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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1980)
i Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1980 Battalion Classifieds SERVICES HELP WANTED FOR RENT Will do alterations. Call 846-5517 after 5 pm. 103t4 Expert typing. Call Gloria 693-8286. 103tl0 Help wanted. Experience with cars. Good per sonality. Apply at Piper’s Gulf Station by the Ramada Inn at the comer of University and Texas. 102tl0 “How to Make (A) on a Quiz” written by an honors graduate of one of the nation s great universities. Send $5 to LEARNING EXPERI- ENCE/Box 765/Tyler, TX 75710. 105t7 SPRING BREAK JOBS. Earn up to $7.60/hour in your own home area. Could lead to full time summer jobs with national co. Contact Charles Long, Aggieland Inn, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 12:00, 2:00 pm., or 4:00 pm. only. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 12:00 or 2:00 pm. only. No phone calls. 101t5 DAY AND NIGHT PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Apply in person. PASTA’S PIZZA 807 Texas Avenue New! room for rent. $125.$$/month. Call 779- 9096. 105t5 Girl needed to sublease 2-bdrm, 2-bath apart ment. Call 845-8429. 105t5 EFFICIENCY: Glade East Apts. Bedroom loft, pets, off Holleman. $150 + electricity. 696-3031. 101t5 Part-time Draftspersons needed. Third to fifth year architec ture student or others with experi ence will be considered. Call 779-2398 for details and interview. i04t4 OVERSEASJOBS' Summer/year round. Europe, South America, Australia, Asia, Etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free information. Write: IJC/Box 52-TC/ Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 99ts Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Jo For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a da' ' Equal Employment Opportunity t.. igh Affirmative Ac tion. Texas A&M University Unexpected Pregnancy? Services thru the 20th week Awake or Asleep Women’s Health Services Dallas, Texas (214) 349-9533 Call Collect Swensects Accepting applications for dishwashers, cooks, fountaineers, and cashiers. Pick up applications at SWENSEN’S in Culpepper Plaza PART TIME Telephone solicitators needed. Excellent income. Work around your schedule. Hiring now. Call 846-3033. i04tio J| NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177«n Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears GENERAL OFFICE HE LP WANTED Fulltime. . . Typing 40 wpm. . . Light bookkeeping. . . 8-5 Monday through Friday. Apply Dixie Chicken Office 307 University 1-3 Daily lootfn AVAILABLE NOW 2-bdrm 1 -bath Upstairs Duplex off Broadmoor $230.00/month 3 as paid, acob Beal Real Estate at 822-4518 M-F only. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051| ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 LOST Pair of glasses in brown vinyl case. Lost be tween C.E. building and Harrington. Call 845- 1289. 101t5 FOR SALE MH-MR AIDS (House Managers) Full time and part time. High School Diploma or equivalent. Good driving record. Experience with mentally ill/ mentally retarded preferred. APPLY AT BRAZOS VALLEY MH-MR 202 E. 27th St. Bryan AA/EOE 103t5 V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SHERWOOD HEALTH CARE INC. has full time and part time openings for LVN’s 6-2 and 2-10, RN 2-10. Excellent salary, benefits and work ing conditions. Contact E.P. Sulik, Admin. 822-7521 95118 NEED QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS for drapery workroom. * $3.10/hour < for immediate employment. i Call 823-5688 Mon-Fri Working hours 8 - 4. 10313 i WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Dissecting microscope and metal detector. Call 822-5358. 105tl Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544.. . Itfii PART-TIME/NOW FULL-TIME/SUMMER National Marketing Co. will appoint six local representatives to contact A&M Students. Above average pay, flexible hours, car necessary. For local interview call 800-821-5838 Jim Beasley. i04t-" WAITRESSES NEEDED Call for appointment after 2. APPLY IN PERSON. JOB 'OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: Sanyo turntable — Excellent con dition— four months old. $100.00. Call Robert 696-3137. 10515 BE PROUD OF YOUR NEXT REPORT CARD! Get the PASSTEST METHOD. Send $3.25 to: PASSTEST Box 263, San Marcus, TX 78666 10311 1978 Mercury Cougar XR-7. All power, first owner, 20,000 miles. $5500. Call Jeff at 693- 8520. 10215 1979 Triumph Spitfire-Convertible. High mpg-first owner-3,700 miles-AM/FM Cassette. $5300.00. Call Jeff at 693-8520. 10H5 STUDENTS Are you tired of working part-time for minimum wage? Just 2 hours a day having fun you can average $1000/month! XTR 779-9665 10414 ’79 SUZUKI GS550E. Beautiful black, in su perb condition. $1650.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103r6 Buy one. Cordoba ’75 $2750.00. Catalina '75 $2250.00. 779-9678. 102t7 ’78 TRANS/AM 400-AUTOMATIC. Good Condition. $4950.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103t6 Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823-7723... 76tfn f ^ ^ ^ ^ m CASH FOR OLD GOLD < ' Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. ► The Diamond Room < l Town & Country Shopping Center f 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 J PHOTOGENIC? Photographer seeking students for advertising promotion shot in Austin and Dallas. Excellent pay. KANISH, 6211 West Northwest Highway, #2703, Dallas 75225. Phone: 214/692-1440. 10413 BOHNE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Brenham, Texas Needs X-Ray TECHNICIAN RTR registry eligable. 10 am.-6 pm. and call back. One free meal daily. Paid sick, vacation and holiday etc. Call Administration 713-836-6173 EOE MEN! WOMEN! JOBS! CRUISESHIPSI/SAILING EXPEDI- TIONSI/SAILING CAMPS. No ex perience. Good pay. Summer. Career. NATIONWIDE, WORL DWIDE! Send $4.95 for APPLICA TION/1N FO/R E F E R R A L S to CRUISEWORLD 127 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. loan 1977 Monte Carlo — V8-305. Excellent Condi tion. First owner: 29,000 miles. 846-1230.6tl2 NEW AGGIE SENIOR BOOTS. NEVER BEEN WORN. MEN'S SIZE lOVt. $300. Call 846-3996 after 5 pm. 10315 cIf) BIG icIf OFFICIAL NOTICE “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. 80133 w WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr. ‘FREE FOOD ‘PAID VACATIONS FULLOR PARTTIME ‘ROOM FOR 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ADVANCEMENT 7 p.m.-2a.m. ‘GOOD WORKING 5 p.m.-2 a.m. ENVIRONMENT APPLY IN PERSON ‘NO EXPERIENCE BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. NECESSARY 501 S. TEXAS AVE. AIRCRAFT OPERATING PARTNERSHIP Superbly equipped Cessna 175 with new 2000 hour Lycoming Engine conversion. Opening for active, 1 FR pilot. $2500 equity purchase. $124 monthly fixed cost. Call Mrs. Ragsdale 846-1731. 1031F GIVE YOUR SUMMER TO A SPECIAL KID. A summer job with meaning. Coun selor at camp near Dallas. Salary, room board, insurance. Make appoint for Camp Directors visit to campus, February 27 and 28th at The Placement Center. For more information: Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place, Suite 123, Dallas, TX 75235. (214) 634-7500 10418 BARGAINS! Twin City Furniture has just re ceived truckloads of chests, mattresses and dinettes * Hurry for best selection — These prices will not last!!! 4-Drawer or 5-Drawer Chests (walnut or maple) st at. . . $39.95 Inner-Spring Mattress and .™ Se ! spric . es .. $89.95 19 Pieces of furniture (Dresser, mir ror, chest, head board, full-size mat tress, box spring and frame, 5-piece decorator dining set, sofa, chair, cof fee table, 2 end tables and 2 lamps) all for only $799.95 ‘We buy truckloads to save you money. ” TWIN CITY FURNITURE 218 S. Main — Downtown Bryan open 9-6 mUKEMUUP “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS BEGINNING MARCH 1, 1980 SPECIAL NOTICE Woman on death row: state one of only seven in U,! United Press International MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — Each morning when she awakes, Rebecca Machetti looks at the green cinder- block walls and realizes that what she had hoped was a nightmare is real. Furnished & Unfurnished On Shuttlebus Route Efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Bedroom Apartments Tennis Courts (Lighted) 24 Hr. Professional Maintenance Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck Service Health Spas, Including Saunas for Families Welcome Men & Women Pets permitted Three Laundry Rooms # Basketball/Volleyball Court Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 Barcelona Your place in the sun, Spacious Apartments with New Carpeting. Security guard, well lighted parking areas, close to cam pus and shopping areas, on the shuttle bus route. 700 Dominik, College Station 693-0261 Texas Ave. BARCELONA Whataburger A&M Golf Course “Somewhere in Atlanta there is a death warrant that could be signed on me at any time and I could die,” she said in an interview with UPI. Rebecca Machetti is one of seven women in the United States under sentence of death for murder. “gives me somethingprodn cause mail becomes a thing. ! , She says she doesn’t Wg visitors “because friendsfc® have are in distant countries distant states.’’ Machetti * -g her parents had to limit tin M of visits because they are s -I cially able to pay for the :L Macon to MillegevilleandJ [ both been ill. All were convicted of killings that involved either a husband or a lover as victim or accomplice. All are in the South. All are living in cells that had to be adapted for the status of an unusual tenant. Although there are only seven women facing execution throughout the nation, there are ab out 6,600 men on death row. “But when they cowj time for them to leave, home too.” United AUSTIN - lid he dismi: over FBI a otential $60 ution for riends. Clayton’s bribery-la Unlike the other six, however, the 41-year-old Machetti has exhausted her appeals in the state judicial sys tem and has taken her case to the federal courts. The others are still in state courts. Three women in Georgia are now sentenced to die, and there is one each in North Carolina, Alabama, Florida and Texas — five states in what the American Civil Liberties Union calls the “Death Belt.” Since 1930, there have been about 3,860 legal executions and only 32 were women. Machetti could be the first woman in 35 years to be electro cuted in Georgia. Machetti was convicted along with her husband, Charles, who is also condemned, in the 1974 slayings of her former husband, Ronald Akins, and his wife. An accomplice, John Moree, was also convicted, but he was sentenced to life in exchange for his testimony. According to court records, Machetti and Moree drove to Macon, Ga., from Miami, lured Akins and his wife to a subdivision and gunned them down for $20,000 insurance. Although Machetti was in Miami at the time of the killing, she was convicted of conspiracy, punish able by death under Georgia law. Once a nurse, Machetti now spends almost 24 hours a day in a corner cell in the clinic at the Women’s Correctional Institution at Millegeville. For the past three years, her daily routine begins at 6 a.m. She reads, watches television and talks “with my Lord.” Receiving and answering mail is a mqst cherished part of her day. Although she has pen pals in 137 countries, she feels her correspond ence with others condemned to die is most important. She says writing in mates on death rows in other states During the interview, seemed to be on an emotii coaster. For a time she witty, charming and artict*.. , , „ . suddenly she would ham^ ar f s hack tears. ' t ers the mentioned n She jokingly asked ht^between Cla attorney if her business was|ja ose pb f^ aus because she had noticed klKM 001 " 6 the “same red coat forther|i that me years.” sjWelope cont ... . , . v , , J bills on Clay Minutes later, MachettL cracked, her lower lip quiilj her hands shook when slip light a cigarette. “1 may come across to who is not at all troubled, wonder sometime if the succeed in trying to kill me, I have to discard it becaul times it gets so bad I can't cigarette.” Machetti, who declined out her crime and anyoneH says she has changed sine walked into the prison. "1 get the feeling that myi little bit bigger. It hasi| capacity — a greater de M achetti says she her “prison ministry 6 with all those she noww she has a story to tell. “1 am socially conscious a good intelligence and I rious and 1 am able to arte feelings, she said when she should be allowed to society. “This should thing. Her only prison contactsi members of the staff. M achetti says she is “an woman on death row her conviction foreonspii mit murder, shecallsh “woman convicted on a killed even though it was proveri was “not only in another 700 or 800 miles away Unite AUSTIN rabs conti unty jail T ested wi iccepted p< eed Mond “They’re aid Craig C xator. “On it’s red easy The forei personal b ested las! ay on chs peechof th iador to the Ba Jnite SAN AN' tion tha sei scene. >. • 2. I think 1 have a lot too^oxygencon ty,” she said. “1 in notafrafe Robert B. ' just don t think I should c. was Jj en g j Whenever you are, if you want: to talk to us aba call us. Were here to help you. of a 5-veek Offidals know whe affected an; Johr Gu the Bexar ( .said the ii tinue until nitrous oxic Inected to loxygen at Iclinic. The iris jjvered after jcious abm who was b PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. .62tfh PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 American Cancer Society 2,000,000 people fighting cancer. < YOU’LL FIND AM Your I* Plumbing & Hardware Supplies at M WHITE HOME & AUTO STORE M Northgate Bike Repair— Dorm Refrigerators I 10315 &wwm'wwwmm m'wwwww* WEIGHT WATCHERS is a unique pro gram of weight reduction that helps you to lose weight without starving and also shows you how to keep it off forever. Col lege Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. Thanks to you, I still have a home. For over 30 years, Smokey has been asking you to be careful with fire. During that time, you’ve helped cut the number of careless fires in half. So from Smokey Bear and all of us who live in the forest, thanks for listening. And keep up the good work v® ■ A Public Service of This Magazine & The Advertising Council ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * -K -X -X * * -K * * * * -K NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bid forms will be available at the Texas A&M Cyclotron, Building 434, Spence Street, Texas A&M University Campus, and sealed bids will be received in the office of the Inventory Supervisor, Purchasing and Stores, Agronomy Road, Texas A&M University; until 10:00 a.m. February 22, 1980 for Surplus Property consisting of an IBM 7094/1401 Computer System. This property may be inspected between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, by contacting Foress Johnson at the above address. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicali ties, For information call Foress Johnson at 713/845-1411. ioiu ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ L