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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1980)
Page6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1980 On The Double nation Northgate 846-3755 XEROX COPIES, TYPING We specialize in Resumes, Theses, Dissertations Open M-F, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Sat., 9-6 Mardi Gras: Street action beats even your wildest fantasies Student Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon STARTING 19 FEB 1980 Every Tuesday and Friday 12 noon MSC Room 145 779-0933 DIETING? United Press International NEW ORLEANS — Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras could make some X-rated movies look tame. Inhibitions disappear. Gays openly display their sexual preferences. Straights fondle each other in public. People who may in real life be re served, quiet types turn into exhibi tionists. Thousands packed the French Quarter Monday for pre-Mardi Gras partying that certainly would have made a Midwestern schoolmarm blush. At one street comer, a large crowd gawked at a man wearing only an orange wig and a pair of gossamer- thin bikini briefs. Spectators yelled and screamed, hurling coins at the man and deman ding he display himself. One onlooker walked out of the crowd, spoke to the man matter-of- factly and pulled the man’s briefs down to his ankles. The crowd whooped and laughed with delight. “I can’t believe it,’’ said one woman. “He’s really doing it,” said another. The man bared himself several times, stooping between shows to collect the change that showered down from the balconies above. Since he was undressed, he had no pockets, and so took the coins to a fully dressed male friend leaning against a portable toilet. Then the raunchy show came to a climax — almost literally. The performer whispered in his change-keeper’s ear, who placed his thumbs inside the waistband of the briefs, pulled them down to the per former’s thighs and grabbed the man’s crotch. Money showered down from the balcony. The second man knelt before his friend and began performing an illegal act. Another crowd gathered beneath a crowded wrought iron Bourbon Street balcony where a mostly male audience yelled to a group of women below. After a few yells, three men turned and displayed their der- rieres. That prompted one woman to lift her purple knit top up to her neck and display her chest. Two of the women, apparently too bashful to undo their tops, demur red. The crowd persisted, shouting “show some skin. ” One woman — red-faced with embarrassment and protesting loud ly — was hoisted onto the shoulders EL PASO HOX All-Night Fa: “DAYDREAMI dest dream ir AMERICAN SC Carr, former and Future h BLOOD DRIVI drive throug] TRADITIONS Students Cor at Texas A&] of a couple of male spectators!) she momentarily pulled her blj to the side. But in every crowd there'i| killjoy. Half a block off Bourbon Stre | AGRONOMY woman stood between two vans* Sciences-Ent two male friends. She had alisMJDIO ENGII taken off her top, and her M Zachry Engii helped her pull off her jeans-; : s t e ro system vealing a flimsy black baby doll a EeriCAN i j ligee and G-string. I meet and ho The slightly plump brunettejl gineering Ce fully allowed the men to fondlei MEDICAL TE< tug on the G-string until-tol l Agronomy B boos oj the crowd — a p<fcJj EWBRAUNI strolled up. | ^ Msc ^ invited to atl ',ven though we do not prescribe diets, we make\ \it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal\ Ywhile they follow their doctor s orders. You will\ \be delighted with the wide selection of low\ \calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the\ \Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Base-\ \ment. FBI knew chief informant participated in KKK attacks United Press International NEW YORK — J. Edgar Hoover knew in advance of a 1961 Ku Klux Klan attack on a group of “freedom riders” in Birmingham, Ala., but the FBI failed to protect the civil rights activists, according to the New York Times. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM Quoting a Justice Department re port, the newspaper said FBI agents knew about and apparently covered up the fact that the bureau’s chief Klan informant during the 1960s was involved in several such attacks. QUALITY FIRST Habitech But the department found no evi dence to suggest the informant, Gary Thomas Rowe Jr., was involved in a series of racial killings while on the bureau payroll from 1960-65, the newspaper said in a dispatch from Birmingham. Joseph Ross, agent in charge of the FBI Birmingham office, Sunday de clined comment, citing court action on the matter. T do not know of any report of that nature in Birmingham, so I assume it would be in Washington,” he said. The Times said the department re port said Rowe was a leader in the Klan beatings that marked the begin ning of violent racial conflict in Birm ingham. The report criticizes the FBI for failing to protect the “freedom rid ers” after Hoover, then the FBI director, was told in advance of the ambush that Klansmen planned at the Birmingham bus station, the Times said. The report said Hoover was in formed that Rowe, armed with a lead-weighted baseball bat, was to be a leader of one of the Klan attack squads but the bureau failed to pro tect the demonstrators, the Times said. Announces the start of a 7upfnaml>a The report detailed several inci dents of violence involving Rowe that allegedly were known to his FBI superiors. But, “as long as he was providing good intelligence, the Birmingham field office was willing to overlook , Rowe’s own involve- ment,’* the Times quoted the report as saying. Eddie Dominguez 66 Joe Arciniega 74 If you're a bride-to-be and wish to receivelj \our unique but useful items as wedding gifts. . . a fiWiMlil i Come register your wishes and we'll let your guests know what you're wishing for and where to find it. If you are shopping for a bride-to-be let HABITECH give you a helping hand. If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call It "Mexican Food Supreme.” 907E Harvey Rd. Woodstone Center College Station 693-5046 Mon. 1-6 Tues.-Sat. 10-6 Dallas location-. 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 m-vrE o Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Dole’s campaign tries to halt a GOP debate 1SS OF ’81: reports from United Press International CONCORD, N.H. — Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kansas, says his campaign will go to federal court to block a scheduled debate between GOP presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and George Bush. The one-on-one debate is spon sored by the Nashua Telegraph, an afternoon newspaper in New Hamp shire’s second largest city. Carroll Jones, the GOP presiden tial hopeful’s New Hampshire chair man, said it was an “unfair and damaging debate” because the news paper would not allow all the GOP candidates to participate. Jones said he would file a request in U.S. District Court in Concord Tuesday, asking that the debate be stopped because it violates federal election laws. “Any corporation, including a newspaper, is charged with giving fair and impartial treatment to the candidates,” Jones said. Jones said he could make a “strong argument” that the newspaper has violated Federal Election Commis sion regulations and “should be en joined from carrying out an action which is, on the face of it, discrimina tory and damaging. ” Jon Breen, the Telegraph’s execu tive editor, had no comment on Jones’ statement. INSTITUTE O I Dr. W. L. E ■ Days” at 7 p (philosophy ■ the draft. K\ BLACK AWAR K history at Te ■ the Southerr li Heritage for AMERICAN II ■ Camp Plann Oral interi e Harrington. POLITICAL FI student body The Perman and to You’ i United Press Ii |NTREAL — Id with hanc y, freed one m center, the ■edr K:ctor Gaston ’ V/ Itation officer *1) was released £ ' 3 [.. ri after he was AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80511 Teenage girls prefer hair longer, cleaner, sprayed ' r , in exchange for ■gelier said t submitted adc pm for the otl brod Delisle an gne of their de not want to b< when other p imnasium for Coni* lea Sebring Hair Designs for Men and Women LEADERSHIP POSITIONS AVAILABLE The MSC Council and Directorate is accepting applications for the following leadership positions: MSC Committee Chairmen MSC Aggie Cinema MSC Arts MSC Basement MSC Black Awareness MSC Committee for the Awareness of Mexican-American Culture (MSCCAMAC) MSC Cepheid Variable MSC Camera MSC Free University MSC Great Issues MSC Hospitality MSC Opera and Performing Arts Society (MSCOPAS) MSC Outdoor Recreation MSC Political Forum MSC Radio MSC Recreation MSC Student Conference on National Affairs (MSC SCONA) MSC Town Hall MSC Travel MSC Video Tape Chairmen applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Feburary 22. For more information, go by Room 216 MSC (SPO) and ask for Brian Gross. Applications may be picked up in Room 216 MSC at the secretaries’ island. Perms — Frost Color High Lift Tints 8 designers Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Located behind the Ramada Inn 846-2924 846-3877 United Press International NEW YORK — Teenage girls are wearing their hair longer than last year, says a recent magazine survey. Sixty-five percent prefer it shoulder length or longer. Clean hair is also a high priority with this age group, the its showed. Forty-five percentsaiJi shampooed their hair daily or*® often. Almost 42 percent hair spray, compared with ),) »HE GRAND TR, LD TEXAS WHER UGHT DAUGHTEI cent in the magazine’s 1977hai['f T ^ sewing Jarie taught EC survey. IE SECRETS OF S RATIONS BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars $Q yc PLUS O PARTS Oil change FILTER 0 ! OIL $4.00 Tune up & oil change $12.75 By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. Storage u - LOCK-IT 10 X 20 - $25 693-2339 3NT GIVE Uf MAKE IT f PLUS OIL & PARTS UNBEATABLE SPRING BREAK GETAWAYS Results of the MSC ARTS COMMITTEE JURIED STUDENT ART CONTEST MAZATLAN ACAPULCO MEXICO CITY ... DISNEYWORLD.. JAMAICA \m$ ...Jl from Slil from 01 from$ Rates are per person, douS occupancy Include: airfaff hotel, transfers, plus more PAINTING DRAWING SCULPTURE FIRST PLACE: JEFF BRAILAS TITLE: SELF PORTRAIT FIRST PLACE: RICHARD HALL TITLE: TREE SNAIL FIRST PLACE: KAREN JORDAN TITLE: EGG Longer Packages Avail EXECUTIVE TRAVEL, INC SECOND PLACE: RICHARD HALL SECOND PLACE: ELIZABETH TITLE: BOLIVAR LIGHTHOUSE THIRD PLACE: STEPHANIE KARVECKI TITLE: MUSICAL CHAIR GRANQUIST TITLE: STONES AND BONES THIRD PLACE: ELIZABETH GRANQUIST TITLE: PLANETS SECOND PLACE: KATHLEEN Y0DZIS TITLE: PUTTING A SON THROUGH COLLEGE THIRD PLACE: JOHN SMITH TITLE: 1-45 121 Walton Drive At Main A&M 696-1748 THERE WILL BE AN OPENING AND RECEPTION HONORING THE WINNERS AND PARTICIPANTS TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the MSC Gallery