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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1980)
Zone concept used in researcher’s coastal hurricane evacuation plan THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. 1980 Page 5 :>ff< MgedbyflodJ | md again in 1* ‘Kaifengje^: By BRIAN BLALOCK ere unable to Ij, Campus Reporter soitwasdfft! A hurricane evacuation plan for mains today, Harris, Galveston and Brazoria i the mustywmi counties is being developed by a g museum, J Texas A&M University researcher. Dr. Carlton Ruch of the Center for build a nett-. Strategic Technology is developing is will be diif the plan with local government offi- luseum directs; cials and civil defense authorities. The counties will be divided into a es are inscrib number of zones based on popula- “ dated 1679 o tion, road systems and vulnerability second stone to flooding. Ruch said dividing the w "the patriaitij 8163 * n t° zones makes it easier to ed the script", notify people in a specific area when o) and Noah • p8 vacua ti°n * s needed, ham (A-WuLof; It’s so you can let the people h and 19th cur l cnow * n a particular zone or region 1 European ]nr b° w long they have to evacuate be- legations trae? lo re their evaucation roads will be le carts and hi; flooded,” he said, the Chinese Ruch said the evacuation plan will use a storm surge model developed by the National Weather Service ' ntui - trauk: which constantly updates the move- rcmaming rej.. i. Its booksnotfe i Museum in® at Oxford aaj| versifies. Soil liversitymbalJ rolls. Hebre»| incinnati, Oh odks. igo, some KaJd .‘ms. known intby ns." In themos worshippers is to distingue! sliite-capped h 'nt. Symphony to be played Sunday E.. IS By LISA MARTIN Campus Reporter ; Last fall, the Bryan-College Sta tion community acquired what many other cities have — a full symphony chestra. The Brazos Symphony Orchestra (BSO) was formed to provide the community with high quality sym phonic music said Ron Newton, Jpresident of the Brazos Symphony fprchestra Society (BSOS). I The orchestra’s goal is to have four to five concerts per year. The orches- 11 n nno [tra will perform at 3:30 p.m. Sunday llr rU/in Rudder Theater. Tickets may be Y . i » na purchased at the Rudder Box Office. MnnU I “The orchestra is a non-profit organization composed of people from all walks of life, ” Newton said. ^There are high school students, stu dents and staff from Texas A&M Uni- rsity and residents of the Bryan- lollege Station area in the orches- Newton said. “The Bryan Community Arts Council had previously started a Itrings music program with the help of the federal grants which is now an active part to the curriculum in the Bryan schools,” Newton said. I “Now all these high school stu dents are coming up through the program in order to have some place sto perform.” . The orchestra has a committee Composed of local professional musi cians and several faculty members [from Sam Houston State University |vhich auditions prospective mem bers, Newton said. B “Consequently, a lot of Aggies have auditioned and are now re hearsing on a weekly schedule,” Newton said. “There is no age limit, yone who has the talent and has |he inclination to undergo the rigor- s rehearsal schedule is invited to ludition for the orchestra. “In addition to this, the committee ill bring in people from outside the immunity, professional musicians, if they feel they need to augment one of the orchestra,” Newton said. There are about 40 members in the orchestra, Newton said. 3 lpacPfHWittt ■ The g° al of the orchestra is to icddeuv* eventually reach as many people empting Pood! who have the talent and interest to 3lnc Tov have afull orchestra oflocal people,” lib Id*. Newton said. I The BSOS will assist the orchestra M tn T'lM P S N providing a forum for the concerts ' 1 ' J|and a financial base, Newton said. —®’he society performs the routine activites of scheduling perform- EONESDAY ,ances > publicity, and ticket sales ^without the performances being in- <11NG SPECIAL ®lved. “The society is also interested in ken Fried Steal ^acting a large number of people r vho would like to join the society cream bravy their membership provide ped Potatoes an Inancial base for the Orchestra.” >ice ol one other Vegetable orn Bread and . " Princeton gets Arab money >=3 DAY SPECIAL OndEVENM ment of a storm through computer printouts. It also gives the projected depth and location of the storm surge. Storm surges are tidal movements on a coastland associated with a storm’s movement. He said the model would also give reports every 10 minutes on the wa ter levels at critical areas like the Baytown Tunnel, where rising water could cut off roads. Ruch said by using these reports emergency coordinators could pre dict how soon certain areas and escape routes would be flooded. He said a survey would be con ducted soon in the three counties to determine the number of people who would evacuate an area, de pending on the evacuation routes needed and the number of public shelters required to house the evacu ated people. Ruch said the plan was being funded through the governor’s office and the Department of Commerce. Work on the plan began in the fall of 1979 and it is expected to be usuable by the 1981 hurricane season. The plan is being developed with coordination and communication be tween the representatives of local governments, media agencies and other organizations such as the Texas Coastal and Marine Council, Nation al Weather Service, Department of Public Safety, American Red Cross and the Texas Department of High ways and Public Transportation. ccca MARCH OF TACOS _ aL E 39C S A TACOS! 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