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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1979)
Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY. MARCH 5. 1979 BATTALION CLASSIFIED 'VVVVVVVIP SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE *0 <0 y&sr&R SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE s FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE SPRING 79 SEMESTER Si To be eligible to order the Texas A&M Senior Ring, an undergraduate student must have at least £ ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the university. To order at mid-semester using mid-semester grades to fulfill the above requirements, please note the following instructions: Sg 1. Mid-semester orders will be taken only from March 20th until April 27, 1979. £5 2. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the ring clerk, Heaton Building, prior to March 20th if ^ possible, or at least one week in advance of ordering. This may not be done by phone. !^ ; 3. Bring mid-semester grade reports along when ready to order to verify passing hours for the spring Sjjj semester only. 4. Anyone having failed to leave their name in advance and fail to bring their mid-semester grade report along when ready to order will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be SS checked. * 5. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior ring loans are available through ^ Student Financial Aid in the YMCA building. ^ 6. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. ;S? There will be only a 1-2 week difference in delivery time for those students ordering after final grades are posted during May. (Whenever 92 hours have been completed and are on record, 4$ there is never a dead-line, except a monthly mailing date on which we send orders to the factory.) jf'j 7. The ring clerk is on duty from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. However in order for other duties to be carried out, no orders will be taken between 11:30 a m. - 1:00 f).m. or between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. jS; 8. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 20th or April 27th, will be delivered on the same K day which will be approximately July 18, 1979. 99t46 ^ OOOOOOOOO000000000000000000000000004 11 OFFICIAL NOTICE * 8 Career Nights College of Liberal Arts HELP WANTED A A.All March 7, Room 100 Harrington Education Center, 7 p.m. Information on: Conducting a Job Search, Writing a Resume Featuring: A panel of recruiters from business and industry March 8, Room 100 Harrington Education Center, 7 p.m. Information on: Strategies for successful interviews Featuring: A panel of recruiters from banking, the food industry, govern ment, and life insurance HAMBURGERS BY GOURMET Opening Soon Full and part time shifts day and night, flexible hours. We are a new and exciting restaurant in College Station, and are looking for people that like to work and have fun. You must have a neat appearance, de pendable, and conscientious. Please come by and talk with us. Hamburgers By Gourmet, 919 Harvey Rd. (Woodstone Center). MANOR EAST 3 HALLOWEEN 7:25-9:40 HEAVEN CAN WAIT 7:30-9:50 EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE 7:20-9:45 SKYWAY TWIN WEST SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER PLUS ONE AND ONLY EAST THAT TENDER TOUCH PLUS RESTLESS CAMPUS SASQUATCH Ashland[). won t te o oil prict7 0 These programs will interest majors in anthropology, communications, eco nomics, English, history, modern languages, philosophy, political sci ence, psychology, and sociology, theatre arts. 99146 SS Get SLENDER NOW! 693-7431, or, after 6, 693-2226. 104tl0 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 845-5141, ext. 27 ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooobd HELP WANTED ^ A A A A ^ A A A A PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methodsj. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 —f : COCKTAIL WAITRESSES $1.40/hr. plus tips Evenings, Weekdays, and Weekends Apply 309 University, next to Dixie Chicken wetin OFFICIAL NOTICE DOMINO S PIZZA Now hiring delivery per sonnel. Must have own car and insurance. Flexi ble hours and days. Part time or full time $2.90 per hour and + commission and tips. Apply Domino’s 1504 Holleman after 4:30 p.m. 846-6714 & 846-1151 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CEN I CINEMA DAILY 7:45 9:45 P $4.35 AN HOUR!!! ^ » Part time banquet waiters or wait- ^ ^ ^ LOST SUrring ROBBY BENSON and introducing LYNN-HOLLY JOHNSON Lost. Brown framed glasses with black T.S.O. case. Reward. 846-1673. 109t3 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WANTED ^AAAAAAAAi Need part time delivery personnel. Flexible hours. Must have own car. A| Apply In Person Chanello’s jj 301 Patricia, C.S. lostio d Typing. Experienced, kinds. 822-0544. fast. accurate. All 37 tin Typing. 823-4579. Typing. 7723. Symbols. Notary Public. 823- SERVICES ^ A ^ A A A f*~i r Professional Typing Services. 846-9109. 73(51 Custom dressmaker. 272-8497. 106tl3 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 WANTED Dependable, Self-Motivated Students Full or Part Time Team Cleaning Homes $3.10/hr. DOMESTIC SERVICES 693-1954 4 Now Hiring Phone and Counter § 4 Help § ^ Apply Domino’s ^ College of Science English Proficiency Examination I ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of IScience must take the English Proficiency Examination on (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. IBIOLOGY Department Curricula — ROOM 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula — ROOM 100 CHEM MATH Department Curricula — ROOM 101 MILNER PHYSICS Department Curricula — ROOM 301 RHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the Col-1 lege of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This| requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (ERE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing! English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. Any student who fails the written examination (ERE) must] satisfy the English Proficiency Requirement by taking] j English 301 and earning a minimum grade of “C”. For information and guidelines on the nature of the exami-| nation, check with the departmental secretary. resses. Furnish own black pants or skirt, white shirt with black bowtie. Contact Bennie Dillman or Judy Rivers at the Aggieland Inn. 693-9891 10at6 » FOR RENT Near A&M. Unfurnished two bedroom house with glassed in porch. Couple Preferred. 696- 4455. 105t5 COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with carport. Lease includes drapes, refrigerator, washer, dryer and all built-ins. Lawns are maintained for you. Ask for Thelma Costa. United Press Ititernatio;iK| WASHINGTON-™ American company to buy.^Hk Iran since its oil fields shutijplf; year refuses to say what itpai jty °‘ crude, but sources reportiti]i ve ^ 30 percent above the cum I 10 J 1 - price. ecoiT The sources said Ashland irove America’s largest indepei troleum company, paid neighborhood of $18 to $20T The The current world price isSjl a 1 “While prices are soi? ls * n higher than official OPEC l )wn these prices are considerably| ar y the spot prices many of the ot v companies are now payinghF*' crude supplies,” a company! .'i 14 man said in a statement. A tanker carrying thent ^fT oil will depart for the Unitedly 6 as soon as it is loaded ahnnfiJ no | wl nn: i rpe gir rac igu Tin s P wh el te ; Iranian officials said theyijlectt operate entirely on theiroJ Tin charge perhaps $20 a barrelijosal oil exports no matter what tl/otin price. listr istic Tin McKenzie-BM urt BUSINESS COLLET im ity s: Inquire About Our ^ Starting April 2 Ljtj, Phone 822-6423 or BLLls ; RESUME SERVICE Sell yourself effectively ! professional resume prep BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SEA Call 846-5794 for an appo THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (8-5) 846-4773 Evenings & Weekends 846-7318 CO-OP JOBS ihe p A^M AGGIE AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Oil Changes and Minor Automotive Repair. Reasonable prices, quality work. We bring our business to your car. Please Call 696-4225 after 4 p.m. 10618 1504 Holleman after 4:30 p.m. _HELPWANTED , ^ ^ ^ A A ZXXZ zxvc. w -r PERSONALS Male graduate student seeks companionship with mature independent female. K.C.S. Physics Department T.A.M.U. C.S. 77843. 10M5 ROOMMATE WANTED WANTED Housewives or husbands who desire supplemental in come by working part time in food catering. Most jobs are in the early evening for 3-4 hours. No experience necessary Call JoAnn Canon 779-2851 for appointment. 20,000 BASIC GRANTS Male roommate needed. Sausalito Apts., Spring semester. 693-7559. 105t5 Roommate wanted for 2 bedroom mobile home. $67.50 plus V4 utilities. 779-5392. 10M5 Female Roommate Wanted. Sausalito Apt. Will sublease for $90. Call 846-8567. IOM-4 ^”0 ^ ^ *0 0 FOR SALE ^ A ’69 Opel Cadet $400. 846-7246 after 5:00. 109(5 Western mags. Never used, 4 14x5 V4 4-bolt; 8-track stereo deck, walnut case. 779- 7131. 99t57 FULL OR PART TIME * Day shift . . . ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Flexible hours to fit your schedule ♦Weekends *Rapid advancement Due to a recent change in the fed eral law governing the Basic Educa tional Opportunity Grant Program, 20,000 Texas A&M University un dergraduate students may be eligi ble for these grants (gifts) during the academic year 1979-80. These grants range in value from $200 to $1800. To find out how to apply for this grant program and other financial aid, you are invited to attend a fi nancial aid-“rap” session at 7 00 p.m., Room 301,/Rudder Tower, on March 7 or 8, 1979. 10914 _— >i k NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. >; No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. isitfn Summer and Fall of 1979 y ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 0^ HELP WANTED * ^ ^ UNIVERSITY ACRES We now have apart ments for lease. Im mediate occupancy. From $135-$170 plus electricity. Call Joe Courtney Inc. 846-5796 Now is the time for you to consider Cooper^ Education. College CO-OP Coordinatorssmdi now making arrangements for 1979 CO^ job assignments. See your College COti' Coordinator today. J™ Office of Cooperative Education Tenth Floor, Rudder Tower 845-7725 Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Part time help wanted. Grapevine Personality. 696-3411. 9 Kin Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station 105 Dominik Chanello’s Pizza has posi tions open for part-time de livery and kitchen help. Apply in Person 301 Patricia ioo«n 1976 Lancia Beta 4-dr. sedan. 693-2278 aftei 6:00. 109(4 Weimaraner puppies. AKC, shots, wormed. $100. 693-1236. 106t7 ^Stereo equip. Pioneer, J.B.L. B. & O. and others. 693-2278. 109(4 Small mobile home for sale. In excellent con dition. Call after 6 p.m. 693-6920. ' 10713 AKC Chow Puppies. 846-1896. Chanello’s of Texas has man agement positions open for fu ture locations in the San Antonio and Austin areas. Excellent op portunities for advancement and/or franchising for those who are willing to work towards a challenging career. Contact: Jeff Skyuara, 301 Patricia after 4:00 p.m. 100ttn 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 V FOR RENT P ^ ^0 0‘0 0’0 FOR RENT FIGHT NIGHT IS COMING! FIGHT NIGHT IS COMING! FIGHT NIGHT IS COMING! FIGHT NIGHT IS COMING! M Sen lervi State 76 Trans AM. Yellow, loaded, good condition. Call Nancy, 693-3471. 107t5 Pioneer RT-707 reel-to-reel with auto reverse. Excellent cond., barely used, $400. 693- 1377. 109(5 y AGl i HARLE 801 1 AGGIELAND £ HARLEY-DAVIDSON J 801 Texas Ave. 779-7300 mopeds-2 speeds $399 Hugger-lOOOcc $3299 Superglides-1200cc $3912 Roadsters-Low Rider $80 103115 ASSISTANT MANAGER HAMBURGERS BY GOURMET We are looking for an aggressive high quality individual to help us open the first Hamburgers By Gourmet in College Station. We offer good pay, company benefits, and a future to grow with us. If you have previous restaurant experi ence and are interested in a bright future, please apply at Hamburgers By Gourmet, 919 Harvey Rd. (Woodstone Center). AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where .satisfaction is standard equipment’" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 " Wanted Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $2.90/hr. Apply in person at Der Wlenerschnltzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Between 2-5 p.m. daily, ioamo I _ _ _ _ T nANBaiM OA0 APARTMENTS O' -i “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” rumisned & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge Professional Maintenance Staff (24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE) Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms On Shuttlebus Route Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 BOXING BETWEEN TAMU STUDENTS ADMISSION: $ 1 00 W/ID $ 1 50 NONSTUDENT MARCH 23 & 24 BRAZOS COUNTY PAVILLION FIGHTING STARTS FRIDAY AT 6:00 P TO ^ COME REGISTER FOR TWO $1000 DIAMONDS GIVEN AWAY BY DIAMOND BROKERS.