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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1978 The Battalion Classified HELP WANTED Part time help wanted. GRAPEVINE PER SONALITY. Call 846-3411. 28 tin Flight instructor, Brazos Aviation. Our no. is 696-8767. 30t7 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED NEEDED Waitresses, barback, hostess. Top pay. To in quire stop by Astraptes. 846-1100. 22tfn WANTED 10 part time, 5 full time, counter help, pizza makers. Must apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Patricia, C.S. site FULL TIME National company needs 3 sharp men and women to contact college stu dents in Texas and Louisiana. Earn $200-$300 per week, plus expenses. Call Carolyn Higginboltham 846- 1140. 2915 HELP WANTED Opening for part time employment in drive-in grocery store. Telephone Mrs. Lee 846- 4141. 29t8 FOR SALE 1974 Pontiac LeMans Sport Coupe. Power, air, buckets, 350 four bbl. Call 825-6478 in Navasota. 33 t5 Cannon AE-1 35 mm automatic winding cam era. Brand-new still in box, $350. 693- SERVICES SPECIAL NOTICE | DIXIE CHICKEN I Morning persons 8-4 shift I Apply 307 University ( _ m _ Drive _ 26tfn I ACCOUNTANT I The City of Bryan is accepting appli cations for an Accountant I position. BBA in accounting is required. Appli cants should be knowledgeable in the practices, procedures and principles of financial accounting including the ability to prepare accurate financial and statistical reports. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply in person or send resume: City of Bryan, Person nel Dept., 300 S. Washington, Bryan, TX 77801. Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity. M/F 32r2 Telephone secretary wanted by National Insurance Co. Male or female. Hours 6-9 p.m., Sun. thru Wed. Starting salary $3.00 per hour. This is not commission work, but guaranteed salary. For inter view contact manager 846- 8654. 33t5 Miranda’s needs a Dee Jay Thurs.-Sat. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Apply 309 University next to Dixie Chicken 33tfn 5649. 3113 p^^^^FORSALE Set of Army greens, blues, and : i khaki uniforms. Complete with; engineer brass and hats. Best; offer accepted. Call 693-9986 in: Jhe evenings. 3-C BARBECUE Openings Available: Waitresses Busboys Waiters Lineworkers Apply in person at 810 South Main Between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. FULL OR PART TIME ♦Day shift ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends ^Flexible hours to fit your schedule '’Rapid advancement Minimum starting salary $2.75 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik St. Joseph Hospital has openings, for the following: RN’s and LVN’s on the 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. An experienced respiratory therapist for part-time relief on the 11-7 shift. A certified radiologic technologist. A part-time medical transcriptionist (includes weekend work.) Apply direct to the personnel department Tues.-Fri. 9-11 or 12:30-2:00, 2801 Fransiscan Drive, Bryan. 33m HOME CARE SERVICES isGROW-W-l-N-G HELP US CLEAN UP! $3/hr. plus bonuses 693-7844 WANTED 5 full time and 10 part time drivers for delivery. Must have own car. Apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Patricia. Good pay, flexible hours. site Wanted Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.r Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas C.S. 105 Dominik 188tfn !! ATTENTION GALVESTON STUDENTS!! Anyone having any informa tion pertaining to an automobile-motorcycle acci dent on Galveston West Beach about March 22, 1978. Please contact Mike Behrle 693-7950. 3113 SABRE, Sam brown belt, cap. $150. Call 846-8233 after 6:00. 32t5 Aggieland ''78''. Call 846-5824. 3113 Small couch $75. 693-1041. 33t3 76 Su/uki TS400. l iulci 700 miles. Excellent condition, $995. 693-8392. 30t5 Must sell: 60 watt stereo receiver: THD .3%; Magnavox MX. Excellent Condition. Call 693-4000. 2915 AGGIES Let us introduce you to Aggies of the opposite sex by match ing personality profiles. Reasonable rates. All ages. For details call Aggieland Dat ing Service at 846-4417 after 5 p.m., or write c/o P.O. Box 3293, College Station, Texas 88840. 33t5 FOR RENT Furnished 2-rooin efficiency apt. in home. $150 month, gas and water paid. Halfblock off campus. 846-5231. 32r3 Ap.uttnvn.ts lor rent w/w-out kitchenettes; bills paid: $70-$105/nio. 822-3078. 30t.5 Furnished apartment. Male only. Good tor two, $100/mo. Call 846-5132. 9tfn NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. isitfn unIn/^^SiYy acres APARTMENTS Located off Wellborn Road, 1 /2 mile past 2818 on FM 2154. Many new im provements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $135.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. 1 bedroom apts. now available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846- 5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. Joe Courtney, Inc ToIToI^ortunities Amoco will be interviewing on campus Tuesday, October 24 Wed With Amoco’s Opportunities for Engineers,There’s No Need to be Undecided About Your Future You may not think of Amoco as one of the nation's leading petroleum companies, but it’s true. Amoco companies, subsidiaries of Standard Oil Company of Indiana, are all growing steadily, and that means we have career opportunities for Engineering graduates. Positions are available with the following Amoco companies: Amoco Production Company • Ranks fourth out of more than 3,000 companies in oil production • Is among the nation's top three companies in gas production • Has opportunities for Petroleum. Mechanical and Chemical Engineers Amoco Oil Company • is involved in refining and marketing • Maintains one of the country's most extensive distribution systems • Is seeking Mechanical, Chemical and Civil Engineers Amoco Chemicals Corporation • Conducts the petrochemical business of parent company • Is one of the 10 largest petrochemical companies in the U.S. • Opportunities for Mechanical and Chemical Engineers When you become part of Amoco, you will receive an outstanding starting salary and benefits that rank among the best in the oil industry. In addition, our excellent training program, consisting of seminars and on-the-job training will assure that you'll become an active and vital staff member from the start. Check with your placement office for more information. HAVE a highly profitable and beautiful Jean Shop of your own. Featuring the latest in fash ionable name brand Jeans, Tops, Denim and Sportswear. $15,500 includes beginning in ventory, fixtures and training. Call Mr. Waters anytime 501/568-5125. 33, ] LOST Sabline male collie, nine months old. Reward offered. Lost behind Skaggs area. 846- LOST Man’s gold-filled identification bracelet. Says “Richard” on the outside and “I Love You, Lillian” on the inside. If found, call 846-9135 for Lillian or 845-1757 for Richard. PLEASE! AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Amoco Chemicals Corporation Amoco Production Company Amoco Texas Refining Company Subsidiaries of Standard Oil Company (Indiana) ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. Low cost travel to Israel. Toll Free 800-223- 7676, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. NY time. 3118 WANTED Two non-student tickets needed lor Baylor game. Call 846-2235. 3 - t3 Typing. 823-4579. Typing. 846-7577. 26U0 I CAMPUS AUDIO ■For a 20-50% discount on most! Imakes of stereo equipment. Plus! |high end audio t.v., p.a. equip.," (etc. All equipment brand new in ■ (factory sealed cartons with full I (warranties. Call Jimmy Spalten at I ■693-5388. 23ti4[ PERSONALS Wanted. Good home for Benji-type puppy. Call Melissa at 845-5973 after 10:(X) p in. 32(3 AVON HOW MUCH MONEY YOU EARN IS UP TO YOU Become an Avon Representa tive. The more you sell, the more money you earn. And you set your own hours, too. Call 822-1430. iotas “SKI STEAMB0A1 SPRINGS, Januari 2-7/7-12. $150. Lifts lodging, breakfast days, 5 nights. Sty dents and facultf Space limited; Goinf fast. Write Rainboi Ski, 421 N. PostOal Lane, Houston, 1\ 77024 or Phoni 713-681-2741.” SPECIAL NOTICE Professional typing services. 846-9109. 6i33| Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 RESUME SERVICE Sell yourself effectively. Have a professional resume prepared by BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICES Call 846-5794 for an appointment 23122 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 OFFICIAL NOTICE Before you buy or rent to ture or appliances, st Wood’s Furniture Cente house of quality merchant Interior designer available Wood’s Furniture Cents Phone: 823-0947 Next door to Wyatt’s Cafeteria 800 Texas Avenue THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dtp Name: McConnell, Judith A. > Degree: Ph.D. in Educational Psydulog Dissertation A PROPOSED MODELS COUNSELING ADOLESCENTCH DRFN OF DIVORCED PARENTS Time: SAX) a.m. on October 25, 1978 Place; Harrington. Room 801 CL W. KCunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dq Name: Banks. Philip A. Degree: Ph D. in Agronomy Dissertation: THE HERBICIDAlfl CACY, PERSISTENCE, I MOBILITY OF FLURIDONE Time: 2:<X) p.m. on October 20, 1978 Place: Soil 6c Crop Sciences, Room 355 G. VV. Kunzc Dean of the Graduate College OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE The College of Science Presents CAREER OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION For: BIOLOGY - Monday, October 16 MATH & STAT - Tuesday, October 17 PHYSICS - Wednesday, October 18 CHEMISTRY - Thursday, October 19 7:00 p.m. each evening, Room 113 Heldenfels all student invited |Informal Programs - for undergraduate students interested or involved in above majors featuring: | Roundtable Discussions - with individuals involved in ca reers in these fields, further information call 845-7361 SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE FALL 78 SEMESTER I?, ^-^ ? BLE TO ORDER THE TEXAS A&M SENIOR CLASS RING. AN UNDERGRADUA RAVE AT least NINETY-TWO (92) SEMESTER HOURS. WITH 30 HOURS IN GOOD STANDING. TO ORDER AT MID-SEMESTER USING MID-SEMEST o^?^^I < ^. FULFILL THE ABOV E REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING b I HUCTIONS: 1 NAME, MAJOR AND I. D. NUMBER WITH THE RING CLERK, HEATON BUI NOVEMBER ''ST IF POSSIBLE, OR AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE °S DERING - THIS MAY NOT B E DONE BY PHONE 2 passing'HOURS STER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER T0VERI 3 aTn Y ^^o A ^ GFAILED TO LEAVE THEIR NAME IN ADVANCE AND FAIL TO BRINGTHi ocxmdm f 9 RADE REp OfT ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER WILL BE ASKED a af/o?m/^ TER TO ALLOW time FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED. 4 ' n PA ' D FOR IN FULL WHEN THE ORDER IS PLACED. SENIOR™ LABLE THROU GH STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE YMCA BUILDING 5 ^ST S 197^8 STER ORDEFIS WILL BE TAKEN ONLY FROM OCTOBER 30TH UNTIL DECEMBi 6 ' aftpr N ° T PLACE THEIR ORDER DURING THIS PERIOD MAY ORW nFlTv R pov ARE POSTED THERE WILL ONLY BE A 2-3 WEEK DIFFERENC hav/rpp J^rL F i?^I HOSE stude NTS ORDERING IN JANUARY. (WHENEVER 92HOD A / MnAfTi^^/ C i?« MPLETED AND ARE ON re CORD, THERE IS NEVER A DEAD-LINE, EXCEI 7 DATE ON WHICH WE SEND ORDERS TO THE FACTORY). ' FR|nrY N Nn^/Pucn S ,? r i DUTY FROM 8 A M TO 5 P M EACH DAY - MONDAY THROD NO ? ORDER FOR OTHER DUTIES TO BE CARRIED OUT. ABSOUJE 8 ALL°RINGq S nRnPDp/ A Dfo BETWEEN 11:30 A M - 1:00 P. M. OR BETWEEN 4:00 - 5:00? ?ST R WIM S R^ R nc, R ,wcr, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ON OCTOBER 30TH OR DECEM® RUARY 28 B 1978 EL VERED ° N THE SAME DAY WHICH WILL BE APPROXIMATELY FE OFFICIAL NOTICE I ai i Science English Proficiency Exami lo • JUN, °RS and SENIORS in curricula of the ( l.^'^ce must take the English Proficiency Exami OCTOBER 25, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. oL?cr;7.o^r? epartment Curricula — ROOM 113 B A/iATLV STRY De P artm ent Curricula — ROOM 101 Duvo.Po P r? rtment Curricula — ROOM 101 MILN MHYbICS Department Curricula— ROOM 301 P n order to qualify as a candidate for a degree if I ge of Science, each student must demonstrate to express himself (or herself) in acceptable Enc I requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an Ition in English composition (EPE) taken not I the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) cc ■ English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. I 7 f tu ^® nt who fails the written examination (E lev. i- uo®, En gMsh Proficiency Requirement I I 9 ish 301 and earning a minimum grade of “C I ° r 'nfonpstion and guidelines on the nature of tl nation, check with the departmental secretary. Equal Opportunity Employers - M/F