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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1978)
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1978 nmate strike still on; ight reports confirmed Page 5 United Press International (HOUSTON — An estimated 470 nates at the maximum security lis Unit still are refiising to work protest of prison conditions, but Jngs could return to normal in the ite’s prisons by early next week, s W.J. Estelle Jr., director of the ixas Department of Corrections. Estelle, ending a week-old news ickout of the inmate strike in |exas prisons, told a news confer- ice Wednesday that the remaining ^ prisoners are refusing to ICES Lnrk and have been locked in their iwtraiAWi 'ST x*let with 'fntal value. Ci| e months old. 1 Skaggs atti :1. Toll Free T time, ITUNITIES He also confirmed reports of a Jght between between inmates and aids at a TDC unit at Palestine ;t week. mploymbt 'ey, insurance, and retiremn! * Carter seen set ^to OK n-bomb IES you to A;; sex by ma; ity pro! 1 ; tes. ^ggielandi c/o P.0, Station, Ti “The situation today is that some inmates continue to refuse to work. It is a diminishing number and we are at an approximate 98 percent level of normal operations,” Estelle said. “Assuming a continued trend of improvement, the department could well achieve 100 percent normal operations by the first of next week. “It was necessary to use tear gas and riot batons to control the hostile inmates and return them to their cells,” he said. Estelle said 28 inmates suffered scalp and head wounds and more than 15 corrections officers were in jured by scalding water or flying de bris in the three-hour altercation at the Coffield Unit near Palestine United Press International WASHINGTON — State Department officials said Wednesday lat President Carter has decided to move ahead with a new nuclear Ireapons design that keeps open the possiblity of developing a so- illed "neutron weapon. ” The officials said the United States is modernizing some nuclear reapons with a design that can easily be turned into an enhanced- Jjdiation weapon 146-4417I Th® wea P on > chiefly useful as a defense against a massed tank U RANGE LIES: ;e Webb a nee Croup 8ft! rack, has a relatively small blast but an intense level of radiation mich can kill without doing large amounts of damage to buildings or ehicles. The officials said the president's decision, essentially a go-ahead to ibligate funds in the new defense budget, “preserves the option to reduce a neutron weapon, but does not prejudice a final decision.” In a brief statement, the Energy Department, which is responsible pr designing and building nuclear weapons, said it “has received lirection from President Carter to begin to obligate fiscal year 1979 iinds for the production” of the two warheads. This obligation of funds will implement President Carter’s deci- Oct. 10. He said the incident began when inmates armed themselves with broken furniture, mop and broom handles then barricaded themselves in a prison facility. Convicts have staged work stop pages in support of a civil suit filed by eight inmates to have prison conditions improved. Estelle said on Monday he asked lawyers from the attorney general’s office to inform U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice in Tyler of the developing situation in the prison units. Justice is hearing the inmates’ class action lawsuit alleging that prison living conditions consti tute cruel and unusual punishment. Estelle said he clamped a news blackout on word of TDC activities to protect the rights of the convicts and the 3,000 system employees. “I am sensitive to the public’s right to know what is going on in their prisons and I’m aware that the only way this happens is through your work, ” he told reporters at a news conference in a Goodwill In dustries chapel. “At that particular time, my judgment was that the safety of people and protection of state property was an obligation best met by temporary silence. “I don’t expect everyone to agree what I did was right, but I hope they understand my motives,” he said. Now you know United Press International The full title of Pope John Paul II, according to Roman Catholic tradi tion, is John Paul II, bishop of Rome, vicar of Jesus Christ, suc cessor of the prince of the Apostles, supreme pontiff of the Universal Church, patriarch of the West, pri mate of Italy, archbishop and met ropolitan of the Roman Province, sovereign of the Vatican City state, servant of the servants of God. ion of April 7, 1978, to proceed with modernization of these two leater nuclear weapons, ” it said. The new components, the officials said, would be incorporated in a |ew version of the Lance surface-to-surface missile and the 8-inch owitzer shells. I Tlie Lance is a medium-range battlefield weapon with a guidance htem that gives extremely high accuracy. It is now deployed in [estem Europe. (Speedy Trial Act upheld r cases pending July 1/78 oting >rn., ion ■ied » rsi 2611 / United Press International AUSTIN— The Court of Criminal ipeals, in a decision prosecutors will result in dismissal of hun- reds of pending criminal cases toss Texas, ruled Wednesday the leedy Trial Act applies to all cases tiding on July 1, 1978, the date law went into effect. That ruling will mean all felony (esnot brought to trial, or delayed the request of the defendant, :hin 120 days of July 1, will be bject to dismissal under terms of law. “There are cases all over the state ere offenders - by the mere fact 1120 days has past- will be bar- from prosecution,” said Bill lite, assistant district attorney for ivis County, in arguing the law iuld apply only to criminal cases ed after July 1. But the Criminal Appeals Court, ing on a felony drunken driving se against Linzy Wade of Austin, id the act applies to all cases pend- July 1, but the 120-day period in ich cases must be brought to trial Id not begin before that date. Vade had contended the 120 day iodin his case, began at the time his arrest in February, and that conviction and three-year prob- d sentence should have been Tturned. f/y The appellate court, noting the July 1 effective date of the law, said in its opinion, “Prior to that date, prosecutors, defendants and the courts were neither required to take notice of nor to take any action under the terms of the act. If the state was not required to take notice of its provisions or to take any action under the act prior to July 1, the time which elapsed prior to that date cannot be considered when de termining motions to dismiss. “It defies reason to suggest that the state should have anticipated and followed the terms of a statute not in existence at the time such cases commenced.” Prosecutors contended in argu ments concerning the Wade case that the Speedy Trial Act is an un constitutional infringement upon the judicial branch of government. The appellate court did not mention that issue in its appeal, leaving the provisions of the law in effect. The law, passed by the 1977 legis lature, requires courts to dismiss charges against defendants in cases where the state is not ready to go to trial within 120 days on a felony of fense, 90 days on Class A mis demeanors, 60 days on Class B mis demeanors or 30 days on minor violations such as speeding. At least three murder suspects have been released without trials because prosecutors failed to meet the 120-day deadline. ajimiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimuiniiimiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiinimiiii^ 1 MAMA'S PIZZA I = m DELIVERS 'my 11 A.M.-11 P.M. DAILY 1 O' 0, PIZZA, SPAGHETTI, LASAGNA, SALADS, & DRINKS f$5.00 MINIMUM) 696-3380 m, 807 TEXAS AVE. s SiiiiiiiimimiimiimiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiiimiimiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR '-ay ANNIVERSARY SALE 820-825 NOW $16.99 Handsome genuine leather in four classic styles. Fashionably detailed with easy zip tops in beautiful earthtones for that smart look of fall. Village Casual MANOR EAST MAIX VILLAGE CASUAL CHARGE * AMERICAN EXPRESS • MASTER CHARGE * VISA OPEN M0N.-FRI. 9:30-9:30 SAT. 9:00-9:30 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CREDIT AVAILABLE ON MAJOR PURCHASES ADMIRAL® 25” COLOR CONSOLE TV *444 Our Reg. $549 Save $105 Performance and reliability equal to sets costing far more! 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