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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1979)
Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 New Xerox machines convenient, profitable By ERIN BECKERS Battalion Reporter Students in the Commons dorms and on the north side of campus no longer have to walk to the library for use of a copying machine. Now, each area has its own new Xerox machine and, according to area coordinators, the copiers have satis fied an apparent need. “The demand has been a lot higher than what was expected,” said Commons Area Coordinator W.J. Ferris. Since the machine was installed in the front of the Com mons in September, there has never been a problem of meeting the minimum number of copies — 7,610 — required to pay for the rent of the machine. “We re well pleased with the op eration,” Ferris said. “It looks like we have met a need.” There has also been a great use of the machine on the north side of campus in Lounge A-l, said Paul Henry, assistant area director. Since the installation two weeks ago, about 9,000 copies have been made. Profits from that machine will go toward lounge improvements, said Matt Bielamowicz, Resident Hous ing Association committee member for the indoor recreation facilities. JIM KING BOOKSELLER Open Sundays 1-5 p.m. Woodstone Center 693/1883 “It looks like it’s going to pay for everything itself, plus maybe a little left over, he said, he has had the idea for the copier since last year, he said. “It’s really something we really did need and it’s working out well,” he said. A special account for the Com mons machine was made in the stu dent finance center and Ferris said “any money collected is deposited there to pay for rental and supplies.” Bielamowicz said one lounge im provement that might be made is better lighting for the study lounges, which are only bright enough for television viewing. New coin changing machines are part of both of the new machines. Dollar bill changers can be found in the laundry room at the north side of campus, the Memorial Student Center or the library. what’s up F riday AGGIE PLAYERS: Bertolt Brecht’s play “Threepenny Opera” will be performed at 8 p.m. in the Rudder Theater. Ticket prices are $2 for Texas A&M students and $3 for all others. AGGIE CINEMA: “Coming Home, ” starring Jane Fonda, Jon Voighi and Bruce Dern in a tale about wounded Vietnam veterans, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium.(R) TENNIS TEAM: The tennis team will compete against Southwest Texas here at 1:30 p.m. AGGIE CINEMA: “FM, a contemporary story of the goings-on behind the scenes of a popular FM station; accompanied by a terrific soundtrack, will be shown in Rudder Auditorium. (PG) PLACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 9: Armco Steel, Army Corp of Engineers (Ft. Worth), Conoco, Construction Management, Data Resources Inc., Deans Food Co., Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Discovery Land Inc., Federal Highway, Fox & Jacobs, Hicks and Ragland, Honeywell, Hughes Tool, Jones & Carter Inc., Jones Graduate School of Busi ness, Kansas Department of Transportation, Mostek Corporation (Data Processing), Temple Associates Inc., Temple Farm Bureau In surance Co., United Energy Resources, H.B. Zachary. Sunday HILLEL CLUB: There will be a Bagel Brunch at 12:30 p.m. in the Foundation Building. There will be an admission charged. For reser vations call Sandy at 846-1492, Mark at 845-5670, or Ben at 845-3070. AGGIE CINEMA: “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” based on the best-selling novel by Richard Bach, brings into sharp focus the in tense determination of Jonathan to find a world where one does more than live in order to survive, will be shown at 2 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (G) Monday United Press Ir •ULSA, Okla.— ofOklahoma, pi proposed Bla ier plant, is wo [eased protectio iado-propelled c iidatory Comm irts. Saturday HASSLE-FREE: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Country Place Apartment party room. jn an affidavit ifety and Lie< gimieras M. Ca lay an NRC st ; the cooling |sile protection respect to the AGGIE PLAYERS: Bertolt Brecht’s play “Threepenny Opera” will be performed at 8 p.m. in the Rudder Theater. Ticket prices are $2 for Texas A&M students and $3 for all others. JUNIOR BALL: “Around the World in 80 Days” will be the theme of this year’s Class of’80 Ball, to be held in the MSC Ballroom from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are on sale in the MSC and Rudder Box Oftices, and may be bought at the door. The entertainment will be “Dialogue. “ PLANT SALE: There will be a plant sale at the horticulture greenhouses from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. TENNIS TEAM: The tennis team will play Southwest Louisiana here at 1:30 p.m. CHILD MOVEMENT PROGRAM: Registration for the Depart ment of Health and Physical Education’s Child Movement Program will begin today from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the third floor of G. Rollie White Coliseum. The program is designed to enhance the fundamen tal motor and perceptual awareness efficiency of young children 18 months to 5 1/2 years old. For more information contact Dr. Carl Gabbard at 845-6841. Jnce the study, [pledged to upg l from debris led up by a tori SOCIOLOGY CLUB: Jane Sell will give a speech at 7 p.m. in Room 607, Rudder Tower. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY: Price Waterhouse will present a pro gram at 7 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower. PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR: Dr. James S. Gerik of the plant sciences department will speak on Jacob J. Tabenhaus at 112 Plant Science Building at 4 p.m. The INFANT SPECIALISTS If you have an infant and want only the best call or come by and visit us. We'll be happy to show you what we have to offer. Only a few vacancies left. FRENCH'S ROYAL TOT- 110 Royal St. 846-4503 FRENCH'S CARE-A-LOT 900 University Oaks 693-1987 Backwoods skills sharpened ■The applicant ( ipitment to ] issile protection Ier fans that will (NRC) staff an lelieve that an ip is feasible,” C lie said protect i l lild be provide* King over the co lampe said he *Ma<l* German Autocross By PATTI SHOQUIST Battalion Reporter Log rolling, pole climbing, crosscut sawing, and ax throwing seem like pastimes only a lumber jack would enjoy, but a group of Ag gies is out to prove that there’s a little backwoods in everybody. Kent Colburn, president of the Forestry Club, said students major ing in the natural resources disci plines are busy perfecting their skills in such activities in order to compete in Skidadoo, March 3 at Texas A&M University. Skidadoo is a competition be tween students majoring in forestry, range science, parks and recreation and wildlife and fisheries science. They participate in over two dozen events, including archery, knife throwing, bait casting, plant and bird identification, chain throwing, and surveying. “A lot of people wonder who came up with the name Skidadoo and no one really knows,” he said, “but it is a catchy word.” Colburn said some events take skill and practice, others require knowledge and a few are based on pure luck. For example, “it’s incredible to see a guy climb a 20-foot pole in four seconds flat, Colburn said, “but it has been done before in competi tion.” On the other hand, he said, an event like match splitting is not so easy. “It’s pure luck to swing an ax and split a match sticking out of a stump.” It’s also funny to watch, he said. Colburn anticipates that this is going to be the biggest year for Skidadoo with 60 students from the forestry department and 200 men and women from the other natural resources departments competing. Eric Ploeger, the College Station city forester, gave permission for the Forestry Club to hold the event on 43 acres south of the campus on Krenek Lane. “Skidadoo is more than just a bunch of natural resources majors getting together for the day,” Col burn said. Winners of Skidadoo will go on to participate in Conclave April 6 and 7 in Monticello, Ark. against 500 other students. Conclave is a regional Skidadoo competition where Texas A&M will compete against 12 other southern forestry schools in events similiar to those at Skidadoo. “The toughest school to beat in Conclave is Arkansas,” he said. “They tell us the only thing they do testimony e; lit the low prt e blade break in the nuclear fa< lampe said his i slightly hight :ewas due to a up there is drink beef and practitt ach to the si: for Conclave.” Jit be struck b Texas A&M first went to Con )wn off if a tur clave in 1975, and the finisWi ingineers ha last place. In 1976, Texas A&M tool aces of such ai 10th place, and in last year’s Coa 10,000 per yea clave it moved up to fifth. i§0 has estim “We ll have a lot of practiceti [at will pro the time we get to Arkansas tlii patts of elec year.’ Colburn said. One practkt I about $1.7 stop will be March 24, in Nacoj pes, howevei doehes, where the Aggies will con-1 cost at over $ pete in Field Day, Stephen F.Aas- tin State University s preliminariii for Conclave. Texas A&M will host Conclaveit i Vr 1984. f "By then we may have a pernia nent site on which to hold the Con clave and Skidadoo competitions,’ Colburn said, “so we may beableli host some contests for studentsout- side of th* 1 natural resources fields.’ 3ttNDAV 25 0L6EN MEMBER6 *2. 515 0riHER6 Rf&tPTRATfON 9-00 OR MORE IRE©: IKevain Buch 693*3186 :i ’T ij? IMf: JOIN US'/ TAMU Sports Car Club 3P0N50RED By: ~ Custom ^mckin tiliL lecti 'CUATCM MEAW3 THE WAY YOU WANT IT 646-5236 Jtot OLD COLLEGE RD.,BRYAN Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Temptina Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.79 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.—4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. 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