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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1979)
Page 10 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1979 Peace dm't tajflwr will 6e. fcLt OvdAfr (9nfe6 OnU9»^ wiUte tJUwe fiOA^ 49m^X: eMot^eu^Ml Iwhvtfr 4Cov6. Corps Volunteers In Service 1b America VISTA REPS ON CAMPUS: TODAY THRU’ THURSDAY INFORMATION BOOTH: MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER MALL Interviewing Seniors/Grads at the Placement Office, Rudder Tower, 10th fl. Special People... People Who Care ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ £ HATE DOING * * LAUNDRY? £ £ Let Frannie's do it for you ^ Aunt Frannies £ •* Laundromat -k l^Holleman at Anderson 693-6587?!' **1 Potts supports SMU’s Allen ‘ *■' r ' ' ,<m ' " >v x ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MANOR EAST 3 HEAVEN CAN WAIT 7:30-9:50 EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE 7:20-9:45 THE LOVE BUG 7:10-9:30 SKYWAY TWIN 822-3300 WEST SWEATER GIRLS PLUS SWINGING CHEERLEADERS EAST GIRLS NEXT DOOR PLUS SINGLE GIRLS CAMPUS COIN’ SOUTH FRIDAY & SATURDAY MIDNIGHT ROCKY HORROR United Press International DALLAS — Southern Methodist athletic director Russ Potts said Monday he had recommended to school president Dr. James Zum- berge that basketball coach Sonny Allen be retained for at least another season. Allen had been under some pres sure because of his team’s failure to challenge for the Southwest Confer ence’s first division this season. The Mustangs ended their season last Saturday with a loss to Houston in the opening round of the league’s post-season tournament, finishing 11-16. “I met with Coach Allen and his staff Saturday night,’ Potts said. “And the meeting was a very pro ductive one. In that meeting I spel led out several objectives that must be met next basketball season. “I will not elaborate on certain specifics, but overall the goal is that SMU will be competitive for the SWC championship next year.” Potts said Allen had been given an expanded budget for recruiting and would be able to add another coach to his staff. Eagles Would you believe i Texas A&M’s Carol] eyes this putt duriog| Texas A&M Invitationj is taking place at Briar Country Club. Goinjj final round action! Aggies were in seventU with a team total of fififi] University of Tulsa leaij the tournament with a total of 621. Tulsa’s Hartley leads in mi play with a two-roundj 151 Battalion pho By AP 1 John enjoys Yankees PEPE'S TACO SPECIAL PLITT Southern 'TZeoj*** 1 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 CINEMA ENDS THURSDAY Daily 7:15 9:40 2 for 1 Sale Buy 1 taco . . . get one free GUEST ADMISSION TICKETS ACCEPTED Based on the novels “The Fellowship of the Ring” and“The Two Towers” Offer good Mon.-Wed. Feb. 26-28 after 5 p.m. 107 Dominik - College Station 3312 S. College - Bryan h Da 7 9 GUEST ADMISSION TICKETS ACCEPTED CmiUTriirTTTrTIIIIITIlITIIIlX United Press International FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Tommy John wasn’t committing a felony, all he had in mind was taking off his cap. He was running his wind sprints down in the right field corner along with all the rest of the Yankee pitch ers and had no idea he’d be doing anything wrong by removing his hat. Everyone did it with the Dod gers. Especially during spring train ing. “They want you to keep it on here,” explained Dick Tidrow, run ning with John. “Why is that?” asked the Yankees new left-hander, not looking to break any rule he knew nothing at all about. Tidrow told him George Stein- brenner always liked the Yankees in full uniform whenever they were on the field. Tommy John listened and was intrigued. He kept his hat on, and talking to a newsman later about some of the things that have im pressed him with the Yankees, he mentioned the incident regarding the cap. T think George Steinbrenner GINGERBREAD PRODUCTIONS. LTD PRESENTS SALLY ANN HOWES EARL LOIS WRIGHTSON & HUNT MUS»C BY RICHARD RODGERS LYRICS by OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II BOOK BY HOWARD LINDSAY and RUSSEL CROUSE SUGGESTED BY 'THE TRAPP FAMILY SINGERS BY MARIA TRAPP also starring TERRYSAUNDERS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MSC TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION A&M Student/Date General Public Zone 1 Zone II Zone III 7.00 5.75 4.50 8.00 6.75 5.50 Tuesday, March 6, 8:15 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets and info. MSC Box Office 845-2916 j Texas A&M University MSC OPAS presents Cosi Fan Tutte In Mozart’s merriest musical, absence makes the heart go wander. A cynical old bachelor, who’s determined to prove that all women are fickle, entangles two young couples in his plot. Texas Opera Thea ter’s performance is energetic, entertaining, and in English. A delightful family evening. Don’t miss it. TEXAS C3PERATHEATER Reg. A&M Student fupTn»ml>a 3W Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 feels it brings disrespect to the uni form if you don’t wear your cap and your hair is flopping all around when you’re running and I think that’s great,” said John, putting in his 16th season in the big leagues. “Before any ball club can be a win ner, it has to have pride. The Dod gers do; Cincinnati does; Boston does; the Pittsburgh Steelers, Dal las Cowboys and Miami Dolphins do, and in only five days here I can see how much the Yankees do. John, who originally broke in with the Indians in 1963 and was with the White Sox seven years before spending seven more with the Dod gers, is having the time of his life with the Yankees. You can easily see that by the way he participates in the workouts with them. He’s hav ing fun while getting his work done. T like being with the Yankees, it’s a relaxed camp,” he says. Bob Lemon is chiefly responsible for that. He took over the Yankees from Billy Martin last July so this is his first spring in camp with them as their manager. The only time he was with them in spring training be fore this was as pitching coach. Tommy John goes back almost 10 years with Bob Lemon. He knew him when Lemon managed Kansas City, and although John was with the rival White Sox at the time, he’d often go up to Lemon and talk to him about pitching in general and the way he threw his sinker in par ticular. “He has a wonderful low key way about him, said John. “Like the other day when he asked us not to wear sandals, you know, those things the kids wear a lot,' appreciate if you wouidij them,’ he said. Hesaiditlli way a friend might say'l preciate if you wouldnt si my house. The way right, so thoughtful, it wasp He’s quite a man.” Tommy John is 35 look it. Maybe thafs be takes excellent care ofhinisel addition to all the running I with the Yankees, he jogs on his own every day,I Last season, John was 17-| the Dodgers and after tbey| over, he became a free signed with the Yankees, growing up in Terre Haute,I would read about the Yankei papers and watch them playj often wondering what it like to play for them. “There has always been] tique about the Yankee he said, looking at one of blouses in his locker. "I always wanted to wear on When John was negotiati them this winter, he George Steinbrenner tha once had a left-hander witbl general pitching style he I this particular left-hander ( too badly in Yankee Stadiuij meant Whitey Ford, out the club now with itsj Every day, John makesitj to go over to Ford. her the ofluesd; fiof Regei Td Tuesi prob Ik to s ” said (lege Sta buildi In apart K. W Both esc u kt least lurveying Willis liams an kpus in “Hey, Whitey, when alvaging [moment kno 1 ng a fin pillow v ey had housec ely wh( ir to awa We sat c ial thi Willi ruing like gonna work with me?” hell gm Ford looks at John andli ‘You don’t need any hi re dheav says. Schoolboy playoffs set tor this weekem If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 United Press International AUSTIN — Undefeated Krum will put its 43-game winning streak on the line against West Lamar Thursday in the opening game of the 1979 Texas University In terscholastic League high school boys basketball tournament. Krum will meet West Lamar at 8:30 a.m. in a Conference B semifi nal game, and the other Conference B semifinal match sends Snook against Whitharral. Other pairings announced by the UIL: Conference AA Semifinals; 2 p.m. Thursday, Boling vs. Seminole; 3:30 )m Parse Whiteboi ^ e ' r P° ! p.m. Thursday, Rice Altair. Conference AAA Semil p.m. Thursday, DaingerC 'hand we Huntsville; 8:30 p.m., Mineral Wells. .Minting to Conference A Semifinal 'Ik now a.m. Friday LaPoyner Lai Hull-Daisetta; 11 a.m. Fril agan County Big Lake vs. fi Then sh( Conference AAAA Semi p.m. Friday, Houston V 1 Lufkin; 8 p.m., Fort Worth I , vs. Austin Lanier. Ir4"\ All championship gamesi J Ld Saturday. he dowi ond flooi Carrying a waterh made l Jniversit most ne, but I He wen light, she Earlier ii ined, but We’ll ju ission. B) [ISTIN — ad a star: house of: Peommitl I concern