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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1980)
THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1980 n re M numt ly enl the si of »05. are s fthisj ion ostl anyj ORresij nofeo ich ion ausedl >oriati« r>g' botlt the la ealkl ■apedi i oliiis rig ■ sitiooi .St to I: ye. world Iran prepared to cut oil production United Press International Iranian Oil Minister Ali Akbar Moinfar warned Western Europe and Japan Wednesday that any country joining the United States in imposing economic sanctions against Iran “will be deprived of oil.” In a news conference reported by Tehran radio the oil minister said Iran is prepared to cut its oil pro duction in half — to around 1.5 mil lion barrels a day — if Western Europe and Japan impose economic sanctions. But in a report by Tehran radio monitored by the British Broadcast ing Corp. in London, Moinfar strongly denied a report in a U.S. oil industry publication that Iran’s oil production already has declined se verely because of reduced demand on the open market. The American report said Iran’s oil production had fallen to around 2 million barrels a day and that its ex ports had fallen to between 900,000 and 1 million barrels a day. The Tehran radio broadcast said. ‘‘Asked to comment by our energy correspondent, Oil Minister Moinfar strongly denied the report of a reduction in Iran’s oil exports published in the U.S. magazine.” He added, “Our effort at present is focused on maintaining oil output at between 3 million and a maximum of3.5 million barrels per day.’ There were also the following de velopments: — An Iraqi report said a section of the Ahwaz-Abadan oil pipeline in Iran was blown up Tuesday. The govemment-controlled newspaper, Al Joumhouria, said the blast caused a fire that lasted several hours at a section of the pipeline near the city of Ahwaz, southwest of Tehran. Tehran radio said it was caused by sabotage. — The U. S. press corps was pack ing to meet a Friday expulsion dead line set by the Islamic government on the first anniversary of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s exile from Iran. LAST CHANCE Win a free Spring Break vacation Get your hair cut and register for the trip to Mazat- lan, Mexico before Friday, Jan. 18th, 6 p.m. Call 846-4771 for your appointment today. Bring this coupon with you London gold jumps $78 United Press International Gold rocketed through the $700 barrier in Europe Wednesday in an “absolutely crazy” market opening at $735 and later surged to $765 at the London morning gold fixing as the price jumped around the world. Gold earlier hit record levels in New York, Hong Kong and Zurich but the London morning fixing of $765 outdid them all. It was an in crease of $78 from the London clos ing price on Tuesday. The price of gold is “fixed” each morning and afternoon in London by a meeting of the five principal dealers who gather to set a price on gold. “Trading is hectic. We are rushed off our feet. Little time to talk, ” one dealer said. 4th Anniversary Sale pumn n Brooks THE PIE'DIPILIE B'CCIK ‘ Waffle Trainer mens & ladies (yellow) $21 90 Lady Oceania (tan) reg 19 95 15 90 LDV reg. 39 95 34 90 Select styles 20% Vlllanovia mens & ladies 14 88 Brooks Kids reg 1 5 95 12 88 Vantage or Vantage Supreme Mens & ladies 24 90 Etonic KM 501 & 701 mens & ladies jogger reg 28 95 19 90 Waffle Trainer Now Available FREE at LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE TEXAS AGGIE BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE (Northgate and Culpepper Plaza) AX . V -V--7 Skiwear - Outerwear 30 *Vn off Mens & ladies vests & jackets ww /U Urr WELCOME BACK AGGIES from J.J.’s Wholesale Warehouse featuring KEG BEER To celebrate your return we have MILLER LITE *32.99 Includes 50 lbs. ice & 50 cups Lite' Beer from Miller. rs wanted SPECIAL GOOD THURS. TO SAT. 822-1042 779-1042 402 N. Texas - 23rd. at Texas Special Rack mens & ladies tennis wear Thermal Underwear mens tops - pants s-xl Tiger-Montreal ll-lll reg 31 95 and 34 95 60% OFF 30% OFF $ 10 00 OFF REG. PRICE Special Table of Bargain Shoes Nike, Puma, Brooks and others Athletic Sweaters 20 % OFF Wlndbreakers boys & men (blue, green & maroon) 20% OFF Entire Stock of Warm-Ups Mens - Boys - Ladies Rainwear tops & pants up to 30% OFF 40% OFF Cowboy - Oiler T-shirts Caps Mugs Pennants Sweatshirts Cowboy Posters reg 2 50 Cowboy Umbrellas reg 20 00 30 % OFF Special Rack T-shirts, Football Jerseys & Gym Shorts values to 6 95 -| 99.399 CHECK FOR MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS not all sizes in all styles entire stock not included Tht locker Room “SPORT SHOES UNLIMITED” 800 Villa Maria (Across from Manor East Mall) Open Mcm.-aat 9: % ft 1