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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1980)
age 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1980 [age 6 the BATH , MONDAY, MARC Reborn parts save money OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE English Proficiency Examination ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1980, at 7:30 p.M. BIOLOGY Department Curricula.... Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula Room 228CHEM MATH Department Curricula Room 101 Milner PHYSICS Department Curricula.... Room 301 PHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in accept able English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (ERE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C". ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRITTEN EXAMINA TION (EPE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIEN CY Requirement by taking English 301 and EARNING A MINIMUM GRADE OF “C”. Lunch i For information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with i the departmental secretary. mt/ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* « THE COWBOY * * If -^(The newest and most exclusive club known to Aggie- Nursery School help needed after 3:00 p.m. daily. 846-5571. 116t2 * * * * f -K * -K -K land is now hiring Waitresses and Bartenders. Call 779-2731 or 693-3942 or 779-3363 for interview. Top money and a friendly atmosphere are awaiting you. * * * * if )f * * * Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car (or residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ C. K. Krumbottz serves of sandwiches, burgers, s super salad bar Join u 2 p.m. Mon. through Fit Cooperative Education in the College ot Liberal Arts has an opportunity to place a student with Saudi Research & Marketing, Inc. located in Houston The student must be ot at least Junior classification and have a Journalism or Technical Writing major. For more information, please con tact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary at 845-7814 or come to 107 Harrington Tower. 11414 Our super I spread of n and get Vi f VISA Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts has four positions available in the probation offices located in Caldwell and Bryan The positions are for summer place ment and require students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. Students will work as assistant probation officers on a full time basis For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary in Room 107^ Harrington Tower or call 845-7014 114(4 815 Harvey Roac C5. PERSONALS CHAMPION CHILI RECIPE Ouick, Easy $1.00 and stamped envelope P.O. Box 1825 Uvalde, TX 78801 11315 m WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr. •FREE FOOD •PAID VACATIONS FULL OR PART TIME •ROOM FOR 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ADVANCEMENT 7 p.m.-2 a.m. •GOOD WORKING 5p.m.-2a.m. ENVIRONMENT APPLY IN PERSON *NO EXPERIENCE BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. NECESSARY 501 S. TEXAS AVE. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE General Motors Acceptance Corp. Opportunity to advance. Excellent Be nefits. Apply 4103 Texas Ave., Bryan. Equal Opportunity Employer. 11513 LOST LOST: Ladies' gold colored Timex watch near library. Call Lisa 696-1141. ii*>tJ xxxaxixg □EX3 REWARD! Small male Sheltie sable & white black on back of neck. Donna McDonald 845-2509. intwwwwwwvwvLW±W LOST 8-month old Doberman. Black and brown. Lost near Old Oaks and Willow Oaks Town Homes in Bryan. Call 846-7309. 11 $500/thousand addressing and stuffing circu lars. Free information. Z J Enterprise/2318 Woodburn/Middletown, Ohio 45042 HOtlO SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts needs a number of students for summer and fall placement in the Brazos County Bridgehouse. The students need to be of «■ Gradu Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. The part time positions will pay $3 per hour. For more information, please contact Susannah Clary or Henry D Pope in Room 107. call 845-7814 " Harrington Tower or call 845-7814. 11414 Same 1971 Ford Torino Station Wagon. V-8, automa tic $1000 O.N.O. 693-2702: 114t4 Ferrats 12 weeks old. $50 each. Call 693- 0127. 11612 PART TIME Telephone solicitators needed. Excellent income. Work around your schedule. Hiring now. Call 846-3033. io4tio PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tfh Kawasaki ’77 KZ400 - good condition. Under 5000 miles, with helmets. Call Don at 693- 4943. 11515 FOR SALE SERVICES PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 Unexpected Pregnancy? Services thru the 20th week Awake or Asleep Women’s Health Services Dallas, Texas (214) 349-9533 Call Collect TYPING. Prompt, professional. 823-5726. 113tl8 Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. THE 1 lOtfn | HaerviceTor^ll Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. j Dodge Sales and Service Since 1 1411 Texas Ave. , 823-8111 1 I i i 922® .>am >5«< mmm® 4-DRAWER CHEST $35 o ° If you’ve been looking for a good chest and haven’t found one built right or big enough. . . GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 2102 Kazmeier March 8, 9:00 a.m. Miscellaneous including 2 speakers, dinette set, living room furniture and camera equipment. H7ti 218 S. Main HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! 5-Drawer Available at $45.00 Twin City Furniture • Downtown Bryan • 779-0894 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT RESIDENT ADVISOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Resident advisor candidates must be senior or graduate student classification with overall 2.25 GPA and some residence hall experience preferred but not necessary. DUTIES: Live with the student athletes in Cain Hall, serve as coun selor to the athletes, and act as Nason between Resident Manager and Athletic Department administrators. STIPEND: Room and Board In-state tuition waiver APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Cain Hall (campus) or Leroy Sutherland 845- 4692 lOfltfn WANTED WE’RE LO! POWER F MONTH FC HAVE DEC YOU CAN WRITE: WE’LL I NOT INTE GINEERIf A U.S. Nfi AMC SPIRIT Spirt DL Liftback Prices start at P.O.E. $4,741 You can see Spirit has a lot of great things going for you. It also has some things you can't see — to keep it going longer. It’s obvious that the 1980 AMC Spirit DL liftback Is built to look good. But it takes more than a quick glance to discover It’s built to last long, too. Because under that sporty skin the Spirit is protected by the exclusive Ziebarf Factory Rust Protection. In fact, the Spirit is built so well, we’ve got it covered by the exclusive AMC Buyer Protection Plan, the most comprehensive protection in the industry, plus full 5 year No-Rust-Thru Warranty™ coverage. There’s even a cavernous 21 gallon fuel tank. The new 1980 AMC Spirit DL Limited. Don’t just see itl Now at your AMC Dealer’s. "base prlce-not Including freight, optional equipment or TTL FI AMC Bud Ward FIAMC-Jeep-Renault Need any type work during Spring Break. 693- 2702. 11413 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfn Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public, 823-7723...76tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD ’ Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ( ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. y The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ARMADILLO NEEDED DESPERATELY!!!! Will pay. Call 696-3748 evenings between 5:00 and 8:00. 11612 FOR RENT NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn PRE-LEASING MHSPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces (many shaded) -Swimming pool -Club House -Laundry -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 tt. to 14 ft. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 U3t2 2 United Press International DETROIT — Harry A. Holzwas- ser is the evangelist of the automo tive aftermarket. When he speaks of being born again, he is not talking about souls. Holzwasser is talking about starters, alternators, clutches and water pumps. Holzwasser, the president of Arrow Automotive Industries, the nation’s leading parts remanufac- tringfirm, believes it makes increas ing sense to use reborn parts with every increase in the rate of inflation or the price of cars and energy. He predicts the 1980s will bring a revolution in the $50 billion industry that services cars after they leave dealer showrooms. “By the end of the decade, 1 be lieve remanufactured parts will nlav the central role in the automotive aftermarket, he said. Remanufacturing accounts for ab out 10 percent of the aftermarket, he said, or $5 billion in sales. Holzwasser said there is an ing rained prejudice against rebuilt parts in today’s throwaway society — a suspicion they are not as good as new. “The facts prove differently,” he said. "The consumer thinks back to the days of the junk yard — when it was just a clean-up, paint-up product. In many cases today we build it better than new. " Holzwasser said the term "re built” doesn’t do justice to the high technology, quality-controlled assembly line operations of the large scale remanufacturer. Many people are unaware that when they buy a starter for their car it most likely will be a remanufac tured one, he said. Repairmen, he added, "would be embarrassed to charge you what it costs to buy a new one." Arrow, headquartered in Hudson, Mass., had sales of $72.2mis: 1979, more than double the Eiii al of $33.8 million. Holzwas» ( . pects the trend to continue. “Economic conditions nowm) it very important forthecarwi to save money and get a rel part,” he said. There can be a substantial energy savings, for ont Remanufacturing short ciiti the process of melting clown ana casting large metal components just makes good sense toretato that large part and replace whatot' is wrong inside,’ he said Arrow has estimated that tk million water pumps renai tured by the industry last year enough oil to heat 1,600 col homes for a year. Purchase price savings aveifji out 50 percent, Holzwasser sail 11 e gives these cost compareo® examples: new alternator $113, manufactured, $49; new re manufactured $74; new star $92, remanufactured $45;new pump $57, remanufactured$36, That could be particularly taut for foreign car owners, wk on the initial purchase price but; premium dollars for parts, he Another reason forhisoptimisi that cars are staying on the id longer, so there will be a grea need for replacement parts. 1 Arrow, started by Holzwasn father who began rewindingsm armatures for local car repairs!®) celebrated its 50th anniversan J > car. Holzwasser is deeply involve!j programs to foster the traininsi automotive mechanics andisra; paigning not only in the autoiti! try, but amongconsumergoodsi| ers generally, for part designi allows for remanufacturing. "It just seems a crime to m away a refrigerator when the ra pressor’s gone,” he said. Fi in If you rc the kites helped yoi may be re; tion. It’s kite \ and kite hi have a cha lents in the and Recre kite contes The cont on the grot dated High ;Loop in Cc First, se awards will st flying largest, sm; Strongest ki oldest kite f ;gers, recrea OV< I HOUSTOI'' vived a car < members ofh ago has accuse ing on his pro of threatening unless she pa; ■Deborah J Texas Depart sources empk district court \ charges again s Afghan ruler OKs conferenct Clax no e S ing a t relief Clayto United Press International Soviet-backed President Babrak Karmal of Afghanistan said he is will ing to participate in an international conference to set up a police force that would patrol the tense border between Pakistan and Afghanistan as a step towards a Soviet withdrawal, a pro-Communist Indian newspaper reported Thursday. The Afghan president, who was installed by the Soviet Union follow ing its invasion of Afghanistan last AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80511 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 1 December, was quoted assayingi. Soviet troops in his country wil withdrawn only when Pateli guarantees it will stop what hesi were its efforts to topple hisMnf government. In an interview with the wdf pro-Soviet Indian newspaperljj Blitz, based in Bombay, K: if the Moslem rebels fightinghisi ime launch a spring offensive American help, then “Afghan: will become the graveyard oil imperialism.” He charged that the CIA bi plan to dismember Afghanistan ! ing its eastern and southernpaili Pakistan, the north to China and' west to unnamed other nationi “Their (the CIA’s) whole sdi was to turn Afghanistan into anK Soviet base after they lost oil Iran,” Karmal said. Asked if h is government ill terested in a conference of thcflU tries involved in the crisis toW on an agreed force to police I Afghan Pakistan frontier, Kanili plied: “We say yes to any noble! itiative.” “Any such arrangement sW however, be in conformity witlia U.N. Charter that there shouli j he the slightest meddling inoiir ternal affairs, ” Karmal added. prospe $1 bill j Bill C propo; The said hr than “I |find ; Itime Isaid. |so. I "I ' 333 Univi Th Barcelona Your place in the sun, Spacious Apartments with New Carpeting Security guard, well lighted parking areas, closetocam pus and shopping areas, on the shuttle bus route, 700 Dominik, College Station 693-0261 Texas Ave. BARCELONA Whataburger A&M Golf Course i fr/d 90 SAT SUl 1: 3 < 3 : 3* 5: 3< ?:3< 9: 3( (Hi E FR/D, 7:4 9:4 SAT SUl 1:1 3:1' 5:1‘ 7:4- 9:4' (If cue