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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1979)
3CCC(|<weflis risk arrest to return \ Leukemia victim back in U.S. THE BATTALION Page 9 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 MAROON AND WHITE * g to do something ;aid Jill Hall, pit! explaining that si* nbership requires i:nite( ) Prcss international ant loUSTON — Chad, requirement on n s not decided, ^ ements to run (a the ice were agreed ip reatment, made a face at the igraphers he met during a brief ntothe United States, fine,” he laughed before uirements are t live off campus, 25 GPR that ir-oio Massachusetts leukemia whose parents went to court en fled to Mexico to control hroughout the step 11 !!h' s head in his mother’s leg. and Diane Green of Sci- t, Mass., slipped back into the itry for a television appearance esday despite a contempt of order for refusing to let Bos- Massachusetts General Hospi- ictate Chad’s treatment, leir lawyer, George Donovan, (assured them they would not be jsted. assachusetts Judge Guy irra issued the contempt cita- after the Greens took Chad to aiajan. 23. Chad since has had |nbination of chemotherapy and ile-vitamin treatment, which merican doctors opposed. ve successfully) dit hours. ms taken by the ning the dutiesi 1 deciding to wait tion was anization. torn iam Donovan urged the Greens to re turn home, arguing future court or ders appeared likely to run in their favor. The Greens said they would return to Mexico to consider it, but Donovan late Wednesday said he believes he convinced them to re turn to Massachusetts before March 1. “I guess I’d like to go back if we could get some peace, Mrs. Green said. “In my personal opinion, it would be very hard to go back to face the same kind of court order. ” Green, a former welder tem porarily living on donations, and his wife and son appeared with Dono van on a talk show hosted by Phil Donahue and taped for delayed broadcast over 158 stations. Mrs. Green said Chad, a legal ward of the state of Massachusetts, was in his second remission — tem porary disappearance of symptoms — with lymphacetic leukemia. Although he has cancer of the blood and bone marrow, she said ne that somettiiag; e first talked tojm r Zbigniew Bran her everyth! rescue her son. H e was surprised her later, Ywers discover unken Aransus er ero ched fANTON RAY lion Reporter United Press International iATHAM, Mass. — It was only b luck. A group of amateur a divers were just poking id the murky waters off Cape when they came upon the k of the Aransus — a passenger ner that sank 74 years ago in a ion with a barge. ice last September the team of is has been salvaging artifacts the twisted wreckage that has !don the ocean floor since May ipped off Super® e jj vers sa y th e y have discov- ’w 35 e :f quite a few wrecks, but none as of the Memonah .i 4 , „ f ,, nung as the Aransus. Uf of a sudden,a i i i r . , tin Fish, an employee of a l " U Trr h Falmouth firm which man- rman off msteeti , e • , ores oceanographic equip- t the door witii , u e ° . <?,. , ,. says he has spent a lot of time under his arm. , le library trying to trace the who owns the flu suss history- shop in Dali sma ' n diving partner, Arnold elling movie posit an ern pl°y ee with the state lifts This wee! i ' on () ^ Marine Fisheries, said ipie of his wami the Aransus was strictly an ®t. said they were using sonar 3 iversify, courteii i, the primary i committee at In [ison provides an of Aggie Ciaf ,,, at the free-stanl £ tBX COUFSe, rd advertisement perrnan ” was* ^0 Cashes at about noon is in United Press International valued at $35,i 1LVVAUKEE — Prisons often display in the Jl described as places where in- elling movieposte scan pick up new criminal tal- poster was noli But at government expense? cannot be replace indictment returned in federal hat the Sopera (Ghis week charged that Chf- that Steele lostki J. Finney, 33, took a corre- separate instara dence course in income tax of photographs b edures offered under Waupun can Queen,’vah iPrison’s educational program, 'eral movie poslti ieindictment said Pinney, serv- has lost about! J term for forgery, used knowl- andise, Scottsail the gained from the course to planned to it forms and file five false re but he sold mosti st dor tax refunds, irought withhM^ I nterna l Revenue Service oon. on e check to Pinney at the at despite thetW on > hut computers discovered i return next yeas error before other checks could nailed. ach request sought more than 0. Bney could be sentenced to 25 :e years if convicted. K you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call It "Mexican Food Supreme." Dallas location-. 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 Jay Sebring Vidal Sassoon Paul Michael The world's three top designers now are repre- 14 seated at Courtea: Now featuring special beauty consultant and application of makeup. The newest and best Henna on the market for both men and women. 0p.m- 10PJ1 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 846-3877 or 846-2924 r«ri,Y«y,t/»i^*i>ir7<t>it7*Sirrt<Air7*Ait^ir7«sirA»Sir?«Sir^ir7*Sir/B>ir^ir^ir/'i,s “he has never stopped gaining weight and growing’’ on the Laetrile-vitamin treatment, unlike traditional chemotherapy alone which made him ill. The Greens said they now ap proved the chemotherapy they for merly opposed, but they still be lieved chemicals should be supplemented with Laetrile, vitamins and minerals. “At that time, we were com pletely against chemotherapy,’’ Mrs. Green said. “We saw the suf fering it caused. As it turns out, that’s what everybody says he needs — just with the supplement. Donovan said Volterra’s position had softened because an appeals court criticized his tentative ruling in the case. equipment to locate another vessel thought to have gone down in the area when they found the Aransus in water 65-feet deep. The iron-hulled, 241-foot steamer was en route from Boston to New York on a foggy Sunday morning when it sailed over a tugboat’s tow- line. Trailing 200 feet behind the tug was the coal-laden barge Glen- dower. The Glendower continued on through, crashing into the Aran- sus’s engine room. One passenger died on the Aran sus, but another 100 passengers and crew escaped in the 15 minutes be fore she sank. Carr said they may dive to the wreck again in the spring. He has his eye on the ship’s wheel. Right now it is sticking very invitingly out of the sand. ftiptnamba Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 “We don’t have a decision in the case yet. Judge Volterra is aware of what his superior judge, what the appeals court, has said and he has to pay attention to that. It could have a bearing (on the final ruling),’’ Dono van said. “We re not trying to tell the med ical profession how to practice medicine. What we re saying is par ents are as qualified to call the shots based on advice ... as somebody sit ting on the bench. *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * HATE DOING f LAUNDRY? X "I 1 Let Frannie's do it for you -ft J Aunt Frannies j ■S Laundromat * ★ Holleman at Anderson 693-6587?r 'irit'ik ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★*. 'ALTERATIONS 1 IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS. ‘‘DON’T GIVE UP — WE LL MAKE IT FIT!" AT WELCH’S CLEANERS, WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCEL LENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES, TAPERED, SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS. ETC. (WE’RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ROADRUNNER 3 DAY SPECIAL ONLY only (Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.) Sizes 3-13 OPEN 9:30-6:00 VILLA MARIA RD '7k. Locker Room ' SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED'' ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL 779-9484 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ BATTALION ■Q' "■ jii’-i .'j,' 'jn; J3*| jh'jfl e • i'l CQ ill# 1 CLASSIFIED PULLS! Call 845-2611 it ■nusisim, AND m HAPPY. Happy Hairston Former Basketball Whiz