Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1979)
\ ■ • - -^ ir-fi i'*’ /(/ ■'. ‘it*' -. -V- ,: i ✓ Battalion Classifieds r /*9WW*WW SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE reductions Surfs Up Party May 5 - Saturday FEATURING BATHING SUIT CONTEST BEACH BOY MUSIC BEER Wear Your Swimsuits or Cutoffs At The Briarwood Pool & Tennis Courts 1201 H.W. 30 College Station, TX ins At 3:00 p.m. SERVICES ^ ^ w w * w * * FOR RENT A A A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w FOR RENT ^ a a ^ ^ ei p » ^ » «p » mmwwwwwm FOR RENT AT StUd Trader Rk; (TB) winner of $53,673-1 own son of Swaps (848,900)-$500 to j Quarter and Appaloosa ma res-Live j foaFSonny Ellen 846-6509 ooool mcytmcymA r ^ wwww* wvwwwwwn WANTED Riders needed for summer school carpool from Houston (Hwy 290 area). Call 460-2653 146*10 Typing. 779-7351. 130*25 Typing. 7723. Symbols. Notary Public. Typing. Eiperienced, last, kinds 822-0544 accurate. All 37tfn Typing 823-4579 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ' Sold jewelry, coins, etc. ► The Diamond Room ► Town a Country Strapping Confer . 3731 E. 29th St, Bryan •46-4708 < I '»■ Small piano and organ demonstrator wil b« available locally by May 15. Interested parties may take at enormous savings Payments avarfaUe to persons with good credit. Call San Antonio Music Co.- 5 Regional Services Office 512-681- f t* 4 ® 148*4 > ATTENTION PATRONS OF THE MSC CRAFT SHOP Ail personal supplies and projects must be removed from the craft shop no later than £:00 p.m., May J1. AttENtlON MAY GRADUATES PICK UP GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS IN ROOM 216 A&B MSC BEGINNING APRIL 12, 1979 MON - FRI 8-4 EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL GO ON SALE APRIL 17. 1979 ROOM 217, MSC MON - FRI 8-4 : i23t27 V*w w * FOR SALE FOR SALE '77 Celica, four speed, 18,000 miles, AM-FM stereo, turbo-mag wheels. Very clean. $4100. 845-7865 ”72 Opel Rallye. excellent condition, air, new tires and battery. 11350 693-7433, 6-11 P,m 148(2 Shelved stereo stand. $100, 2 barstools. height adjustable. >10 693-4787 148(2 A M.F. Roadmaster moped for sale Good condition Must sell. $280 Please call 893- 7*8« \ 147(3 Bicycle for sale Follis 10-speed. Competition, equipped. $60 Call 693-8162. 146*4 For Sale Mobile home, near campus, metal storage building included. Call 822-7867 after 5:30 p.m. 145(5 excellent 149(2 WANTED Camp counselors for Camp Wood Lake (on Lake Brownwood), especially if in terested in canoe and sailing teaching. Call 846-3598 or write Zola Moon, 700 East Baker, Brownwood, TX 76801. 14713 '72 Impala Air, power, 55.000 mi. condition 846-2660. 846-1541. Sorrell grade mare Needs good home Lysa 845-6547. 149(1 All fomiture from two bedroom apartment Separate or complete. Good buy 696- 8624 ‘ [ ' 1972 Pontiac Catalina V-8 engine. Must sell immediately, $800 or best offer Call Ken 693- 3008 after 6 p. m - . 143(7 WOMEN. FACULTY AM) STUDENTS Lawn to play pfno or guitar this summar Reputable B-CS instructor now taking ap plications for summar adult students Some child and youth openings available also Call 693-2954 ; , PREGNANCY TESTING-/]. Counselling on all alternative^ and birth control methods,. Women's Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 ; WWW FOUND A a. Found gold ring at tennis courts April 27th Call 693-1146 to identify and claim 149(2 '72 CAMARO RALLY SPORT 350 2bbl turbohydramitic: 16 m.p g.. p s . p b.. 8-track-AM. oversized liras & mags Vary cfaan. * - $2190 Work: 825-6444. ax 209; Home 272- 8916 149n 4.2 CUBIC FOOT REFRIGERATOR Less than one year old. Large freezer compartment. $150 or best offer. CALL 845-6369 149(1 wwwwwwwwwww* ROOMMATE WANTED Three wild, crazy girls need summer/fall roomie 2 Bedroom. $68. bills paid 696- 4043 149(2 Females summer/Call. $90/mo Utilities paid. 5 bedims. 2 baths, house 693-7046. Females. 2 bedims, 2 baths. Sausalito 1100/mo. Utilities paid, hi mulled 693-7046 Summer 138(12 Three bedroom house. Need two roommates for summer. One block from campus. Call 696-7634 140(10 Female summer roommate wanted. Sausalito Apts. 693-9811 149*9 Summer room available Call John 693-5770, 8455036 Keep trying or leave message 149(1 NEED ROOMMATE Nice duplex, two bedrooms, fenced backyard, own bedroom. For more information please call Lee at 693- 8613. 1480 WANTED I Two male roommates for summer to f share three bedroom, two bath dup- " lex ALL UTILITIES PAID! Call 693-9594 | MOVING TO ALASKA 3 Bedroom Brick Home IVi bath, central air $38900 2203 Franklin. Bryan 822-2693 149(f WWW Gres female cockatiel and cage, nine months old. $75 693-1922. . 148(2 VWWWWWWWWW W fe-fe-w w BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES JEANS. D€MI* AND SPORTSWEAR - Hava a rvgNy profitable and beaushii strap of your own Faaturng me IN styles of iodey For $15,500 we do it ei for you Begmnng merchandise fix tures and (raxing GaX anytme for Mr Waters 81501/568/5125 ' ^490 Lost. Pair of gold wire rim glasses in black case If found call 693-5244 145(5 Lost Brown, white female puppy, near Bryan High Answers to Chula. 846-1214. 145(5 Softball glove Wilson A -2000- XL in street by field six Contact Michael Quick 846-1036. 8454211 BEWARD I46t5 LOST a 4/27/79. Ten month old female Irish Setter, near Highland in Southgate area. Extreme sentimental value. Answers to Ruby. REWARD 696-7962 Or 845-1227 149(1 76 CUTLASS SALON P.S.. P.B., tit wheel/seats. AM/FM stereo-tape, black with burgundy interior. 693-7433 6-11 P.M. 606 SOUTH BRYAN In Bryan \ Fa, Sat. A Mon FumAire. Antquas. Clock Hutch. Oak Desk. Oreaaar. Cheat Trunk. Chl- ferode Armoire. Showcase. Radio. -Table. Chars. Dishes. Silver Scales. Floorlamps. Mora Good Stuff Cheap 1480 kitititit ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ J ’7* BLUE CAMARO J 307, Manual, new fabric upholstery. ^ 4- handles great ' -ft J See At Mobil Station Z. University and College Ave. rT ★★★★ ROOMMATE WANTED Houston 1 need a roommate to share a two bedroom apartment near the Gal leria for the summer Call Steve at 693-6318 1470 W WW WWW W W W W WW FOR RENT Duplex close to campus with fenced yard. 2 bedrooms $230 plus bills 683-7053 UTi5 Want housemate for old house for summer Call 846-3598 after 9:15 p.m. 147*3 For Bent 3 Bedroom mobile home, furnished wasber and dryer. Call 822-4169 after 5 pn«. 148(2 Must sublease 1 bd apt $180 plus elec., for- nished/unfurnished. 779-1312 or 779- 1115. 146(5 Furnished bedroom with kitchen and other privileges No bills 683-5625 14615 Need to sublet two bedroom furnished apart ment at Glade East. June to August. 693- 65Y3. 143(7 Must sublease 2 bedroom apartment near cam pus. $155 month Laurie 846-9102 147(3 Sublease two bedroom, one bath apartment Utilities included. $217 50 month, shuttle bus 846-7857 U7t3 Duplex near campus 696-5844. 846-6706. 147(3 MAY 14-AUG. 25 Large 3-1-1 partially furnished brick house. Nice neighbor hood, close to TAMU. C/A, washer, dryer, breakfast bar, separate dining, Ig. living, fenced yard. $295. plus utilities. Call 846-2846 FAIRWAY APTS. 3300 S. College Bryan shuttle bus e washateria pool e barbecues Summer Rates Urge 2 bedroom unfum. $169 Urge 2 bedroom turn. $189 Now Pre-leasing For Fall 822-4964 TRIANGLE TERRACE APTS. 3900 Old College # shuttle bus • washateria • one and two bedroom unfurnished Summer Rates Start At $200 All Bills Paid 822-4964 144(4 IAINTENANCE MAN For small apartment complex Apartment Available Some plumbing and painting skills required 822-4964 144 Walk to campus. Older two bedroom duplex south of AAM. $135 phis bills. Phone 846- 6387. 144(10 i UNIVERSITY* ACRES ■ Now taking applications for | I May rentals. One and two I I bedroom from $135 to $170, I | plus electricity. Come By Our Office At 1878 Gre«nfleld J | Or Call 846-5796 I m° After 6:00 Call 846-6189 I SUBLEASE FOR SUMMER Three bedroom, two bath duplex. AUGUST RENT FREE Call 693-9594 2 BBffRI— $195 Month 12 Month lease. No pets, water, sewer, TV paid. 9 mo. lease- $230/mo. Furniture available- $35. 846-1413, 696-7414. 4110 College Main, Bryan. Casa Blanca v v v v e’” HELP W> Workers needed for Ft/at Term Summer Session Registration on June 4,1979. Contact Mr Woriey in the Records Section, Office of Admissions & Records, Room 112. of Heaton Hail 14 ®' 5 l O P OO O O Ol f Seamstress, full or part time needed. }823- 5688 ^ 1-2 BDRM $190 Mo. (with 12 mo. lease) Furnished, no pets. 9 mo. lease-$233/mo. Water, water heating, TV paid. 646-3050, 696-7414. 401 Cooner, C.S. Scholar’s Inn i4ono COOKS j Full Time , S| Or Part Time WWWWWWWWWWWWWW HELP WANTED . ^ ^ ei ^ Adh n 0 Experience helpful, but will 0 train. Pick up an application 0 at Swensens. Culpepper Plaza, 0 College Station £ NEW EFFICIENCIES r $140 month. One bedroom-from $175 month. All bills paid except 1 electricity. No pets. Villa West 1 Apartments, south of Villa Maria • Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. iSftfr* HAVE LUNCH ON US ... FREE! A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. Apartments e Duplexes e All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT. .I PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. Next to the Dairy Queen , MUSTARDS LAST STAND Accepting applications for all restaurant positions. Full and part-time to begin training at various times now through May 30. Apply In Person Only 317 College Avenue In Front Of Cinemeil & II ^ apartment mart There Are Over 15,000 Apartments In Bryan-College Station. Let Us Open The Doors To The Best Of Them For You! We'll Find Yours Free Don't Waste Your Time Driving Around Call 846-2561 MUM FULL OR PART TIME •Day shift •Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ’Flexible hours to fit your schedule •Weekends 'Rapid advancement Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. 1 Apply In person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik OOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk STUDENTS Full Or Part Time Team Cleaning Homes Starting Salary $3.10/hr. DOMESTIC SERVICES INC. 693-1954 , Judy Smains Libby Vastano ■L Interviewing in MSC 11-1, 205 Fri. ’* 613 * <:>0-g>C><=><=>PPOPPPC>QQPO OOP OPOOOOOQPP nAMOMMUP APARTMENTS O' c, “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” Furnished A Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 A 3 Bedroom Apartments No Escalation Clausa or Fuel Adjustment Charge Professional Maintenance Staff (24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE) Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck Health Spas, Including Saunas for Men 4 Women Three Laundry Rooms On Shuttlebus Routs Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 . Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy 30 693-1011 NOW HIRING 1 SUMMER HELP Cashiers, waitresses, waiters, line workers, busboys. No experience necessary. Apply In Person 3 C BAR-B-QUE | 810 S. Maine, Bryan 1480 The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for summer and fall routes. $300-450 pier month plus transportation allowance and selling bonuses. Applicants must have afternoons free and dependable transportation. Call Julian McMurray 693-2323 or 846-0763 HI i TEACHING-pSarents"*^ Seeking married couple, i ► live-in, to run Houston home * for 6 youths. Starts June. * Excellent training, opens i professional opportunities. ^ Salary up to $15,000 plus benefits. Contact Paul Gil- ford (713) 868-1943. 09114 * ^ ^ ^ ^ WWW' w W W W W W W W W W’% for SALE Good condition. Honev-fpoid carpet for dorm. Igxlff Cheap 1 696-4043 149*2 Suzuki TS400 Bun, great, still under war ranty 683-7588 ■ 145(5 Shop By Mail & Save $$ Tima A Gasoline Fries reductions up to 86% on books & records Over 1.000 titles avail able I Catalog * songs Mae 4 text desorptions | $2 00 Seva 40-75% on naMendfr adver- coemedcs nsl enamels, perfumes, i colognes, sftsr shaves, grooming axis. •tustralad color catalog $i 26 Both | catalogs Only $3 00 Wlson s P O Box 190. Woden, TX 75978 i4St7 FOR SALE 12x60. 1971 moMe home. 2 Bedrooms. 1 Vi bathe, washer & dryer, centra ax & heal underskirted & Had down, fenced yard with 3 huge trees, storage shed Call 823-7602 after 5:30 Or Weekends 149(1 SERVICES Low coat 4ravrl to Uraat Tuft Frae 800-2*3- 7676. 9 a. m-4 p m NY time I4fl*« Service For AM Chryeler Corp Cart "* oooy won* — mraing HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Sales and Service Since 1922 411 Texas Ave. 6 823-6111 One monthly check - One deposit — Your monthly rent at the Viking Apartments pays all bills. We absorb all those electricity bills at no extra cost to you Apply now for Summer and Fall leases. W« maintain office hours Sun. afternoon a all day Sat. 1601 Hblleman College Station, Tx. 77840 713/ 693-6716 —** DOMINO S PIZZA .Now hiring delivery personnel n •Part-time or full time. Flexible hours and days. Must have own ^car and insurance. $2.90 per, hour plus 6% commission and tips. Apply Domino's. 1504 Hol-i leman after 4:30. Part Time or Full Time Now Through Summer $3.10 - $4.00/hr. 693-7844 145*5 3<>C JOB OPPORTUNITIES WBMI Will you be here this summer 9 Need xn easy job with good pey? C*ll Jon 8456948 148*2 GREAT JOBS IN HOUSTON Your vacation can be profitable and fun when you put your dertcaJ skits to work on temporary assignments with leading Houston fkms We Need Secretaries Receptionists Typists Clerks Register now and you'll have your choice of assignments when finals are over in May. Call 877-8556 for interview appointment ► i , Royal T—yaraffy •wsisss . 2121 Sata Road Salta 226 Houston. Tsxas 77056 147*3