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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1979)
c tfo federal programs must be cut Gramm: Balanced budget by 82 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1979 Page 3 res- 1, a •ays ood id’s ion M. her rgic By SCOTT PENDLETON Battalion Staff America can balance its budget thout cutting any federal pro- ams. A startled audience beard Rep. lil Gramm, D-Texas, add that idea his familiar balanced budget dis- urse at the Chamber of Commerce mual banquet Tuesday night. orMhan 1,000 of the community’s isiness leaders and their spouses ronged the new Brazos Center, lere the banquet was held, to hear e College Station congressman ■ “If we can slow down the rate of growth of federal spending this year and next year and the year after to 5.5 percent per annum we could bal ance the budget by the end of 1982 without cutting a single federal pro gram,” the congressman said. Limiting federal spending to a 5.5 percent annual increase would allow tax revenues to catch up with spend ing, despite a projected $29 billion deficit next year. Inflation increases government revenues by “floating” taxpayers into higher tax brackets, Gramm said. “Because of the current 8.8 per cent inflation rate, federal taxes next year are going to grow by $60 billion without any increase in tax rates. And the projected level for the next year if our current level of economic expansion continues is a whopping $75 billion growth in federal tax col lections,” he said. The balanced budget and 5.5 per cent limit will end deficit spending, which Gramm called a major cause of the increasing inflation rate. “I believe that this Congress is going to address the problem of gov ernment deficit spending. I’m not saying it’s going to do so in a lasting effect such as a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution,” Gramm said. Gramm said some people think that 5.5 percent growth in spending is too little to meet the needs of those who depend on federal funds. “And that may be so. But it seems to me that it’s important to look at the prob lem in perspective. “The after-tax income of the aver age American worker in the last dec ade has only' grown at about 5.5 per cent a year. So the program I’m talk ing about is a program to simply ask the federal government to live within the same kind of restraints as mon or no union r ployees to decide By REGINA MOEHLMAN Battalion reporter embers of the Office and Professional Employees International hi reached an out-of-court agreement Tuesday with an attorney for ^gency Records Control on which ARC employees would be le to vote in a union election. An official of the National Labor )ns Board was present at the meeting held in the Brazos County house. e point was to give as many employees as possible the opportu- to vote,” said John Smither, attorney for ARC. The employees will > on whether or not to join the union. think they (ARC) have been very cooperative,” said Jack gford, international representative for the union. Langford said he leased with the meeting’s results. [e NLRB agreement signed by both representatives states that office clerical employees including computer operators, key operators, intrex operators, printer operators, data control , shipping clerks, mail clerks, accounting clerks,general clerks, taries, forms and supply clerks, programmers, maintenance ern es, customer service clerks,” would be eligible to vote, luded from voting are “All other employees ... at other office ions; guards, watchmen, managers, professional and supervisory ioyees as defined by the (Taft-Hartley) Act,” the agreement said, exclusions must be agreed upon separately, th the exclusions Langford estimated that between 205 and 210 yees would be eligible to vote. Langford said he felt very confi- of winning the election. nither, who estimated as many as 225 would be able to vote, said j also felt confident. Ve think the employees understand the importance of it (the bn). They know what is in their best interest and they will decide ie said. e election, which will be held at the ARC company headquarters ie East bypass, is tentavively set for April 6, pending official -mation by the NLRB. Engineering & Computer Science Majors DON’T GRADUATE without talking to the Hughes Recruiter visiting your campus soon. Contact your placement office for interview dates. those faced by the average citizens. In my mind that’s a perfectly rational request. ” Gramm pointed out that the aver age worker’s paycheck, due to infla tion and taxes, is no better off than in 1967. “We have never in the whole his tory of our nation had a decade where the worker, the person who is pulling the wagon in which we all ride, has found himself in terms of what he can actually command in the marketplace no better off than he was a decade before,” he said. “Two hundred years ago our founding fathers were fighting a war protesting taxation without repre sentation. But I think it’s clear in retrospect that they never envisioned what taxation with repre sentation was really going to be like. ” ALTERATIONS 1 IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND 'LTERATIONS. “DON’T GIVE UP — WE LL ll MAKE IT FIT!’’ V AT WELCH'S CLEANERS, WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCEL LENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES, TAPERED, SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS, ETC. (WE’RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) SALAD-SANDWICH-SOUP Now open for your convenience in the basement of Sbisa Dining Center. Salad priced by the ounce and sandwiches by the inch. Open 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Same entrance as the Underground Railroad. 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