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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1980)
THE BATTALION Friday, march 21,1980 Page 7 nation c opi es ;£2L h u Q,,allty p Quid be games." ium wasn’t 3 indents 111 was full aid that be reason was ant to get ij game, id that. 11 md in line lien I could | n. the cob •penedato ouldliketo method of -■onvenient- diseum si ite says that eels that if a lights, be ie coliseum andseetbe ras “thrown enate. ulous idea,’ know some- instorm yon ling useful." ommittee eyes cuts in aid to cities, states • • ■v .1 United Press International WASHINGTON — The House Budget Committee, having made the easy decisions, now must roll up its sleeves and decide whether to adopt controversial cuts in mail de livery, defense spending and re venue sharing. The panel resumed work Thurs day on the $15.9 billion in recom mended reductions from President Carter’s January budget proposal for fiscal 1981. The proposals by committee Chairman Robert Giaimo, D-Conn., included elimination of Saturday mail delivery, revenue sharing to the states, and cuts in defense spending, jobs and social programs, and financ ing for food stamps and child nutri tion. Giaimo unveiled his package Wednesday with a warning the prop osal, aimed at balancing the federal budget, “will anger many groups and many beneficiaries of federal prog rams.” It calls for more than $1 billion worth of unspecified cuts in defense spending, despite major opposition to military reductions of any kind. It also would make all members of Congress and their staff forego a cost- of-living wage increase scheduled for October. The biggest cut would be $1.7 bil lion in no-strings-attached aid to the states — known as revenue sharing — and $1 billion in anti-recession aid to cities. Also $1 billion in a 2 percent save another $1 billion. If the panel’s revenue estimate holds along with the $612.4 billion spending projection, the govern ment would be in the black by more than $1 billion at the end of fiscal 1981, the first budget surplus in 12 years. The House panel, beginning its work a week ahead of the Senate Budget Committee, Wednesday went through the major budget cate gories one-hy-one to act on Giaimo’s proposed cuts. The panel began drafting its re commendations for the House even though Carter has not yet sent Con gress his revised proposal for a ba- across-the-board cut in department lanced budget, operation and administrative costs Carter has promised to cut $13 bil and delays in new social initiatives lion to $14 billion from the federal such as welfare reform and Medi- budget for the fiscal year beginning care-Medicaid expansion that would Oct. 1. OVERNIGHT RATES — 44 DURING THE DAY Reductions & Dissertations Conation & Binding&PadtBng WE HAVE A XEROX 9400 — THE BEST COPVING MACHINE IN THE WORLD! Kinko’s Graphics, Inc. 201 College Main St. (7131846-9508 FREE PREGNANCY TESTS • Immediate Appointments • Confidential Counseling • Birth Control Information • Termination of Pregnancy WEST LOOP CLINIC 622-2170 2909 WEST LOOP SOUTH HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 "M •Ml •M| •Ml ••Ml -M| -M| -M| -M| -Ml -M| -Ml I -Ml -Ml -M| -Ml •Mil -Ml •Ml Study says n-plant reports incomplete COURTS WESTERN WEAR NORTHGATE STOREWIDE Irtists United Press International WASHINGTON — A one-year study released Thursday by the Pre- I sident’s Council on Environmental Quality concludes that environmen- ::::•{ kal impact statements on atomic mM preactors virtually ignore the risks and effects of serious accidents. ;;;{! The 66-page study, researched by mltthe Environmental Law Institute, ,;;;{ bund that discussion of accident •••Ml effects in 149 past impact statements r.'.IJ} is meaningless to the average -'•J person. The NRC drafters of the 1971 im pact statement for the Three Mile -••ij Island reactor, for example, rejected ihe Interior Department’s call for a detailed analysis of a possible melt down’s effects on the Susquehanna River which flows by the Pennsyl- •m|| vania plant. “The staff believes, in view of the jjjlremote possibility of the occurrence if a (most serious) Class 9 event, that he environmental risk of such and vent is acceptably low and that ;eneric discussion of these events re adequate,” the document said. -Ml Mil -Ml Gus Speth, chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, said past statements “don’t contain a serious candid assessment” of acci dent risk and potential impacts. Impact statements, however, are required by the National Environ mental Policy Act specifically to in form the public of the possible effects of proposed nuclear projects by gov ernment or industry. Speth’s Council, although it can not invalidate past impact state ments, is charged by law with inter preting the act. In a letter to John Ahearne, chair man of the Nuclear Regulatory Com mission, Speth called for an immedi ate change in current practices, in cluding a candid discussion of acci dent probability and impact. Speth also urged the NRC to make the statements clearer and more accessible to the public. For plants currently operating or soon to be licensed, he said supple mental impact statements should be prepared on possible accidents. Illegal pet traffic hit EVERYTHING REDUCED 20-50% BUCKLES — BELTS — WHIPS — EVERYTHING!! MENS WRANGLER BOOT FLAIR JEANS REGULAR AND SUM FIT LOT #345, 935, 945 REG. $ 14 50 SALE *11 60 ALL LADY WRANGLER SPRING SPORTS WEAR !2 1 -Mil •Mil -Ml| •Mill -Mil •Mill •Mil -Mil -Mil •Mill • Mil -Mil -Mil -Mil -Mil -Mil -Mill • Mlllj -Mil I • Mil ..Mil -Mil -Mil -Mill I I • Mil ..Mil ..Mil • Mill ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..•III ..Mil .Mil Mil .Mil ..Mil ....Ml ..Mil I ...III I ..Ml I ...Ml ..Mil ..Mil ..Mil ..Ml! ...Ml ..Mil United Press International WASHINGTON — The govern ment is establishing a special investi gative force to stop the smuggling of thousands of diseased birds, reptiles and animal skins into the United States. The Justice Department Wednes day signed two agreements with four agencies setting up a Wildlife Law Enforcement Coordinating Commit tee and a special Texas Task Force. U.S. Assistant Attorney General James W. Moorman said the agree ments reflect concern with the smuggling of an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 parrots and other birds, rep tiles and animal skins across the Texas-Mexican border each year. FAST FREE DELIVERY IcCARTHT SCHAFfHER ?«\M AS' owe \»ex .m. i 20% OFF HONDO BULLHIDE BOOTS $92 95 REG. $ 110 50 SALE SPECIAL GROUP LONG SLEEVES MEN S SHIRTS 40% OFF ALL MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS 50% OFF ALL SALES FINAL 104 N. College Main 846-6785 Delivery s Limited to v 'ce Area a 16" Super Express Special (Ham, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, green peppers and double cheese) P, ell «7. Name Limited to Service Area Phone Expires Sat., March 22 FEATURING EXPERT SHOE REPAIR AT REASONABLE PRICES