Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1979)
THE BATTALION Page? FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1979 11 still at large after prison break cl try to ” the Fedei; er regulator >ff the not f credit.’’ sgy is ken in the fe xt Febmar. ering an if and politics d us to sod r II are simp ’orld we not iw to give march at id Nazis, eceived a :y’s office mizers of rday in a Klan and it. Ise start- I site—a up knew nen and about 30 :ing each cession, nmunist in a van rder and ought by Kapavik honors Williams Student Government President Ronnie Kapa- Vik, right, presents former Texas A&M Uni versity System Chancellor Jack K. Williams louse passes bill o reform welfare ie eds », kills ab- ;ar in the Jward E reporting iIofMedi- s part of a rd Medic- ospitalfor :r’s health -egnancy, diver the ortant to nfant has rxpensive it a large ving spe- mean an >sts. t of a cer- otic fluid ng baby, stermine lop RDS ent accu- of “pul- baby, a lows the ract, he r off—d : airways ‘If there : will re; extent, lid, doc- mother lung de- with a plaque in appreciation of Williams’ long and dedicated service to the University. Battalion photo by John Joyce United Press International MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — Fif teen inmates, including six con victed murderers, staged a mass prison break from the century-old West Virginia Penitentiary Wednes day night, but four were recaptured within hours. An off-duty state trooper, driving by the medium-security prison with his wife while the escape was in progress, was shot and killed. The 11 prisoners still at large Thursday were considered “armed and dangerous” and included ring leader Stephen Hart. Police in Ohio and Pennsylvania were enlisted in one of the largest manhunts ever organized in a West Virginia prison break. Roadblocks were set up along all major roadways leading out of the northern panhan dle town. State Trooper Philip Kesner, 23, and his wife, Connie, happened to drive by the fortress-like prison when the inmates, frantically look ing for a getaway car, shoved Sgt. Jerry Daff of the prison staff in front of the officer’s car. Kesner swerved to avoid an acci dent and went into a skid. He was jerked from the car. Shots were heard. Some inmates piled into his car and sped off, leaving Kesner on the pavement bleeding and his dazed but uninjured wife pleading for help. United Press International iVASHINGTON — In an effort to rm the nation’s welfare system, House voted to set a guaranteed limum annual income for needy ilies and to have the federal gov- ment pay a greater share of wel- costs. ’he legislation, which passed, 1-184, Wednesday night, also itens administration of welfare grams in an effort to reduce error fraud. be bill falls short of President er’s wishes, but is considered K most sweeping legislation that ■ild possibly get through Con- Iss. JHowever, the legislation now goes the Senate where Finance Com- ttee Chairman Russell Long, D- , will get first crack at it. The House, by a 205-200 vote, rrowly defeated a Republican plan allow states to set work require- :nts for welfare recipients and to up a pilot program under which ;ht states would determine how eral welfare money is spent. For the first time, the bill would set up a guaranteed annual income for needy families with children, at income would be 60 percent of poverty level as of Jan. 1, 1981, [creasing to 65 percent of the pov- ty level on Oct. 1, 1981. That iuld guarantee a $4,654 annual in line under current official poverty evels. This would result in increased be- hfitsforan estimated 800,000 reci- ients in 13 states, mainly in the outh — Kentucky, New Mexico, izona, North Carolina, Florida, rkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, corgia, Tennessee, Texas, South 'arolina and Mississippi. At the same time, the federal hare of welfare payments would in- rease. The amount a state pays to ward Aid to Families with Depen- lent Children would decrease by 10 ercent on Jan. 1, 1981, and by an dditional 20 percent on Oct. 1, 981. The bill also would increase the maximum yearly payment under the earned income tax credit for the working poor to $550, allow certain recipients of Supplemental Security Income to get cash in lieu of food stamps, and make numerous admi nistrative changes. TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY AT MIT A MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAM designated for persons wanting to participate in formulating policies for the development, use and control of technology and its consequences. Students form individual curricula to work on issues such as solar energy, the economics and legal aspects of materials recycling and the use of automation in manufacturing. For information write: Prof. Richard de Neufville Rm 1-138, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 y % Friday night means FttTBALL in Bryan-College Station. Tonight’s Games: Round Rock at BRYAN CONSOLIDATED at Brenham TMI (San Antonio) at ALLEN public service message from the fans at Anco .V. DISCOUNT CENTER 1420 TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION M SALE ENDS SAT. Borden’s Golden Vanilla Ice Cream w l&i'Agal. 1 09 LONESTAR LONGNECKS A CASE Soni 12" ACDC Black-White OLD MILWAUKEE 6 pack bottles HAVALIN Motor Oil 30wt. ■ 63 10W40 . 73 '€o<AA- Pick-up TOOL BOX 89 99 Pepsi 6 pack cans 1.09 Mrs. David Core, looking from her second-story window across the street, said she saw Kesner sprawled out in a pool of blood, his gun in his hand. His wife leaned over him, screaming for help. “The girl was begging, ‘Help him, help him,”’ she said. “But there was nothing we could do.” State Police Superintendent Har ley F. Mooney said Kesner fired six shots from his service revolver and might have wounded one of his assailants. Moundsville city police, respond ing to a burglary call at Wei-Met Inc., a welding firm a few blocks from the prison, captured Tom Lee Richardson, 29, serving time for armed robbery, and David Effing ham, 19, serving a term for murder. A short time later, state troopers picked up convicted murderer Wil liam W. Wayne, 18, and Wesley Scott, 19, serving a sentence for breaking and entering. None of the four put up any resist ance. The break came at 8:10 p.m., when Hart asked for permission to put his barber tools up for the night. Entering the command post, he jam med a pistol in the face of Sgt. Jerry Daff, while another prisoner stuck a knife to his throat and demanded the keys. FARMERS MARKET CATERING A COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE LET US CATER YOUR NEXT BAR-B-QUE FUNCTION $ 2 95 per plate WE CATER TO ALL CLUB FUNCTIONS — DORMS, SORORITIES, FRATERNITIES, CORPS. DANCES. PICNICS. We also cater wedding receptions up to 200 miles away. Call for more infor mation. 2700 Texas Ave. - Bryan 779-6417 c* - - A ★★★★★★★ 4- * * 4- pool tournaments every Monday night ZACHAB1AS OBBBMUOUSB stub l fame tartar never a. cover charge OPEN 4 pm DAILY 1pm WEEKENDS HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY TILL 7 ZACBURGERS & HAPPY HOUR SAT. & SUN. 1-7 P.M. FOOTBALL ON T.V. hsokN Am man tournaments every Tuesday night i a- * ■IBC 1201 Hwy. 30 In the Brlarwood Apts., College Station 693-9781 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 1979-1980Graduates Computer Science/Electrical Engineers There are professional opportunities on a large scale at NCR-San Diego. You’ll find the facilities impressive: exten sive buildings that cover a whole hilltop overlooking one of California's most attrac tive living and recreational areas. Even more impressive is our aggressive leadership in computer technology. From ♦he advanced work of professionals here, two new NCR divisions have been generated. NCR/SD is engaged in the design and con struction of large-scale computer systems embodying 'powerful new concepts: virtual systems ... firmware emulation ... PASCAL- based OS language . . . VLSI technology . . . and other advanced developments. The work we do has a strong impact on NCR’s market position, provides high vis ibility for professional achievement, and offers experience in the new computer tech nologies that we are using to anticipate business EDP needs in the 80’s. Although our products and facilities are large-scale, we work in small project teams with easy interdisciplinary communication. Movement between projects is also easy, so you get wide exposure to a diversity of programs of varied size and scope. New grads can find the best career path among an ample number of available options. In short, we give you the best of both worlds: the stimulation of working with top profes sionals at one of NCR’s principal computer development and manufacturing facilities, an exciting career-accelerating environment; and a chance to enjoy beautiful San Diego . . . where the off-job living is vacation-like all year long. We look forward to briefing you on our immediate openings in the following areas: OPPORTUNITY AT BS AND MS LEVELS Important, continuing commercial activity in: HARDWARE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Perform design, checkout and documentation for state-of-the-art computing equipment; co ordination from specifications of a logical se quence of components and circuitry for a desired computer output; design of circuitry and logic for high-speed computers and sys tems. Additional opportunities to perform de sign of test equipment to check out computer systems. Candidates should be interested in logic and circuit design. For EE graduates. SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING Origination, design, development and imple mentation of complex software systems; de velopment of original functional design and processing techniques; design and implemen tation of state-of-the-art data base/file man agement software and a large-scale on-line multiprogramming executive design, flowchart ing, coding and implementation of on-line ex ecutive software modules. For EE, Computer Science or Math graduates. FIRMWARE DEVELOPMENT Positions requiring EE or CS degree to orga nize and implement firmware programs to emulate computing systems; creative use of existing computer logic for automatic diagnosis of hardware malfunctions; develop programs to automate manufacturing procedures, simulate electronic circuit response and simulate logic fuctions. Positions also for EE’s in QUALITY ENGINEERING FACTORY LIAISON We will not be interviewing on campus. However, for more details, send your resume or a letter describing your educational background to: Mr. George O. Rice, NCR Corporation, Dept. TAM, Engineering and Manufacturing, 16550 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, California 92127. N C R Complete Computer Systems An equal opportunity employer