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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION ^ TUESDAY. APRIL 1, 1980 HELP WANTED FRANK’S BAR & GRILL Part-time cook needed. Apply in person. 913 Harvey Rd. 1 WiTTTTTI^rirwrTTTVT' DANCERS WANTED (female) at the beautiful new BLUE DOLPHIN CLUB Highway 6 South One mile from - College Station. 1. Apply in person between 4 and 8 p.m. > £ futfiA fm mi fm aa fut mi ft* fR Dem 4o- Part-time employees needed. Posi tion open for wait persons and cooks. PIZZA INN 413 Texas Ave. College Station Apply in person only. 12811 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. HOLD THOSE PRICES! ChartPack Transfer lettering has taken a jump in price but we are rolling it back. New price for single sheet - $3.50-. Our price — $2.95 — ! Engineering Office Supply in Redmond Terrace. 125t10 Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears MIRANDA’S needs waitresses 5-8 shift or 8-12 shift. Flexible hours. No experience necessary. Apply MIRANDA’S 846-9150 isstfn •r-fti WEIGHT WATCHERS can show you how losing weight is fun without starving. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 13719 THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn THE MATHEMATICS DEPT. , will be taking applications for under graduate employment and graduate assistantships from April 1-14. Applications may be picked up in 102 Milner. 128t11 I I I L HELP WANTED Part-time position available at FARMER’S MARKET SANDWICH SHOP In Bryan. Hours Flexible. J^atfn| BABYSITTERS NEEDED Must have own transportation. Apply in person between 4-8 p.m. 106 Williamson Bryan 779-8900. 127110 DOMESTIC SERVICES Full or part-time, now/this Summer, Team cleaning homes. Starting salary $3.30/hour plus travel compensation. 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano 12815 NEEDED HARD WORKING PEOPLE who need extra money to do house cleaning. Good money. Work own hours. 779-8900. 127H0 NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Preregistration for the Fall Semes ter 1980 will be conducted during the week of April 14- 18, 1980. Fall Semester Schedule of Classes will be available on or about April 10. All Biomedical Science majors are required to schedule a conference with their Academic Advisors and obtain an approved Course Re quest Form for use at preregistra tion. You can avoid long waiting periods by making an appointment with your advisor and having your Course Request Form approved prior to the week of preregistration. When you have obtained the ap proved Course Request Form, de liver it to the Biomedical Science office, Room 332, Veterinary Medic al Administration Building. During preregistration week, you should re turn to the Biomedical Science of fice to pick up your registrtion pack et and complete your preregistra tion. SEE YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR SOON ...... . . . .1?8t8... FOR RENT I A&M Consolidated ISD is seeking applications for: Ground Maintenance Custodians Apply in person from 8-5 Monday-Friday, 100 Anderson College Station, Texas. Salary dependent on experience. Benefits available. Equal Opportunity Employer Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn PRE-LEASING MHSPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces (many shaded) -Swimming pool -Club House -Laundry -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 ft. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 113122 SERVICES Typing. 823-4579. Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. llOtfn TYPING. Prompt, professional. 823-5726. 113118 I | ™ ™ JsefviceTornr ™ ™ 1 $ Chrysler Corp. Cars * Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922" 1411 Texas Ave. . 823-8111 | ** i*■■■■•I lOpen Thurs. till 8 Imported coffees 41 varieties Teas-bulk & bag over 150 varieties Munchies European & domestic I BLENDS Of GIH-GIVING I 3609 Place E. 29th - Bryan Democratic primai not binding in race ivoi GAY LINE 693-1630 Information & Referral Mon-Thurs 8-10 p.m. FOR SALE New Acoustical Guitar with hard shell ease. Talk price. 693-6332. 125t5 Honda CB 200. New exhaust, windshield. $500.00 firm. 846-6761. 126t5 Senior boots size OVzD. Excellent condition. Good price. 845-6200. 126t7 Kawasaki 900, mint condition. Dual overhead Cam engine. $1595 or best offer. 846-9468. 127t2 ’73 Mercury Marquis. Clean, dependable. $800.00. 693-3889. 127t7 New Kay Banjo with case. $185.00 or best offer. Call Julie after 6 p.m. 696-4286. 127t3 1977 Trans Am, T/A 6-6 Auto Velour interior. AM/FM Cassette w/equalizer. Excellent con dition. $5000. 822-4516. I27t3 76 Capri Hatchback. Excellent condition. $2600.00. 846-2506. I24tl0 Weight bench. Almost new. $80. Call 693- 2240. 129t4 J.I.L. in-dash AM/FM Stereo, 8-track, CB all in one. $125. 846-9086. 129t2 1968 Mercury Park Lane Green All-Power. Good Condition. 845-3156. I29t4 Senior Boots, size G'/iD. Excellent condition. Great price. 779-9670 after 6 pm. 120U3 WANTED Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822- 0544... Itfh Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723... 76tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD ’ Class rings, wedding rings, worn ► gold jewelry, coins, etc LOST Lost: Male Boxer - Brown and white with black mask. One and a half years old. RE WARD! Please call 696-1261. 125t5 LOST One gold cufflink in shape of state of Texas. Lost Friday, March 28, in Zachry Engineering area or Library area. If found please call Heston Cherry. 845-7841. REWARD. I29t2 ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS ‘ DON'T GIVE UP — WELL MAKE IT FIT!" at welch s cleaners we not ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCaLENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE CIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES. TAPtREO SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS. WATCH POCKETS. ETC (WE RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) LOST CAT Missing from area north of Skaggs - Milam and Cross streets - orange and white cat. Neutered male called Tom. Any information please call 846-1954 evenings. 12915 SPECIAL NOTICE PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. .62tfh LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TEXAS No. 2788 Notice is hereby given in accord ance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that CLYDE JACKSON PORTERFIELD, SR. has filed ap plication for a Package Store Permit License or Permit, said business to be conducted under the trade name of CUT RATE NO. 6. Location of said business to be 1204 West 25th St., Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Witness my hand this the 25th day of March, 1980. FRANK BORISKIE . ■ tv. * 5 . Brazos County, s. ....... lexas By: Wilhelmina Bukenfeld Deputy Clerk AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051| BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars $Q “7tZ plus ^4■# yJ PARTS Oil change FILTER^ OIL $4.00 Tune up & oil change PLUS OIL & PARTS ^ ^ By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. Tex AS E o ETTCAE Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. CASA BLANCA Early Leasing Special Until April 5 12 month lease - 2 students 2 bedroom apartments $21 5/month Unfurnished $250/ month Furnished 410 OLD COLLEGE MAIN 846-1413 Shuttlebus - pool - laundry convenient Special "Summer Only” Rate ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. . 779-3516 WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) By LAURA CORTEZ City Stall There will be a major difference between the Republican and Demo cratic Party primaries this year — the Republican vote for president will directly affect the race, but the Democratic vote will not. Neeley Lewis, Democratic Party chairman for Brazos County, said although the names Carter, Ken nedy and Brown will appear on the ballot, in that order, the outcome of the vote will have nothing to do with the selection of delegates to the na tional convention. He said the only purpose the Democratic presidential vote in Texas will serve is to give an indica tion of the popular sentiment. The decision to hold the Texas Democratic primary this way was made by the state Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, Lewis said. He said he is not sure why the committee decided to hold this type of primary, but said there are many political considerations involved. The Democratic Party will select delegates at the county convention. These delegates will go to the state convention. There, delegates will be chosen for the national convention according to their presidential pre ference, Lewis said. u, ■ I th vote according to the suits. He said the numbero! selected at the county candidate will be propodji delegate-representativaji vention. But the Republican pii_, he handled differentliW Kowierschke, RepublitjB u n chairman for Brazos Coy TheUn "This primary'will dec "It, eml delegates from Texas will, 0 f ■ national convention," si v’ashingh The proportion ofYoteJ osta g es didate receives in thee 4o K ay . make up this congressii J a will determine the mim ^endi gates for each candidatetk. om Wa to the state conventioi ,here the there to the national con, ie j r J49t She said the nanii /hether F Reagan and George Ik onciliato order, will appear on tl iuhollah can ballot. ^they ! Kowierschke said she iim," Pr< cord turnout at this yea: adrwas i can primary and the nm imps to 1 ing places will be incren ionday a for the last primary to She also saiil the Repulij use electronic punch card J the first time, as opposedbl er ballots that have beeiim The delegates are not hound to vlous y ears - COURTYARD APARTMENTS "College Station’s Standard of Quality" New— Convenient—Comfortable Now leasing for Summer & Fall Early Bird 12-Month Lease Special Academic Year & Summer Rates 600 University Oaks COME BY: Stallings Dr. at Hwy. 30 & University Oaks Open Evenings 'til 7 p.m. Saturday 9-4 093-2772 Sunday 1-4 M Zentgrafsuit wordi protested by petition tVOTE FOR | * * * * * & PHIL DAVIS ' ’ SR. yell leader w N S § MSG Political Forum Presents: GARY MAURO Texas Democratic Party Exec. Director and CHESTER UPHAM Texas G.O.P- Chairman “Democrat or Republican: What’s the difference?” Democratic and G.O.P. Leaders Discuss 1980 Party Politics — Texas Style NOON April 2, 1980 Rudder Forum Program is FREE Dr. Bob Harmel is moderator. By SHERRY WOODARD Campus Reporter A Texas A&N1 University student is circulating petitions on campus to try to show that not all female stu dents think sex discrimination exists here. The petition was drawn up in re sponse to a suit filed against the Uni versity by Melanie Zentgraf, a senior female cadet who is suing Texas A&M for sex discrimination within the Corps of Cadets. The petition, written by Mollie White, a junior elementary educa tion major, states the women of Texas A&M object to the use of the phrase, “as representing the women at Texas A&M University,” being used when referring to Zentgrafs status as class representative in her law suit. The petition then requests that in the future the phrase not be used in any briefings, newspaper articles. pr spoken language regarding or in volving this specific case. ” Zentgraf said she doesn’t believe Battalion Classified 845-2611 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I MANOR EAST 3 £ MANOR EAST MALL J 823-8300 Ur BOYAl England - whose u; d ea business, .i I i . , ionic If the phrase is used in her a 41 l said the phrase, "Melaniei Jn indi\ id'ialK ami on bebjR a c, others similarly situated*.. Zentgraf said ‘ all Others TI" h situated basically refen»^ female cadets. z Inatypcd.'xplanationiil^,; tion, White says her intentiMi ”1) to simply allow the A&M to have a voice; 2) to p and prevent any misconcf held by anyone concerningtl ings of the majority of the here; 3) to firmly establish th not “similarly situated” (i.e. tiff); 4) and NOT toattempttoi the outcome of the case, orM I Musi any new information intoid 1 d®P e directly attack Melanie on I averi else, and (> ! NOT to hinders I 50.0! the University’s position.” I s ^ ea< White said she got the ides ; s l° w petition one night while dia i 708C 1 be Xc-nturaf rase with othetll^F■■* , students in her dorm. “I th P ‘How does the average per ■ America not know that all the* p at A& M are not up in armscnif' discrimination? ” She said she plans tosendofl her petition with signaturestt newspapers around the com! eluding the New York Time Houston Chronicle, the Wash Post, and the ABC Nightly h White said she has represertf circulating her petition in® women’s dorm on campus, k| probably won ’t get as many I tures as she expected. “Originally I wanted to getl half the student body (signatiri the women, about 6,000,” shf| “But it doesn’t look likeit’sff be that easy because off camp® hard to contact. So I’ll probaf up with maybe 2,000 or 3,M White said she has no idci many signatures have already collected. Zentgraf said she hasn’t rei] petition, but "doesn’t care onf ! or the other. ” She said inher 1 ! which was filed in May, 1971 deuce is still being sought by sides. G3 846-6714 & 8461151 <j)auigjHei 7:00 9:30 m 7:30 9:55 Kramer \ Kramer ; 7:25 } 9:40 [W| o —J Sun Theatres 333 University 846-9 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. No one under 18 Ladies Discount With This Coupon BOOK STORE & 250 PEEP SHOWS