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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1980)
THE E TUESDAY Page 4 Jage 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1980 OFFICIAL NOTICE Crazy hai ★ Flann ★ Teriy OFFICIAL NOTICE HELP WANTED GARAGE SALE ^ ^ ^ Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts needs a number of students for summer and fall placement in the Brazos County Bridgehouse. The students need to be of , ' ’ ~ >r, or Grad Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. The part time positions will pay $3 per hour. For more information, please 1 contact Susannah Clary or Henry D. Pope in Room 107. Harrington Tower or call 845-7814. 114t4 Person needed to play Easter Bunny at Manor East Mall. Weekdays from 1:00 to 8:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 6:00. Contact Susan at 696-1444. 121t2 Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts has four positions available in the probation offices located in Caldwell and Bryan. The positions are for summer place ment and require students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. Students will work as assistant probation officers on a full time basis. For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary in Room 107, Harrington Tower or call 845-7814. 114(4 GUITARIST WANTED * ^ NftftHftHI A nnitar nlav/or fnr , .Needed! A lead guitar player forjtj T Country and Rock band. Currently^.' T playing weekends only. GOOD PAY!! |f interested, call 4- jf Gary or Glen at 4- ALLEN ACADEMY’S ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Allen Gym-1200 Ursuline. March 21 and 22, 8 am. to 6 pm. 12012 PETS '8-week old kittens. Call 693-3265. SPECIAL NOTICE '"PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion' counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258. ..62tfn We SECRETARY 1 Part-time — 1 Full-time High school Graduate or equiva lent. Previous office experience desirable. Apply at Brazos Valley MH-MR 202 E. 27th Bryan, Texas EOE/AA 12112 7nu» Off ice of Traffic Safety FOR SALE We All student il d for the 198( work; these the actual dures th C. K. in 4 p.m. M< Of! REQUEST LOST BLUE BACKPACK beside MSC Bookstore Thursday 6th. Has Diana Roberts on it. Please call 693-3779 or take to MSC Main Desk. No questions asked!! 11812 I LOST White Rolex wristwatch near Col- I lege Main apartments Monday I evening. If found call 845-4032 be fore 5:00 p.m. or 846-3134 after 6:00 p.m. Take to the MSC Main Desk. i2it2 WANTED Person to play EASTER BUNNY at Manor East Mall Weekdays: 1:00-8:00 Saturdays: 10:00-6:00. Contact Susan 696-1444 121t 1978 BMW 3201 11,000 miles, well cared for. Beautiful maroon paint, many ex tras. Fine investment in transpor tation. Call for appointment. $10,500. 846-3876 12015 ORDINANCE NO. 1205 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COL LEGE STATION, TEXAS ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1980, FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR, COUNCILMEN FOR PLACE 2, 4, AND 6, AND FOR THE ELECTION OF A COUNCILMAN FOR PLACE 1 FOR A PERIOD ENDING WITH THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF APRIL , 4, 1981 TO FILL A VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF GARY HAL TER; FIXING THE TIME, PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLDING THE ELECTION AND APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS THEREOF. AND AN ORDER OF THE A&M CON- SOLIDAtED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDERING A SCHOOL BOARD TRUS TEE ELECTION IN THE A&M CON SOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1980, FOR THE ELECTION OF TRUSTEES FOR PLACES 3, 4 and 5; FIXING THE TIME, PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLDINQ THE ELECTION AND APPOINTING THE JUDGES AND CLERKS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA TION, TEXAS: A general election shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Satur day in April, 1980, the same being April 5, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, councilman for place 2, place 4 and place 6, and for the election of a councilman for place 1 for a period ending with the municipal election of April 4, 1981 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Gary Halter. The election will be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing the general elections, and only duly qualified voters who are residents of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote. Said election shall be held in conjunction with the A&M Consolidated Independent School District Board of Trustees Election where an '75 Cutlass Salon - 20 mpg. AM/8-track, bucket seats. $2500. Call 846-3195 after 5:30. 12115 For Sale: 1970 Buick LeSabre. Dependable full size transportation. Extra clean. $500 or best offer. Call 693-0263. 12U5 Irish Wolfhound puppies - AKC Box 248, Jewett, Texas 75846. 4658. $200.00. 214-626- 12115 Iomega four channel AM/FM 8-track with, phono. First $100.00. 693-8456. 120t5 super 2 p.m. IMS ~ PERSONALS GOD, JESUS, and MAN — A new perspective. 696-1626 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. Senior Boots, size 6V4D.' Excellent condition. Great price. 779-9670 after 6 pm. 120113 Suzuki GT250 - $450.00 or best offer. 9240. 846- 12015 12" B & W TV. Excellent condition, after 5:00. 696-3721 $75.00 118t5 Ladies’ beautiful band. 693-6211. 14K Keepsake Wedding 119t6 TO THE GUY WHO HELPED ME GET INTO MY VAN AT SAFEWAY ON SATURDAY: I HAVE YOUR KEYS!!!!! Dale at 845-4515. MALE DELIVERY HELP WANTED Prefer student attending summer school. Must be available weekday afternoons and Saturday morntings. For appointment for interview call MEDICAL SALES AND RENTALS 822-2704 listin' THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY 1 Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn election precinct is served by a common polling place and election judge. A single ballot form at each polling place, to contain all the offices to be voted on at that polling place, shall be used, provided, however that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any office on which the voter is ineligible to vote. AND BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE A&M CON SOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF COLLEGE STATION, TEX AS, THAT: A trustee election shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Satur day in April, 1980, the same being April 5, for the purpose of electing Trustees for Places 3, 4 and 5. The election will be held under the provi sions of the laws of the State of Texas govern ing the general elections, and only duly qual ified voters who are residents of the A&M Consolidated Independent School District shall be allowed to vote. Said election shall be held in conjunction with the City of College Station where an election precinct is served by a common polling place and election judge. A single ballot form at each polling place, to contain all the offices to be voted on that polling place, shall be used, provided, however that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any office on which the voter is ineligible to vote. The polls shall be opened promptly at 7:00 a.m., and shall be closed promptly at 7:00 p.m. The Office of the City Secretary shall per form all duties normally performed by the County Clerk in general elections with respect MO! Jr •*••••••• * • *••••••' Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 ft. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 WANTED RN’S GRIMES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 210 S. JUDSON STREET NAVASOTA, TEXAS 77868 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfo Typing. Full time. 823-7723... 76tfn Symbols. Notary Public. TOWNHOUSE | Want two girls to share furnished town- I house 1'/2 miles from campus. $115/ month each plus equal share of utilities. ! Washer and dryer, Phone Dee Dee Ramsey 696-4104 Has immediate and part-time openings available for 3-11 and 11-7 shifts in ICU and/or floor. I $ FOR OLD EXAMS - Will pay $1.00 for each different exam from the following courses: Accounting 328, 329, 405, 407; United States History 105, 106; American Government 206; Math 102, 130, 230; Management 363, 321; Finance 341; English 103, 301; Political Sci ence 206, 207. Send name, address, and exam to: M. Gottlieb, 3210 Deer Trail, Bryan, Texas. 119t3 3-11 Staff Position - $7.25 + 12.5c shift differential 3-11 ICU Position - $7.50 + 12.50 shift differential 11-7 Staff Position - $7.25 + 250 shift differential 11-7 ICU Position - $7.50 + 250 shift differential NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD . Class rings, wedding rings, worn out * gold jewelry, coins, etc. . ^ The Diamond Room I Town A Country Shopping Center I 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 \ 1 to absentee voting, giving notice of the elec tion, and preparing the official ballots. The election will be held at the following places and the election officials shall be, for the purpose of this election, as follows: Precinct No. 2 and Precinct No. 29, Polling Place at the Wellborn Water Supply Building, in said District with Shirley Redman as Pre siding Judge, and Jo Ann Wade as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 8, Polling Place at South Knoll Elementary School, in said District, with W. W. Scott as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Albert Pedulla as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 9, Polling Place at the A&M Consolidated Special Services Building, 1300 Jersey, in said District with Norm Waggoner as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Ray Billingsley as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 10, Polling Place at College Station Fire Station, in said District with Cindy Pollard as Presiding Judge, and L. J. Starr as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 20, Polling Place at TAMU University Center, in said District, with Kathy Jones as Presiding Judge, and Karen Crane as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 21, Polling Place at College Station Municipal Building at 101 Church Avenue in said District with Ernest Gregg as Presiding Judge, and Robert White as Alter nate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 24, Polling Place at College Hills Elementary School, in said District with Janet Natowitz as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. S. K. Johnson as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 27 and Precinct No. 28, Pol ling Place at the Peach Creek Community Center, in said District with Dollie Olden as Presiding Judge, and Ruth Allen as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Precinct No. 31, Polling Place at A&M Consolidated High School, in said District, with Violetta Burke as Presiding Judge, and Kathleen Kenefick as Alternate Judge and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 4 Clerks. Absentee voting shall be conducted by the Office of the City Secretary in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue, in the City of College Station, Texas. Punch card voting machines shall be used for voting at the foregoing election precincts and electronic counting devices and equip ment shall be used for counting the ballots at said election. Room 005, of the Teague Building. Texas A&M University is hereby established as the Central Counting Station to receive ballots for said election, the ballots to be tabulated and returnee} to the Office of the City Secretary of the City of College Station. The following persons are hereby au thorized and approved as persons employed and designated to handle the ballots, operate the tabulating equipment, and count the bal lots: a. Presiding Judge: Charlotte Jones b. Alternate Judge: E. E. Bums c. Clerks: To be named by the Presiding Judge The following state officials and other desig nated persons are hereby authorized to be present at the Central Counting Station to observe the election counting process: a. The Board of Trustees of the A&M Consolidated l.S.D. b. The Superintendent and designated members of the staff c. Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of College Station d. The City Sectretary and designated members of the staff e. The County Judge and members of the Commissioners Court of Brazos County f. The Attorney General of the State of Texas or his authorized representative g. The County Clerk of Brazos Couny h. Candidates for the Office of Board of ' Trustees i i. Candidates for the Office of Mayor and Council men A committee is hereby established of the following persons to hold a Computer Accura cy Test prior to the start and subsequent to the count of the voted ballots to ascertain that the computer will accurately count the votes cast for the offices to be voted upon in said election: a. Board President, John C. Reagor b. Board Vice President, Elliott O. Bray c. Superintendent Bruce R. Anderson d. Mayor Lorence Bravenec e. City Secretary Glenn Schroeder f. City Manager North Bardell g. Presiding Judge Charlotte Jones A copy of this Order shall, when published in the newspaper of general circulation in the A&M Consolidated Independent School Dis trict, serve as proper notice of said election. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 18th day of February, 1980. APPROVED. John C. Reagor Board President Time and Va for overtime, hospital paid health and life insurance plus vacation, holiday and sick pay. For information, call: (713) 825-6585. JOB OPPORTUNITY w WANTED I FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr. 1 ‘FREE FOOD h ‘PAID VACATIONS FULL OR PART TIME 1 E> ‘ROOM FOR 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ADVANCEMENT 7p.m.-2a.m. ‘GOOD WORKING 5p.m.-2a.m. ENVIRONMENT APPLY IN PERSON ‘NO EXPERIENCE BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. NECESSARY 501 S. TEXAS AVE. \ c — 'IL Asset Management Representatives: Earn $300 to $1200 part-time. Full-time manage ment opportunity also available. 696-1655. 121t5 PRANKSTERS — MADCAPS/ALL AGES Recall your adventures? We re collecting stories. Selected entries-published, cre dited. Best story-$50. Ends 6/1/80. Write: Best College Pranks PO Box 7363 Austin, Tx 78712 11814 A copy of this Ordinance, when published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of College Station, shall serve as proper notice of said election. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 14th day of February, 1980. TEACH OVERSEAS! All fields, all levels. For details, send self- addressed, stamped, long envelope to: Teaching, Box 1049, San Diego, CA 92112. 11913 r APPROVED | SPECIAL NOTICE WANTED Janitors needed at St. Joseph’s School. Begin work at 3:00 pm. Students apply at 109 N. Preston, 822-6641. Lorence Bravenec Mayor I ATTEST Glenn Schroeder City Secretary I Call Gloria. 693-8286, 779- 119U0 SERVICES Typing. 823-4579. Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. HOtfn TYPING. Prompt, professional. 823-5726. 113118 CAREER IN BANK SUPERVISION The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is recruiting for Bank Examiner (Trainer) positions. A representative from the Dallas Regional Office will be on campus March 20, 1980, to conduct information sessions. Contact the Career Planning and Placement Center for additional information. 11912 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 f" , ""?erv,ce B Chrysler Corp. Cars TonWr i, ™ — "l Senior Secretary Duties include performance of all usual secretarial tasks for department director and faculty including typing technical re ports and supervision of one secretary. Requires shorthand, typing 50 plus wpm, knowledge of office equipment, high school graduation or equivalent combi nation of training and experience and 3-4 years secretarial experience. Prefer ad ditional business courses and fammmmiliarity with typing symbols. Contact the Employment Manager, Per sonnel Department, Texas A&M Univer sity, College Station, Texas 77843. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY THROUGH AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 12015 Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT RESIDENT ADVISOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Resident advisor candidates must be senior or graduate student classification with overall 2.25 GPA and some residence hall experience preferred but not necessary. DUTIES: Live with the student athletes in Cain Hall, serve as coun selor to the athletes, and act as liason between Resident Manager and Athletic Department administrators. STIPEND: Room and Board In-state tuition waiver APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Cain Hall (campus) or Leroy Sutherland 845- 4692 ORDENANZA NO. 1205 UNA ORDENANZA DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PIDIENDO UNA ELECCION GENERAL MUNICIPAL EN LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION EN EL SABADO, 5 ABRIL 1980, PARA LA ELECCION DE UN ALCALDE, CONCE- JALES PARA LUGARES 2, 4, Y 6, Y PARA LA ELECCION DE UN CONCEJAL PARA LUGAR 1 PARA UN PERIODO TER- MINANDO CON LA ELECCION MUNICIPAL DE 4 ABRIL 1981, A OCUPAR UNA VACANCIA CREDA FOR LA RESIG- NACION DE GARY HALTER: ESTAB- LECIENDO EL TIEMPO, SITIO Y MAN- ERA DE LLEVARSE A CABO LA ELEC CION Y DE NOMBRAR JUECES Y SEC- RETARIOS DE ESTO. Y UNA ORDEN DEL DISTRITO ESCO- LAR INDEPENDIENTE DE A&M CON SOLIDATED, COLLEGE STATION, TEX AS, PIDIENDO UNA ELECCION DE LA JUNTA DE REGENTES ESCOLARES EN EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPEN DIENTE DE A&M CONSOLIDATED EN SABADO, 5 ABRIL 1980, PARA ELECCION DE REGENTES PARA LUGARES 3, 4 y 5, ESTABLECIENDO EL TIEMPO, SITIO Y MANERA DE LLEVARSE A CABO LA ELECCION Y DE NOMBRAR A LOS JUECES Y COLLEGE IOS DE ESTO. SEA ORDENADO POR EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COL LEGE STATION, TEXAS: Una eleccfon gen eral se estafa y lo mismo esfo por la presente ordenda a llevarse a cabo en el primer sdbado en abril 1980, lo mismo siendo 5 abril, con el propbsito de eligir a un Alcalde, Concejales para Lugar 2, Lugar 4 y Lugar 6, y para la eleccfon de un Concejal para Lugar 1 para un perfodo terminando con la eleccfon municipal de 4 abril 1981, a ocupar la vacancia creada por la resignaefon de Gary Halter. La eleccfon se llevarS a cabo bajo las pro- visiones de las leyes del Estado de Texas gobemando las eleccfones generales, y sol- amente los votantes debidamente calificado quienes son residentes de la Ciudad de Col lege Station se estarin permitidos a votar. Dicha eleccfon se llevar5 a cabo en conjun- cfon con Distrito Escolar Independiente de A&M Consolidated en donde un precinto de eleccfon est4 servido por un sitio comun de votaefon y juez de eleccfon. Una s6lo forma de balota en cada sitio de votaefon, a contener todos los oficios a estarse votados en ese sitio ! de votaefon, se estariin usados, a condicfon ! que, de cualquier modo, no votante se estari ' eado una balota conteniendo cualquier oficio en la cual el votante est£ ineligible o votar. Y SEA ORDENADO POR LA JUNTA DE REGENTES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE A&M CON SOLIDATED. DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, QUE: Una eleccfon de regentes se estar£ y lo mismo est4 por la presente ordenada a llevarse a cabo en el primer sAbado en abril 1980, lo mismo siendo el 50 de abril, cone I propbsito de eligir a Regentes para Lugares 3, 4 y 5. La elect-foil se llevari a cabo bajo las pro- visiones le las leyes del Estado de Texas gobemando las elecciones generales, y soil amente los votantes debidamente calificados quienes son residentes del Distrito Escolar Independiente de A&M Consolidated se esta riin permitidos a votar. Dicha eleccfon se llevard a cabo en conju- cfon con la Cieudad de College Station en donde un precinto de eleccfon est4 servido por un sitio cormin de votaefon y juez de eleccfon. Una solo forma de balota en cada sitio de votaefon, a contener todos los oficios a estarse votados en ese sitio de votaefon, se estariin usados, a condicfon que, de cualquier modo, no votante se estarii dado una balota con teniendo cualquier oficio en la cual el votante estd ineligible a votar. Los sitios de votaefon se estariin abiertos puntualmente a los 7:00 a.m. y se estarin cerrados puntualmente a las 7:00 p.m. La Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad ejecutarii todos los deberes normalmente ejecutados por el Secretario del Condado en elecciones generales que se refieren a votaefon en ausencia, dando aviso de la eleccfon, y preparando las balotas oficialcs. La eleccfon se llevarii a cabo en los sitios siguientes y los oficialcs de eleccfon seran, con el propbsitio de esta eleccfon, como sigue: Precinto No. 2 y Precinto No. 29, Sitio de Votaefon en el Edificio de Abasteciimiento de Augua de Wellborn, en dicho Distrito con Shirley Redman como Juez Presidente, y Jo Ann Wade como Juez Altemo, y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mils de 4 Secretaries Precinto No. 8. Sitio de Votaefon en la Escuela Elemental de South Knoll, en dicho Distrito, con W. W. Scott como Juez Pre sidente, y Mrs. Albert Pedulla como juez Altemo, y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mtis de 4 Secretaries. Precinto No. 9. Sitio de Votaefon en el Edificio de Servicios Espeeiales de A&M Consolidated, 1300 Jersey, en dicho Distrito con Norm Waggoner como Juez Presidente. y Mrs. Ray Billingsley como Juez Altemo. y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mAs de 4 Secretaries. Precinto No. 10. Sitio de Votaefon en la Estacfon de Bombcros de College Station, en dicho Distrito con Cindy Pollard como Juez Presidente, y L. I. Starr como Juez Altemo. y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mis de 4 Secretaries. Precinto No. 20. Sitio de Votaefon en el Centro de Universidlad de TAMU, en dicho Distrito con Kathy Jones como Juez Pre sidente, y Karen Crane como Juez Altemo. y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarf no mis de 4 Secretaries. / Precinto No. 21. Sitio de Votaefon en el ' Edificio Municipal de College Station en 101 Church Avenue en dicho Distrito con Ernest Gregg como Juez Presidente, y Robert White como Juez Altemo, y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mis de 4 Secretarios. Precinto No. 24. Sitio de Votaefon en la Escuela Elemental de College Hills, en dicho , Distrito con Janet Natowitz como juez Pre sidente, y Mrs. S. K. Johnson como Juez Altemo. y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mas de 4 Secretarios. Precinto No. 27 y Precinto No. 28. Sitio dc Votaefon en el Centro de Communidad de Peach Creek, en dicho Distrito con Dollie Olden como Juez Presidente, y Ruth Allen como Juez Altemo, y dicho Juez Presidente nombrarii no mis de 4 Secretarios. Precinto No. 31. Sitio de Votaefon en la Escuela Secundaria de A&M Consolidated, en dicho Distrito, con Violetta Burke como Juez Presidente, y Kathleen Kenefick como Juez Altemo, y dicho Juez Presidente nombrard no mis de Secretarios. Votaefon en ausencia se llevarii a cabo por la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad en la Casa de Ayuntamiento en 1101 Texas Avenue, en la Ciudad de College Sttion, Texas. Mdquinas clectrdnicas de votaefon se esta- rdn usadas para votar en los precedentes distritos de eleccfon y mdquinas electrinicas de contar se estariin usadas para contar las balotas en dicha eleccfon. El cuarto No. 0005 del Edificio Teague de la Universidad de Texas A&M, esti por la pre sente establecido como la Estacfon Central de Contar para recibir balotas para dicha elec cfon, las balotas a estarse tabuladas y dcvucltas al la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad de College Station. Las personas siguientes cstAn autorizadas y aprobadas por la presente como personas empleadas y designadas a manejar las balotas, a operar el cquipo de tabular, y a contar las balotas: a. Juez Presidente: Charlotte Jones b. Juez Altemo, E. E. Bums c. Secretarios: A estarse nombrados por el Juez Presidente Los oficiales de estado siguientes y otras personas designadas est4n autorizados por la presente a estar presentes a la Estacion Cent ral de Contar para observer el proeedimiento de contar: a. La Junta de Regentes del Distrito Esco lar Independiente de A&M Con solidated b. El Superintendente y miembros desig- nados del cuerpo c. El Alcalde y miembros del Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de College Station d. El Secretario de la Ciudad y miembros designados del cuerpo e. El Juez del Condado y miembros del Corte de Comisionados del Condado de Brazos g. El Secretario del Condade de Brazos h. Los candidatos para el Oficio de la Junta de Regentes i. Los Candidatos para el Oficio de Alcalde y Concejales Una comisfon esfoa establecida por la pre sente de las personas siguientes a llevarse a cabo una prueba de exactitud del calculador antes de empezar y despu^s de contar las balotas voltadas para asegurar que el cal culador con tar3 con exactitud los votos echados para los oficios a estarse votados en dicha eleccfon: a. Presidente de la Junta, John C. Reagor b. Vice-Presidente de la Junta, Elliott O. Bray c. Superintendente Bruce R. Anderson d. Alcalde Lorence Bravenec e. Secretario de Ciudad Glenn Schroeder f. Administrador de la Ciudad North Bar dell g. Juez Presidente Charlotte Jones Una copia de esta Orden servin'!, al estarse publicada en el perfodico de circulacfon gen eral en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de A&M Consolidated, como aviso propio de dicha eleccfon. ADMITIDO Y APROBADO ESTE di 18 febrero 1980. Newplai for fedet budgetti ]N PRO\ times ta three he old dauf Karla lyzcd a: care. never wi Tuesdi lened hei United Press Inlemlj WASHINGTON-u| Robert GiaimooftheHoni; Committee Wednesa mended cutting thefeJirj by at least $2 billion morel dent Carter requested ill tightening plan. Giaimo announced lii $15.9 billion in proposej^Bj^ -r spending cuts at hisamaj. 1 ] sion to begin draftingW?. J- ’ ^ legislation. The chairman’s i age compares with thep proposed $13 billion to 1!^. , * spending reductions. \ (haimo said hedi5cus!il|H£* with congressional DemiteC, -1 If f. ers, administration rep®^ and budget committee Some major spending elimination ofSaturday and states’ share of revei and law enforcement grants. He said if approved,!* will result in a $4,9 bifei Ui LAS \ suspende police in killings i lare unit ied any Jani Ad Will II DUll 111 (1 QT. i7 UlUf it r„ i compared to Cartersli? ployees si budget proposal Giaimo expectsa9.6; tion rate in 1981, anassm er than Carter’s. While stratum estimates of not been released, Ti ary William Miller hasp:< 11 percent inflation rale Giaimo’s spending n like Carter's, calls for mo:; billion of savings based legislation. Both plans d gressional action on s hospital cost containmi to [lass Congress last year. G iai mo’s combined plans;; . five savings and actual spend calls for $21.4 billion ductions from the pi ary budget of $615.8 bilk tigation b Source; gating re amed “1 ith life si ill patient The inv month aft iverhearc two empl patient wt Angel” th The pol tient died she was tc intensive < n the tin *9.75 Oil change Tune up & oil PLUS OIL a PARTS Bus slow BILL’S AND J1 AUTO TUNE If all cars Unil CLEVE ow of a s< ren, was ither a pel day of stej Ohio’s larg By appointment ob 1 A school 846-908! 1 "'° ,nan dri 3611 South College A ■ on the bus In addit nany buse and in som up at desigi hobblin; Iprogram. The Clev had planne 7 from Intern Prescriptions Filled : but a strike Texas State o PTICAI Glasses Repaired 216N. BRYAN Mon.-Frl. Sat. ALLEN OMsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE to lease us< many as 5 standards. J Clevelan program las ? students in one-fourtl ystem. The secoi 11,000 addi Where satisfaction f standard equipmt 2401 Texas Ave. ! 779-3516 App< by C Jupfnm Unitd AUSTIN said Wedne hewspape Roberts of i nor’s Comm Roberts w Aug. 30, 198 ired term o of Fort Wor Eddie Domingtifi|chairman of Joe Arciwj)'!| Robert , 5 I \ and publishe [ ‘ Co., which p West Text Clements ippointed Ei he Family I a term en ippointed M: to the Co ;ction Pers ducation. APROBADO: John C. Reagor Presidente de la Junta Ann Jones Secretario de la Junta Una copia de esta Ordenanza servirS, al estarse publicada en el perfodico de circula cfon general en la Ciudad de College Station, como aviso propio de dicha eleccfon. ADMITIDO Y APROBADO ESTE DIA 14 febrero 1980. APROBADO Lorence Bravenec Alcalde ATESTADO Glenn Schroeder Secretario de la Ciudad United 1 AUSTIN - riminal Ap] yersed the ro regg County lonvicted him ly defective cl Jerry Jerom J years in prisor j robbery of Di dictment alleg Gregg with bo mission of the . But during jury the tria caused bodily charge not al ment.