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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1978)
Page 10 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1978 Motion filed to lift EPA sanctions Ranchers seek to poison predators United Press International CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Forces seeking to overturn a 1972 Environmental Protection Agency ban on predator poison 1080 Wed nesday have legally countered a new federal attempt to preserve the pro hibition. In motions filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court, attorneys rep resenting several western states and wool and sheep interests said the federal government’s attempt to prevent a trial on the 1972 ban was untimely and would deny a hearing on the evidence. Federal attorneys filed motions Tuesday which aim to prevent a trial, now scheduled for Nov. 20, and thereby preserving the ban. U.S. District Judge Ewing Kerr is Fine Restaurant Featuring . . . Now Open Friday and Saturday Nights i scheduled to hear the motions this week in his Cheyenne courtroom. The maneuvers represent the latest in a six-year-old attempt to have the ban on 1080 lifted. Western ranchers and sheepmen say 1080, a poison more powerful than others available, is needed to kill coyotes and other predators. The EPA, however, says 1080 has had also caused the death of dogs, foxes and birds. During the hearing, Kerr also is scheduled to hear a motion filed Wednesday by the state of Wyom ing, requesting a ruling on whether it should be included in the ban. VILLA MARIA Beef Roulade Surprisingly Shrimp Creole Sensible Chicken Crepes Prices Steaks Imported and Domestic Wine In the answer to the govern ment’s attempts to prevent a trial on the 1972 ban, attorneys argued that the federal government had four years to file motions to that effect. COPPERSTONE HEARTH .jl. TEA ROOM ** o U KYLE J FIELD § CAMPUS Mastercharge and VISA accepted lunch hours 11-2 403 Villa Maria 822-5003 COOR’S 6-PACK CANS DISCOUNT CENTER 9 A.M.-9 P.M. MON.-SAT. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. SUNDAY 1420 TEXAS AVE. PEPSI-C0LA 6-PACK CANS WRANGLER ‘NO FAULT’ DENIM REG. $10.97 $ 8 ALL SIZES TEXAS A&M STADIUM SEAT WRANGLER “CorduWroys” $g REG. $11.57 ALL SIZES LONE STAR .6-PACK CANS $^49 LONE STAR LONG NECKS $4 A CASE + DEPOSIT WRANGLER COLORED JEANS REG. $9.97 $7 ALL SIZES Psychologist attacks Louisiana abortion lav United Press International NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana’s new abortion law, the most restric tive in the nation, is so one-sided that it should be considered uncon stitutional, a psychologist testified this week. Testimony began Wednesday in the federal court trial of a suit filed to block enforcement of the law. U.S. District Judge Robert Collins has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the law from taking effect until he rules on its legality. The trial was expected to last through next week, with the plain tiffs calling 15 witnesses and the state calling 11. The attorneys also contended that the government was making the re quests with the express purpose of delaying a trial and “denying the plaintiffs the opportunity for a full hearing on the merits of their causes of action.” Dr. Henry P. David, a psycholo gist and director of the Family Life Institute in Washington, was the first witness. He testified the law is unconstitutional and eventually might lead women to return to il legal and unsafe abortions. The American Civil Liberties Union has joined several abortion clinics, doctors and an unidentified pregnant woman in the challenge. The law requires physicians to in form women that a fetus is a human life from the moment of conception. It requires them to describe in de tail the stage of development of the fetus and postpone any abortions requested for 24 hours, as well as notify the parents of young women who request abortions. It imposes stringent licensing re quirements on abortion clinics — requirements so strict that clinic di rectors have said many hospitals in the state could not meet them. David testified the law is one- B- iine peczz to get sided because it forces a dod inform a woman a fetus is life from the moment of cc_ and does not require discussiu J the mental, economic andu es ^' s problems that can be causedl# versity rying an unwanted child. ry Bell David said an abortion can:- in psychological harm to a w )ne 0 f <I with an unwanted pregnancy. ^ ear The ACLU is challengingtlj owcan on several grounds, includingt ames b oversteps abortion guidelines!! ieBear lished by the U.S. Supreme^ ie mos ■*: that it singles out abortion d and doctors performing abort) for unequal treatment; thatitii feres in relations between 4 and patients; and that it violate free exercise of religion bea only some religions believeo* tion marks the start ofhumaul tb quart game foot T_ are th g straigb *: is have iout a 'v' in the fi most o Bear In addition to Wyoming, the states of Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, South Dakota, and Texas — as well as the National Cat tlemen’s Association and the Na tional Wool Growers Association — have joined in the action. 813 Old College Rd. SUNDAY IS JAZZ NIGHT! Featuring Dixieland and Any Other Kind of Jazz You Want to Hear. n-point 1< in Waco es by a tc 846-1100 | average < is why i Sellard, a best 0-5 t id that is the Bet Jfor a vict It’s impos "team (Ba; rgames, Imel SUNDAY NITE AT Bryan-College Station’s Big City Disco ■that tl [eating so [are playi are as g s in the < tylor com Ihopes the ■own after '+416c Hr* TSP Texas ® SSAbTCE JF^-s/jy^L J Tw 'Texas j J£Sli We rMM ; ^ : SuhiJty Oci. •2.9 | l/*IE 9ajh m Outside -V|S*C |AMK lor-Texas uston-SM Tech-I :ansas-Te; !U-Tulane LA-Califc ibraska-Co iladelphia- een Bay-\ mston-Pitt ist week’s i ason’s pen Sign up in Room 216 (SPO) at the Secretaries desk October 17-25 MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta with Dinner Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Your Choice of w/chili One Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter • » MSC Cafeteria At Last Year’s Price, You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.69 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. —4:00 P.M. 1o7:00P.M WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak I PETROLEUM/ ENGINEER!* w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and | Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread andBu- Coffee or Tea Core Li THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee service! FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Chicken & Dumplings Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAl NOON and EVENII* ROAST TURKEY D* Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butt? Coffee or Tea Gib let Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable