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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1980)
rages TH MONO 3 U natioi Clu United Pr TRINIDAI and a wallet clues investig an apparent than 30 years Lou Girod< for the state’s trict based ir murder occui killer or killei If not deac Jl or persons < old, Girodo ■< The inves only physical ton with seve sing, a bulle and shoes — be Rudolph of Pueblo. Officials sa amateur box< V:J. STE' ri ► ! [ f iW PageS THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1980 Kennedy steps up his attacks on Carter after Maine caucus AH would fight for Amen United Press International CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Sen. Edward Kennedy, buoyed by his second-place finish to President Car ter in Maine, stepped up his attack on the president Tuesday, saying Carter postures “as the high priest of patriotism” while fumbling his pow er away. In a speech at Harvard Universi ty’s John F. Kennedy School of Gov ernment, also delivered a harsh Armed forces get women United Press International WASHINGTON — The armed forces are having no problem attract ing women recruits. The quarterly Pentagon report on recruits Monday showed the Army attracted 5,860 women from October to December, or 132 percent of its objective of 4,450 women. The Navy attained 102 per cent of its goal by recruiting 2,840 women, compared to its 2,770 goal. The Air Force made 100 per cent of its goal of 3,450, and the Marines hit 95 percent by enlisting 450 women, instead of the 480 they sought. Overall, the military fell 28,000 persons short of its planned goal. Pro-abortion review asked United Press International WASHINGTON — Groups opposed to the congressional ban on federal funding for abortions for poor women have asked the Supreme Court to review a New York ruling they say will provide a “clearcut” solution to the controversy. The New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights asked the court Monday to review a Jan. 15 ruling by Judge John Dooling strik ing down the Hyde Amendment as unconstitutional. The Hyde Amendment — named after sponsor Rep. Henry Hyde, R- III. — bars federal funding of abor tions for women on Medicaid. It has been attached as a rider to a federal appropriations bill every year since -1976. i yljf;rro:'’ < o c f 1 Pro-abortion organizations, in cluding the American Civil Liberties Union and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, urged the high court to consider Dooling’s rul ing at the same time it hears argu ments sometime this spring in an Illi nois case also raising the constitu tionality of the Hyde Amendment. After two years of deliberation, Dooling held the Hyde Amendment infringes on a woman’s religious free dom to choose whether she wants an abortion, and denies women on wel fare equal protection of the law. If it only considered the Illinois case, the court could decide the nar rower issue of the constitutionality of state abortion funding restrictions and sidestep a decision on the consti tutionality of the Hyde Amendment, said Rhonda Copelon, a lawyer for the Center for Constitutional Rights. Lubbock’s jobless rate nation’s best United Press International WASHINGTON — Lubbock had a jobless rate of only 2.4 percent of its population at the end of 1979 — the best in the nation — while Ander son, Ind., at a 15.2 percent rate, was the worst city in which to find work. Anderson also experienced the sharpest increase during the year, jumping 8.7 percentage points from a 6.5 percent rate in December 1978. Lubbock was one of 33 metropoli tan areas that experienced a drop in the jobless rate of at least 1 percen tage point over the year, declining 1.5 percent from 3.9 percent in De cember 1978. Kenosha, Wis., saw its rate plunge 3.6 percentage points — the largest in the nation — from 8.1 percent to 4.5 percent, due to gains in transpor tation equipment manufacturing. The Labor Department, in a re port Monday, said 10 states suffered over-the-year increases in their un employment rates of at least 1 per centage point during 1979. At year’s end, Alaska had the high est state unemployment rate, 10 per cent, while New Hampshire and Wyoming tied for the lowest rate at 3.4 percent. The data includes statistics from 49 states and the District of Col umbia. Figures from Minnesota were not included. The 10 states with increases in the jobless rate of at least 1 percentage point were Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon and West Virginia. Indiana had the largest jump — 2.2 percentage points — going from 6.0 percent in December 1978 to 8.2 percent in December 1979. attack on Carter’s “Rose Garden’’ campaign strategy. “The Rose Garden is a place to grow flowers, ” Kennedy said, “not to harvest votes.” “The meaning of Maine is that the presidency can never be above the fray, ” the Massachusetts senator said in his prepared remarks. “A presi dent cannot afford to posture as the high priest of patriotism; he must be a public leader as well as a political one.” Kennedy said Carter and his pre decessors, who have failed to leave the White House to campaign, “disc overed, to their regret, that hiding in the bushes only left them impailed on the thorns of the Rose Garden strategy.” Kennedy said he sought a “diffe rent kind of presidency — sensitive to the lessons of the past, confident of the possibilties of the future.” He said that in three years of observing Carter in the White House, he had seen “the effects of a president who fumbled his power away. ” United Press International WASHINGTON — Muham- “If a president does not forge and fight for a national agenda, the Con gress dissolves into a selfish collec tion of powerful but petty special in terests.” mad Ali, who lost his heavyweight title for refusing to fight in the Vietnam War, says he would be “first to join” if America needed him to fight Russia. Ali was in Washington to re port to President Carter on his trip to Africa to get support for the U.S. boycott of the Moscow Olympics. “Now, when we were in Viet nam, I figured we were wrong. Now we re right. I’d be the first to join. I’d get a rifle and jump in an airplane and jump out,” “Say Russia attacks and America has to stop Russia, I’d be thefirstti: into an airplane to — especially when they’re ing Islamic Muslims, the draft is right." .—the Wonderful Mob SAFEWAY Boneless Whole Hams muemnmnrj WATER AOr/ Smok-A-Roma, (Sliced Hams. tb. $ 2.09) Boneless Round Steak OPEN 24 HOURS! EXPRESS CHECK OUT OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT! Safeway Quality Beef, USDA Choice (Top Round Steak...tb.*2.49) . Our Everyday Low Prices and SPECIALS are Now Effective 7-DAYS • Look for our Ad in your Thursday Paper and Shop 7-Days — Thursday thru Wednesday Fresh Whole Fryers USDA Grade 'A' Safeway Smoked Braunschweigei A®PRYING CHICKEN- (Regular Cut-Up Fryers... 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