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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1980)
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1980 Page 3 campus _ ORAGE - I U - LOCK - IT ■ 10 x 20 - $25 693-2339 Ags learn at ranches on holiday tour GAY LINE 693-1630 Information & Referral Mon-Thurs 8-10 p.m. By JULIE SMILEY Campus Reporter ■Twenty-six ranches and agricul tural businesses served as non- Intditional classrooms for 110 Texas University students. Dr. ■ward Hesby, associate professor w animal science organized for the sixth year the seven-day, 1,600-mile animal production field study trip of Texas agriculture. Students drove as far west as Abilene and San Angelo and as far south as New Braunfels and Gon zales. To keep costs down, students slept on gym floors of local schools. showered in locker rooms and shared gas money. Livestock production was the main emphasis of the tour. Goat, sheep, beef and dairy cattle, fish, horse, poultry and swine operations plus feedmill, premix feed and meat packing plants made up the week’s Ufk f/- /v agenda. Students saw how meat is slaughtered and processed at Gooch Blue Ribbon Packing Plant in Abilene. They watched the assem bly line process of slaughter, skin ning, cutting, quality control, cur ing and boxing of beef and pork. Kothman’s lamb feedlot in Menard, the largest lamb feedlot in Texas, offered a lesson in feeding 20,000 lambs at one time. Animal health in confinement, drainage and ration mixing were a big part of the discussion. They visited beef cattle operations at Keerville, Abilene, Freder icksburg, Eldorado and Gonzales. The Gonzales area offered an educa tion in the turkey, broiler and egg industries. Mohair production and marketing were the topics at Cawley s Angora goat ranch near Eldorado. Gwen Gates, a junior animal sci ence major from Ponca City, Okla., said the tour was organized and the variety of stops made the week in teresting. “They (the hosts) were all real open and honest. If they did some thing wrong in terms of how they ran their ranch, they told you what they did wrong. They didn’t hold back anything.” A lamb feedlot was one of the stops for a took a 1,600 mile trip across Texas to study traveling classroom of 110 Texas A&M Uni- how livestock operations worked. versity animal science students. The students Photo by Julie Smiley xrosol drugs for flu victims lo be tested [Fifty volunteers will be paid to 1st the effectiveness of two new itiflu drugs under study by Dr. jhn Quarles of the Texas A& M Col ie of Medicine and Dr. Claude ick Jr. of the Beutel Health inter. The drugs, amantadine and Mvirin, will be administered as rosols via vaporizers at the health inter. Although the dosage and timing rmaximum effectiveness have not t been determined, Quarles said dosages given will be hazardous the health of the volunteers. The natural progression of the flu also lie studied in another 50 ilunteers who wish to remain un- Qfjj eatecl. Aiding Quarles and Goswick in e study are Dr. Robert Couch, ]r. Clifford Dasco and Dr. Vernon night of the Baylor College of ledicine. Goswick said since flu is normally evalent in the weeks after the hristmas holidays, the studies will itolf in soon. "serif what’s up at A&M THURSDAY CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 204, Harrington Center. CEPIIEID VARIABLE: Will show "Dr. Strangelove” starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott in Rudder Theater at 7:30 and 9:45 p. m. KANM RADIO: Will hold an organizational meeting at 9 p.m. in lounge B-l for anyone wanting a shift as a disc jockey for the spring semester. FRIDAY VENEZUELAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 7 p. m. in Room 308, Rudder Tower. La Asociacion de Estudiantes Ven- ezolanos Convoca a su primera asamblea general a las 7 p.m. en cuarto 308, Rudder Tower. El proposito de dicha asamblea es la eleccion de la nueva junta directiva y la discusion de topicos de comun interes dentro de nuestra asociacion. AGGIE CINEMA: “Alien will be shown at 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Admission is $1.25 with TAMU ID. AGGIE CINEMA: The horror film “Halloween” will be shown at midnight in Rudder Auditorium. Admission is $1.25 with TAMU ID. SATURDAY AGGIE CINEMA: “Alien will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Admission is $1.25 with TAMU ID. ADDIE CINEMA: “Halloween” will lx* shown at midnight in the Rudder Auditorium. Admission is $1.25 with TAMU ID. Inn-Credible Offer FREE PIZZA With this coupon: Buy one pizza at the regular menu price — get a second pizza FREE — same size — up to three ingredients Same type crust Coupon Expires (§) Wed. Jan. 23, 1980 ima AMERICA S FAVORITE PIZZA 1803 Greenfield Plaza 846-1784 413 S. Texas Ave. 846-6164 MSC TOWN HALL PRESENTS IRA LEVIN'S DEATHTRAP Scenery by Costumes by Lighting by WILLIAM RITMAN RUTH MORLEY MARC B. WEISS Original New York Production Directed by ROBERT MOORE Restaged by PHILIP CUSACK ‘SEEING ‘DEATHTRAP’ IS LIKE A RIDE ON A GOOD ROLLER-COASTER WHEN THE SCREAMS AND LAUGHS MINGLE TO FORM AN ENJOYABLE HYSTERIA!” — Jack Kroll, Newsweek Sat. Feb. 2 8:15 Rudder Auditorium Tickets Info. MSC Box Office Zone 1 G.P. 4.50 Std. 2.75 ell rsity for me: does »rever)| t very to i as^ jdents entinli ked e stm •s sucli 1 [6 ANIMAL WORLD TOO From Buzzards & Beagles to Jaws & Giraffes Give the gifts that care. Come see our new saltwater &. new ship ment of reptiles. Now doing dog grooming. HOURS MON.-FRI.: lO-T SAT.: 10-6 8UIV.: 1-5 VISA & MASTER CHG. CULPEPPER PLAZA MSC AGGIE CINEMA* »•••• • ’****•« ' • • • • " • m SUNDAY JANUARY 20 8:00 P.M. RUDDER THEATRE $1.25 WITH TAMU I.D. 1976 20TH CENTURY-FOX » SILVER STRERI-I^ A FRANK YABLANS Presentation V MARTIN RANSOHOFF-FRANK YABLANS PRODUCTION umrehouse IciennnNCE sni€ OUR ENTIRE STOCK HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THE WAREHOUSE TO THE FRONT & ALL ITEMS ARE DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE. THEY MUST GO!!! T^T # oec Cl SA-200 FM/AM stereo receiver. 25 watts per channel, minimum RMS into 8 ohms, from 20—20,000 Hz, with no more than 0.04% total harmonic distortion. $145 L C l RS-M7 Teclmics voun CHOICE Frequency response 30—15,000 Hz (CrCyFeCr tape). Wow/flutter 0.08% WRMS. S/N ratio 66 dB (Dolby in). Front-loading, vertical-hold design. Full Auto-Stop mechanism. Dolby* noise reduction system. Technics by Panasonic AUDIO PRODUCTS AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!! UP TO 40% SA VINGSU! TH-2211 The Centrex " 1 AM/FM stereo system has an 8-track playback deck and automatic record changer. Receiver includes tuning meter, stereo indicator and LED-type tuning dial. Tape deck features automatic channel advance. BSR changer has cueing, adjustable tracking force and anti-skate. Hinged dust cover. Comes with matching CL-30 acoustic-suspension speakers for quality home audio. I/MS $199 95 NOW $ 145 Discwasher Record Care Kit $Q95 GENE WILDER JILL CLAYBURGH RICHARD PRYOR “SILVER STREAK’ A M1LLER-MILKIS—COLIN HIGGINS PICTURE PATRICK McGOOHAN as Roger Devereau AN ARTHUR HILLER FILM Also starring NED BEATTY • CLIFTON JAMES a Executive Producers MARTIN RANSOHOFF and FRANK YABLANS Produced by THOMAS L MILLER and EDWARD MILKIS Directed by ARTHUR HILLER Whtt Music by HENRY MANCINI COLOR BY DE LUXE * €NTIR€ STOCK R€DUC€D UP TO 50% n by COLIN HIGGINS (PGlftttltm CWMCI SUfifiESTED j ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MSC BOX OFFICE MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-4 P.M. TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE 45 MIN. BEFORE SHOWTIME IN-STORE FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE PLUS LAYAWAY PROGRAM VISA 3820 TEXAS AVE. Less Than a Mile From Campus 846-1735