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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 The Battalion Classifieds Iranian ^ escapees warned FOR RENT HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE Two bedroom duplex. $275/month. Half mile from Campus. 1000 sq. ft. 693-5068. 141t5 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PRE-LEASING MHSPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces (many shaded) -Swimming pool -Club House -Laundry -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 tt. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 1131 THE COWBOY Nothing else comes close. is now hiring DJs * * * * * * Church organist. First Presbyterian Church. 823-8073. 137tll SALESPERSON WANTED! Aggressive salesperson interested in management career. Retail in electronic — background a plus. Going to start in sales position. Apply now. RADIO SHACK Culpepper Plaza. 693-1444. 140tfn WEIGHT WATCHERS can show you how losing weight is fun without starving. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 13/19 GARAGE SALE PI KAPPA ALPHA Fraternity lost our chapter at Pikefest. Price: $3000. Call: 779-8997. i4iti United Press International FORT WORTH - Compute- nate H. Ross Perot said k 43 thirt) into an Iranian prison last vti foodr give two of his employees t-. At firs notice of the breakout tt much ordered to free them. vvas a Altl Prior to Tuesday night’s adt- . . a country club dinner, Perotta, i? . little about the Feb. 11, MBr p mando operation he organ® free two of his Electronic Dali! Call 775-0494 or 779-3363 for interview. OFFICE SPACE Southwest Parkway at Anderson Top money and a friendly atmosphere are awaiting you. 11711 * * * * * * if JOB OPPORTUNITIES: * ATTENTION * * )f terns employees jailed by thej®^ ^ revolutionary government, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SUMMER OFFSHORE JOBS Up to $10/hour + overtime. Offshore job information now avail able. No experience necessary. Send $4.95 to INDUSTRIAL LABOR REFERRAL SERVICE, P.O. Box BR, College Station, TX 77840i39t3 779-8853 SUMMER APARTMENT One bedroom, furnished, $170/month plus electricity. May is rent free!!! Call Paul 846-9135 or 845-3710. 13914 Earn $350/week working at home! No experi ence needed. Start immediately! Write Rain bow, Box 147-P. Jenks, OK 74037. 141t3 First United Methodist Church, Bryan, cor ner of Houston and 28th St. Accepting appli cations for paid nursery workers. Call the church office. 779-1324. 138t5 TEXAS MOON TAVERN Full time cook needed. Apply in person at 120 Walton (Main gate of A&M.) 693-5149 isstfn I l ^693-5149 135tfn J SUMMER JOBS $1150/month. Hard workers only. If you can live away from home this summer, call 696-3191 from 8-10 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 13913 Bookkeeper. Part-time. Flexible hours. Call 696-1148. Shala’s Shoes. 707 Texas Ave. 138t5 NEW FALL RATES $175 month. One bedroom from $195 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Jimbeth Hite, manager. 822-7772. DELUXE APRIL COURTS TOWNHOUSE Large, 2-bedroom, Pool, View, Quiet. Couples or Grad Students. 696-1951 Summer Rates f- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT" SHALLOW OIL & GAS LEASE: PRODUCTION Part-time student with general craft experience needed for summer em ployment at the MSC CRAFT SHOP. $3.10/hour. Application deadline April 25. 845-1631 i4ite HELP WANTED: City of Bryan is accepting applications for Librarian I. Prefer applicant with degree in Library Science or closely related field. Apply in person at City of Bryan Employ ment Office, 300 S. Washington, Bryan, Texas 77801. AA/EOE-M/F. 13815 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn Excellent return on investment. Big potential for local owner, operator. Non-resident owners. Must sell before May 15. P.O. Box 16280/ Ft. Worth, TX 76133 DANVER’S Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears ATTENTION! ALLIED HEALTH GRADUATES! Need A Job Or Further Health Education? FOR FREE ASSISTANCE IN 'Statewide Job Placement 'Health Education Programs 'Health Career Counseling CONTACT: Texas Project MEDIHC Olin Teague V.A. Center Bldg. 21B E. Room 258 Temple, Texas 76501 OR CALL COLLECT: (713) 792-4461 RESTAURANT NEW 4-PLEX APARTMENTS Needs full or Part-time help - Male or Female Day or Night Apply in person. 201 Dominik DANCERS WANTED (female) at the beautiful new BLUE DOLPHIN CLUB Highway 6 South One mile from College Station. Apply in person between 4 and 8 p.m. FOR SALE ?l« AN fM fUl mi RA fU* mi AN AN fW AX Village Dr. at Brentwood. $260/Summer-$280/Fall 779-8853 1361 UMMER EMPLOYMENT Dixie Chicken Miranda’s Apply now. Texas Moon Tavern Chicken Oil Co. FLASHY 3-YR OLD 15.2 hand AQHA Appendix Filly. Seal brown with white star. Well behaved, lunges well on voice com mand, well broken but spirited. Great English pleasure or Junior Hunter prospect. $2000. 272-8486 after dark. 14115 Large 2-bedroom. 3 blocks from campus. May 15-January 1. Partly furnished. 696-1770. 140t5 Sub-lease apartment in Sundance for Sum mer. 2-bedroom - 2-bath. $365/month plus bills. Furnished. 693-3076. 138t5 Needs cooks, bartenders, waitresses, and general help. Minimum wage - flexible hours - friendly atmosphere. No experience necessary. Apply Dixie Chicken Office 9-5 Monday through Friday 309 University 846-2332 135^ Alvarez Model 5046 Acoustic Guitar w/pick- up. Includes case and maintenance kit. $199 or best offer. Call 846-9490. 140t7 1979 Honda CM400. Like new. 693-3337. 140t7 ’72 Buick LeSabre. Loaded. 8800 miles. Good condition. $600. Two twin size beds. Like new. $75 each. 693-3461. Moving Over seas!!! 140t5 UNIVERSITY ACRES UNIVERSITY ACRES 0 A Lhr WICKES LBR. CO. a L TO WELLBORN TO WELLBORN ! KYLE ! l FIELD COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES. . . NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR UPCOMING VACANCIES. 1 & 2 Bed room Fourplexes and Duplexes. $170 - $225. Tenant pays electricity. $50.00 Deposit. Nine (9) month minimum (ease requirement. HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for Sum mer and Fall morning paper routes. Carriers are paid $400 to $700/month, plus liberal transportation allo wance. Call Julian McMurrey at 693-2323 133t10 BMW 530i. 23,000 miles. ’77 model. AM-FM. New tires. Call 845-1065. Ask for Bill Mor ris. 140t7 Waterski-64" O’Brian with case, condition. Call Jeff at 846-1578. Great 140t2 Senior Boots. Size 12*/2. Two boot pants: winter and summer. Excellent condition. Call 846- 8447. 140t5 Pioneer PL 12-D turntable. Pickering XV15 1200E Cartridge Marantz 2240 receiver. 693- 6368. Lewis. 137t6 ’75 Honda CB200T, 6500 miles. Excellent condition. $675. Phone 845-7808. 139t5 ’72 Buick LeSabre. Loaded. 88,000 miles. Good condition. $600. Two twin size beds. Like new. $75 each. 693-3461. Moving Over seas!!! 140t5 Come by 1878 Greenfield Plaza in Bryan (located behind the new Post Oak Center off East 29th Street) or call 846-5796. i FOUND LOST GROVE SUMMER FILM POSITIONS Applications and Intormation Avail able at SPO Secretaries Desk - Room 216 MSC. Dealine: Manager applications 4/18/80 5:00 pm. Other positions 4/25/80 5:00 pm. Honda CB-450 DOHC fast and clean. $650. 696-0985. 137t5 Nikon microscope-binocular type. Make offer. 693-8209. 132U0 12x60 mobile home. 846-6782 after 5:00 p.m. 136tl0 Found black mix puppy North side of Cam pus. Call 846-6865. 139t4 Large black male dog. 846-8136. Found Shepherd mix puppy North side of Campus. Call 846-6865. 139t4 HELP!! I lost a gold coin earring at Lakeview, Friday, April 11th. If found PLEASE call Cathy at 693-3981. 14612 PERSONALS "PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tfh Lost grey and white cat with silver collar. 693- 5043 or 693-1234. 141t2 PERSONALS Need Money Desperately: Make checks payable to: 66 SAVE A PIKE 11* For More Information: Contact the PI KAPPA ALPHA House. *-No- Not a Fish, a Frat. DOMINO’S PIZZA Now hiring delivery personnel. Must have own car plus insurance. $3.25/hour plus commission and tips. Apply DOMINO’S PIZZA 1504 Holleman after 4:30 1972 Mustang Convertible. PS, PB, Auto. AM/FM. 8-track. $1900 or best offer. 693- 7025. 136tl0 1974 Toyota Wagon. Air. AM/FM Stereo. Graduating, must sell. $2400 or best offer. 846-6422. Call after 5:30 p.m. 138t5 FOR SALE: 1974 Porsche-914 AM/FM 8-track Stereo, 5-speed, 2- seat convertible, 25 mpg., excellent condition. Call 845-3886. 13914 LEASING COORDINATOR (part-time opportunity) A permanent part-time weekend position is immediate ly available at a large apartment complex. Experienced individu al preferred but other qualified applicants will be considered. Good starting rate and excellent working conditions. Qualified applicants should fill out appli cation at Plantation Oaks Apts. Leasing Office. 1501 Hwy. 30 College Station. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 133tfn SPRING FORMALS Two spring formals for sale, size 11 - 12. Good condition. Reasonable price. Call Tammy Hensel at 693- 2816 (home) or 823-0088 (officers FOR SALE: Upholstered chair, dining chairs, coffee table, large desk, chest of drawers, nightstand, and KOH-I- NOOR Rapidograph pen set used once. Call 693-6701 I37t5 PETS A.K.C. Great Dane puppies. For information call 779-6694. 141t2 * * -K * * -K ★ * * * * * * * * ★ * -k * * * * * + * * * * * * MAY GRADUATES MAY GRADUATES MAY GRADUATES Graduation Announcement Orders Are Ready For “PICK UP” BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY IN ROOM 216 A&B — MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday MAY GRADUATES WHO WERE UNABLE TO PLACE AN ORDER: EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL GO ON + fa^Zcirdo SALE MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1980 Eight O’Clock in the Morning Room 217 — MSC Student Finance FIRST COME — FIRST SERVED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¥ * * * * ¥ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Perot said prison guards apt? |> a ny ly thought he was a U.S. E? /W P ec official and allowed him to vis!! 1 ' employees Paul Chiappoarom^ n< Bill Gaylord, who had beenc 1 oned seven weeks. fpood if a fo Perot told the men his 15-na InJ team, composed mostly ofE& sedar ployees with military expen: quirei would cause a riot. He warned^? Pec to stay in their cells until then adrink: had abandoned their posts, Stores When the riot started, c rescued Gaylord and Chiapps ^ j^ e and took them to Istanbul, Th < for foi Scientist venting It's tionall tequii that T veryli “Fo there in moi test v which k'l WANTED SERVICES Have fun this summer. Kawasaki Jet-ski. Ex cellent condition. $650 or best offer. Will go lower! 696-1386. Lisa. 141(7 REWARD!!! Armadillo needed by April 22. Call 696-3748. Typing. Accurate, meet deadlines. All kinds. Specialty — Scientific papers. 846-2814. 131122 Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. llOtfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING. IBM correcting selectric Symbols. Editing. Personal service. Across from Skaggs. Call Ramona til midnight. 846-2127. 138(10 Cushman 3-wheel scooter w/enclosed cab and truck bed. 846-4100. 141t5 Weight bench. Must sell. Will sacrifice at $80. Call 693-2240. 141(5 NEED RIDE!!! Need ride or flight with someone from Midland to College Station for Gradua tion weekend. Call 696-3733. So my brother can be here for my gradu ation. 14113 Class papers, dissertations, thOseS, and re ports prepared and edited bn computerized system. Barbara Boles, 846-1731. 138(15 Typing. 823-4579. Wanted: Aggie men for Summer work. Call 779-5837. I37tl9 ^erviceTo^ll Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Lightweight 10-speed bicycle. Any condition. Call 696-0084. After 5:30 p.m. 138(3 | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1411 Texas Ave. . 823-811 "1 I I I 19221 Expert typing. Call Gloria. 693-8286, 779- 3266. 133(18 Wanted: IBM Selectric Typewriter - Good condition. 696-3785 or 846-0592. 132(7 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544.1 rfh HEADACHES?? Receive training in headache control. Contact Fred Drummond 845-1831 846-9578. Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823-7723... 76tfn syphi' United Press International COuld HARRISBURG, Pa.-leiboth osed venting of radioactive Id): would now trapped inside the Three) syphil Island nuclear plant could pi! Bob public health hazard, scientist! the st; resenting a local anti-nuclearfJ’stin, : say. Texas The scientists, including fc progr; Morgan, who for 29 years tion’s, director of the federal govemii numb nuclear research lab at Oak lit ( “Th Tenn., said the risk of cancer:, the ex accelerate with accumulatedds venen even low-level radiation. do wit Another scientist and canKt eases, pert, Bruce Molholt of the fi lers w Interest Law Center in Philadtf ’ for thf said the proposed controlled vs (thefo of 57,000 curies of krypton 3 said, not be permitted because of lid • Ann ceptibility of human orgarrstoi: the Br because of exposure to krypte ; The federal Nuclear Regifl Commission is consideringasti| commendation for the app®: : - the proposal to vent the radio)'' krypton from the plant. Harold Denton, director of* tor regulation at the NRC, b local officials the health effect proposed venting would be r cule.” CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn ► gold jewelry, coins, etc lout J DOMESTIC SERVICES Full or part-time, for Summer, Team cleaning homes. Starting salary $3.30/hour plus travel compensation. 693-1954 OFFICIAL NOTICE Judy Smeins Libby Vastano 12815 Union sues Coca Cola ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS!! ROOMMATE WANTED Wanted: Female roommate. Two bedroom house. Fenced yard. Pets allowed. $140/month plus Vi utilities. Call Debora. 779- 3396 after 5:00 p.m. 140t5 If you have ordered a 1980 Aggieland, please stop by the Student Publications Office, Room 216 Reed McDonald Bldg, and pay a $3.00 mailing fee along with your forwarding address so your Aggie land can be mailed to you next fall when they arrive. Roommate wanted: To share 3-bdrm house over the summer. Male. Close to A&M. Air Conditioned. Call DJ. 693-3029. 138t5 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal arts has a full-time placement available in the proba tion office in Caldwell. The position is for summer placement and re quires students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. Students will work as an assistant probation officer. For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope in Room 107 Harrington Education Center or call 845-7814. 13715 GRADUATING Need a male roommate in Hous ton? Residential home. Will have own bedroom, bath, study. $185 plus VS? bills. After 6:00 pm. call 693-0115 or 1-713-776-9954. 14015 United Press International GENEVA, Switzerland-)' unions launched international against Coca Cola Wednesday® half of workers at the coif I plant in Guatemala. The International Union and Allied Workers Associ, ■■ (IUF), based in Geneva, « ^ worldwide action protesting: | Cola’s failure to replace its MB holder in Guatemala, Texas! I nessman John Trotter. The IUF charges TrotteiJS “violent repression of trade Coca Cola, the IUF said, ist® to get Trotter to sell his lice# says it is not responsible for tk^ ?1 policies of its license holders IUF action against thecoi»ll| began Wednesday when protk ” in Sweden stopped for threei Chase cuts lendingratt FEMALE ROOMMATE Need 1 female roommate starting 5- 10-80. 3-bedroom, 2-bath Apart ment. $120 plus bills. Prefer non- smoker. Call 693-1449 after 5 M-F Anytime on weekends. 131(10 i AOTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 LEARN A SKILL TO LAST A LIFETIME. The Philosophy and Humanities Dept, offers two courses teaching library and research skills. HUMANITIES 101: for freshmen and sophomores, to introduce lib rary use and termpaper research skills. HUMANITIES 311: for juniors and seniors, to teach advanced re search skills required in graduate school or a research profession. Call 5-5741 for more information. 133110 ALLEN OJdsmobile Cadill ac Honda SALES - SERVICE "When' satisfaction is standard equipment’ 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 United Press International NEW YORK — The Chase hattan Bank Wednesday c 1 ® prime lending rate a quarterpnlf 19.75 percent. The reduction was the firsts ^ key lending rate in months. At the same time, Chase enj* 1 lending rate to small busing half point to 17.75 percent. Chase, the country’s thirdly ^ hank, said the cut in the prim 1 ’ ing rate was appropriate bec^ terest rates generally have Wf recently. The hank said since thefutm 1 look for market conditions is*® tain, the movement of the prif ; in the immediate future also' / certain. ^ 3RD “ANNUAL LEDBEHER MARATHON” APRIL 26TH. 8-Mile Run: 1» Groups, 30 Trophies; 4-Mk (Age 15 & Under), 6 Trap Entry Forms: Marathon Dir* Box 253, Ledbetter, Texas 278-3559.