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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1978)
the sports inuH^UAY, OCTOBER 26. 1978 earn togetherness stressed ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiimiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHimii 1 MAMA'S PIZZA mk DELIVERS ‘^9 1 ! a.M.-I 1 P.M. DAILY Wilson anticipates new job PIZZA, SPAGHETTI, LASAGNA, SALADS, & DRINKS ($5.00 MINIMUM) 696-3380 807 TEXAS AVE. e O $3 I ^ wto by Ed Cm the woodei a dance ami ■e took plan By DAVID BOGGAN Battalion Sports Kditor |ln less than 24 hours, Tom V\ ilson learned that he had been desig ns head football coach at one of nation’s major universities, taken emotionally upset team through important practice, attended tings with various officials and lizations, accepted a multitude congratulations from family and ;nds and met with an inquisitive of reporters. [And if any of this had a wearing :ct on him, Texas A&M’s new football coach did not show it as prepared to take over the position ited by Emory Be Hard. There have been few days in my when the alarm clock went off in morning and I was already awake jng time before that, ” Wilson told jrters at a Wednesday afternoon ess conference. Obviously, the ex- ement of the previous day had not owed him much sleep that night, was waiting to get up, ready to Meeting a new day w ith such ithusiasm is exactly the kind of at titude it will take to provide the Texas Aggies with a winning spirit. Losing two consecutive games and a highly respected coach can have de- vistating effects on a football team and Wilson realizes this. “The mental attitude of the players of major concern to us,” the new Aggie head coach said, “even over and above our injury situation. The players are very upset and sad and they have a right to be. They just have to realize that this is a situation in life that happens. We have to get our heads up and go on. We have to come together in a group and stay together. ” Wilson said that Tuesday s prac tice went well and that he was ready to accept the challenge of the head coach’s job. “I am very happy to have the op portunity to do what Tm doing, ” he said. "I think I ve prepared for it. Tm going to throw the hat in the ring and come out fighting. That’s the only way 1 know how to handle it. "Everybody (in coaching) dreams of being a head coach. I’ve devoted a lot of attention and study to coach- Tom Wilson ing. Football is my life. I can think of no other thing I would want to do. Last year, Wilson, a 1966 graduate of Texas Tech, was a considered as a prime candidate to replace Steve Sloan as the Raiders head coach. M I a iost-season rivals engmeei Iture, urology, ling and ■ architect council m I courses in a ■co no mics, Is eet tonight in Dallas When he was overlooked for the job, however, he admitted that he con sidered leaving coaching com pletely. "That had been a major part of my thinking, that I was going to be head coach at Texas Tech,” the former Raider quarterback said. “No ques tion about it, I was upset. ” But Wilson did not give up coach ing and now he has the respon sibilities of a head coach. After spending his entire coaching career viewing games from the press box, Wilson is anticipating working on the sideline against Rice Saturday. "I’m looking forward to it like I haven’t looked forward to anything for a long time,” said Wilson, who was an assistant coach at Texas Tech before coming to Texas A&M in 1975. ‘T’ve been in the press box since I graduated in 1966. The only time Tve been on the sidelines is in spring games and scrimmages. “I think the biggest thing person ally that I have going for me is that I work hard. I will be with the players and I know they will play for me. I believe in open manner, exciting football. We will establish our run ning game first and compliment it with passing. No. 1, we’ve got to score touchdowns.” Wilson was asked if the Aggies will MANOR EAST III run strictly from the I-formation against the Owls. "We are working on it seriously right now, ” he answered. “But that’s mainly because of our injury situa tion in the backfield. We will still be prepared to use the wishbone. “I don’t feel like it would be smart to let Curtis (Dickey) play this week. We will hold him out of this game and prepare him for the rest of the season. Adgar (Armstrong) looked real good in practice yesterday. I be lieve he is 95 percent healthy. ” Both Dickey and Armstrong have been hampered with leg injuries in the past two weeks and have seen lim ited action. What does Wilson see in his future at Texas A&M? “That is one of those things that you just have to take a day at a time and a game at a time,” he said. "I can’t look beyond that. The future depends on the next five games, Tm sure.” Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 i Battalion i Classified . f Call 845-2611 I IS BELIEVIN'... They re All Different! Such design variety in mo bile homes! You’ll believe it when you see ours . . . and pick yours! MOBILE HOMES (g3 [ COLLEOC AVT Ie\as\ Muhilr tfiniu i iiitirt ni f Phone 822-9140 EAST SVPAS4 United Press International I A — Professional football °S> an | akes another week night intrusion to the nation’s living rooms tonight - - it as long as there is going to be a l KtlOK ^ at least it ought to be a good ■mationai il ratio is le diametfi nallest dii atomic m [The Dallas Cowboys and Min- sota Vikings, familiar post-season is, will match up in Texas Stadium a crucial beginning to the second of the NFL season. s* age oftk iTdcm t know if you can call this a rtest timed P* 8 ame for us, " said Vikings crossanatii ac h B u d Grant. "When you are ,| _ jOtol uggling every game it seems like ery game is a must game. This is m it another week where we are try- • ^to get our head above water, ion IT/ie Vikii gs go into the contest ogamesback of the NFC Central- 10(1 ^ ln 8 G ret * ri Bay Packers, a club nnesota knocked off last Sunday. Omi d Dallas, with Tony Dorsett ZiUJlJ. nstated as a starting running back, move into at least a temporary in the NFC East for the first le in six weeks. Dallas’defense has played well of eandthe Vikings’ pass-minded of- se is in good hands with Fran Tar- iton. o it will be strength against ength tonight. Fran has had a super year, said ant. T don’t seen any difference at in him this year. I think the last games he has been outstand- The Cowboys have gone through an important week in their season — drawing even with Washington in the race for the NFC East crown and then apparently settling an incident involving Dorsett. Dorsett, who was benched last Sunday for missing a practice and not letting the team known why he had missed, will be back in the starting lineup tonight. "I am happy with our record now at 6-2 midway through the season,” Landry said. “Sure, Td like to be 7-1, but I in satisfied. “I don’t see us going out and beat ing somebody real bad. We re still not playing real good, at least not at the top level we were when we had the momentum last year. But if we hit on all cylinders one of these days maybe we will be back. # I Dallas Coach Tom Landry agreed Vikings seem to have jelled. They had some troubles early ningover some players," he said, ley got off to a bad start. But right wthey look like the Vikings of old. ey won a really significant game Sunday against Green Bay. fm sure they see it within their isp to win the division. Fran is owing the ball as well as he has er thrown it at this point and he is key to the Minnesota offense." olleyball action he Texas A&M volleyball team tsSam Houston State University dual match tonight in G. Rollie ite Coliseum starting at 7 p.m. ioach Dave Schakel’s Aggies, led Donna Branch, Dianne Douglass IVicki Marshall, have a 31-11 rec- this year. 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