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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1980)
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1980 Page? state Tanker gores banana-bearing ctsitil sdici® itivc t, freighter in Galveston Bay United Press International GALVESTON — An empty oil tanker struck a banana freighter in fog near the entrance to Galveston Bay early Tuesday, tearing a 30-by- 30-foot hole in the freighter’s side. There was no serious injury or fire in the collision of the Venezuela- bound tanker Cephalonia, which was carrying only water ballast, and the Galveston-bound freighter Lord Frontenac, Coast Guard spokesmen said. The 34 crew members of the freighter abandoned ship, but four crewmen returned to close bulk heads and man pumps to keep the vessel afloat while tugs towed it to Galveston, spokesmen said. Lt. Gabriel Kinney said the Fron tenac, owned by the Del Monte fruit is uil ure (j<| liepi eimte. ancer. iapplii anas 'onalt lamp ion di etoB Supportive candidates to get pro-abortion group funding United Press International AUSTIN — A Texas pro-abortion group announced Tuesday it has formed a political action committee to channel funds to state legislative candidates who support free-choice abortion proposals and oppose those who want to ban all abortions. Peggy Romberg, director of the Texas Abortion Rights Action League, said the organization also will screen congressional candidates in Texas to assist the national abor tion rights organization in campaign ing for those who take a “pro-choice” stand. The move is the first time the pro abortion groups have become active ly involved in Texas politics. Romberg told a news conference anti-abortion groups have obtained an inordinate amount of influence on politicians because of their efforts in campaigns, and released a public opinion poll she said indicated 88 percent of the voters in Texas favor legalized abortions, at least under some circumstances. She conceded, however, that the poll shows people as favoring abor tions even if they support abortions only under very restricted circumst ances, such as when the mother’s life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest. TARAL has chapters organized in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Mid- land-Odessa and in El Paso, and is working to form chapters in Lub bock, Amarillo and Austin, Romberg said. The organization also is estab lishing a speaker’s bureau to work along with its political action group called Choice-PAC. “We are hopeful that such actions will stop further erosion of women’s rights,” she said. She noted there were 11 anti abortion bills introduced in the Texas Legislature last year. diapK is apne isnect areiw women U.S. and Mexico negotiate future oil spill cleanups; Ixtoc I blowout disputed IN ds. M. United Press International DALLAS — The United States and Mexico are nearing an agree ment on how to handle future oil ( spills that endanger the coastline of ■either nation, the Dallas Times m i* **■ Mexican chief ■here for talks United Press International AUSTIN — Drug smuggling and the flow of illegal aliens are matters of deep concern to both Gov. Bill Clements and Alfonso Martinez Dominguez, governor of the Mex ican border state of Nuevo Leon. The two governors planned to meet Tuesday to discuss those and other problems and to talk about sales of oil and gas by Mexico to Texas and other U.S. customers. Clements planned to lead his guests on a tour of the Capitol and then meet privately with Martinez Dominguez for an hour in a con tinuation of discussions begun in Mexico last fall. Martinez Dominguez is the first of four Mexican border state governors ltd visit the Texas Capitol at Cle- iments’ invitation, offered when he Jvisited the four Mexican state capit- jals last year to begin discussions of (topics of mutual concern. Herald reported Tuesday. The agreement primarily con cerns cleanup coordination and does not deal with liability, the newspap er said. It may be delayed, however, because the-Uni ted States is. insist ing fhe Ixtoc I spill be included in the agreement. The Ixtoc I, a Mexican oil well in the Bay of Campeche, has been spill ing oil since June 3 with much of it washing up on the Texas coast. Un less the well is capped, a shift in gulf currents will again carry oil to Texas. The Times Herald reported a source involved in the negotiations said Mexican authorities did not want the Ixtoc spill included. Bob Krueger, U.S. ambassador- at-large for Mexican affairs, said the agreement would provide for coordi nation of spill information and cleanup efforts. He said the talks were “well on the way toward a final agreement” and should be con cluded within 90 days. Under the proposal, one nation would immediately notify the other when a spill occurs and, if necessary, a liaison would be named to coordin ate response teams from both na tions. “It is not so much to address liabil ity as it is to develop a procedure for responding to crises for both coun tries, in an international framework without questions of individual sovereignty,” Krueger said. riVIVEKSiTl LUTHERAN CHAPEL a IS X. .Main — 846-66*7 Hubert Beck, Pastor We also draw your attention to our weekly CANDLELIGHT COM MUNION SERVICE. Worship Services at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Worship Study at 6 p.m. 3uW It NG 9 itter • HAJft DESIGN AMD SKIN CARE STUDIO Come in and relax over cheese and wine with one of our professionals. — HAIR DESIGN — by our own professiioned hairstylists MAKEUP — by Debi Bavousett consultations and makeovers with complete line of Eclips makeup for women. — SKIN CARE — by Lucia Adams deep pore cleansing facial messages SCULPTURED NAILS ELECTROLYSIS CALL ECLIPS at 646-47CW 4343 CARTER CREEK* PH. DAI LX company and en route from Costa Rica, was gored in the middle of its left side by the tanker. The tanker escaped heavy damage but anchored pending Coast Guard inspection. Coast Guard spokesmen said a slick of oil mixed with other pollution 75 yards wide and about a mile long extended from the freighter shortly after the accident. Officials said the slick was from deck and engine room waste washing into the sea rather than a leak from the ship’s fuel tanks, which did not appear to have been punctured. The accident occurred within a mile of the wrecked tanker Burmah Agate, which was filled with crude oil when a freighter struck it Nov. 1. It burned for 79 days and is now being emptied of remaining oil be fore it is scrapped. Ag exhibit opens convention hall United Press International GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — This city’s new convention center, part of a $212 million construction and re novation program, officially opened this month with an exhibit of the Michigan Grain and Agricultural Dealers. The new facility, which has 116,000 square feet of display space, is the second largest in Michigan. Located on the Grand River, where much of the city’s redevelopment is taking place, it is part of the city’s $25.5 million Grand Center, includ ing a new Performing Arts Center scheduled to open next October. We’ve Got THE TOUCH! See what’s in thursday’s Focus B&M BOOKSTORE has a wide variety of paperback books for all to enjoy Fiction Mysteries Westerns Best Sellers Magazines Comic Books Collectors stamps and supplies Largest selection of science fiction in the area 3602 E. 29th St. Bryan FALL CLEARANCE SALE DAVID SHELLENBERGERS SWEATERS: TO 50% SPORT SHIRTS: 30% PANTS: TO 50% SPORT COATS: 30-50% SUITS: SAVE 30-50% SHOES: 45.00 NOW 30.00 david shellenberger’s TOWNSHIRE— UP FROM SEARS WRR€HOUS€ ICL6RRRNC6 5Al€ OUR ENTIRE STOCK HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THE WAREHOUSE TO THE FRONT & ALL ITEMS ARE DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE. THESE ITEMS ARE MOVING FAST — BETTER HURRY!!! & SA-200 FM/AM stereo receiver. 25 watts per channel, minimum RMS into 8 ohms, from 20-20,000 Hz, with no more than 0.04% total harmonic distortion. $145 RS-M7 Technics —VOUR CHOICE Frequency response 30 — 15,000 Hz (CrO,/FeCr tape). Wow/flutter 008% WRMS. S/N ratio 66 dB (Dolby in). Front-loading, vertical-hold design. Full Auto-Stop mechanism. Dolby* noise reduction system. Technics by Panasonic AUDIO PRODUCTS AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!! UP TO 40% SA VINGSU! TH-2211 The Centrex" AM/FM stereo system has an 8-track playback deck and automatic record changer. Receiver includes tuning meter, stereo indicator and LED-type tuning dial. Tape deck features automatic channel advance. BSR changer has cueing, adjustable tracking force and anti-skate. Hinged dust cover. Comes with matching CL-30 acoustic-suspension speakers for quality home audio. WAS W NOW $ 145 Discwasher Record Care Klt $095 9 9 k0V° €NTIR€ STOCK R6DUCCD UP TO 50% IP IN-STORE FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE PLUS LAYAWAY PROGRAM VISA 3820 TEXAS AVE. Less Than a Mile From Campus 846-1735