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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1978 The Battalion Classified Israel puts offE peace pact voti HELP WANTED HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE SERVICES inj Sthe five ; FULL OR PART TIME ♦Flexible hours to fit your schedule ♦Rapid advancement ♦Day shift ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.75 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station 105 Dominik 188tfn Part time help wanted. GRAPEVINE PER SONALITY. Call 846-3411. 28tfn Brazos Valley MH-MR Center needs volun teers for hotline. Contact Rallo Spotts 779- 2000 ext. 50. 35t5 EARN $180 to $480 weekly, stuffing envelopes at home. Guaranteed! For further information, rush self-addressed, stamped envelope and 25c (coin) for handling. Metro Enterprises, Box 49114, Austin, Texas 78765. 35tl0 Part time. Week nights 10-3. Weekends 10-5. Starting $2.80/hr. Apply in person. Jack-in-the-Box 1604 Texas Avenue, College Station SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE FALL ’78 SEMESTER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO ORDER THE TEXAS A&M SENIOR CLASS RING, AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST HAVE AT LEAST NINETY-TWO (92) SEMESTER HOURS, WITH 30 HOURS AT A&M AND BE IN GOOD STANDING. TO ORDER AT MID-SEMESTER USING MID-SEMESTER GRADES TO FULFILL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IN STRUCTIONS: 1. LEAVE YOUR NAME, MAJOR AND I. D. NUMBER WITH THE RING CLERK, HEATON BUILD ING, PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST IF POSSIBLE, OR AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF ORDERING. T/y/S MAY NOT BE DONE BY PHONE. 2. BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER TO VERIFY PASSING HOURS. 3. ANYONE HAVING FAILED TO LEAVE THEIR NAME IN ADVANCE AND FAIL TO BRING THEIR MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORT ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER WILL BE ASKED TO RETURN LATER TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED. 4. ALL BINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHEN THE ORDER IS PLACED. SENIOR RING LOANS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE YMCA BUILDING. 5. MID-SEMESTER ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN ONLY FROM OCTOBER 30TH UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST, 1978. 6. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT PLACE THEIR ORDER DURING THIS PERIOD MAY ORDER AFTER FINAL GRADES ARE POSTED. THERE WILL ONLY BE A 2-3 WEEK DIFFERENCE IN DELIVERY TIME FOR THOSE STUDENTS ORDERING IN JANUARY. (WHENEVER 92 HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ARE ON RECORD, THERE IS NEVER A DEAD-LINE, EXCEPT A MONTHLY MAILING DATE ON WHICH WE SEND ORDERS TO THE FACTORY). 7. THE RING CLERK IS ON DUTY FROM 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. EACH DAY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. HOWEVER, IN ORDER FOR OTHER DUTIES TO BE CARRIED OUT, ABSOLUTELY NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:30 A. M. - 1:00 P. M. OR BETWEEN 4:00 - 5:00 P. M. 8. ALL RINGS ORDERED, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ON OCTOBER 30TH OR DECEMBER 1ST, WILL BE DELIVERED ON THE SAME DAY WHICH WILL BE APPROXIMATELY FEB- RUARY 28, 1978. ' ENGLISH STYUST: RESEARCH WRIT ING. All fields, lengths. Confidential. Dr. Brown, Portfolios Limited, Box901-M, Alpine, Calif. 92001. (714) 445-5944. 4tl5 (Ik stantly i Professional typing services. 846-9109. 6t33 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control' methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 38ttn try Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 FOR RENT Student to do yard work next four Sundays, $3.50 hr. 822-5877. 38t4 National Market Company needs someone to answer the phone between 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. Monday thru Friday. 846-1140. 38t4 COLLEGE STUDENTS PART TIME | Earn $10 per hour as an | American Youth Enterprise i — r '~ 11 John Dodson at j 2 bdrm 4-plex, 2 blks from A&M, 406 Foch. $160. 822-5877. 38tl0 dealer. Call 822-2702. WANTED Dependable, Self-Motivated Students Full or Part Time Team Cleaning Homes $3.00/hr. DOMESTIC SERVICES 693-1954 SPECIAL NOTICE fFull time position open for day | and evening shift. Counter help, j night dishwasher. Saturday and . Sunday off. Apply in person { MAMA’S PIZZA i 807 Texas Ave. THE GREAT HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION masquerade dance Oct. 28 8-12 p.m. Zachry $1 single $1.50 couple i Copperstone Hearth Restaurant needs waitresses. Perfect hours for mothers of school children. Also need help for Friday & Saturday nights. 403 Villa Maria 822-5003 38tfn Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas C.S. 105 Dominik 188tfn THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Fugger, Edward Floyd Degree: Ph. D. in Physiology of Reproduction Dissertation: OVULATION, RECOVER AND VIABILITY OF OVA COL LECTED SURGICALLY AND NON- SURGICALLY AS AFFECTED BY PMSG/PGFa, TREATMENTS Time: 1:30 p.m. on November 3, 1978 Place: Kleberg, Room 400 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Wanted Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $2.90/hr. Apply in person at Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Between 2-5 p.m. daily. 22122 Name: Barlin, Margaret R, Degree: Ph.D. in Entomology Dissertation: MULTIPOROUS PLATE SEN- SILLA IN PARASATIC HYMENOPT- ERA: THEIR ULTRASTRUCTURE AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP Time: 1:15 p.m. on October 31, 1978 Place: Soil & Crop Sciences, Room 414 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College (Weight Watchers can show you j I how losing weight never tasted so J | good. College Station club meets J (Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Stu- , j| dent Center, 315 N. College ( jj Main. For further information call J LSS&Zm. « HALF-WAY HOUSE COUNSELOR Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center 40 hrs./week, rotating schedule in cludes evenings, nights, and weekends. Reliable transportation required. Contact Sheryl Allen 822- 7326, or apply in person 405 W. 28th, Bryan. Equal Opportunity Employer Through Affirmative Action 3515 Expanding Bohney Memorial Hospital, Brenham TX, has immediate openings for 3 registered nurses. Present openings on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts with shift differential pay. Salary comparable to area. Benefits include 2 weeks paid vacation, health and life insurance, 5 holidays, and credit union. Mail resume or call Carolyn Ainsworth, Di rector of Nurses, Bohney Memorial Hospi tal, 2304 S. Day, Brenham, TX 77833. EOE 35112 Students Older Than Average (SOTA) If you would be interested in reor ganizing this group and getting together with students of your own age brackett (25 + ). Call 693-9686 after 6 p.m. 3012 NOTICE The third installment board payment for the 1978 Fall Semester is due on or be fore November 1, 1978. The amount is $162.25 for the 7-Day Board Plan and $145.45 for the 5-Day Board Plan. Please pay now either at the Fiscal Of fice, Richard Coke Building or the Cashier’s Office in the main lobby of the Rud der Center, to avoid pen alty. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. DOES YOUR GROUP NEED MONEY? $1500 - could your class or organization use $1000 $3000 for that special trip or project, for more details on high profit fundraising, call 713-779-2549 after 5 p.m daily. Nancye Schoeneman; consultant, CPS, Inc., 1701 Luza, Bryan, TX 77801. 3913 RESUME SERVICE Sell yourself effectively. Have a professional resume prepared by BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICES Call 846-5794 for an appointment OFFICIAL NOTICE Need to sublease efficiency apartment. 693- 7471. Furnished efficiency apartment; $85/month. Bills paid. 822-3078. 39t5 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Pickens, Stanley Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry Dissertation: “ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF PEROXO AND SUPEROXO POLYAMINE COLBOLT (III) COM PLEXES” Time: 2:00 p.m. on October 31, 1978 Place: Chemistry, Room 1335 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College College of Science English Proficiency Examination lALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College ofl Science must take the English Proficiency Examination onf WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula — ROOM 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula — ROOM 100 CHEM MATH Department Curricula — ROOM 101 MILNER PHYSICS Department Curricula — ROOM 301 PHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the Col-1 lege of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing! English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must! satisfy the English Proficiency Requirement by taking] English 301 and earning a minimum grade of “C”. For information and guidelines on the nature of the exami nation, check with the departmental secretary. NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. isitfn UNIVERSITY ACRES APARTMENTS Located off Wellborn Road, Vz mile past 2818 on FM 2154. Many new im provements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $135.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. 1 bedroom apts. now available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846- 5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. Joe Courtney, Inc. United Press International The Israeli cabinet recessed after a lengthy debate Tuesday ai postponed a “fateful decision” on whether to approve a peace treah with Egypt. Government sources said President Carter appealed!! Israel to endorse the pact. The 17-member cabinet completed half the deliberations on draft treaty and decided to recess until this morning after 11 hoursij debate that began Monday night. Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Defense Minister EzerWei;. man briefed the parliamentary Foreign Affairs and Defense Comnii! tee on the draft pact immediately after the special cabinet session Israeli Finance Minister Simcha Erlich told reporters afterwardtl* cabinet session was running so long because “these are fateful dec sions and difficult subjects. ” It shaped up as one of the longest cabinj lis' sessions in Israeli history. He said when asked whether the cabinet will approve the treaty,l| hope so, yes.” Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai, one of four known hardliners j the cabinet, indicated the ministers were grappling over whetherll* treaty would give Israel sufficient security or if it contained inheres! dangers to Israel’s future. Modai was asked if the treaty as presented by Dayan is acceptable “If the goal is peace, then it is acceptable,” he said. “But ifthisisi tactical step with great dangers that leave peace in question, thenitis unacceptable. In the draft that we have today there are somepoinli that may indicate this.” Modai described the cabinet meeting in Begin s office as “ven thorough and very lengthy.” Erlich said he thought $4 billion would be enough topayforls- rael’s military and civilian withdrawal from the Sinai desert undertkt terms of the proposed treaty. The United States reportedly would pay the bill. Israeli opposition Labor party leader Shimon Peres said in a national radio interview the United States has become themoS important partner of the tripartite treaty talks at the expense oftlu independence of Egypt and Israel. Carter, in a cable relayed by the U.S. Embassy, asked Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his 17 ministers to endorsetl*! in treaty drawn up under his mediation between the Egyptian and Is raeli delegations to the Washington peace talks, government sources said. The pact, based on the Camp David frameworks for peace worked out by Carter in September, would be the first treaty ever betweei an Arab state and Israel. Israeli sources said Begin was unhappy with some of the provisions in the draft and will seek some amendments during the special cabinet session that might go over until Wednesday. But the sources said Israel probably will not reject the draft despite I'd the amendments that could be attached to the nine-article document laused 1>— atural ^ their be— Surviv— oar whii around ^ iurr iean<s hief saic3 sis image Federa spatche ' to de mnd, C ending hrough !ourt,leii In add tified fatja The semi-official Egyptian newspaper Al Abram, in its first editioii Tuesday, described amendments sought by President Anwar Sadalas “basic. But in later editions, the newspaper backtracked, droppinj the word “basic” and saying “certain amendments” instead. Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil said the demand did not amountls a rejection of the draft and expressed confidence Egyptian-IsracS differences can be resolved. In Washington, U.S. officials said they expected the pact toh initialed this week despite Sadat’s request that the treaty call fe progress on solving the Palestinian problem. Tentative plans were also being made for Carter to travel toll* Middle East as soon as the pact is initialed. FOR SALE WANTED - (Horse Stalls, barn, feed! ( and tack room, 20x70 run, j (1&2 horse stalls, on Marino ( ( Road. 822-2941 after 5:30 j j^or weekends. ssitj Typing done. Reasonable rates. Call 693- 8071. 3517 Typing. 823-4579. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 37tl'n ’76 Suzuki TC185. Low mileage, $525. 693- 8392. 37t.5 LOST Car cassette player, theft control bracket. Call Steve 693-4970 after 5:00. Best offer. 37t5 Lost: Small female puppy. White with brown spots, answers to “Bob. - In Timber St. area. 846-7285. 37t3 1974 Kawasaki 175. Excellent condition, w/ex- tras. $450. 693-5954. 37t4 Siamese kittens, blue point. $35. 693-5419 after 5:00 p.m. 32t5 PERSONALS ’74 Vega wagon, 4 spd, must sell. 693- 6409. 38t3 Bruce — Remember anatomy lab. in BSB.24? I miss you. Diane. 39t2 Classified Ad Rates 12c per word per day 5 or more days - 10c per word $2.00 per column Inch IF - BR0CI irefight ons — ' leepweai required "It lool ’ear land It would iell wou I ■ ie a little sure do i The me lirlifted 1 J.S. Coa« ral were ion. I thou st, the trailer res door (inning to e bst ev Across £ lark, Mr. ratched t light sky. "The w nimbi Bl to Anatui injured n second re A simi Snipers active in Beirut suburbs CALL 845-2611 homes an miles nor In otht persons v in a ditch Shell’s D There destroyec was blam United Press International BEIRUT, Lebanon - Shellfire and sniper activity in suburban 1 irut Tuesday jeopardized government and Arab efforts to cementi cease-fire between Syrian troops and rightist Christian militias. The Christian Phalangist Radio accused the Syrians of starting the latest firefight and said Syrian troops of the Arab peacekeeping force unleashed shellfire early Tuesday on suburban Dikwaneh. Italsosaid road traffic in the area was paralyzed by sniper fire. The broadcast insisted rightist irregulars were respecting tk cease-fire, despite repeated Syrian violations. Residents of the Christian southeastern suburbs of Beirut snipers and occasional rocket-propelled grenade shots hit tk neighborhood Monday. Militia officials charged the Syrians also hai unleashed their first extended artillery barrage since the Oct. 7 ce® fire against the Christian resort town of Bickfaya. 2nd LT Army greens, dress blue, 42R hats. 693-6409. 38t3 1977 Yamaha Enduro (on-off road). Excellent condition. $795 with helmet. 846-8976. 34t5 1974 Kawasaki 100; good condition, $200 or best offer. 822-3078. 39t5 2 bd frame house 4 blocks from A&M, newly remodeled, 300 Park Place. $23,000. 822- 5877. 38tl0 Check the Battalion ads! PLANT SALE Cheap! Going out of business sale. 1700 Texas, October 26-27, 10-4. October 28, 8-12. Buy a plant for a friend or yourself. Sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsi lon,38t5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES » CO-OP JOB ( I OPENINGS ) |Union Carbide -j |Texas City, will be in-a jterviewing prospec-! jtive ChE, and MB’s! *for spring, 1979,J jCo-op work term on{ iNovember 3. » jCall Mr. Yates in En-I Jgineering Dean’s Of-I •fice, 845-6431. (ForJ information prior toj •OctoberJBJj37t5^ Jo For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Ac tion. Texas A&M University You' Mules laden u/ith Blue Maguey pinas on their way to Cuervo’s La Rojena plant. <**»**. Since 1795we’ve gathered our Blue Magueys for Cuervo Gold i [e wav. the gentle way. Its the old way. And still the best. At Cuervo we know that there is only one way to make Cuervo Gold perfect. The way we've been doing it for more than 180 years. That's why people still nurture our fields of Blue Maguey plants. And why mules are still used to bring these precious plants to our distillery. Fbr tradition is still the most important ingredient in Cuervo Gold. This is what makes Cuervo Gold truly special. Neat, on the rocks, with a splash of soda, in a perfect Sunrise or Margarita, Cuervo Gold will bring you back to a time when quality ruled the world. Cuervo. The Gold standard since 1795. 0» CUERVO ESPECIAL® TEQUILA. 80 PROOF IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY© 1978 HEUBLEIN, INC., HARTFORD, CONN. lip iSilip