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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1980)
i-mje II Mt OAI IMLIOIN WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1980 Brilab hampers Clayton’s re-election United Press International AUSTIN — Allegations linking Speaker Bill Clayton to the FBI’s Brilab (bribery-labor) investigation have caused a marked change in the attitude of House members towards Clayton’s plans for an unpre cedented fourth term, and members now are talking about a change in speakers, a candidate for that job said Tuesday. Rep. Lynn Nabers, D- Brownwood, a close ally of Clayton’s United Press International AUSTIN — George Bush has caught Ronald Reagan at the top of the field of Republican presidential candidates in Texas, but President Carter would beat them all, accord ing to the latest Texas Monthly poll. The poll, conducted Feb. 5-9, shows Carter far ahead of Sen. Ed ward Kennedy, D-Mass., (69 per cent to 22.9 percent, with California Gov. Jerry Brown getting 3.4 per cent) in the Democratic primary and substantially ahead of all Republi cans. Although Connally still has more support in Texas than in any other state, the 2-to-l margin he enjoyed in past polls has evaporated, Texas Monthly said. The February poll showed Texas preferring Reagan (33.7 percent) and Bush (32.8 per cent) over Connally (25.4 percent). Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tenn., the only other Republican making a showing, was the choice of 5 percent of the Texas Republicans inter viewed. The Texas Monthly pollsters inter viewed 1,000 registered voters from selected areas of the population. The magazine said Carter’s sup port has grown since the first poll in January, and that Kennedy lost sup port in every geographic region ex cept Bexar County (San Antonio). Statewide in January, Kennedy was strongly preferred over Carter by both blacks and Mexican-Americans, but has since dropped behind among black voters, though he has kept his support among Mexican-Americans. The poll said Bush has gained sup port in every geographical area of Texas since his surprise victory Jan. 21 in the Iowa caucus. Riverboat dry-docked during the past three sessions who concedes he now is devoting full time to his campaign to succeed Clayton, said many members are re luctant to commit their support to another candidate in the speaker’s race until they see the outcome of the allegations against Clayton. “Nobody wants to do anything to hurt Billy, I don’t think, Nabers said. “But there sure has been a shift, I think, in the attitude of the mem bership. Now they’re talking about a change. I don’t think they necessari ly want a change, but privately they’re admitting there’s probably going to be one.’ There has been speculation, sup ported by Clayton and his aides, that the speaker would resign his leader ship position if he is indicted by a federal grand jury in Houston. He is scheduled to appear before that grand jury in March to answer questions about his conversations with an undercover agent for the FBI who approached Clayton about help ing Prudential Insurance Co. secure a multimillion dollar state insurance contract, and about charges that he then had a labor leader leave a stack of $100 bills on the speaker’s desk. Clayton concedes L.G. Moore left the money, but he said he never in tended to accept it. Clayton also has confirmed that the agent mentioned up to $600,000 in campaign contri butions for Clayton and his friends if Prudential was awarded the con tract. Shortly before the allegations against Clayton became public. Rep. John Bryant, D-Dallas, announced he would challenge Clayton in 1981 for the speaker’s job. Goliad; and Tom Uher, D-Bay City. Nabers said Tuesday he is pre pared to spend full time campaigning for the speaker’s position. Lewis. Since the allegations surfaced, at least five other candidates are discus sing possible campaigns. Those in clude Nabers, Reps. Gib Lewis, D- Fort Worth; Bennie Bock, D-New Braunfels; Tim Von Dohlen, D- “I’m spending a lot of time down here (in Austin) and a lot of time on the road,” he said. “I’m pretty well committed to make a run at the thing full time.” Nabers said he has drawn little support from lobby groups, who gen erally are considered to be backing “I’ve been trying to do work with members, tint hope would elect the ncit Nabers said. “I am gettij; good support, a lot of good agement. ” Clayton returned to fe office Tuesday, but on the his attorneys declined to bribery allegations against reporters. Bush catches Reagan in poll United Press International ST. LOUIS — City leaders are aghast at prospects of losing a vener able tourist attraction, the excursion boat Admiral. “The Admiral has been part of the heritage of this community as long as I can remember,” Mayor James F. Conway said last Wednesday. “It just wouldn’t be the same old river front without it.” The Admiral has plied the Missis sippi River for 40 years. The ship is often paired visually with the Gate way Arch on riverfront postcards. Advertised as the world’s largest excursion boat, it has a capacity of 4,000 passengers. Countless resi dents and visitors carry with them memories of childhood afternoons spent playing in the Admiral’s penny arcade or dancing to big bands on moonlight cruises. “I couldn’t imagine summer in St. Louis without the Admiral,” said James O’Flynn, president of the Re gional Commerce and Growth Asso ciation . O’Flynn’s comment typified the stunned reaction to a recent copyr ight story in the St. Louis Post- Dispatch. The report said the Admiral has canceled its 1980 season and may never return to St. Louis from dry dock in New Orleans. The Coast Guard last May ordered the ship to undergo repairs to its steel hull and banned cruises in the interim. During last summer’s tour ist season the boat was moored on the riverfront, open to visitors to stroll its five decks but not for any of the customary short trips to South St. Louis. William F. Carroll, president of Streckfus Steamers Inc., owner of the Admiral, said arrangements had been made with Boatmen’s National Bank of St. Louis to finance $750,000 in repairs to the hull. However, when the boat was hauled up in the dry docks last month in New Orleans, the Coast Guard found additional hull repairs, costing $500,000, were needed. “Boatmen’s told us they were not going to lend us the additional $500,000,” Carroll told the Post- Dispatch. “They said, ‘We’re not going to give you anything at all,’ not even the agreed-on $750,000. They told us to just get the Admiral out of that ship yard as quickly and cheaply as pos sible.” A statement issued by the bank said Boatmen’s “is continuing to ex plore all avenues available to keep the (Streckfus) company operating in St. Louis.” O’Flynn said St. Louis will rally to save the ship. WE # GIVE ft VALUABLE COUPON 100 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS with every order of HIM PROCESSING Developing and prints This coupon must accompany your order "6et your film developed before the price goes up! These prices good Thurs., Fri., & Sat. - Feb. 28-29 & March 1 Decker's Quality SMOKED SAUSAGE Meaty PORK CUTLETS Ib - Claussen's Sweet & *^4)2 PICKLE So"' CHIPS 44 « i ,r Oscar Mayer Reg. or BEEF Garlic BOLOGNA » 02. pkg. LOOKS AND PLAYS UKE A LOTTERY TICKET WTH ONE BIO DIFFERENCE THE COST IS FREE! GET A FREE TICKET WITH EACH VISIT TO OUR STORE- TWO GAMES ON EACH CARD |i|(l|5ion of Afj preparing tion of a S, ited Press gources said the cb ling the ca UP TO 1000°° INSTANTLY! 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