Counseling CONTACT: Texas Project MEDIHC Olin Teague V.A. Center Bldg. 21B E. Room 258 Temple, Texas 76501 OR CALL COLLECT: (713) 792-4461 CASA BLANCA 4110 College Main 846-1413 696-7414 Now leasing for Summer and next Fall. 9/mo. lease plan available Two bedroom apartments Furnished $260, Unfurnished $225 (12 mos.) Water, Water Htg., sewer, TV cable paid Near Campus & Shopping Energy Efficient Shuttlebus Laundry Pool Resident Manager/Local Owner No Pets A P A R T M E N T S A&M BBA JUNE GRADUATES Fluor Engineers and Constructors, Inc., is presently accepting applications for a Piping Material Control Training Program. This is an excellent opportunity to start your career in one of the world’s most dynamic design/engineering cor porations and share in outstanding advancement opportunities and superb company benefits. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree No prior experience is necessary If you wish to enter into a career as a Piping Material Controller and share in the exceptional opportunities Fluor has to offer, do not hesitate, call COLLECT today for further information and an interview appointment. Contact: FOR RENT SERVICES SERVICES Room for rent near campus. Quiet, nicely furnished. A/C. $105. Call 846-0454 after 6:00. I54t4 OFFICE SPACE Southwest Parkway at Anderson 779-8853 i NEW FALL RATES Efficiency $175, month. One bed room starting from $195 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Vil la Maria. Jimbeth Hite, manager. 822-7772. Typing. 823-4579. Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. HOtfn FOR SALE Super Townhouse. Walk or bike to classes. Balcony, fireplace, fence, just $39,900. Call Sandra at 693-7008 or 846-9508 TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 153t4 FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. Good for two. Boys only. Call 846-5132 after 7. $1011 153tfn MENAGERIE VACATION SERVICES. Professional in-home care for your pets & plants. Paper & mail pick-up, year-round lawn mowing, House- Watch (night lighting your home while you’re away). Call 822-5303. isote ROOMMATE WANTED Need 1 or 2 female roommates for summer and/or Fall. $150 to $100 + share of bills. Furnished, washer and dryer. Prefer Jr. - Grad. Non-smoker. Call Nina. 693-3689. I5it4 PRE-LEASING ‘MH SPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces (many shaded) -Swimming pool -Club House -Laundry -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 ft. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 113, ■ Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922* 1411 Texas Ave. , 823-8111 | FOR SALE 1978 Ford 150 Explorer. 27,000 miles. Power & Air. Sharp truck. $4600 Firm. Steve 693-8762. WANTED EXPERT TYPING. Call Ramona until mid night. 846-2127. 150t7 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kind» 822-0544. . . Itfri Typing. Full time. 823-7723... 76tfn Symbols. Notary Public. NEW 4-PLEX APARTMENTS CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out 7 gold jewelry, coins, etc. * United Press International SHREVEPORT, La. - Fo« Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwarf whose comedic talents are riviit only by his political flair, isconsii ing recording a live Cajun album titled, “They All Askedi EWE (Edwin Washington wards).” Edwards, a master at st® speaking and off-the-cuff jokes,! asked that the recording not bena in a studio, preferring a live serf to get his true flavor, recordprodu er Bob Vernon said Monday. “I have spoken to Gov. Edwnl personally and he likes this idea much,” Vernon said. “In fact, he gested we catch him at abanqu political function. He said that! when he is at his best.” Ann Davenport, an Edwardsass tant, said the former governor! conferred with Davenport aboott album and said he “would expit those possibilities.” Davenport said if Edwards didi want to do the recording hirasel impressionist would he hired handle the jokes. He said the rear would be distributed to“everyriBj outlet in Louisiana, Texas, and Missisippi” as well as Washington, D.C. There have been no dates set! recording or producing the Davenport said, but he said E< wards' royalties would be donated the Louisiana Music Association, Vernon said the NewOrleansra band, The Meters, would playbas ground and fill music on the recoil Ton of mom i relieves man case of blues < j exp for Isla Isla the doz The the feel Viol host the unp <? pare for ) the indi< with polit dam' £ A may Q as lo A. now effort the p Q turn A hosta right, tary \ <?• went A. Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Village Dr. at Brentwood. $260/Summer-$280/Fall 779-8853 136t HELP WANTED WANTED TRAINING SPECIALISTS HELP WANTED Part-time typist. Flexible Hriurs.’ V^ork frqo?f' 5pm. to 9pm. daily or as arranged- Will trafWgj to use word processor. 846-5733. 15412 HELP WANTED Part-time position available at FARMER’S MARKET SANDWICH SHOP in Bryan. Hours flexible. 322-6417 2700 Texas Ave. 154tfn Duties include responsibility for developing, organizing, conducting and revising training programs for employees in secretarial and clerical positions campus wide. Requires Bachelor’s degree and 2 years experience in a supervisory , i secrdtqfial position, preferably at Texas A&M University. Good skill .ip.oral .,^ and written communication required. Submit resumes by May 28 to Employment Manager, Personnel Department, YMCA Building, Campus. 845-5155. Equal Employment Opportunity Through Affirmative Action 15411 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. $UMMER SPECIAL Do you plan to be in Bryan/College Station this summer? You can earn that extra money you need by joining our secretarial/clerical staff. Salary $3.12 - $3.45 per hour. If you an type 45-50 WPM, contact Employment Manager, Personnel Department, Texas A&M University, YMCA Building Room 211,845-5154. Equal Employment Opportunity Through Affirmative Action 15311 United Press International TULSA, Okla. —Bob Taylor’s! a\ payment on bis divorce settlra amounted to a ton of money. Armed guards who deliver! Taylor’s $17,500 — in nickels,din and quarters — to the office oil former wife’s attorney Mondsfi the money weighed about a “This is a lot of money bufitsi doesn’t hurt as much to give ill when it’s in quarters, nickels J dimes, ” Taylor said. “Paying is coins is sure getting me out of! blues.” Taylor said he had plan by check, but changed his when a collection attorney threatening him. “I just don’t like being bar and this is my way of getting barf her for siccing the collection ages on me,” Taylor said. “I guess as long as it’s doesn’t matter, said Harry Leal Mrs. Taylor’s attorney. RN, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Wanted part or full-time. Day hours. Salary open. 200/mile. Supervisor. HOME PARA-MEDICAL PROGRAM. URGENT! Call 1-836-9852. 15314 McKenzie-Ba BUSINESS COLLEGE Inquire About Our Terms Starting July 8,1980 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 SPECIAL NOTICE 3-C BARBECUE WEIGHT WATCHERS can show you how losing weight is fun without starving. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 13719 !Dishwashers and busboys, serving line workers. Day or Night Full or Part Time Apply in person between 2 and 4 p.m. Culpepper Plaza 49111 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80 PROBLiiM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tffi FEED ONE ADULT Feed one adult for $7.06 weekly. Includes one lb. meat daily, Choice of 8 vegetables and grains. Free details, write: M.P., Rt. 3, Box 131-H, Midlothian, Tex., 76065 154(5 URGENT! I need information from any one who saw an accident in Parking Lot 7 behind the Geosciences Building on Fri day, May 9, between 8:30 a.m. and noon. The victim was a parked, brown Honda Civic. The perpetrator left a note, but the information was false. Please call Vera. 845-2031. 154,1 WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.20/hr. ‘FREE FOOD ‘PAID VACATIONS ‘ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT ‘GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT ‘NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FULLOR PART TIME 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5p.m.-2a.m. APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 501 S. TEXAS AVE. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is stun(lard equipment 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Pic boi Ui SAN S. Unidenti up true! gunned i Salvador, Aspok V said t damage ii red late I One gu with ma< others in up truck plex in tl capital, w Neithei over the the emba on the ad None o: jn the vie >oan natioi >y claime attack. ITS. / White, be rfence by U.S. Mar Horning, NOTICI Bridget ’81, Matt ’82, Alexa ’83 We are proud that you are our] children. To the women Cadets-Class of 81 Michelle, Cynthia, Elaine, Vickie,/ Anita, Rose Marie, Pamela, Kris-' tine, Doriot, Teresa, and Cheryl: Thank you for increasing our family ( by 11. The Maroon and White Car- 1 pet is always out for you. “Mama and Papa Jaska’’ ’50 DOMESTIC SERVICES Full or part-time, for Break/Summer Team cleaning homes. Starting Salary $3.30/hour + travel compensation. No matter what your class schedule is we can fit you into our work schedule. Call us: 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano Dionne Warwick says: “Get your blood into circulation.” Call Red Cross now for a blood donor appointment. A Public Service of This Newsoaoer ft The Adverting C<vd