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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1980 The Battalion Pageant Saturday ^ Classifieds * ^JOB OPPORTUNITIES:^* kmm rfmt FOR RENT HELP WANTED WANT MORE MONEY? People can't believe how success ful this money making plan can be. Work at home. For details about this amazing offer send #10 self ad dressed stamped envelope to G. J. RYE, P.O. Box 364-AM, Belleville, Ml 48111. 13117 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/Year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free information. Write: IFC, Box 52-TC, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. DIAMONDS Ltd. •fSct. to 6 ct. •Certificated diamonds GIA or EGL ‘Engagement rings •Women's and Men’s clusters •Loose diamonds •Personalized appointments for your convenience. Scott Higgins 696-0647 ■Limited In price, not Quality FOR SALE: Chevy Suburban 79 4WD Sil verado. Loaded and extra clean. Call Jay 693-2485. DIAMOND One-half kt. diamond on 14kt. gold band appraised value: $1200. Will sell for $700. Call John at 845-5014 or 696-2689 after 8:00 pm. 13315 ’68 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 4-door 389 V-8. Inside in good con dition. 5 new tires. New transmis sion. Engine needs work. Good gas mileage. $375.00 or best offer 696-0092 13614 SPRING FORMALS Two spring formals for sale, size 11 - 12. Good condition. Reasonable price. Call Tammy Hensel at 693- 2816 (home) or 823-0088 (office^ts FOR SALE: Upholstered chair, dining chairs, coffee table, large desk, chest of drawers, nightstand, and KOH-I- NOOR Rapidograph pen set used once. Call 693-6701 13715 Tremendous savings on Minolta, Nikon, Canon, Vivitar and most other major brands. Call Peter at 693-3236. i37ti SITUATION WANTED: SUMMER SUBLEASE: One bedroom. Fur nished. Near Campus. ALL BILLS PAID. $200/month. Call Paul at 845-3710, 846- 9135. 133t5 NEW EFFICIENCIES $175. month. One bedroom from $195 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Jimbeth Hite, manager. 822-7772. 972 Cutlass-runs amat rmisn Pi,^ PERSONALS Date needed for Ring Dance. Call 696-0039: Ask for Warren. 136t2 FOR SALE 1972 Cutlass-runs great, cruise, Pioneer AM/FM Supertuner cassette stereo with Clar ion booster, C.B., P.A. $1250. 696-1396. 134t5 Pioneer PL 12-D turntable. Pickering XV15 1200E Cartridge Marantz 2240 receiver. 693- 6368. Lewis. 137t6 Honda CB-450 DOHC fast and clean. $650. 696-0985. 137t5 1975 Monte Carlo. Maroon and white. Land au. 60,000 miles. Call Gary 846-4866 after 5 P-m. 137t3 Honda CL 125. Excellent condition. Only 3000 miles. $425. 845-3301. 135t5 1979 Kawasaki KZ750. Excellent condition. Helmets, leather jacket. 693-8812 after 6 p.m. 135t5 Yamaha Chappy 400 miles. 846-6096 after 6 p.m. 135t3 Army Officer Uniforms!!!! Blues, Greens, Fatigues, Accessories; pants 31x30, shirts 15 1 /2x32, coats 388. Ask for Dennis Longbotham, 845-5014. 133t5 Nikon microscope-binocular type. Make offer. 693-8209. 132tl0 12x60 mobile home. 846-6782 after 5:00 p.m. 136tl0 1972 Mustang Convertible. PS, PB, Auto. AM/FM. 8-track. $1900 or best offer. 693- 7025. 136tl0 Yamaha 175, 6500 miles. $400. Call Pekar at 822-0808. 136t2 OFFICE SPACE Southwest Parkway at Anderson 779-8853 136121 NEW 4-PLEX APARTMENTS Village Dr. at Brentwood. $260/Summer-$280/Fall 779-8853 1361 ROOMMATE WANTED Close to Campus. Quiet. Nicely furnished. A/C. Call after 6:00 p.m. 846-0454. 13614 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT 2. POSITION: Bus Drivers QUALIFICATIONS: - Must be able to operate the bus safely and skillfully - Maintain the physical condition of the bus - Drive the assigned route - Maintain discipline on the bus - Provide current and proper driver cre dentials 1. Chauffeur license Physical examination (provided by school system) T.B. Test Training certificate or equivalent RATE OF PAY: $4.00 minimum per hour - higher de pending on experience. Full-time avail able if desired. APPLICATION: Apply in person Monday through Fri day, 8 AM to 5 PM Personnel Office A&M Consolidated ISD 100 Anderson College Station, Texas 77840 If additional Information is requires, you may phone 696-8893 from 8-5 daily. A&M Consolidated Schools Is An Equal 3. 4. Opportunity Affirmative Actlon/TItle IX Employer "tTAY HELP NEEDED Hours: 9 am.-3 or 4 pm. Apply in person. I FORT SHILOH ' STEAK HOUSE I 2528 Texas Ave. South I SUMMER JOB OPEN A&M Student Part time, select own hours and time! Will train, however mechanical aptitude required. A&M PLASTIC ENGRAVERS 108 S. Main Bryan, Texas 13513 OFFICIAL NOTICE Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal arts has a full-time placement available in the proba tion office in Caldwell. The position is for summer placement and re quires students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. Students will work as an assistant probation officer. For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope in Room 107 Harrington Education Center or call 845-7814. i37ts By DEBBIE NELSON Campus Staff Eighty-four women will compete Saturday night in the Cotton Pageant, sponsored by the Texas A&M Agronomy Society. Contestants, ranging in age from 16-26, were selected by campus organizations, A&M Mother’s Clubs, A&M Clubs and civic and loc al organizations, according to Jamey Douglass, social secretary for the Agronomy Society. About 50 percent of the women attend Texas A&M University, with others from Bryan-College Station and other universities. Douglass said the purpose of the pageant is to promote cotton. Nine finalists will be chosen on the basis of interviews with the judges Saturday morning and modeling the night of the pageant. The queen will receive a check for $100 and a bou quet of flowers, while the remaining eight women will be named cotton princesses, Douglass said. Two seniors chosen from the Agro nomy Society, King Cotton Zachary Yantaand Sweetheart Shannon Sow- der, will crown the new queen. Although it originated in 1932, the Cotton Pageant has changed over the years. Douglass said as many as 181 women competed some years. Con testants were judged on the basis of cotton dresses they had made them selves. Back then, money made from the pageant was used to send selected agronomy seniors on aworldta] learn about agriculture. In 1956, Douglass said, tltj was discontinued. Since I ceeds from the pageant havt| used to sponsor Agronomy S trips to state and national! tions. Using workmanship of them tants’ cotton dresses as thecri for chosing the queen akokiBL^Orr discontinued. Douglass said, w jj] p OV the days of 50 percent damp ^po’ percent polyester, candidat::v ca ][ s f or now judged on poise and appeaHu^ t j onstage.' fsplit. T1 The pageant begins at 7 p| « Calor riven tc The i vice pr APO, si one mill Rudder Auditorium, withthe Ball in the MSC Ballroomfol the contest. Tickets for the pi are $2 a person; for the danct, couple. Judges for the pageai Francis Stelzig, co-ownerofStl^ reco , Western Wear in Houston yy or id j Hutcher, Mike’ from the■ one n Muck and Mike Show; Rodd pies, the Cow Country New: broadcaster; and Bill McReji farm and ranch news din WOAI radio in San Antonio. M usie for the Cotton played by the Aggieland Band. jlgh scl ff Lewi: pens to Philadelplii paper sold Female roommate wanted for summer or Fall. House off Southwest Parkway. Have own room. $125/month. Utilities paid. 693-3594. 846-5824. 131t7 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for Summer also Fall through Spring. Furnished, one large bed room. $80 plus bills. 846-1418 or 846-5963. I36t3 FEMALE ROOMMATE Need 1 female roommate starting 5- 10-80. 3-bedroom, 2-bath Apart ment. $120 plus bills. Prefer non- smoker. call 693-1449 after 5 M-F Anytime on weekends. 131t10 UMMER EMPLOYMENT Apply now. Dixie Chicken Texas Moon Tavern Miranda’s Chicken Oil Co. Needs cooks, bartenders, waitresses, and general help. Minimum wage - flexible hours - friendly atmosphere. No experience necessary. Apply Dixie Chicken Office 9-5 Monday through Friday 309 University 846-2332 i35«n Waiters and waitresses needed part-time. Ap ply in person. Wehrman’s Cafe, 1009 W. 25th St. 133t6 Church organist. First Presbyterian Church. 823-8073. 13 7tll SERVICES Typing. Accurate, meet deadlines. All kinds. Specialty — Scientific papers. 846-2814. 131122 Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. HOtfn FIELD REPRESENTATIVE General Motors Acceptance Corp. Opportunity to advance. Excellent benefits. Apply 4103 Texas Ave., Bryan. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Typing. 823-4579. 121t35 Tennis Lessons: I enjoy the beginning player. Reasonable rates. Call 693-3365. 6-10 pm. 133t5 ■ ^>erviceTor%l ^ Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting | HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. I TEXAS MOON TAVERN I | Full time cook needed. | " Apply in person at f | 120 Walton A " (Main gate of A&M.) " ^693-5149 135tfn J LEASING COORDINATOR (part-time opportunity) A permanent part-time weekend position ,is immediate ly available at a large apartment complex. Experienced individu al preferred but other qualified applicants will be considered. Good starting rate and excellent working conditions. Qualified applicants should fill out appli cation at Plantation Oaks Apts. Leasing Office. 1501 Hwy. 30 College Station. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! | Dodge Sales and Service Since 19221 ^ 1411 Texas Ave. , 823-8111 | -- for $7.06 weekly. Includes one oound meat I FEED ONE ADULT f » for $7.06 weekly. Includes one pound meal T I daily, choice of eight vegetables and grains. FREE DETAILS. | Write: PJ/515 First St. i #2/College Station, f j TX 77840. 136121 Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears GROVE SUMMER FILM POSITIONS Applications and information Avail able at SPO Secretaries Desk - Room 216 MSC. Dealine: Manager applications 4/18/80 5:00 pm. Other positions 4/25/80 5:00 pm. lasts SPECIAL NOTICE ’PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tfh THE MATHEMATICS DEPT. will be taking applications for under graduate employment and graduate assistantships from April 1-14. Applications may be picked up in 102 Milner. 128111 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for Sum mer and Fall morning paper routes. Carriers are paid $400 to $700/month, plus liberal transportation allo wance. Call Julian McMurrey at 693-2323 133110 THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn TWIN CITY GOLF DRIVING RANGE Now Open Mrs: Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-8 DOMINO’S PIZZA Nor Hiring Phone & Counter Help $3.10 Per Hour Apply After 4:30 p.m. 1504 Holleman, C.S. SUMMER RESIDENT CAMP JOB OPENINGS For male counselors and maintenance person. For more information call 713-535-7590 after 6 p.m. or write CAMP WAGON WHEEL P.O. Box 422 Caldwell, TX 77836 13414 THERAPEUTIC CAMP COUNSELOR Year round residential treatment with disturbed boys. Live in position, 5 days per week. Outdoor setting. Salary-$10,600 starting. Excellent benefits, a career ladder. Pursue M.S. in Special Education through work. Call Kent Skipper, Ph.D. 214-521-4831. 13415 LEARN A SKILL TO LAST A LIFETIME. The Philosophy and Humanities Dept, offers two courses teaching library and research skills. HUMANITIES 101: for freshmen and sophomores, to introduce lib rary use and termpaper research skills. HUMANITIES 311: for juniors and seniors, to teach advanced re search skills required in graduate school or a research profession. Call 5-5741 for more information. 133110 MATHEMATICS CONTEST (wrii; r 7 * . ■ ^ This year’s Freshman and Sopho more Math Contest will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 1980 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Freshman will be in rm. 201 of Milner; sophomores in rm. 216. Eligibility for Freshman: A student is eligible to participate in the contest if his classification as of September 1, 1979 was not above that of “Freshman”. The two-hour examination may in clude questions pertaining to algeb ra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and calculus as high as the Math 121 level. PRIZES: 1st: $50.00 2nd: $30.00 3rd: $20.00 Eligibility for Sophomores: A student is eligible to participate in the Sophomore contest if his clas sification as of September 1, 1979 was not above that of “Sopho more”. The two-hour examination may in clude questions on Math as high as the Math 221 and 304 level. PRIZES: 1st: $50.00 2nd: $30.00 3rd: $20.00 WANTED Wanted: Aggie men for Summer work. Call 779-5837. I37tl9 WANTED: 4x6 or 5x7 enclosed trailer. 693- 6522. 137tl Wanted: IBM Selectric Typewriter - Good condition. 696-3785 or 846-0592. 132t7 Expert typing. Call Gloria. 693-8286, 779- 3266. 133U8 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfii Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823-7723... 76tfn I ~ I HOUSE-SITTERS; available 6/1; call Carolyn 822-5447. 130UO I p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30. Service Road Going South - V 4 TEMPORARY * Bookkeeper/Secretary f Position » Available immediately. BRAZOS VALLEY MH-MR 202 E. 27th St. f Bryan i EOE/AA 13615 f w tn« m« mi vu muni «n« tni vu w 5 5 DANCERS WANTED (female) j at the beautiful new ? BLUE DOLPHIN CLUB Ji 3 Highway 6 South One mile from 5 College Station. l •m Apply in person between 4 and 8 p.m. 3 129115 m« «UV Ml IUI Ml IUMUI mi RA fUl Ift r nr CASH FOR OLD GOLD ^ Class rings, wedding rings, worn i ► gold jewelry^coins, etc. ► ► LOST f Service Road Going South - Vi f I m m ^ rniles^ ^ jssttn * ^^^SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL^NOTICE ^ 35 MM Camera. Call 693-4952. Female dog: brown, black, and white. South side of TAM U. 696-1343. 133t5 Orange and white seven month old cat. Lost near Texas and Jersey. Call Worried. 693- 9178. 133t3 LOST: ONE BLACK CAT Near Zachry, April 5th. Please call John Ellis at 846-7115 845-5531 ext. 288 or Sharon Beger 846-4696. 13713 Senior Weekend tickets and information available at MSC Box Office. 845-2916. DOLLARS FOR OLD EXAMS Will pay $1.00 each different exam received in the following subjects: Accounting 328, 405, 407, up; Economics 311, 410; Political Sci ence 206, 207; History 106; Biology 113; Statistics Methods 303; BANA 364. Send name, address and Exam to: M. Gottlieb 3210 Deer Trail Bryan, Texas 77801 13513 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 L ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE United Press International PHILADELPHIA -Tbf year-old Philadelphia Bullet | sold Thursday to Charter Mi for an undisclosed sum. The announcement came a.m. news conference attheBj attended by owner-publishe: liam McLean III, whose U owned the newspaper since and Karl Eller, eo-owner Media. "Where satisfaetion is standard equipmen 1 2401 Texas Ave 779-3516 RAHiUN “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTEIi Furnished & Unfurnished On Shuttlebus Route Efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Bedroom Apartments Tennis Courts (Lighted) 24 Hr. Professional Maintenance Party/Meeting Room with Sui Service Health Spas, Including Saunas Families Welcome Men & Women Pets permitted Three Laundry Rooms Lighted Basketball/Volleyball Court Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 Barcelona . Your place in the sun, Spacious Apartments with New Carpeting Security guard, well lighted parking areas, closeto(| pus and shopping areas, on the shuttle bus r( 700 Dominik, College Station 693-0261 Texas Ave. £ BARCELONA Whataburger Golf Course i