The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1979, Image 3
THE BATTALION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1979 Page 3 campus y, what’s up at A&M ! S mean ling 500, onths, divii ake aeri cimated] lly imp Friday SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS: Will sell “Are You a teas ip?” posters in the MSC and by the Academic budding E and Sbisa Dining Hall. I )r ain (UjqIps AND GOWNS: Will be sold today through graduation day at andcUM the MSC Bookstore (main level) 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday mentsnd* 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bachelor’s are $9.50, masters are $10. | S ( e(i , FALL PHOTO CONTEST: Students, staff and faculty may enter ** fe) prints in the MSC Camera Committee contest on the main floor of if the MSC from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. Cost is 75 cents per entry. ^EXY LEGS CONTEST”: Voting for Fowler Hall’s Sexy Legs Con- test will be held 9 a m. to 2 p.m. on the first floor, MSC. The i contest will benefit the March of Dimes. cr opsl JALAPENO CHEESE SALE: The Dairy Science Club will s$ll the a ' n >sgO!i« cheese through Tuesday on the third floor, Kleberg. ' fal ! e ' MSC BASEMENT COMMITTEE: The musical team of Baylis and I > nS ^B will be featured at 8 p.m. in the Basement Coffeehouse. 1 ' t0! ! Cathy Gibson and Liz Janhor will also perform. CENTURY SINGERS: Will have an open rehearsal at noon in Room slieve 2||I 003, MSC. Everyone is invited to atend. SINGING CADETS: Will have an open rehearsal at 5 p.m. in the C Lounge. Everyone invited. ‘HEAVEN CAN WAIT”: A romantic fantasy starring Warren Beatty H as a quarterback who finds himself in heaven before his time. Will w anil ^ s ^ own at ^ ‘ Ulc l ^ p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. (PG). its hav WOMEN’S CHORUS: Will have an open rehearsal at 4 p.m. in the I MSC Lounge. Everyone is invited to attend. to us, scien::M ir we Saturday FOOTBALL: The Aggies will host SMU in Kyle Field at 11:50 a.m. HARD HAT SALE: The Associated General Contractors will sell hard hats in the MSC before the SMU game. MSC BASEMENT COMMITTEE: Baylis and Schulte will be the I featured act at 8 p.m. in the Basement Coffeehouse. Also perform- H ing are Eddie, Samira and Jennifer Mery. SOCIETY OF IRANIAN STUDENTS: Will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 301, Rudder. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Will have a beer bust I in Hensel Park after the SMU game. Maps are available in the H Building Construction office. ISUPERMAN”: Christopher Reeve stars as Superman trying to stop ■ the biggest real estate swindle of all time. Will be shown at 8 and P 11 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. (PG) HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION: Will have a special student’s I horsemanship clinic 8 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed to help B handicapped children enjoy horses. Sunday RIO GRANDE VALLEY HOMETOWN CLUB: Will have a pot- | luck lunch from 12:30 -4:30 p.m. in Hensel Park. EID-UL-ADHA: The Moslem Student Association will sponsor a H Koran class at 10 a.m. in Area 2, Hensel Park, for Eid-Ul-Adha. p Also, there will be a dinner at 11:30 a.m. In case of rain, these ■ activities will be held in Room 145, MSC. Monday OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: MSC Coordinators Jim Reynolds, James I Randolph and Don Rohel will speak at 6:30 p.m. in Room 108, H Harrington. ORANGE HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meet to discuss yearbook pic- I tures and a future party at 7:30 p.m. in Room 109, Military Sci- | ence Bldg. COMMUNITY SINGERS: Members and non-members will begin I the first of five rehearsals for the ninth annual presentation of Handel’s “The Messiah” at 7:30 p.m. at the Brazos Center. Everyone is encouraged to attend. PHA ZETA: Club pictures will be taken at 7 p.m., and Dr. Fred Miller will speak at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Lounge, MSC. MSC CAMERA COMMITTEE: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room larouglfp 601j Ruc lder. flip Wtj : ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Will meet and have tshoulB Aggie land pictures taken at 7:45 p.m. in Zachry. areno»!BIBLE STUDY: Don Hartman will lead a Bible Study at 9 p.m. in down@ the All Faiths Chapel Meditation Room. Sponsored by Student jel'tliP “Y.” Times W)MT<,0/V\ERY Bonfire is coming Nov. 30. CUTTING has started, so help out with a new AXE from WARDS Strong forge- tempered head. 36-inch hickory handle. Regular price: i r! single bit $13.99 * double bit $14.99 SPECIAL BUY ON BOTH (Your Choice) 10.88 MON.-FRI. 10-9 SATURDAY 10-7 ) 823-5483 TEXAS AVE. AT VILLA MARIA RD. C lub fund raiser Cheese is hot seller ;!3c! XEROX COPIES (24-hour service for 25 or more) By JETT IE STEEN Battalion Reporter If your taste buds have a craving for some south-of-the-border cuisine, you’re in luck, if you also like cheese. The Dairy Science Club is carry ing on a fund-raising project it began in 1971 — making and selling jalapeno cheese. In the creamery at Texas A&M, gallon jugs of chopped jalapenos sit near the 120 pounds of cheese that is melted down each week to be combined with the peppers. With a donation of 400 pounds of natural process colby and cheddar cheese from the L.D. Schrieber Cheese Company of Missouri, the club produces about four batches of the jalapeno cheese every semester. “We do have to buy about 200 pounds of cheese each semester from a company in Houston to fill all of our orders,” said Greg Batts, member in charge of the cheese making. The club gets the jalapenos from local grocers. “We never quite know how many jalapenos to put in because some say the cheese is too hot and some say it’s not hot enough,” Batts said. He said the number depends on the temperament of the cheese making crew of the day. The cheese must first be cut and melted in a gallon vat at the cream ery. “We are using a half-and-half mix of colby and cheddar cheese this year,” said Dr. Ron Richter, adviser for the group. Phosphates must then be added as emulsifiers to keep the fat from separating in the cheese and citrate is added as a preservative. Two gallons of jalapenos and a bit of salt are added give the spicy Mex ican flavor as the cheese melts to a smooth consistency. The viscous liquid is then poured into 2-pound bags and set in the boxes which act as molds for the cheese. One batch of cheese usually accounts for 60 2-pound boxes of the hot stuff Batts said that it took a while for sales to catch on, but that this year it’s selling like hotcakes. “We hardly get one batch made before it is all sold. We made 120 pounds of it on Monday and it was all gone by Thursday. ” The cheese, which takes about three and a half hours to make, is sold for $4 a 2-pound box. * • On The Double 331 University (Above Farmer's Market) 846-3755 Professional Services Typing Editing Translating Binding Open 7-10 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. Grand Opening November 2,3, & 4 Friday, Saturday & Sunday . FREE j Medium Soft Drink With any Chicken Dinner 1905 Texas Ave. College Station I'Chicken’n rolls 2 §■ ;$1.0FF ■ Any Family Order #8 #12 #16 TUMi Chicken ’n rolls Present Coupon Expires Nov 9,1979