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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1980)
Hage 10 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1980 wall street jour Nal and new York times Pink Hoyd has been building up to this. c^S / “The Wall.” On Columbia Records and Tapes. For Sale at the TAMU BOOKSTORE In the Sweet Shop located in the MEMORIAL STUDENT 3 PC2 36183 2 RECOUP SET Run Ukm H*ll/Comfortably Numb Another Brick In The Wall (Pari It) Young Lust/Nobody Home r.. r rZk Ttjj A-»< y—W 'Columbia'' is a trademark of CBS Inc. drive CENTER Texas Office of Traffic Safety DISCOUHT CENTER 1420 TEXAS AVE COLLEGE STA. SALE ENDS SAT. Lonestar Longnecks plus deposit 5.29 NEW 16 oz. COORS a case 6 pac. cans 2.05 32 oz. 6 pac. 1.59 Milwaukee New 16 oz. 1.69 BRYAN MARINE INVITES YOU TO THE ; W ">v — , - "ftinTrilinVriiiiiWli:'' 2nd ANNUAL BRAZOS VALLEY BOAT & SPORT SHOW! At the Brazos Center Jan. 18-20 ^ Ure See Our 1980 Product Lines Featuring: Gtesvxoti - Gatteov' _ O\as\xon _ Ptanqe'C VAouaxV. JUST IN! SNARK SAILBOATS & WIND SURFERS S'E.t OW ★ OUTBOARD MOTORS from MERCURY & JOHNSON * ^7** Go,;®* o ^ V ^//>Z' S V/o boat brSUhow at center™ 6 ^700 1 East B VPa ss at Briarcrest) iOM SHOW HOURS Fri. 4 p.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. noon-6 p.m. L A nation Farmers set records with crop production United Press International WASHINGTON — American formers harvested a record amount of principal crops in 1979, surpas sing a record set in 1978. There were records set in corn, soybean, sunflower and hay produc tion. The wheat crop was the second largest on record and the cotton crop the largest since 1965. Harvested acreage of principal crops totaled 337 million acres, up 3 percent from 1978. Because crops are measured in different quantities, the Agriculture Department measures the total crop by an index, which was 10 percent higher than in 1978. The Agriculture Department’s Crop Reporting Board said Tuesday the corn crop was 7.76 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the November forecast, for the fifth rec ord crop in a row. The size of the latest corn crop was attributed to a small increase in acreage and a record national aver age yield of 109.4 bushels per acre, the second year in a row that the national average surpassed 100 bushels per acre. A revised estimate of the 1978 yield was 100.8 bushels per acre. In November, the last time the corn crop was estimated, the na tional average yield was estimated at 109.2 bushels per acre. A record soybean crop was esti mated at 2.27 billion bushels, 1 per cent larger than the November fore cast. It was the third record crop in a row. I'Big The record sunflower crop toli&mt 7.3 billion pounds, up 90 pe lx 1 ' from 1978. p. vs i All hay production was estimaArch at 146 million tons, up 3 peuKics from 1978. Ad. The final estimate of the» Jxhe cor owle The estimate surpassed the 1978 record crop by 21 percent as a result of a record amount of harvested acreate of 70.5 million acres and a record national average yield of 32.2 bushels per acre. Bbth com and soybeans are used for livestock feed so they are raw materials for beef, pork, poultry, eggs and milk. crop, 2.14 billion bushels, was leased last month. The cottonci released last week, was 14.9 mi hales, up 37 percent from 19' The tobacco crop was estimated 1.55 billion pounds, the smi crop since 1943 and 24 pern below 1978. VtiMi' 16 The sugarcane crop was uplpei" cent to 26.6 million tonswhilel sugar licet crop was down Up cent to 22 million tons. Farmers produced 814 mil bushels of grain sorghum, alsoi* for animal feed. The crop was op percent from 1978. Rice production was estimated a record high of 137 million b dredweight, up 3 percent (nn 1978. Campaigners claim Connalli coup in Maine GOP caucm United Press International WATERVILLE, Maine — Aides of rival candidates are fuming over a local Republican caucus, held Monday with little advance notice, which voted overwhelmingly to back former Texas Gov. John Con- nally for president. The caucus, believed to be the first in the nation, elected 17 pro- Connally delegates to the state GOP convention. Three others were committed to Ronald Reagan and five were uncommitted. In a straw vote at a Republican statewide forum last November. Let us inform & entertain you for price Receive the new morning Chronicle for half-price for daily and Sunday delivery all semester and get thorough, news coverage. Coverage which offers more significant and timely information than any textbook. Information which will help you excel in classes. But we give you more than news. We offer the latest sports coverage, fashion, money-saving and time-saving recipes and entertainment. Sunday's Zest magazine previews and reviews plays, movies, books, and H Connally received only 18 peragestu of the vote, whilt* George Busliiw>t s| ceived 34 percent and Howjstb Baker 33 percent. The caucus results drew ski criticism Tuesday from other Cd campaign organizers, who cf the early caucus was organized I* Connally backers with little notice. Attorney Donald H. March, Connolly supporter who helped ganize the meeting, denied thi was any attempt to rig the caucm ‘‘All of the legal requiremcnl 0l * ,,c were met,’ Marden said. “Itwas above l>oard. He said noticesw ;6e posted with the voter registrati Ixiard and the local newspaper. Only alxnit 50 of the city smoi than 2,fKK) registered GOP volfP main showed up to vote Monday. tiers i”h Harr John Connally “The greatest swindle since • Great Train Robbery,” snappe state Rep. Porter Leighton, Regat state political director. “We fb® out about it Friday night andi what we could do over the weeb and are delighted we came in sec ond under the circumstances. COURTS UNIVERSITY SHOE SERVICE “Expert boot and shoe repair” 104 College Main Northgate “I’m very upset WatervilledM this caucus without advance notice, said Rush campaign director Nor man H. Olsen Jr., who saidk found out about it Monday night “It was a cute trick and notatal representative” of Republican sen |||||| timent in Maine, added Reigai campaign chairman Howard Dam 846-6785 (formerly Holiks) Asked about Leightons trail robbery” remark, Marden said, I really have no idea what he s refer ring to in that regard. If he meais they got caught sleeping at the switch, that may lie very true. music. To start your subscription today, call 693-2323 or 846-0763. January 14 to May 9 tor $9.35. Houston Chronicle (jrtWrrvc&^'UOur' re-UaTuorv^Yup. H0U.6& 01 FRO 16.95ldoz. {tre* dcbvrrj) coll &46-&4ZZ MSC Cepheid Variable DR. STRANGELOVE: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. Peter Sellers • George C. Scott • Slim Pickens Thursday, Jan. 17 7:30 & 9:45 Rudder Theater $ 1.25 w/TAMU I.D. In vi do