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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1979)
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1979 Huang heralds ‘beginning while Teng attacks Soviet of a new er hegemony SEATTLE — Chinese Vice Pre mier Teng Hsiao-ping, struggling with a cold and fever but clearly elated with the success of his mis sion, concluded his bold journey to America Monday and left for Japan en route home to Peking. Making four stops across the country that for 30 years was China’s arch-foe, the 4-foot-11 leader spent eight days in the United States on a trip that underscored his pledge to modernize China and befriend Japan and America. “We feel that this visit has been smooth and successful,” Teng said at the airport. “What we have done is in conformity with the people of the world. ” Before boarding his plane, he took one last opportunity to criticize Soviet “hegemony,” the word the Chinese use to describe Russian ter ritorial ambitions in Asia and the Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. 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An American-built jet took Teng to Tokyo after a refueling stop at Anchorage, Alaska. He is scheduled to spend three days in Japan to lobby support for the same anti- Soviet position he sought in the United States. Teng’s case of the sniffles de veloped two days ago and worsened at the end of his visit. On doctors’ orders, Teng cancelled a final meet ing with newspaper editors and went to bed with a cold and slight fever before departing. On Sunday, the 74-year-old leader tried to shake off his cold and the fatigue of his whirlwind week. Smiling broadly, he clapped and waved to his audiences in the same high spirits he displayed elsewhere. But his sneezes and attention to his cold became more noticeable as the day went on. Sitting in for Teng at a meeting with west-coast newsmen, Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua said the visit heralded “the beginning of a new era” in U.S.-China relations. “We would like to say this visit by Teng has been a complete success." He added there was “much to do in the continuing process of de veloping the relationship” but said it would stop short of a military al liance. At every stop on Teng’s visits to Washington, Atlanta, Houston and Seattle, he condemned Soviet “hegemony.” Coincidental was scheduled to reach Jajj in the middle of some over just such an issue Monday lashed out at ti[ Union in a diplomatic profe deployment of Soviet (too construction of military base of four islands in the claimed by Japan. ‘God’ to sin Russia calls anti-Sovietism the basis of U.S.-China ties on currm court deck United Press International MOSCOW — The Soviet Union, in its first direct reaction to Teng Hsiao-ping’s trip to the United States, says the Chinese vice pre mier and the Carter administration betrayed “anti-Sovietism” in a joint communique. The Communist Party daily Pravda on Sunday offered the first substantial Soviet reaction to the vice premier’s visit, claiming he is using it as a platform to slander the Soviet Union. “The Soviet public cannot shut its eyes to the fact that the Peking guest in Washington and other U.S. cities was given a big opportunity for slandering the U.S.S.R. in the presence of officials, congressmen and the press,” Pravda said. But the article indicated the Kremlin wasn’t surprised, hinting that China and the United States may have more in common than the Carter administration would admit. “That no one objected to the ma licious anti-Soviet insinuations was not the point of diplomatic etiquette at all,” Pravda said. “It appears that it is exactly anti- Sovietism that is the basis of com mon interests and identical views referred to in the U.S.-China com munique.” The communique is a sore point with the Soviets, not only because it represents growing ties between Washington and Peking, but also because it contains an “anti hegemony” section opposed by Moscow. By Look Into Your Future United Press Intenutiou! NEW ORLEANS - A appeals court Monday rejetj nfC owed atheist Madalyn S| O Hair’s plea to remove “In God We Trust,” fromU,S rency. Even though the 5thU.S( Court of Appeals admitted sues “are not free from dm affirmed the opinion of Di Judge Jack Roberts of Ausl dismissed O’Hair’s complt [V April 17, 1978. Roberts rejected the cot “for failure to state a claim’ The suit, filed against W § Blumenthal, secretary of tit jXy arc0 ury, and against Jon Murray,: j n nj c t s to remove the “In God We ■ 0 ] eon j ( motto from all paper curreu ^L, s ] coins printed in the U S.,dixies, it violated “the free exercise!K )nteS | tablishment clause of tke l me . Amendment. ” t] mill The suit also claimed cr. r0 penalties for removing the| tri ue "violated the free speech a y n( j a t exercise clauses of the U.S | n g ma ] < e stitution.” V X Mil# ATTENTION FRESHMAN WOMEN Freshman ' ^ vv Women’s Honor Delta Society You are invited to become a member of AAA if you meet the necessary requirements: you attended A&M in the fall semester as a Freshman, took at least 15 hours, and posted a 3.5 GPR or above. You must confirm your interest by 5:00 p.m. Feb. 16. Call 845-1228 or come by Rm. 108, YMCA. Thousands of career opportunities are listed daily in the nation’s largest CLASSIFIED ad section. Keep abreast of the changing job market with The Houston Chronicle, Texas’ largest newspaper. Arms order by Iran Ihoose b and > Mt the b ad warlo pinary id Dur United Press Intenutioiul WASHINGTON - Iran,F game: for I/2 price students, faculty and staff. the United States’ best it 9 r ' rea hardware customers beforepppma 11 turmoil forced the shahliW 01 fron down and its oil product virtually stop, has canceledl than half of a $12 billion! order. Defense Department sourc the termination included! for the United States toimmei begin withdrawing militarypP Weg Entire semester for $7.25 (Jan. 31- May 11). Call 693-2323 or 846-0763 to start HOME or DORM DELIVERY immediately. Houston Chronicle News you can use. nel and advisers in Iran. Among the items canceled 160 F-16 jet fighters, 7E-3.V radar planes, 16 RF-4 rea l sance jets and two ofthA Spruance-class destroyersth£ on order. The cancellation was negil in Tehran by Erich von M‘| deputy chief of the Pentajo: sales office, and Gen. S Huyser, the No.‘2 U.S. t| commander in Europe, it j said. The sources indicated U.S I tary men would be reducedai I there will be a major cutbL American contract personnel j ing Iranian forces. The Washington Post rep that the cancellations were because Iran has severe n| problems and because now has a reduced concept | international role without the The Post said the Iranian® is trying to get out of moretl billion in contracts with Euro| jrmg s use gspie EAD OLID I ERFE jBurcfers # xi Bee of RUSSIAN DANCE I We have the thickest I NOT »/4 lb, NOT V* lb. lb. burgers in to# NOT y 2 lb BUT A KALEIDOSCOPE OF DANCERS FROM THE REPUBLICS OF THE SOVIET UNION PRESENTED BY MSC OPAS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1979 8:15 p.m. RUDDER AUDITORIUM PRICES: GENERAL PUBLIC $7.80, $6.35, $5.10 A&M STUDENT/DATE $6.45, $5.30, $4.40 TICKETS AND INFO: MSC BOX OFFICE 845-2916 I TRY ONE FOR YOURSELFl Dead Solid Perfect 102 Church St. 846-0720 Open Tues-Sun 11-8 // //