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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1979)
Page 10 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1979 JflUlEAlP CILAJfJf FOR A CLASSY CUT. CALL "ELISE" 846-4771 Calvary Baptist Day Care Center ! 2009 Cavitt Opening March 12 A Christian atmosphere Ages 2-4 Hot lunches & snacks To enroll call 822-3579 779-3977 779-9404 Vancouver prof says Canadian doctor was real Jack the Ripper United Press International VANCOUVER, British Columbia — A university professor says he has solved a mystery that has puzzled criminologists for 90 years. He knows the identity of Jack the Ripper, he says — and he was Cana dian. “Everything fits,” says Professor Tony Barrett, professor of classics at British Columbia University and an amateur criminologist. “Of course, after all this time we ll probably never know for sure, but the evidence puts a Canadian doctor at the top of the suspect list. ” Barrett says Jack the Ripper, the notorious knife-murderer who killed and mutilated eight prostitutes in the sleazy Whitechapel area of Victorian London, was Dr. Neill Cream, who once practiced as a physician in London, Ontario. Like Jack the Ripper, Cream murdered four prostitutes in London, England, over a period of two years, Barrett says. Unlike the Ripper, however. Cream was caught, tried, found guilty and hanged. “But the records show that the Ripper killings suddenly stopped, for no apparent reason, when Dr. Cream was executed,” Barrett says. “And the story of Jack the Ripper ended just as mysteriously, for he was never seen or heard of again.” He moved hurriedly to Chicago the following year when a patient was found dead in his office with abrasions on her neck and a bottle of chloroform beside her. A year later, he was tried on a murder-by abortion charge, but was acquitted. The following year, Cream was convicted of murdering the Cana dian husband of a lady friend and sentenced to life imprisonment in Illinois’s Joliet Prison. But in 1887, his father died and Cream sud denly was a rich man, Barrett says. “It was a common thing for prisoners to buy their freedom from a corrupt administration. And this is what I think Dr. Cream did. The next we hear of him is in London, England, four years later. The clincher in Barrett’s evidence is a statement by the govern ment official who hanged Cream, made to his son after the execution. “The hangman told his son that Dr. Cream started to say some thing seconds before he was hanged,” Barrett says. “His last words, according to the hangman, were: T am Jack the.”’ Only 99c / Save 60C Lite Lunch 2 pieces, roll, coleslaw Chicken ’n rolls | ~ Texas Ave. at 19th / Bryan Sci-Tech Lovers We’ve got more of what you’re looking for. More scientific and technical hooks are arriving each day. Come in today and see our huge selection. 'All are sale priced from .99-4.99. A&7K Texas a&m bookstore Student Center BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Some over-enthusiastic jogger seems to have jogged right out of his running shoe, leaving shoe and sock on the parking lot behind the Reed McDonald Building on campus. This Mexico’s new significance] triggers desire for lobby United Press International CORPUS CHRISTI — Mexican-Americans are hoping to capitalize on the clout oil discov eries have brought their homeland by setting up a lobby in the United States similiar to that of Jewish Americans. Edward Pena, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), has urged formation of the lobby in light of both national and international at tention now being focused on Mexico. “The secretary general of the 301 Patricia College Station, TX 77840 713/846-7401 SPECIALS Women's shampoo, cut and blowdry reg. $12 NOW $ 9 Men's shampoo, cut and blowdry reg. $10 NOW $ 7 with GAIL FORD ONLY our newest stylist Remember - our regular prices for precision cuts without shampoos and blowdry's are $7 for men and $9 for women. Come check us out. Offer good through March 15 United Nations, the pope; president of the United Stak j,v all visited Mexico since thf e * ning of the year, showing tl Sp® 1 * found significance that the H Cla ‘ s hemisphere has taken on tit spea stage,” he told the closingses LULAC’s national conventa “It is important the Mexia -j- eminent realize what allies' / i be. For years we’ve spoil J against the exploitation! documented Mexican work"! ^ ing protests and seeking rt Lj, y the violations of the rightso(( ^ low Mexicans. ( p an( During the convention, dtl mis passed a resolution calling day. more humane, national!, ite \ program. ea S Ul The bracero resolution calf yhas program guaranteeing w a |s ai rights for alien workers, i® ping adequate housing and sanitan ue, v conditions, decent wages Jen federal minimum wage wily guideline and right of ass* eser with American or Mexican® m ^ unions. . ?°hs It also called for the gi* permanent resident status aliens now living in the • asked Congress to incretf Western Hemisphere s inW quota from 20,000 to 75, ally. goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo >00000^ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ VOU COULD BE A STAR ! ! ! ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ lf\l THE AILILHUNII'VIEICSIliry VARIIIEYT SIHCWV APPLICATIONS DUE - FEBRUARV ^ PERFORMANCE - MARCH 23 SPONSORED BV THE MSC COUNCIL AND DIRECTORATE FOR MORE INFORMATION - ’ 00000< > 00 «><> 0 ®<x>00000©©00<^