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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1979)
THE BATTALION Page 3 \gs y, Wednesday hing the cam- ho proves his ed Town Hall s Johnny Rod- hown >unters of the atton." Show- in the Rudder Friday, but e Encounters" man of Aggie tifies day that mass D in insurance Burnett, 31, is killing Bishop rdward, Okla.; tnel d tanker, Gulf if gasoline into d to close the Twenty miles way known as •r the Sunday urged police union secret ballot i Gras. Mean- ■quipped with Mayor Ernest just four days ach 18 et through her i up a hill and such incident i United Press •d as she drove rrillas es of enemy ;iierrilla camp 1 war, military tensive yet in sh out against scheduled for iking ‘w signs they in try men are Singling with ards at official larently more 3° and a low mph and a tBER Association lalism Congress Kim .LizNe^ ditor . Andy Willia 11 ' David Br# Scott Pen Steve h* .... Debbie Par# >un . Karen Rogers, Mf* Sean Petty, 0$ illard Stone, B" yle Lovett, Ke^ Doug Grain 1 ' _«e Roy Leschper| r ..Lynn Bl# 1 .GaryWel* * n is a non-profit, W operated bij stnM immunity newspaf rmined by the e0 what’s up Tuesday YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM: “The Shining City on a Hill,” starring Ronald Reagan, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Room 301, Rudder Tower. Anyone is invited to see this film concerning the conservative movement. TAMU INTERNATIONAL DANCERS: Will be dancing in the MSC from 7:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. Partners are not necessary. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: Will meet at 8 p.m. in the Letterman’s Lounge in G. Rollie White Coliseum. All ex- high school athletes are welcome. COLLEGIATE FFA: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 110, HECC. President Jarvis Miller will be present. WOMEN’S SPEECH: Rebecca Lukens will speak on “Women: An Affirmation” at noon in Room 145, MSC. FLOWER SPEECH: Jan Zeevaart will speak on “What Makes a Plant Flower?” at 4 p.m. in Room 601, Rudder Tower. Zeevaart is a leading authority on photoperiodic control of flower formation. CHILDREN’S LITERATURE OF THE SEA SEMINAR: Will be held today and tomorrow with formal talks, a panel discussion, autograph parties, lunch with the authors, a reception, and a meeting with regional children. They will consider the sea as a topic for children’s literature. For information and registration, contact Norma Bagnall in the Department of English. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BANQUET: Phil Gramm will be featured speaker at the 7 p.m. banquet in the new Brazos Center. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at any area financial institu tion or Chamber office. PRE-MED, PRE-DENT SOCIETY: Richard Cunningham, head of the Department of Opthalmology at Scott and White Clinic, is the special guest at 7:30 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. AMERICAN HUMANICS STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Louis Fry, from the College of Business, will speak on “Selection of Your Organization and Typing Your Personality” at 6 p. m. in Room 502, Rudder Tower. HORSEMAN’S ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 113, Kleburg. The Intercollegiate Judging Contest will be dis cussed. PLACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 20: ACIPO, American General Life Insurance Co., American Hospital Supply, Camp Olympia, Computer Au tomation, Foster Wheeler, Hilti Fastenings Systems, Petro- Marine Engineering, Royal Globe Insurance Companies, South western Public Service Co., Sunbelt Constructors, Texaco, Touche Ross, USDA, Western Geophysical. AGGIE CINEMA: “Small Change,” an intricate and gracefid mosaic built around the lives of several children in a small provincial town, will be shown at 2 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (G) Wednesday SIGMA DELTA CHI: The “Dave and Don Show,” featuring Jan Bailey, a December graduate who now works in the Capitol Bureau of UPI, will be at 7:30 p.m. in Room 502, Rudder Tower. Non-members are welcome. HORSEMAN’S ASSOCIATION: An Intercollegiate Horse Judging Contest will be held at the Equestrian Center at 8 a.m. PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR: Jan Zeevaart will speak on “Environmental Control of Plant Growth Through Hormones” at 4 p.m. in Room 112, Plant Sciences Building. PLACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 21: ACIPO, American Hospital Supply, American National Insurance, Burroughs Corp., Firestone Tire & Rubber, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Hilti Fastening Systems, McLean Trucking Co., Monsanto Ag Products Co., Southern Electric Supply, Southern Natural Resource, Touche Ross, Tesoro, West ern Geophysical, USDA. AGGIE CINEMA: “Adam’s Rib,” in which the courtroom combat of lawyer Katherine Hepburn and her district attorney husband, Spencer Tracy, intrudes into their domestic life when he prose cutes and she defends the same case, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (G) AGGIE CINEMA: “Inherit The Wind,” a towering drama of conflict ing moral systems, starring Spencer Tracy as Clarence Darrow, will be shown at 10 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (G) Thursday GUATAMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet in Room 305AB, Rudder Towwer. All interested students are urged to at tend. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet for a time of spiritual encouragement and teaching at 7 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder Tower. A film entitled “Prevailing Prayer” will be shown. Everyone is welcome. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: Rev. W.C. Hall will lead a study on “How to Read The Bible” in Room 350, MSC, at 7 p. m. SWIM TEAM: The men’s team will swim in the Southwest Confer ence Championships in Austin, today through Saturday. TENNIS TEAM: The team will play in the Corpus Invitational Team Tourney in Corpus Christi today through Saturday. CEPHEID VARIABLE: “Damnation Alley,” in which a nuclear holocaust tips the earth off its axis with disastrous results to the climate, will be shown at 8 & 10:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. SALAD-SANDWICH-SOUP Now op«n for your convenience in the basement of Sbisa Dining Center. Salad priced by the ounce and sandwiches by the inch. Open 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. | Same entrance as the Underground Railroad. (Sbisa Basement) “QUALITY FIRST’ r Boms and Formals We've got them. A super selection of the latest styles sure to make that special night a memory forever. X Bridals & Formals 707 Texas Tuxedo Rentals Member National Bridal Service Jr Bunuel film set to show Monday By LORI MAYER Battalion Reporter The Memorial Student Center Arts Committee will present Luis Bunuel’s “That Obscure Object of Desire” at Rudder Theater Monday. The movie is an updated version of Pierre Louys’s short novel “The Woman and the Puppet. Bunuel tells the story of a businessman named Mathieu who is obsessed with a young Spanish dancer, Con- chita. Conchita repeatedly offers to give up her virginity to Mathieu and withdraws the offer, tormenting him. Using two actresses to portray Conchita, Bunuel tries to show that extreme desire can turn reality into fantasy. At 79, Bunuel has made 34 mov ies, beginning with “Un Chien An- dalou” in 1928 and ending with “That Obscure Object of Desire.” “Un Chien Andalou,” which will be shown April 30, shocked audiences with its opening sequence — a scene of an eye being cut open. Bunuel has always shocked his viewers with his films. He was exiled from his native Spain at an early age because of his films. The Arts Committee will also show a short film, “Bridges Go Round,” directed by Stan Brakage, later this semester. AGGIES! Douglas i offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of $ 50 00 or more 10% off of under $ 50 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY We reserve the right to regulate the use of this privilege. 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN ARE YOU THICK AND TIRED OF IT? Soon it’s going to be the time of year when every extra inch shows. ISOS Total Fitness Center can help you find out how easy it is to be physically fit. Frankly, we’re easily the best buy in fitness today. ISOS Total Fitness Center is based on Isokinetic exercise to provide muscular and cardiovascular fitness for men and women of all ages. The equipment utilized in this center has and is being used by NASA for fitness aboard the Skylab and Space Shuttle Programs. Iso kinetic equipment is also used in physical therapy and athletic training programs. Equipment used at ISOS is a method of fitness and benefits include: no necessity to change clothes - street clothes are fine, no muscle soreness, and time in v and out is 15 to 20 minutes. 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