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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1979)
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1979 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ { HATE DOING * LAUNDRY? X J Let Frannie's do it for you -fc ^ Aunt Frannies ^ Laundromat jc ★Holleman at Anderson 693-6587) l r GAYLINE 693-1630 Information Referral Counseling M-Th. 8-10:00 p.m. ISCOUNT.S. COUPON 2 o o THIS COUPONiGOOD FOR UP TO 50c WORTH OF DRYING: AND 10% DISCOUNT ON DRY CLEAN1NG WHEN YOU WASH AT the Ilia nil VI VALID 8:00 A.M. TIL»:$fi P:W: MC>NL:THHO:Ff?i: LIMIT ONE PER CUST. •^EXPIRES FEB. 11 “AGGIEkANOS FINEST & LARGEST WASHATERIA" w 81 machines AIR CONDITIONED 3702 S. COLLEGE 6I^66unt,$, coupon Informal hearing, held for cult worshipers United Press International WASHINGTON — Rep. Hamil ton Fish, R-N.Y., knows firsthand the anguish some parents feel when Omega Phi Alpha’s CARNATION MSC Craft Shop Spring Craft Workshops Mondays Wednesdays Drawing Cake Decorating Tuesdays Needlepoint Crochet Batik Baskets A Nomad Furniture Decoupage Sand Terrariums Quilting Pottery Watercolor Embroidery Thursdays Macrame China Painting Registration for spring workshops has begun and al ready half of our classes have closed, but there are still spaces available in the classes listed above. So, if you have a few free hours, why not share them with us. For more information call 845-1631 or better yet come down to the MSC basement and see us. SALE Order Feb. 5-9 at MSC & Commons On-campus Delivery Feb. 13 3J Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega ’74 their children join religious cults. His 25-year-old daughter, Alexis, is a member of Sun Myung Moon s Unification Church. Fish and other congressmen were participating Monday in an “infor mal” hearing, planned by Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., on cult wor ship. Unification church members have obtained a permit allowing 200 per sons to demonstrate outside the Se nate office building where the hear ings were set. Monday s informal hearing was criticized by religious leaders. Scheduled witnesses included “deprogrammer’ Ted Patrick, and Jackie Speier, legislative assistant to the late Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif. Ryan was murdered by Peoples Temple cult members in Jonestown, Guyana, just before the ritual murder-suicide that killed more than 900 people. An informal group of recognized church leaders last week sent Dole a letter accepting his desire to hold educational hearings for members interested in the cult phenomenon, but complaining that “all of the wit nesses you have scheduled appear to have definite positions in support of regulations of‘cult’ activity.” “...Niot one of us cares to defend all of the tactics or theologies of every religious group in America, but w e are very clear that the legitimate free exercise of religion must never be abridged,” the letter said. Mm We’re Up To Our Ears In Books, So ... WE RE HAVING BOOK We’re Cleaning out 6 Warehouses & 5,000 Cartons of Books Dole then invited the National Council of Churches and the Ameri can Civil Liberties Union to send witnesses- A Fish aide said Fish and Ot- tinger a re particularly interested in the Unification Church because of Moon’s vast land holdings in Westchester County, N.Y., which they represent. Let Our Musical Figurines Say “I Love You" £ Feb. 14 Kitten Plays “Tie A Yellow Ribbon" We have almost 300 music boxes to choose from If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Happy Cottage 702 N. (Across Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 CLASS OF ’81 BALL February 10, MSC Ballroom, 8 p.m. Tickets $5/couple at Rudder % “A Night of Winter Enchantment’ * * * * * * * * * & * NO BOOK OVER $-| OOf (BOOK SALE AT NORTHGATE STORE ONLY) University Book Stores NORTHGATE 409 UNIVERSITY DR. CULPEPPER PLAZA NEXT TO 3C-BBQ TnmiiiiiimiiiiiiimmiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirr; Create your own prime time with JVC Vidstar VHS. huh in Dr. Tweeter says "Come talk to Bill or Mike | before buying a car stereo | anywhere. Fill your car j with sound from . . . Rx (Prescription) Stereo | c Sanyo, Clarion, Jensen and Pioneer Car Stereo j| nt. Plus Records, Tapes and TDK Blank Tape (We = al order without extra cost to you). 3602 Old College Road — J (Across from Chicken = OR Co., next to Tri-State = C -J A. Sporting Goods) 846-1393 iiimiiiimmmmiiiiiimmiimmiiiiimmiiiiimimmiiiumiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP JVC VIOSTfcW ws tc aaubCT 1MOKO/TV r e -aa %B TRAVEL HR-3300 Vidstar JVC wants to bring out your star quality—with Vidstar VHS™ The home videocassette recorder/ player that lets you record your own TV programs. And play them back on virtually any TV set. Be a producer. Or a big time TV star. With Vidstar VHS™ you can be both. Record your favorite TV shows. While you're watching one show record another. Or use the built-in 24-hour LED clock timer and record shows while you're not at home. Then play them back at your leisure. Choose a color camera from our full line and capture those special moments for family and friends. Even convert your home movies and slides to prime time on your TV set with optional telecine converter. Prerecorded tapes are available too. See your Vidstar VHS™ dealer today-'-and he'll show you how to create your own prime time. With JVC- Reg. 1100 00 NOW 779 00 $245 INCLUDES: Charter bus transportation Motel-type lodging 6 days lift tickets Shuttle between lodge & slopes AUDIO 707 Texas Ave., College Station, Texas 77840 (713) 846-5719 financing available SIGN UP JAN. 25 IN FM216 MSG $50 DEPOSIT REQUIRED what’s up Tuesday FRESHMAN BALL: Tickets for the Class of’82 Ball will go on$4 the MSC Box Office and the Commons today and contin through Feb. 15. FLYING CLUB: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Rcxjm 350, RudderT 0Wei FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: FCA meetsevj Tuesday in the Letterman’s Lounge of G. Rollie White Cofo- at 8 p.m. A&M WHEELMEN; Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Boom 607, Tower. ASME MEETING: The American Society of Mechanical Engin# will present Raymond Butler of Union Carbide speaking on‘j|j in Petrochemicals” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 102, Zachry Engineer Center. Refieshments will he served. PRE-LAW SOCIETY: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 140,® The first place film'from the 1978 American Bar Association vention, “Young Lawyers of Texas, will be shown. INTERNATIONAL FOLKDANCERS: Learn your heritage (lira, dancing at the 7-.30 p.m. meeting in the MSC. New 'hnctj taught each week. SCUBA CLUB: The Annual Underwater Film Festival will be p.m. in Rudder Theater, including one film by JacquesCoustai PENTAGON AREA HOMETOWN CLUB: Will hold a short® ing at 8 p.m. in Room 321, Physics Building. Contact Du Westbrook at 845-7103 or Denis Koutsandreas at 845-518 more information. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS; have its first meeting at 7:31 p.m. in Room 203, Zachry, prizes will be given. TSEA: The Texas Student Education Association will meetat/p in Room 510, Rudder Tower. BASKETBALL: The men’s team will play Arkansas at 7;.30p.m, Fayetteville, Arkansas. AGGIE CINEMA: “The Bicycle Thief,” the story of an impoverij Roman laborer, his son, and a bicycle that is essential Ibrtl survival, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Room 201, MSC. (G); PLACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to inteni for the following companies may begin signing up today for views on Feb. 20: Bell Systems, Cafeterias Inc., ^' on<)C01 Controls, Georgia Institute of Technology, Goodyear Tire id her, Joske’s of Dallas, Motorola, Oklahoma Natural Gas( Rohm & Haas, Texas Instruments (Sherman), 1 ravelers Inswi Co. Wednesday 1 it conn one ball and Bi Con: the ' gam< Mon Coli: cide Aggi on t agan kans W E.E. STUDENT WIVES CLUB: Barbara Denton, arespresejj of Mary Kay Cosmetics, will speak at 7 p.m. in Room 111 Zachry Engineering Center. All E.E. student wives areDivi HILLEL CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Hillel Found! Building. ACT CLUB: Planning of the spring Agriculturalist and a discussa press room responsibilities at the Houston Stock show will bel in Room 007, Reed McDonald Building, at 7:30 p.m. FIT APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications for the EITb should be in Austin today. BRIDGE CLUB: Will begin playing at 7:15 p.m. in the MSC.Cjj monitor for room number. Everyone is welcome. TAMU ROADHUNNERS: Final preparations for the Valenti Fun Run and final dues payments will be made at 5 Rollie White Coliseum. Be ready to run. TOWN HALL: The Blackstone Magic Show will begin at 8:15pa Rudder Auditorium. SOCIAL DANCE CLUB: Will hold group lessons in countryj em, disco or ballroom dancing 7-8:30 p.m. in Room 266,G.ft™ White Coliseum. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: General meeting and audition! p.m. SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB: Will meet at 8 p.m. in Room! Rudder Tower. L PLACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wisli tointen for the following companies may begin signing up today for» views on Feb. 21: Airesearch Manufacturing Co., Americans in Austin, American Microsystems Inc., Army Material, Bell| terns. Cent Power & Light, Conoco, Joske s of Dallas, NCI Engineering & Manufacturing Div., Standard Oil oflnig Texas Eastern, Texas Instruments (Sherman), U.S. Navy, Steel Corp., and Worthington Compressors Inc.