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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1980)
.n’t College Bowl team thlctdefeats Rice in match THE BATTALION Pages WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1980 City fasts for hostages objective, scienty , a philosophy p Zelen, a statist^! ard; UCLAasli Abell, and sciem Rawlins set out li fleet’’ using hiit) lerican athletes, issembledalistof; merican sportsmt • MuhammedAli,! aron, swimmer )li,i r Jack Nicklaus, len contacted thtij the athletes’hoii time and placeIj bile some states nation becauseofii hers waived the is f the scientificmtsj lata on 408 at ta showed that if the athletes, born under Mars h Gauquelins’ claii mnd no evident ct, ” Kurtz said,ad "received consii I attention in By RICHARD OLIVER Staff Writer v The Texas A&M University Col lege Bowl champions took a big psychological step toward a national ournament berth Tuesday by de feating the Rice champions two games to one in a challenge match. “The great thing about our victory is Rice has already qualified for na- imals,” said Ted Hoef, staff adviser for Temas A&M’s College Bowl |am. “They qualified over a CBS Idio network contest.’’ The Texas A&M team lost the first game, 185-155, but won the last two 270-240 and 225-210. Hoef said each game’s outcome hinged on the final question. College Bowl is a question and answer game played by two teams of four players. Toss-up questions are asked, and the team that responds first gets a chance at a bonus ques tion. The questions are worth points to the team that correctly answers them, and the team with the highest score after two seven-minute halves is the winner. Mike Smith, Camellia Pratt, Ruth Walters, and Ruvane Marvit make up the Texas A&M team. Mark Smith is the alternate. The team won the Texas A&M College Bowl competition on Thurs day, and will compete in the regional competition at TCU in Fort Worth Feb. 22-23. “Some of the people at Rice were very impressed with our team,” Hoef said. “We should do pretty well at regionals. They (Rice) say we’ve got a good chance.” United Press International CINCINNATI —Abie Ingber and 49 other Cincinnatians didn’t eat Tuesday. Another 50 residnts will go with out food today. And, for every succeeding day 50 Americans are held hostage in Iran, 50 more Cincinnati residents will fast. “It began bothering me that I was able to go about my daily routine so casually, while those 50 were being held captive,” said Ingber, 29, a rab bi who originated the Cincinnati Fast for Freedom. “The first 30 days of captivity, the hostages were our main topic of dis cussion. The next 30 days, some times it was brought up, sometimes not. And the last 30 days, it’s really become a back pages issue. “I want our fast to make it a per sonal, front-page issue for everyone involved. I hope other communities pick up the idea.” 'acemakers causing unexpected problems it comes to explaj nary siicce; d United Press International ATLANTA — Nuclear-powered icemakers — once hailed as the ng-term answer to the needs of people with heartbeat irregularities have not lived ip to their initial filing, says a heart surgeon who has he said, "theai t implanted hundreds of pacemakers, not in Mars, butp | Introduced in 1970, pacemakers powered by tiny nuclear generators -were praised because of the expecta- i tion they would last for the lifetime of pe patient. The problem is the nuc lear batteries last even longer. | Dr. Kamal Mansour, associate iprofessor of cardio-thoracic surgery Ijtf the Emory School of Medicine, ^ fj says the plutonium-238 that provides Jt J. the long-term energy raises the pos- (_7 Sibility of radiation problems from nuclear pacemakers that have be- 'eome “lost” after the death of the tient. He said, however, there have en no reports in the medical litera- re of radiation leakage from nuc- ar pacemakers inside the body. Plutonium-238 has a half-life of 87 ears. It is highly toxic when not roperly shielded and it also is the material from which atomic bombs slature in the cm he one we have luston says. “Tliei on under the tatld r thought someoi red by a few cijt ddn’t have anytbi In all my years, li’ 'islator I thought 1 he didn’t havelt av with much.” >t his nicknamefe t? re ^ iac ^ e - as referred to onlitfl Mansour said a nuclear pacemaker e as “TobaccoChr i extracte d from the body of a patient >t totally compline ^° ukl be a serious radiation hazard accepted the label ; for man y y ears if P ro P er safet y P re - with the product 1 g^i 005 were not taken - nd enjoyed for79; I “ You J ust don 1 bur y Wlth the patient,” he said. “You get control of it and send it back to the manufactur er. You always keep track of it.” Nuclear pacemakers, according to Mansour, have never achieved more than a fraction of 1 percent of the world pacemaker market. They are now used mostly in teen-age patients who have achieved most of their growth and have a long life expec tancy. Pacemakers are surgically im planted in patients whose heart rhythm is disturbed by disease or birth defects. Mansour and his associates have installed 415 conventional battery- powered pacemakers in operations in Emory-affiliated hospitals in the last 10 years and average about 120 annually. The first pacemaker was im planted in 1960. Today, more than 100,000 are in use in this country, Mansour said. He described the one- hour surgical procedure as a “routine, well standardized, safe operation.” Mansour is considered a pioneer in the us of the sutureless, screw-in electrode for pacemakers and says a non-nuclear, lithium-powered de vice has proved to be highly satisfac tory in his patients. He said the lithium type is much less expensive than the nuclear, $2,300 compared with $6,000, and is good for an esti- D INSURANCE! )R AGGIE-S! I: George Webb -s Insurance GroufJ illege 8231 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦I alse tooth rings true, licks up radio station HILLcL foummoi RSEY STREET .CH S CLEANERS WEtfJ SERVE AS AN EXCElOT LEANERS BUTWES’il E IN ALTERING HAIL WING DRESSES, TAfl JEAN HEMS, fWl TS, ETC -f' United Press International RIVERHEAD, N.Y. — Town |)olice have solved the mysterious se of a man who reported hearing ■the music of a Connecticut radio sta tion inside his head. George Dillard, 45, of Riverhead, Iphoned police at 4 a.m. Monday to I report his problem. Police listened (patiently to Dillard and then advised | him to “take a couple of aspirin and jgo to sleep.” Dillard, back on the phone a few I minutes later, said, “Send someone E’RE JUSTAFE# CKS NORTH OFFf MART.) ERS i/G CENTER) 'oragT .OCKII ; 20 - $25 •3-2339 I ■■■I . > t l fnami 1 I Eddie Dominguez ■ Joe Arciniega T 1 j i Hwy KAPPA SIGMA... ... the newest fraternity at Texas A&M that is organizing this week. KAPPA SIGMA is a fraternity which offers: — over $46,000 annually in scholarships — international brotherhood with over 182 chapters — provides annual leadership training con ferences — career planning and job placement ser vice — computorized accounting system and financial training —18 chapters in the state of Texas — plus many more. . . if you’re interested in being a part of this exciting new organi zation, please contact: Tony Weiss Room 520 Aggieland Inn, phone 693-9891 or Pat O’Beirne 696-0618 mated 12 to 15 years and possibly longer. “Most companies guarantee the lithium battery for the life of the pa tient,” he said. “We don’t really know how long it will last. We do know it will go for 12 to 15 years and probably a lot longer.” The doctor’s fee for implantation at Emory is $800, Mansour said, with the charge in some other cities rang ing up to $1,200. There have been no operative deaths and no deaths in followups related to electrode failure or to im plantation techniques, he said. UNBEATABLE SPRING BREAK GETAWAYS MAZATLAN from $246 ACAPULCO $277 MEXICO CITY ... from $176 DISNEYWORLD.. from $256 JAMAICA from $399 Rates are per person, double occupancy Include: airfare, hotel, transfers, plus more Longer Packages Avail. EXECUTIVE TRAVEL, INC. 121 Walton Drive At Main Entr. to A&M 696-1748 over here. I’m picking up a Connec ticut radio station in my right ear, and I can’t stand it.” Officer David Cheshire was sent to the house, and when he pressed his ear against Dillard’s, he could hear the music. Cheshire learned that Dillard had recently been fitted with a denture. The officer told Dillard to remove the denture, and the music stopped. Several dentists were called, but none could explain the incident. While its still free. Jeni Malara, Student “I had C’s in high school. After Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, I was able to maintain an A average’.’ Chris Walsh, Engineering “It’s boring to read the way most people are taught. This way, you look at a page of print —you see the whole page. It’s great! 1 ' John Futch, Law Student “With 60 briefs a week, the average student takes all week to prepare for class. In an evening. I'm finished'.’ Jim Creighton, Student “It’s easy. Once you know how to do it, it’s super easy!” Richard St. Laurent, Teacher “I was skeptical, but now I’m reading around 2300 words a minute. Puts you that much ahead of everyone else!’ It’ll make homework a lot easier this year. In fact, you can cut your study time almost in half with the coptTighted techniques you learn in one free lesson. We’ll give you the incredible secrets to easy speed reading, better concentration and greater comprehension. 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