Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1978)
IV k W'eraj maintainj, l)le baj ona l seem Hue to sef edicine," I it with Davis buddy’ estifies United Press International HOUSTON — A former drinking ‘uset - -"o ategie ^ yjjy 0 f Fort Worth industrialist ation, w e ; u llen Davis Thursday told a judge !rr >ize our e reported a multiple murder plot ien, lytlia! atched by the playboy millionaire eive dt(n i order to avoid involvement in a Union.'' rime. David McCrory, a 10-year conhd- nt of Davis, said the industrialist lanned the abduction-slaying of jveral persons, including his own rother, Bill Davis, with whom he ad fought for control of the family usiness. ‘I didn’t want to be mixed up in lanning any murder," McCrory i. ‘Cullen Davis wanted his brother illed. He wanted me to hire some eoole to kidnap him, take him to s . I L „ i 1 1 ton Sinitl; nother state where he had been ^ r ,* )er dn-diving and make it look like he Work forCwned. _ McCrory’s testimony opened the jurth day of a pre-trial hearing in _ihich Davis’ defense team is seek- tnents W ig to block introduction of prosecu- on e ofi! on evidence in Davis solicitation of lecapital murder trial scheduled to tart Monday. Davis is charged with soliciting e murder of Judge Joe Eidson of ort Worth. At the time, Eidson — ut Ml Wb owas not harmed — was presid- ’ S T ig over Davis’ divorce from his !S awar ^e, Priscilla. Davis’ attorney, Richard Racehorse” Haynes, repeatedly pnze, wii )arre( j w jth McCrory over how he 'l • 3i ti me to tum on a longtime friend nd provide evidence for prose- utors. c Sweo McCrory consistently resisted ihm prize [aynes detailed cjuestions with sh-Amer» ich responses as “1 really don’t re- ithor Is lember" or “You’ll have to clarify t Bour question, Mr. Haynes.” ■ Haynes was trying to erode ■cCrory’s credibility by exposing ■consistencies between his tes- Bmony before State District Judge Wallace "Pete” Moore and tes- Imony McCrory gave last month in I a ^° rt bond hearing. Ivl The defense lawyer, trying to stir ispicion that law enforcement au- lorities framed Davis, also ques- oned McCrory about how much wney federal authorities were pay- sy very, vho added low I han d. , the roed :, is thei awarded Amena irize, itly 37 & first gim i a secret! hand, kcs foun ig him. i employ McCrory currently receives $950 rude tol month for rent and food and has the eilovernment sponsorship under Irovisions of the Federal Protection ot necess ct, which authorizes aid to witnes- fourciti; ss in trials. isor wm Haynes also asked whether ty of then IcCrory had been promised im- protecti imnity from prosecution in ex- eblowen hange for evidence against Davis, wer is pi IcCrory ^aid Assistant U.S. Attor- ■ reporti ey John Sweeney had told him he he refbn robably would not face trial. ■ protect McCrory stuck to testimony that nagemei f initiated contact with Fort Worth endangs BI agent Ron Jannings and de- ctv. Iae d the bizarre plot to the agent will ! id others. id will: . bim I didn’t want to be intseitlf 'ijed up in planning any murder. I n S Prola M never done anything like that. 1 sel orci imntarily went to the FBI. I vol- *rals. "itarily came forward,” McCrory ter signt ® lt '' ctorsga | Now living in an undisclosed loca- ibineti 'on, McCrory said he and his family denCa F been threatened since Davis m andii arrested and charged with sol- fation of the murder of the divorce 'dge. _ was in fear of my life. I have r en threatened. My family had ocn threatened, McCrory said. 1 a y n ^ s spent Wednesday tedi- P y going over how McCrory and agents used various recording i ICes t° gather evidence against L Vl f’ . 0 says he had several con- hi. a 10ns about the planned what’s up? Friday MIDNIGHT YELL PRACTICE: For the Houston game will be held in the Astrodome parking lot in Houston at the Kirby Drive entrance (main entrance). MIDNIGHT MOVIE: Gumball Rally,” about the most outrageous and maniacal marathon car race ever, where the contestants speed from New York to California in quest of first place honors and an outlandish trophy — a gumball machine — will be shown in Rud der Theater. TAMU ROADRUNNERS: The first annual TAMU Roadrunners midnight run will be held tonight. Check in at G. Rollie White Coliseum at 11:30 p.m. Call Mike Fredx at 846-6601 for informa tion. TAMl RACQUE I BALL CLUB: The doubles tournament begins at 6 p.m. in Deware Field House. AGGIE CINEMA: Presents Looking For Mr. Coodbar,” a story of a woman who is torn between her teaching career and her pomiscu- ous nightlife, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater Saturday AGGIE CINEMA: Looking For Mr. Goodbar” will be shown at 10:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. b OOI BALL: The lexas Aggies will play The University of Houston at the Astrodome in Houston at 7:30 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY: The women’s team will travel to Carbondale, Ill., for the Southern Illinois Invitational. A&M WHEELMEN: Registration for “Son of Half-Fast Hundred” Century race will be at 7:30 a.m. at Rudder Fountain. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: Will have live local entertainment 8-12 p.m. Sunday BRIDGE CLUB: A novice bridge tournament, designed for begin ning bridge players, will be held at 1:45 p.m. in room 212, MSC. Monday POLITICAL b ORUM: Hosts a Mayors Panel: The Future of the Big Cities. The mayors of Houston, Austin and San Antonio will present a panel discussion of some of the problems facing the big cities. The panel includes Jim McConn (Houston), Carol McClel lan (Austin), and Lila Cockrell (San Antonio). The panel will begin at noon in room 206, MSC. TI RKEY SALE: Members of Alpha Zeta will be selling smoked turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas to raise money for student scholarships and service projects. To order, call 845-5380 or 822- 2088, Monday-Friday 7-11 p.m. from Oct. 12-Nov.2. Members of Alpha Zeta will meet in room 305, Rudder Tower at 7:30 p.m. FILM: The MSC Arts Committee presents “A Night of Fun and Animation,” starring Mel Brooks, Bambi, and the Unbelievable Bugs of Malacapalacapoo to explore the world of experimental fantasy. The movie will be shown at 8 p.m. in the Basement Coffeehouse. OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Programs Office Conference Room in tire MSC. GOLF: The men’s team will play at the Braswell Intercollegaite in Shreveport, La. Let Sunshine into your life!^ SUNSHINE LAUNDROMAT 3815 E. 29th Street Featuring: coin operated machines attendant on duty at all times Wash, dry and fold services done in-house air conditioned lounge with T.V. Professional dry cleaning and laundry service Town and Country Shopping Center 846-7921 8-8 Sat.-Sun. THE BATTALION Page 9 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1976 Machine can read aloud United Press International BOULDER, Colo. — A computerized reading machine for the blind that Colorado University recently bought is the most important breakthrough for sightless people since Braille was invented, a school official said this week. Homer Page, director of the university’s Office for Disabled Stu dents, said the university began testing the machine last January and purchased it recently from Kurzweil Computer Products of Cam bridge, Mass., through a $20,000 grant provided by the Swan Foun dation. “It creates tremendous opportunities for blind people to have ac cess to a truly equal education,” said Page, who is blind. “In five years, every university in the country will have one, and eventually they will be cheap enough to afford and small enough to fit in a briefcase, opening up career opportunities now impossible for blind people.” The television-sized reading machine scans a book or typed sheet line for line, turning it into spoken words. It has been programmed with English grammar and pronunciations well as 3,000 exceptions to rules. The machine can spell words, describe punctuation and tell the user, by voice, if the printed matter is upside-down or crooked. The pitch and rate of the voice are adjustable. The reader originally was loaned to the university last January by the National Federation for the Blind in order to test the equipment. Officials said the school was the only university chosen for the pilot program, which involved five machines nationwide, because of its well-developed program for handicapped students. Page said many blind students had found the machine invaluable since its arrival. The federation announced last June the reader would be sold to the highest bidder. Page said the machine was “the most important breakthrough for blind people since the invention of Braille 150 years ago.” He said 10 to 12 university students use it every week as well as people from the Boulder community. professional hair designers FEATURING SEEKING MON.-SAT. 9-5:30 69 ?A 1 -7J? 1510 HOLLEMAN (ACROSS FROM THE SEVILLA APTS.) SUPER COUPON 846-3768 DELIVERY 301 Patricia St. OFF 50c OFF Long Sub Sandwich OR OFF 50c OFF Any 10” Pizza NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHER SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES 10/20/78 I NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHER SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES 10/20/78 BILLCLEMENTS WILL CUT TAXES AND GOVERNMENT SPENDING Tfexas was built by men with the vision to look ahead and the grit to get things done. Bill Clements is the man to keep this tradition alive for the future of Tfexas. Q J BEER GARDEN a 11* 7 4410 COLLEGE MAIN 4 BLOCKS NORTH OF CAMPUS 846-9438 PRESENTS: ^ MIKE WILLIAMS (PLUS TEN MINUTES LATE) — THURSDAY (OCT. 12) u CLINT BROWN — FRIDAY (OCT. 13) V STRANGE COUNTY STRING BAND — SATURDAY (OCT. 14) V JAM SESSION (8 P.M.) — SUNDAY SUNDAY "42" TOURNAMENT (5 P.M.) V MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL (WITH 50c BEER) LOUISIANA SEAFOOD GUMBO — TUESDAY U OPEN STAGE — WEDNESDAY Bill Clements will bring a strong, fresh and tough approach to our government in Austin. He is a businessman, not a politician. Bill Clements started with nothing and built a successful, worldwide company with hard work and the skill to manage men and money. And now Bill Clements wants to preserve the future of our state and he wants the working people of Tfexas to have the same oppor tunities he had. With his proposed "Thxpayers’ Bill of Rights,” Bill Clements is committed to protecting Tbxans from excessive taxa tion and runaway government spend ing. He is pledged to cutting taxes and returning that money directly to the taxpayers. As former Chairman of the Southern Methodist University Board of Gover nors, Bill Clements knows how to make education in Tfexas the best in the Nation. He’s for discipline in the classroom and "back to basics” quality education. As the son and grandson of farmers, Bill Clements knows the frustrations that an indifferent government can cause people who make their living off the land. He will use the strength of the State Government to fight burdensome Federal restrictions. rr I believe that Texas has always had more promise than problems, but the balance is more delicate each year. We need to get to work now” BILL CLEMENTS A GREAT GOVERNOR FOR TEXAS