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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1979)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1979 The Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR SALE SERVICES Are you a talented seamstress? Would you like to put your skills to work? If so, call 823-5688 for an interview. Call 8-4 Monday-Friday. Only capable seamstesses need apply...36t3 Dependable students, men, women, or couples needed for Houston Post routes. Early morning hours, 1 1/2-3 hrs. per morning, $200-$800/mo., machine rolling. 822-4351, 696-8032... 33t6 MUSICAL DIRECTOR B/CS Community Singers are look ing for part-time musical director for Fall, 1980. Responsible for leading 60-member chorus; opportunity to develop your own program. Salary to be negotiated. Write: Linda Run- dell, 2809 Wood Meadow Drive, Bryan, TX 77801. 36t4 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For CFI’S CALL BRAZOS AVIATION AT 696-8767 37110 — " ——f 1 1 1 BABYSITTERS WANTED 1 Work Your Own Hours 1 GOOD PAY 1 1 FULL/PART TIME 1 1 822-5837 1 1 1 1 (after 6:00 779-6451) Get jump on next semester. Find your apart ment now! Large 2 BR, 2 bath on A&M bus route. Overlooking park. All bills pd. except elec., $310/m. Call Ben 693-4612..,37t5 4 Cragar SST wheels, pairs. 696-3498...37t5 14x7, sell as set or in NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West' Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn 1972 Chevy van, p.s. captains chairs, mags. , p.b., auto., carpeted, $1100. 693-8345...37t5 1979 Tran’s AM, gold, $6800, 18,000 miles. 846-0471... 37t5 Typing and Editing By Professionals With Technical & Academic Experi ence Experience with dissertations, manuscripts, and texts symbols. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 3519 Connolly s soil John has edw Classical guitar, 2224... 38t4 decent condition. 693- ROOMMATE WANTED 1974 Spitfire. Excellent condition, 31,000 miles, extras. 846-2918.. ,36t5 r 1 i i i The Houston Chronicle NEEDS CARRIERS Due to a change from afternoon to morning de livery effective Sept. 1, the Chronicle now has several routes open for the Fall Semester. High est paying routes in town plus liberal travel allow-1 ance. Call Julian McMurrey | 6.93-2323 846-0763 s Help Wanted Part Time GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY 696-3411 1 ■■ I I I Room with private bath and entrance, staff member or graduate student. 6741... 38t2 Male 696- ’75 Suzuki 100. Excellent condition, 5300 miles, $400. 779-9124 after 5...36t3 Service For All S Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 192S it*■■■ ^^ xas A^^^823-81 ■) -) 1 Roommate to share two bedroom apt., $157 month % 1/2 elec. John 696-0551.. ,37t5 Reg. white Persian kittens, 6 wks, male. 7529... 36t5 696- DOMINO’S PIZZA DARKROOM TECHNICIAN On Campus Position Half time or more, flexible hours. Color lab experience required. Call Dr. Benton 845-5422 32110 DANVERS Female - Part Time To work nights & weekends Male - Part Time To work nights & weekends APPLY IN PERSON 201 Dominik, C.S. Now hiring delivery personnel, part time and full time, must have own car and insurance, $3.25 per hour plus commission and tips. Apply after 4:30 p.m. 1504 Holleman, C.S. DOMESTIC SERVICES —ass Part Time/Full Time TEAM CLEANING HOMES With Other Students $3.20/hr. Plus Mileage 694-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano Now Accepting Applications For Part Time Work Inquire At Schlotzky’s Between 3-5 p.m. 100 S. Texas Ave. Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544. Itfo Cooperative Education in the College of Lib eral Arts needs a number of students for spring placement in the Brazos County Bridgehouse. The students need to be of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. The part-time posi tions will pay $3 per hour. For more informa tion, please contact Susannah Clary or Henry D. Pope in Room 107 Harrington Education Center or call 845-7814...36t8 Typing. Symbols. 823-3837... 23tfn Notary Public. 823-7723, Expert typing. Call Gloria 693-8286...29t 15 Dissertations or Theses High Quality Blue-Line Copies At 7c a page Per Original copies 32 c 7 copies 42c 10 copies 55c At On The Double 331 University (Above Farmer’s Market) 846-3755 35.9 TYPING. Prompt, 5726.. ,21t23 professional. 823- SPECIAL NOTICE Cooperative Education in the College of Lib era] Arts has four positions available in proba tion offices located in Caldwell and Bryan. The positions are for spring placements and require students of Junior, Senior, or Graduate classification. Students will work as assistant probation officers on a part-time basis. For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary in Room 107 Har rington Education Center or call 845- 7814...36t8 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Contar 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 AA A 41 Free graphics if your club orders 100 or more 1 posters at On The Double, 331 University. 846-3755... 3519 Two freshmen CTs need dates for Rice game. Neat appearance, great personality, requested. No experience necessary. After 7:30 p.m. 845- 1758, Jim or Sam...36t5 — A MIRANDA’S Waitresses Wanted 15-20 hours a week $1.75/hr. plus tips Apply 309 University 3 Cooperative Education in the College of Lib eral Arts has a full-time placement with Elec tronic Data Systems located in Dallas. This technical writing position is available for any Journalism or English major with a Sophomore or Junior classification. For more information, please contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary in Room 107 Harrington Education Cen ter or call 845-7814...36t8 WANTED Rod and Chain Persons For Full Time Employment No Experience Necessary Apply at Spencer J. Buchanan and Associates, Inc., 206 North Sims, Bryan, TX. or call 822- 3767 for appointment. 37t10 OVER $1000 PROFIT For you, your fraternity, club, organiza tion, etc. Throw a "FOXHUNT" dance. Excellent money-maker if organized and performed following a proven method. Anyone can do it. Complete plan $4.95. Kelly Sack, 745 Moran No. M, Reno, NV 89502 . 3515 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Call Opal For Appointment THAT PLACE 696-6933 I Cooperative Education in the College of Lib era] Arts has foll-time placement opportunities with the CIA in Washington D.C. Students of undergraduate and graduate classification are eligible to apply for these career opportunities | ’ with the CIA. For more information please ^ contact Susannah Clary or , Henry' D. Pope iif I ' RoomT07 Harrington Education Center b’r call 845-7814... 36t8 I Let Us Sell It For You AS JEWELRY Not Scrap Gold Get More Now Accepting 14K Gold Consignments Y’S IDEAS 822 Villa Maria, Bryan 779-7334 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 FOUND NEED IMMEDIATELY! 1 to 2 People $2.90 an hour + other benefits as bartenders and cooks Apply In Person Chicken Oil Company 37tfn KAMU-TV Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $3.15/hr. Apply in person between 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Is looking for two students to work part time as reporter-photographer. Anyone interested should contact James Smith or Bill Davie at 845- 1526 or apply in person. 38t5 $356 WEEKLY POSSIBLE In Only Two Hours Work At Home START IMMEDIATELY Free Ms. Hayden, Drawer M-13, Aggieland Station, College Station 34110 MATH MAJORS Particularly APMS With Some Computing Major firm needs Cooperative Edu cation Student get valuable experience earn good salary get academic credit Contact: Dr. O. C. Jenkins 845- 7361, College of Science BSB 307. 35110 Found near Reed McDonald, calculator. Call 845-3026 or go by Building D at Physical Plant... 35t5 GAYLINE 693-1630 Information-Referrals 8-10 p.m. M-Th GSSO sponsored 32t6 CHILD CARE Registered home 1/2 block from Southgate. Experienced mother, nutritious meals. 7 A.M. - 6 P.M., football games. 696-7585...35t6 WEIGHT WATCHERS is a unique pro gram of weight reduction that helps you to lose weight without starving and also shows you how to keep it off forever. Col lege Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 7t9 LOST JOB OPPORTUNITY Gold add-a-bead necklace lost on campus. $25.00 Reward. Call 693-1478...36t5 OFFICIAL NOTICE 3-C BARBECUE Openings Available: Waitresses Busboys Waiters Lineworkers Apply in person at 810 South Main Between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE FALL ’79 SEMESTER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO ORDER THE TEXAS A&M SENIOR RING, AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST HAVE ATLEASTNINETY-TWO (92) SEMESTER HOURS, WITH 30 HOURS AT A&M AND BE IN GOOD STANDING WITH THE UNIVERSITY. USING MID-SEMESTER GRADES TO FULFILL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. MID-SEMESTER ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN ONLY FROM OCT. 29TH UNTIL DEC. 7, 1979. 2. LEAVE YOUR NAME, MAJOR AND I.D. NUMBER WITH THE RING CLERK, HEATON HALL, AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE YOU PLAN TO ORDER YOUR RING AND NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 30TH. THIS MAY NOT BE DONE BY TELEPHONE. 3. BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER. WE NEED THIS TO VERIFY PASSING HOURS FOR THE FALL SEMESTER. 4. ANYONE HAVING FAILED TO LEAVE THEIR NAME IN ADVANCE AND FAIL TO BRING THEIR MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORT WILL BE ASKED TO RETURN AT A LATER DATE TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED. 5. ALL RINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHENEVER THE ORDER IS PLACED. (SENIOR RING LOANS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE YMCA BUILDING.) 6. ORDERS NOT PLACED BETWEEN OCT. 29TH - DEC. 7TH WILL BE TAKEN IN JANUARY. 7. OFFICE HOURS ARE 8:00 - 11:30 AM AND 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM., MONDAY - FRIDAY. 8. ALL RINGS ORDERED, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ON OCT. 29TH OR DEC. 7TH, WILL BE DELIVERED ON THE SAME DAY WHICH WILL BE APPROXIMATELY FEBRUARY 28, 1980. THE RING PRICE WILL ALSO BE GUARANTEED DURING THIS ORDERING PERIOD. \ • a * Jo For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Ae- tion. Texas A&M University ^BUSINE SS OPPORTUNITY £ Business Of Your Own? -k -k -k Begin at home, full or part time. Ideal^: -k for husband and wife teams, excel-£ *k lent for students. No obligation-no^ ^ information over the telephone. ~k -k For Appointment ^ * Call 696-3675 * £ after 6:00 sets ■¥■ OFFICIAL NOTICE FULL OR PART TIME College of Science English Proficiency Examination ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS •’Day shftt •’Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) •’Weekends Cashier experience helpful ^Flexible hours to fit your schedule *Rapid advancement Starting Salary $3.10/hr. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station | 105 Dominik^I 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula - Room 113BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula - Room 100 CHEM MATH Department Curricula - Room 101 Milner PHYSICS Department Curricula - Room 301 PHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an abil ity to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must satisfy the English Proficiency Requirement by taking English 301 and earning a minimum grade of “C”. L, Apply between 9:30-11 and 2-4 For information and guidelines on the nature of the examina tion, check with the departmental secretary. i® mm . iotS foCUS AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: C (all (irorgr \Vcl>l> KarnuMS Insurance Croup 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 By DARRELL LUECKEMEYER Battalion Reporter The qualifications of former Texas governor John Connalyj him a solid edge in the 1980 presidential race, his son saidTiifi| night. Mark Connally spoke at an organizational meeting of the It; Texans for Connally in the Rudder Forum. Connally said Ixjing a former secretary of the navy, secretaiyoli| treasury and three-time governor of Texas, his father has theh ground and experience to return the country to the freeenteip system that the Carter administration is deviating from. Connally said his father started with nothing and thef| enterprise system allowed his father to become what heist “He is running for president as an opportunity to helprebuli^ system that helped him,” he said. Connally said his father would undertake goals in three majoriij if elected: 1) inflation, 2) energy and 3) military defense. Connally said to stop inflation, government spending muitlj brought under control. To do this, he said the United Stateswilk to lessen imports of foreign oil and decrease overall goven® spending and trade deficits. “We need to open the doors for commodities to sell abr»i| decrease these trade deficits,” he said. “We have food which; bargaining commodity more powerful than oil if we will use it Connally said the energy problem of today can be solved it government would stay out of the way. Connally said his father is in favor of the useofcoalasanalter© source of energy but a mixture of oil and nuclear power is needed^ to ease the current problem. The Connally campaign strongly favors of an increase in the; fense budget, Connally said. “It is essential that the United Sts have a strong show of force. Connally said his father favors of the all-voluntary army as Uji is working to produce a strong defense; however, if it is dees necessary, Connally said his father would lie in favor of a registt system — not a draft. “The country is going to have to go through a recession t things hack in line,” Connally said. “As long as we go alongwithh same policies, we are going deeper in the hole.” life Connally pledges trl for tax cut if electet United Press International SARATOGA SPRINGS, N Y. — Republican presidential candidate John Connally said Tuesday that if elected he would work to enact a $50 billion to $100 billion tax cut spread over four years. Such a tax cut would most benefit persons earning between $15,000 and $35,000 a year, said the former Texas governor at a news confer ence. “They’re the ones who are hurt the most, who are rearing their families, trying to buy a 1 are paying the taxes and*: being escalated into higherL kets by inflation alone,” CopB said. Asked how he felt, as aresii i- , , ^ oil-rich Texas, about thef I J 0 * 10 M Corp. ’s announcement Moni; t J 713 ! 01 its June/September profits . late ice more than double those a yeilast da lier, Connally answered: “Eg*- headquartered in New York He said Exxon should use# creased profits for research. Not used much, aide says w< Ike tapes confirnm United Press International HOUSTON — President Eisenhower’s personal secretary has confirmed a Rice University histo rian’s report that Eisenhower in stalled a White House tape record ing system, but she disputed the as sertion the system was used exten sively. Ann C. Whitman told the Hous ton Chronicle in a telephone inter view from her New York City home the taping system was installed but it was “absolutely a lie” to say it was extensively used. “An attempt was made to install a recording machine. Whitman said. “I think it was before I got there. I do remember one attempt (to rec ord) — I don’t remember the event — that I may have tried it. “Apparently the system was not as sophisticated as they are today. It was a monster. I gave it up com pletely. I had no time to go over and over and transcribe.” Francis L. Loewenheim reported in the Chronicle’s Sunday editions in Unit |MEXIC( that the taping system was iuid on for five years of Eiseul signed to c presidency, from l%H'|fc mer gjng f 1958. Eisenhower was prU'weii w jU until January 1961. Thursday, Loewenheim said he hai: the gusher transcripts of White House leeks, tape recordings amongpapeti ' “We stil Eisenhower Library in AM tests and Kan. man for tb On one transcription bean: .roleos Me initials “acw,” Loewenheiml Monday, parenthetical comment blworking at transcriber. at the late “Large portions of the tape* comjiletely garbled,” the note “The noise of the machine it*: eif fupfnaml>a Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 lid great that the words, enough, cannot be understood Whitman said she did member that transcription ceded “perhaps there were transcriptions than she re® be red. Loewenheim said otfied 1 scriptions bear the initials V in two instances state the V ing” began a few minutes meetings started. One transcription coven 1954 meeting in which Loewe:> said Eisenhower told t President Richard Nixon his attack on Democrats, 1 Nixon had accused of being" Communism. [esigned t inter lorn the hich has If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 BATTALION CLASSIFIED PULLS The 31( Call 845-2611