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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1979)
Page 8 THE BATTALION MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1979 Silkivood lawyers say firm didnt tell cancer risk United Press International OKLAHOMA CITY — Although Kerr-McGee Corp. contends it de voted considerable effort to design ing, building and staffing its nuclear plant, attorneys for the Karen Silkwood estate say the bottom line is that the company failed to tell workers of cancer risks in handling radioactive plutonium. Both present and former top offi cials from the company, which cur rently is defendant in an $11.5 mil lion negligence suit filed by Silkwood’s survivors, have testified in federal court the firm built a well- equipped facility. Testimony has been detailed on the planning that went into the uranium and plutonium fuel process ing facilities, which opened in the late 1960s and shut down in 1975. But attorneys for the Silkwood family have insisted throughout the past week of the trial that the bottom line in the case is that Kerr-McGee MSC NATIONAL EAGLE SCOUT ASSOCIATION M meeting of all members and prospects Wednesday April 18 7:30 p.m. Room 305 of Rudder Tower for info call Vince @ 845-5957 a subdivision of Campus Scouts failed to communicate to workers the cancer risks involved in handling radioactive substances. Former production line workers testified earlier in the 6-week-old trial they never were told radiation exposure could induce cancer. Silkwood herself, who worked at the Kerr-McGee plant from 1972 until she died in 1974, was con cerned that employees were put to work without adequate training and warnings. The 28-year-old woman suffered a severe case of radioactive contami nation a week before she died in a traffic accident Nov. 13, 1974. Ex pert witnesses have testified in the trial that Silkwood had enough radio activity in her body to have “cancer on the spot.” Her survivors contend in the law suit that Kerr-McGee’s negligence caused her contamination. The cor poration alleges she contaminated herself either purposely or through her own negligence. Kerr-McGee put three of its man agement personnel on the stand dur ing the week, all of whom partici pated in the planning and design of the plant. Allen Valentine, who set up Kerr-McGee’s health safety pro gram, said the safety manual he wrote adequately described plutonium’s dangers. / Attack of killer bookworms? These shelves on the fourth floor of the library addition are waiting to be filled with books from the old Sterling C, Evans building. The library move won’t be finished, though, until more shelving equipment arrives. Library hours until the end of the semester are Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. tomidnijt Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6p.m,; Sunday, 1 p.m. to midnight. Battalion photo by Mary i Reed John Grabowski & Trosclair CLASS AGENTS For 79 f Representation Of The Best Kind VOTES CAN BE CAST ON THE l&a . pizza-lookn taco-tastin: peso'sauln pizza refried beans fresh lettuce fresh tomatoes beef topping Cheddar cheese FIRST FLOOR OF THE M.S.C. AT THE FORSYTH ALUMNI CENTER. OR AT THE INDUCTION BANQUET ON MON. OR TUES. APRIL 16 & 17. Y ALL VOTE. i New $i oo off i 1 T3C0 , * wv WTT PiZ2a l One coupon per party per visit At wiFfflH Qg participating Pizza Hut" restaurants ■ ■ | below value 1/20 cent c 1979^^^ prices through __ . ^J| LOOKING FOR A MAJOR THAT WON’T FENCE YOU IN? Folk nedie-ine - 507 • IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MAN - • • • & THE EARTH THAT HE LIVES ON • ■ ■ • & THE RELATIONSHIPS BTWN MAN THE EARTH . . . THEN CONSIDER GEOGRAPHY & MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ELECTIVES SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EXPLORE THE OFFERINGS OF A GREAT UNIVERSITY! WE CAN OFFER YQU— c • A PROGRAM WHERE YOU HAVE THE A PROGRAM THAT OFFERS JOBS SERV ING MAN IN KEEPING HIS HOUSE LIVA BLE. COME CHECK US OUT! O&M 814 845-7141 67th anniversary Sunday Titanic buffs mark traged United Press International LOS ANGELES — Some 175 ocean-liner buffs, survivors and one “reincarnated victim” commemo rated the 67th anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking and paid homage to her glory at a $29.50 dinner and disco dance. Last week’s “Titanic Tonight’’ was billed as a “remembrance” of the April 15, 1912, disaster in which 1,517 people died. For under $30, you could eat a meal “similar” to the one served first-class passengers the final night of the Titanic’s maiden voyage, meet three survivors and one “reincar nated victim” of the disaster and boogie to “Disco Translantic.” “It was a beautiful ship and its sinking marked the close of an era when those splendid queens of the ocean graced the Atlantic,” said Charles Sachs, a self-proclaimed “Titanic fanatic” and president of the Los Angeles-based Oceanic Naviga tion Research Society. Guests ranged from a 10-year-old girl who knew more about the Ti tanic than she did about dolls, to 94- year-old Edwina “Winnie” Mac- Kenzie, the oldest living survivor of the disaster. “There was so much sadness, ” she said, recalling the cold night she spent 67 years ago waiting to be re scued from a lifeboat. “I was among a group of newlyweds, and it was very sad to hear them say, ‘Oh, you go, and I’ll be with you later.’ It was a very, very sad experience.” During the “Titantic Tonight celebration, she and two other sur vivors cut an enormous cake deco rated with 67 candles surrounding a model of the Titanic striking an edi ble iceberg. Now a resident of Hermosa Beach, Calif, she refuses to watch movies depicting the disaster be cause “they don’t show how sad it was,” but admits to enjoying the dinners. “I enjoy everything,” she said. “I’m so glad I’m living. Aren’t you?” Doris Williams, of Burbank, California, always wondered why she feared deep, cold water and felt sad when she heard the hymn “Near er My God to Thee.” A friend suggested psychic regres sion through which the psychiatric nurse discovered the reason for her fears. She said that in 1912 she was FCC VOTE FOR JANE „ AULAN EIRE ^ WOEF CO-CEASS AGENTS * CEASS OF ’79 * REPRESENT THEIR CEASS IN THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS MAY '79 AND SUMMER '79 GRADUATES VOTE AT THE SENIOR INDUCTION BANQUET APRIL 16 AND 17 DECEMBER '79 AND MAY '80 GRADUATES VOTE AT THE FORMER STUDENTS' LOUNGE APRIL 16 AND 17 Steven W. Blackwell, who down with the Titanic. “I felt like I was about II standing on the deck that niL very unemotional,” Willianlo Blackwell, said. “There werei people crying and looking to■ icai I could help them. I g because I was so calm.” Williams said she went into at the Burbank library after fa I Titanic passenger list contaiii H name Steven Blackwell. H UCLA Professor D.K. \\U who has been collecting song: L, the Titanic for 15 years, said in I gation shows that the Epis hymn “Aughton” was v band’s final selection. * But the chairman ofUC folklore and mythology prograiL survivors somehow got the tiH the band’s last song confused H “The point is that people hi tio that the tune was ‘Nearer Myl Thee,’ and indeed it shoulclk' been,” he continued. “Peopfri pected the band to play these fro in the face of calamity.’ Ec Disco Translantic, however ^dr to Donna Summer. lo\ tui Court ask for carefo WeismuUei United Press International is LOS ANGELES - Mhp Weissmuller, the Olympic th ming champion who becamel toi of many “Tarzan” movies, is' ‘co losing his mental abilities ands B a guardian, a court requests-di day. ah Weissmuller, 75, is “gravdj lie abled and his mental condition le teriorating,” said Jack StagdB rector of the Motion PictureCd B Home and Hospital. to Stagges applied to Superiorl to be appointed Weiss®! guardian. Weissmuller lives at the ho* institution supported by thei B dustry which provides a ho® medical care for aged or i® tated movie veterans. Ne Beautiful Cedar Ridge A Nice Place To Live t I RENT BY THE MONTH WE OFFER YOU 2 Bdrm Unfurnished, All Built-Ins including Dish washer, Laundry Hook-Ups, $240. Brand New Units Located on Pinfeather Rd. Just North of Villa Maria. Convenient to TAMU & the Bryan Golf Course, as well as the B-CS Business & Industrial area. BRY-CAL A PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT CO 846-3733 24 Hours BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION AUSTIN-PLEASANTON !