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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1978)
A new, growing breed of citizens THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1978 More groups watch Brazos politics By SUZANNE BLACK Special to The Battalion A growing breed of sturdy rain or shine citizens is watching local poli tics nowadays. They’re a minority in the multitude of fair-weather obser vers, but they’re changing the com plexion of the political scene. Usually, relatively few people or organizations seem to keep up with local government. Bryan Mayor Richard Smith said most citizens are pretty naive about the local political situation. Organized interest groups, with regular membership and meetings, “aren’t that significant, said Col- Station Mayor Lorence Bravenec. Brazos County Judge Bill Vance commented, “every year there’s a different issue and a differ ent group. No one group domi- ites.” Xm <jor>na represent ciff of you? - ■ And as far as political clout in \razos County goes, Bryan layor Richard Smith said, “there’s no group that can de icer votes. ” ito by Liz Bailti The show. Children's lyone may percent, tk that Presidal in the Sen* And as far as political clout. Smith aid, “there’s no group that can de- iver votes.” Some of that is changing, though, [here are signs of growing commu- lity awareness and involvement in deal government. For example, the past May pri- nary drew more private campaign ontributions from Brazos County •esidents thatn the two previous irimaries combined. . , , According to campaign contribu- onal rarku j ons an( j ex p ense reports at the .. Irazos Coutny clerk’s office, the or a andidates in the last May primary eceived money donations of at least 78,569. Only the primaries in 1974 and i 92 percejgyg ^ | )e validly used for coin ed positions! iar j son b ecause the requirements ! r reporting contributions were dif- were all De» !ren * ' n die years before. Total con- el Humpy Motions for 1974 and 1976 can’t be John Culvt! Neither, because the reports are , Mont., as “ m P lete - J J , lass 96 pe however, i n individual races, the /a andPaiik gures show contributions doubling nt Gary Hail om one election to the next. For foseph Bide! contributions in 1974 and liam Proxmiit ^8 for Precinct 2 county commis- nd Claibon oner candidates totaled $1,830 and 1,586, respectively. That’s almost a 1,000 difference. County attorney candidates also es went to a j 0 { 0 f money. Records of ' e r ns , e *' le 1976 and 1978 primaries involv- n p >S Aat position show $4,508 and r lam kd len S9,360 were contributed. Urhs, Net y s a 100 percent j ump . , perce: SO me of the dollars Vi ' , r r] P erceI me from other areas, most of the one ' °dginated from pockets in l ®’ ' razos County. What’s inspiring , ’ ai 11 lese generous residents? Besides “ P ercent >rsonal friendship with a particular mdidate or official, many people e making political contact through leir membership in various organi- itions. The Bryan-College Station ycees often extend equal offers to iposing political candidates to leak to the group. "We like to keep well informed .. although we stay as neutral as issible as an organization,” said HlpE enny Mallard, president of the "ycees. “We d6 stay abreast of cur- mt events.” Bob Roepke, president of the lorning Lions Club, said that the lub invites candidates to address members and that there is good embership turnout for such r ents. Newton Ellis, president of the Noon Lions Club, said, “in my ten years as a member, the club has never been addressed by a candi date strictly for campaign purposes. But we do normally invite the local state representative and senator to speak, usually to vive a wrap-up at the end of a legislative session.” Typically, service organizations don’t officially endorse or contribute to political candidates. However, of 11 representatives contacted, most agreed that their fellow members take the opportunity of meeting to gether to informally discuss their political opinions. The president of the League of Women Voters, Penny Beaumont, said she more organizations will begin taking on political objectives and getting involved in politics pub licly. What’s inspiring these gener ous residents in the county? Be sides personal friendship with a particular candidate or official, many people are making politi cal contact through their mem bership in various organiza tions. The League of Women Voters never actually supports candidates, though it may support issues. “We have a national reputation, so we re not as free to move, said Beaumont. “The league basically works for informed citizen participa tion. That’s what the league is ab out,” she said. To fulfill that job, the league provide a voter service, which is also coordinated with the league’s various study and action groups. Two young organizations with similar purposes are the Brazos Val ley Black Caucus and the Brazos County Mexican American Demo crats. Although they are more out wardly active, their leaders say that communication of information is their primary function. The caucus is almost two years old. Before the last primary, it hosted local, state and national of fice seekers in its first candidate’s forum. “We don’t endorse candidates. Whenever we extend an invitation, we extend it to everyone,” said Rosetta Keaton, president of the Brazos Valley Black Caucus. “Support for candidates isn’t talked about within the realm of the caucus meetings, but politicking is conducted on an individual basis. United support would be difficult because the minority communities aren’t homogenous,” she said. Keaton thinks community in volvement in government is increas ing “because it’s becoming an on going process, rather than being reactionary, as in the past. There’s more follow through. It’s very im portant that there’s a continuity throughout the year. ” “Support for candidates isn’t talked about within the realm of the caucus meetings, but poli ticking is conducted on an in dividual basis,’’ said Rosetta Keaton, president of the Brazos Valley Black Caucus. “United support would be difficult be cause the minority communities aren’t homogenous.’’ That kind of continuous involve ment will definitely be promoted by the Brazos County Mexican Ameri can Democrats (MAD). Right now the local chapter is planning a series of seminars called “Leadership Brazos County to prepare its members for more active roles in the community. The seminars will cover areas of local concern as well as different facet of government op eration. Daniel Hernandez, one of the MAD founders and its chairman, said a local chapter was started “out of a desire to become more politi cally aware and to give some politi cal leverage to Mexican Americans here. We thought a state related or ganization would help us do this.” Membership in MAD is not re stricted to Mexican Americans, but the four-month-old group is de signed toward addressing Mexican American concerns and relating those concerns to Democrats, Her nandez said. Such representation will be taken advantage of, said Pete Ramirez, president of the local council of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). “We ll probably be going through MAD so we ll be able to get involved more directly. We re (Mexican Americans) working as a unit now,” he said. Ramirez said the past political ef fects of LULAC were indirect since MANOR £AST MALU Texas at Villa Maria M-F 10-8:30 Sat. 10-6 779-6718 the LULAC constitution doesn’t allow official endorsements. “There’s no ax to grind, we’re not forming to intimidate anyone, Hernandez said. “We’re just going to hold politicians accountable for what they say and do. That’s what an ideal citizen should be like.” The emergence of MAD and the Black Caucus, as well as the efforts of several organizations to become familiar with issues and candidates are indications to Neeley Lewis that the community’s political awareness is broadening. Lewis is the chairman of the Brazos County Democratic Party. He said this political awareness re sults in part from the fact that local politic are becoming more interest ing. It also stems from the growth of the community itself. As far as politics becoming more interesting, N.A. McNiel, chairman of the Brazos County Republican Party agrees. “Since 1968, Democrats have controlled all the local offices and 1 furnished most of the candidates, McNiel said. “Yet, in presidential elections, the voters have gone Re publican. Because of this record, Brazos County is receiving some at tention as a place for viable Repub lican efforts,” he said. “This year the local party is offer ing Republican candidates equal in stature to the Democratic candi dates. This hasn’t been true in Brazos County before, McNiel said. Just seeing candidates in pairs should make politics more interest ing in a county where candidates have historically run unopposed. However, as Brazos Coutny Clerk Frank Boriskie said, the excitement of county politics this year is unique since several appointments and va cated positions left an unusual number of positions open. Considering the number of aspir ing politicians who rose to the occa sion, though, Boriskie said, “you can’t tell, they may come back again next time and fight like dogs.” And the new breed of aspiring citizens will be watching them all the way. WE BUY BOOKS EVERY DAY! And remember we give 20% more in trade for used books. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE Northgate - Across from the Post Office GAY LINE 846-6419 sponsored by Gay Student Services M-TH 7:00-10:00 P.M. STUDIES GOT YOU DOWN? Pick up your Spirits at HOLIK’S PACKAGE STORE 606 Holleman, C.S. 693-3381 201 DOMINIK ST.-COLLEGE STATION FIRST ANNUAL WORLD-CHAMPIONSHIP HAMBURGER EATING CONTEST NOVEMBER 10TH, 5:30 P.M. TWO ENTRIES PER ORGANIZATION I.E., CORPS COMPANIES, FOOTBALL TEAM, FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES. DORMS. SPORTS TEAMS. ETC. $5.00 ENTRY FEE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL; PROCEEDS DONATED TO UNITED-WAY (MALE AND FEMALE DIVISIONS) 1 ST PRIZE - $25 & “Champion” Denver’s T-Shirt 2ND PRIZE $15for your organization fund 3RD PRIZE $10and FREE Frisbees ALL CONTESTANTS RECEIVE FREE DANVER’S T-SHIRTS RULES: 1) All the Danver s 1/3 pound Hamburger's You Can Eat in 15 min. 2) All Hamburgers should be consumed before attempting another. 3) No “Help from Your Friends” - (Seconds Allowed) 4) Winning Contestant must not get sick on premises. 5) Accurate scales and weighing of remains to determine winners. 6) Judges results will be final. WORLD’S HAMBURGER-EATING CHAMPIONSHIP ENTRY BLANK ORGANIZATION CONTESTANT _ HEIGHT AGE WEIGHT SEX (Return Entry Blank to Danver s Restaurant) PLAIN TALK FROM ARMCOON FINDING A JOB: Environmentalism—will it muddy the job pool? Some people think America will have to spend a trillion dollars by the mid-1980s on more pollution control. Could this hurt your chance of getting a job you want? We hope not —but it’s a possibility. America simply doesn’t have a trillion dollars to spare. Shifting so vast an amount from other uses will disrupt nearly every other national goal. Adding costly environmental equipment doesn’t increase industrial production. So once the equipment is in place, the handful of new jobs created for pollution control is more than offset by production jobs that don’t appear. Spending large sums on unnecessary extra pollution control means companies can’t spend that money on some- thing else —like new jobs. We’re going to need another 17,000,000 jobs in this country by 1985. These days the average jobs costs $45,300 to create. So a trillion dollars is more than the total current cost of creating 17,000,000jobs. Even if we had a trillion dollars, America couldn’t satisfy its most extreme environmental demands already on the books. Air quality rules now lock important areas of the country out of any new indus trial development. And water quality standards being applied to all bodies of water, no matter how they're used, will stymie even population growth in many parts of the U.S. We all want clean air and water. We’ve been sensitized to pollution’s dangers for years. But the fact is: America’s air and water have been getting cleaner lately. We’ve obviously still got a lot to do. But as we do it, we need to study carefully the costs and benefits, to keep environmentalism from tying America up in knots. Plain talk about POLLUTION CONTROL. So far, Armco has spent $260,000,000 for pollution control systems. Running that equipment costs us another $50,000,000 or more a year. We’ve slashed our air emissions 95% and are a leader in water improvement. But now we’ve passed the point of diminishing returns. Cutting into that final 5% costs more—and wastes more electrical energy— than it took to stop the entire 95%. What’s worse, gen erating the electricity to operate equipment to reduce emissions further often creates more pollution at power plants than we remove. As a nation, we need to balance en vironmentalist demands against their consequences. Next time somebody says American industry ought to I start cleaning up its act, you might like to point out that the clean-up is well on its way. The more extra environmental costs pile on, the fewer new jobs there may be. Let us hear YOUR plain talk about jobs! We’ll send you a free booklet if you do Does our message make sense to you? We d like \ to know what you think. Your personal experi ences. Facts to prove or disprove our point. Drop us a line. We d like your plain talk. For telling us your thoughts, we’ll send you more information on issues affecting jobs. Plus Armco’s famous handbook. How to Get a Job. It answers 50 key questions you’ll need to know. Use it to set yourself apart, above the crowd. Write Armco, Educational Rela tions Dept. U-3, General Offices, Middletown, Ohio 45043. Be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope. ARMCO V