Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1979)
Page 14 THE BATTALION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1979 Big weekend for Aggie sports < By V : .v ; , : ■ : ■ . ' X •» x ^ 7 * Y Y t ! , rVy - » y' ► * V% * r> ^ 5 C/ t V * f * f * \ » ■S5®WAyvv,%*/.»/,'.y. % 4 jr> vCy x. >; >, X ^,7 "f ? x > X r > f ^ if / /- / .'V /, .'.* f »*•.>• /xy Y j s ,< s'* >! cry '/is ~f w. ■ r f, ^ ^ > y y § j y w y ^ r / r > y; ; y r ,X jraTW'X X--X : X'-X ^ X > / V-rV /- y ^ i i ^ ^ ^ /' x y ^t' .x x > x x xx ,£...'' < X,'X/' ^\. ^ y ^ ^ y ' ■== • „< 'A * ^ ■ ? OjOAX ' y. yy.„ y s- -s' # ~y y , • f * » - ,■ t Y X XX-X rt'f'lf'S 1 '* ■> !■ y y x w «<•*«* »> > ■•# V * r y ~ ?jrj> *,y y f Y ffiB Y ' ■» + * > s' Jt i T * * * ' Y y •'■»♦*- ' o y * y -** ^ i r ? » * , , „ 1 , I M m *'■■: M»*»S nin ,.'f .. t-+- t rf^t . ^.±:..^ t:: 9% •' Itudents s j- consecu jmay [Coopera Jo-op is 1 (cation w late sem [king thr Isummers •to 15 m |ost of 1 [s requin (wade pi (esters of (he co-op (ted to ui acaden , are woi )pting * g a Dr. He tram in fop aims [able and (he jol) n (eve Vat< (he Colie [ge stud' high p \ gradual lor less i trience. •loweve liob trai usuall Battalion photo by Lee IRoy Lexchper Jr. It seemed like everyone at Texas A&M was involved in some type of sporting activity this past weekend. Here is just a small sample of some of the events that took place (clockwise from upper left): Hanna Werner performs on the balance beam in the A&M Invitational Gymnastics meet, in which the Aggies finished second behind LSU; Trey Schutz returns a serve as Texas A&M defeated St. Edwards University 9-0 at Briarwood Country Club; a member of the hosting Texas A&M volleyball club spikes on the San Antonio Lone Star Club in the Saturday Valentine’s Day Tournament, in which the Aggies finished second; Jim Howard sets a new Oklahoma Track Classic record in the high jump as he clears 7-1 to place first in the event in Norman, Ok. photo Battalion ] inli McDonald's At University Drive Battalion photo by j mmmm MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS McDonald's) ® B® BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING Now at Manor East Mall On The B Company Hustles Over A Batt Mats Today, January 12 is the open ing of entries for wrestling. Entries close Tuesday, February 20. Turn in entries at the weigh- ins which will be February 20 from 4:30-6:30 p m. in the men’s locker room of G. Rollie White Col iseum. All teams must weigh-in as a group. The tournament will be single elimination within weight classes. Upper limits for weight classes for both men and women are 118, 126, 134, 142, 150, 158, 167, 177, 191, pounds and unlimited. Any one who has wrestled within the last 2 years for TAMU is ineligible for intramural competition. Any one who has won his eight class, in his division must wrestle in Class Wrestling is lots of fun, as John Sweatt will tell you. During this A&M Wrestling Club workout, he is applying a 180 degree body twist while implanting Ed McAlamey’s face in the floor. John should come by the I.M. office to pick up his “Be Our Guest” card redeemable for free food at McDonalds. Yes, ladies you are eligible to compete in wrestling. The wrestl ing club will be officiating at the . tournament. B Company “A” scrambled over A Battalion #2 in the Corps AB game. B Company started the game off with a quick try at the basket. After several attempts by both teams, B Company’s dunkman, #12 Rick Hoelscher made a bucket. A Battalion fol lowed with a dunk of its own by #30 Charlie Fields. Play continued to be mainly of fensive by both teams as Rick scored 4 more dunk shots for B Company “A” and A Batt was given a point on fouls. The score held for quite a while as both teams hustled the ball back and forth across the court. B Com pany’s #11 Daryl Fitzgerald specialized in Harlem Globetrot ter type feints, fakes, and antics. As the game turned to defensive play A Batt’s #28 Mike McCartney scored. Play quickened as B Company “A ”s #14 Curtis Donaldson and Daryl formed a twosome with Daryl passing to Curtis who dunked for 6 points. Rick got back in action dunking for B Company as A Batt’s #25 Scott Beach got warmed-up on long shots for 6 points. With 2:53 left in the first half the score stood 17-18 for B Company. The pace slowed down as ner vousness set in with a great many overshots and clumsy plays began stalling the ball with ring-around- the court passes as the score held at 40-34. After a last edged under the basket dunk by Rick, Daryl stole the ball from A Batt for more stalling tactics. The last points for both teams were due to fouls. Final score was a triumph for B Company 43-36. Other team members were #29 Jeffrey Fischer, and #26 Randy Nelson for A Batt and #15 Jim Curry, #16 Jeff Presnal, and #13 Johnny Burns for B Company “A”. in SPORi SHORTS Sports Shorts Entries opening Wrestling, Monday, Feb ruary 12 Entries closing Tennis Doubles, Tuesday, February 13 Meetings Sports Club, Tuesday, Feb ruary 13 7:00 p.m., Rooms A & B, 216 MSC Advisory Council, VVednj day, February 14 8:00 p.m., HPE Libra Sports Starting Horseshoes will he del* in starting due to the raM taining horseshoe pit Come by to check the schej this Thursday, February see when you play. Ws «VATBll Guest Policy The Extra Act New Champs The TAMU Racquetball Club is sponsoring a Racquetball Tourna ment this weekend Friday, Feb- Ref’s Corner No officials meeting this week! ruary 16 through Sunday, Feb ruary 18. Entry deadline is Thurs day, February 15 at 5:00 p.m. Entry fee for non-members is $3.00. Entrants must furnish an un opened can of racquetballs, pre- ferrably Voit Rollout Blue. Entry forms may be obtained and turned in to the IM Office at DeWare Fieldhouse. Entry fees will be paid at the tournament. 160 people competed for the IM freethrow title. It was a hard fought contest. Congrats to all and a new backboard to these new champs- Men’s - Mike Psencik 18 out of 20 throws Women’s - Leslie Branham 16 out of 20 throws Men’s Team - Todd Shipley 13 Rick Taylor 16 Doug Zadow 15 Total Points Women’s Team - Lucinda Sekal Cindy Mixon Barbara Finnegan Total Points 44 Don’t forget your ID! IM is enforcing the ID policy more strictly now to keep the facilities open to students, faculty, and staff and prevent use by unauthorized persons. Our facilities are limited and we want to keep them open for TAMU students, faculty, and staff, and restrict other use. Stu dents are still permitted a guest, but if you are a student, please bring your ID! f n < Acknowledgments I . 5 Co-Rec Team - The Muggers Gail Goodman 15 Larry Womack 13 Beverly Baum 16 44 This advertisement is sponsored by your local McDonald’s Restaur ant, on University Drive and at Manor East Mall, under the direc tion of the Intramural Office. Stories are by Michelle Wolstein, pictures by Rich Westlake. The life of an I. D. checker is not all glamor. Every h° u|,( j n Jjl en ' ( hour they have to face a crowd like this, so if you J° m bring your I.D. and have a little patience, we’ll do our staye from our end. s unsi