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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1979)
Id ss Internal 'ON I Protedg ■lans to beL s that di illegally e the oil Pay for the - ), deputy 'V saidM lt Pi'evea at the Lxj, M Y., wl> liadtobe from i it was au ew Yori: ironmeiti P the caa KPA vviJ s to work rns shortl an additi jobs l)egiii fiscal as many) e (Depart >e said ■ral legal intend to al support tvernmeiit > action.” im ■ k Congi a S400 m fund —p n'cal indii 1 to clean PA aired I dumps m up or stimatedl d 2,000 • itcs acrot iber, it fondayi TAMU horsemen s associations quet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 226, MSC. PHI THETA KAPPA AJLUMNIASSOCIA in Room 140, MSC. TAMU ROADRUNNERS CLUB: WM meet p.m. in front of G. Rollie White Coliseum. 7:30 for election of officers. TAMU SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB. Will meet 301, Rudder. MARX BROTHERS FESTIVAL: “Duck Soup’ will be p.m. and “Animal Crackers” will be shown at 9:30 p.m both in Rudder Theater. TAMU SURF CLUB: The film “Waves” will be shown at 8 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder. said half I iminediatl they ai{ ruse adi ed thev p.m. in CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Jim McCotter, originator of Today’s Student, will speak on “God s Will for Our Lives” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 601, Rudder. TENNIS: The women will play at TAIAW at SM U through Saturday in Dallas. VOLLEYBALL EXHIB1TION MATCH: The touring Mexican Junior National Team will play Texas A&M at 7:30 p.m. in DeWare Gymnasium. TENNIS: Michigan will play Texas A&M’s men’s team at 1:30 p.m. Thursday This Disney animation features two mice and an “THE RESCUERS’ albatross. (G) TAMU FENCING CLUB: Will meet at 7:45 p.m. in Room 261 Rollie White. G. ENGINEERING SEMINAR: “Writing the Co-op Research Report” will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Room 102, Zachry. CLASS OF ’80: A council meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 607, Rudder. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Jim McCotter, originator of Today’s Student, will speak on “God’s Will for Our. Lives” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 601, Rudder. SOFTBALL: The women will play at the Norman Regionals (OU) through Saturday in Norman, Okla. TRACK: Men and women’s teams will compete at the University of Texas in Austin. Friday FREE MOVIE: “Bambi” will be shown at 8 and 10 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Advance tickets are available at the MSC Box Office. RING DANCE PICTURES: Can be picked up today and tomorrow at the Rudder Box Office. Decontrol issue is factor THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1979 Page 7 Kennedy, Carter rift widens United Press International WASHINGTON — The windfall profits tax is shaping up as the latest — and possibly most bitter — issue to split President Carter and his po tential rival for the presidential nomination, Sen. Edward Kennedy. Kennedy has broken with Carter before, over national health insur ance and budget priorities, but the . current dispute over oil price decon trol and how to tax the oil companies’ profits left a visibly angry Carter and a stone-faced Kennedy trading charges and counter-charges Monday. In a speech to the American Soci ety of Newspaper Editors in New York, Kennedy accused the adminis tration of giving in to “the overbear ing power of the oil lobby.” “First, it has intimidated the ad ministration into throwing in the towel without even entering the ring on oil price decontrol,” Kennedy said. “And second, it has also intimi dated the administration into sub mitting a token windfall tax that is no more than a transparent fig leaf over the vast profits the industry will reap.” When a reporter related Ken nedy’s statement to Carter at his televised and broadcast news con ference, the president looked angry and said, “That’s just a lot of baloney.” “Everybody knows that decontrol is mandated in the present law,” Carter said, referring to the clause in FOR A NEW DINING EXPERIENCE Come to the big new salad bar in the Sbisa Dining Cen- Vj ter Basement. Quality First Open 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday last year’s energy act requiring an end to price controls in September 1981. Carter’s phaseout accelerates the process and brings higher prices a bit faster. As for the windfall profits tax. Car ter said, “I’m always amenable to iBaas proposals made by Senator Kennedy to make the laws fairer or more strin gent.” Kennedy said, however, he will challenge Carter on issues which they disagree on and support him when they agree. The Tailor Shop (formerly Zubik’s) 105 College Main — Northgate JUNIORS Avoid The Fall Rush — Come In Now And Order Your Boat Pants Before You Leave For The Summer. Men’s & Women’s Alterations Noting rights or felons bill Allies in Senate United Press International 1 T1 Aft AUSTIN — A bill that would have Tilt allowed convicted felons who have perved their time and are off proba- Ron the right to vote failed to pass po un n ‘|tli e Senate State Affairs Committee ho lived I M on d ay . niillioi* Thp (jjj] sponsored by Sen. Oscar ■lauzy, D-Dallas, would change the ice wert |stat e ’s election code by removing the ‘ s alive section which prevented people who le of morfvvere convicted of any felony — ex cept those restored to full citizenship n t put i or pardoned — from voting. sa '“ It would have prevented all those who are in jail, on parole, under ( ~ a jiandatory supervision, or on proba- u ik boo'Ron as a result of a felony conviction 'from voting. The bill also changed neral lye wording of provisions which pre- ituralG | R en t “idiots and lunatics” and “all “taupers supported by the county om voting. Committee Chairman Sen. Bill loore, D-Bryan, the only one to eak against the bill, said he did not ant to give criminals in his district f —which includes the state prison at gHuntsville — the right to vote. The bill, which was introduced by ep. Clay Smothers, D-Dallas, pre- iously passed in the House. AMERICAS FAVORITE PIZZA I T' University Book Stores I A i M NORTHGATE CULPEPPER PLAZA 1 409 UNIVERSITY DR. NEXT TO 3C-BBQ PmmiiimiiiimMmMimiiimiimiHHiMiiiiiiMwimmiimmiiHiiiiiMMiiiiHiiHMMMimtimttMimimiNmiiiiii We Buy All Books! Bring your out-of-date books, w\th your new books & we’ll make you an offer on all your books (including paperbooks). Cold Cash — Or 20% More In Trade! Open 8 a.m . ’til 8 p.m . thru Finals ' at both locations Northgate and Culpepper Plaza Sell Your Books For More at University Book Stores See Coupon Offer Below. imm NORTHGATE 409 UNIVERSITY DR. CULPEPPER PLAZA NEXT TO 3C-BBQ iHiimmimmmiiiiiimiHmiiiiHiimmnmmnHmiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimHinmimiiimmmnHiiHNiumiiHiimiMnmiinimMniiHHmiiiimii ■ mm ^^■mohey ■ON THE VIVITAR COMPLETE UGHT Buy the Vivitar 283 Electronic Flash... get the Lens/Filter Adapter for ONLY The 283 is Vivitar's most popular electronic (lash system Its powerful light output, automatic exposure control, and choice ot •-stops provide the basic unit ot a complete lighting system mat easily lets you do things with Hash you never thought possible From automatic bounce flash to a sufficient light indicator Vivitar makes it easy for you Along with convenient operation and endless creative possibilities the 283 gives you economy with power-saving Thyristor Circuitry For a limited time, when you buy a 283, you can get a precisely engineered $6 95* lens/filter adapter lor about K at participating dealers With the adapter snapped into place over the flash head you simply slide in optional flash filters making it possible tb change direction, color, intensity, and angle ot coverage of the light Optional accessories include soft light bounce diffuser, quick release pistol grip, vari-power. variable angle lens and filter kit, regulated high voltage battery pack. NiCad battery pack, and a 15 minute recnarger Vivitar •Manulac'ufer s suggesied I'St price ©Vivitar Corporation. 1978 Vivitar Flash Value Coupon- SAVE UP TO $15 on Vivitar’s most popular Automatic Electronic Flash Units This coupon is leoeemabie by the consumer at participating Vivitar dealers ior the follow ing amount oft the dealer s retail sales puce on these selected Vivitar Au'o Electronic T 'aslvModels • Vivitar 285 —SI 5 Vivitar 283—S10 Vivitar 265 —S4 Vivitar 252 —$2 Vivitar 215 —S2 CLIP THIS COUPON Be sure lo read over the terms of this otter on the other side ot this coupon Limit one coupon per flash unit Offer expires June 1 7. 1979 Vivitar A 441 I SI 14 14 4 t Nil I . IN4 J01 University Dr • College Station.Texas 77840 • /'U 846-54181 THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday at pat tocks 'orth oi Pizza inn. Buy ONE PIZZA at regular menu price, get next smaller size FREE with same ingredients.. BB&L pays the maximum rate on 6-month Money Market Certificates. 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